Tricks of Trump: His best Manipulation Techniques
Tricks of Trump: His best Manipulation Techniques, available at $174.99, has an average rating of 4.65, with 57 lectures, based on 148 reviews, and has 683 subscribers.
You will learn about best psychological manipulation techniques best logical manipulation techniques best rhetorical manipulation techniques …and how to refute all those tricks! This course is ideal for individuals who are All who want to understand why Trump is so successful or All who want to know why he dominates people or All who want to defend themselves from people like Trump or All who are curious for the manipulative side of language It is particularly useful for All who want to understand why Trump is so successful or All who want to know why he dominates people or All who want to defend themselves from people like Trump or All who are curious for the manipulative side of language.
Enroll now: Tricks of Trump: His best Manipulation Techniques
Title: Tricks of Trump: His best Manipulation Techniques
Price: $174.99
Average Rating: 4.65
Number of Lectures: 57
Number of Published Lectures: 57
Number of Curriculum Items: 57
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 57
Original Price: €199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- best psychological manipulation techniques
- best logical manipulation techniques
- best rhetorical manipulation techniques
- …and how to refute all those tricks!
Who Should Attend
- All who want to understand why Trump is so successful
- All who want to know why he dominates people
- All who want to defend themselves from people like Trump
- All who are curious for the manipulative side of language
Target Audiences
- All who want to understand why Trump is so successful
- All who want to know why he dominates people
- All who want to defend themselves from people like Trump
- All who are curious for the manipulative side of language
“How does Trump get away with alternative facts?”
“Why did so many people elect him?”
“What techniques did he use to win over his opponents?”
One thing is clear: Donald Trump is a master manipulator. And if you want to win in life, even if you don’t like that man, you should use some of his brilliant manipulation techniques. And also be able to counter them if you face people like Trump.
In this online course, Wlad is going to reveal Trump’s best manipulation and domination tricks. And every lecture contains video footage of the President, so you can easily see and unterstand each of the techniques.
—TESTIMONIAL: “Dear Wlad, I completed your “Tricks of Trump” course. What a unique course! Enjoyed your presentations. Well done! Insightful, inspiring and true. Best regards, Ettienne”
—TESTIMONIAL: “I am enjoying your course so much. Like him or not he is a remarkable man at 72 years. My goal is to passionately study him. Also, you are a very good and effective teacher and speaker. Don.”
Course content:
1. How does Trump get away with alternative facts?
2. What 3 types of manipulation tricks are there?
3. Trump’s psychological tricks
4. Trump’s logical tricks
5. Trump’s rhetorical tricks
6. FAQ on Donald Trump’s success from enrolled students
The trainer, Wlad, is a professional communication trainer in Germany. He is one of the most successful debaters in the world (TOP10 speaker in Europe, World Championship Quarter Finalist). He worked as a lawyer in Munich and as a political scientist at the United Nations Head Quarters in NYC and now shares his knowledge on rhetoric and argumentation via online courses. He strongly believes in the benefits of online education — and invites to test the course right now!
Wlad offers a 30 day money back warranty. So just try out a few lectures — and be blown away by the sophisticated manipulation techniques of Donald J. Trump!!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: How does Trump get away with “alternative facts” and lies?
Lecture 2: In a nutshell: How does Trump manipulate?
Lecture 3: About the Trainer & About the class
Chapter 2: Trump's psychological tricks
Lecture 1: Super self-confidence
Lecture 2: Halo effect
Lecture 3: Your feedback!
Lecture 4: Strong body language
Lecture 5: Strong voice
Lecture 6: Good Jokes
Lecture 7: Playing with the audience
Lecture 8: Counterstrike
Lecture 9: Storytelling
Lecture 10: Slogans & simple language
Lecture 11: Personification
Chapter 3: Trump’s logical fallacies
Lecture 1: Introduction into logical fallacies
Lecture 2: Quoting the “right” statistics
Lecture 3: Personal attacks
Lecture 4: Threats
Lecture 5: Quoting authorities
Lecture 6: Red herrings
Lecture 7: Straw man
Lecture 8: Hasty generalization
Lecture 9: Compliments
Lecture 10: Dark Consequences
Lecture 11: Killer phrase
Chapter 4: Trump's rhetorical tricks
Lecture 1: Introduction into rhetorical tricks
Lecture 2: Interruptions
Lecture 3: Metaphors
Lecture 4: Repetition
Lecture 5: Framing
Lecture 6: Loaded words
Lecture 7: Neologisms
Lecture 8: "Because"
Lecture 9: Paralipsis
Lecture 10: Ambiguity
Lecture 11: Rhetorical question
Lecture 12: Chiasmus
Lecture 13: Sarcasm
Lecture 14: Exaggeration
Lecture 15: Cliffhangers
Chapter 5: FAQs about Trump
Lecture 1: Introduction into FAQs
Lecture 2: FAQ1: Is Trump a pretender or is he really competent?
Lecture 3: FAQ 2: How does Trump compare with other successful speakers?
Lecture 4: FAQ 3: How does Trump resonate with so many people?
Lecture 5: FAQ 4: Why do poor people vote for Trump?
Lecture 6: FAQ 5: Why do people follow Trump, although he tells bullshit?
Lecture 7: FAQ 6: How does Trump think?
Lecture 8: FAQ 7: Who is susceptible to populism?
Lecture 9: FAQ 8: How should politicians deal with Trump?
Lecture 10: FAQ 9: Do you have to be like Trump in order to succeed?
Lecture 11: FAQ 10: What's up with his hair?
Chapter 6: Last tipps
Lecture 1: Great deal
Lecture 2: Next steps
Chapter 7: BONUS – Podcast "MENSCHEN ÜBERZEUGEN" (in German)
Lecture 1: Verbessere Deine Soft-Skills mit Wlads kostenlosem Podcast (in German)
Chapter 8: BONUS – Wlads TED-Talks
Lecture 1: 10 Stufen des Zuhörens – TEDx Freiburg 2019
Lecture 2: "Dunkle Rhetorik" versus "Weiße Rhetorik" – TEDx Youth @Schloss Hansenberg
Lecture 3: "How to find the right response within 3 seconds" – TEDx Magdeburg
Wladislaw Jachtchenko
60.000+ Teilnehmer, 35 top-bewertete Kurse, TEDx Speaker
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 3 votes
- 4 stars: 36 votes
- 5 stars: 108 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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