UiPath RPA – Tech Primer
UiPath RPA – Tech Primer, available at $89.99, has an average rating of 4.65, with 55 lectures, based on 6569 reviews, and has 21556 subscribers.
You will learn about Flowchart fundamentals RPA target basics (Web, PDF, Excel, Text, Database, File System) Programming concepts: data types Programming concepts: variables, lists, and strings Programming concepts: data tables Programming concepts: flow control Programming concepts: operators Programming concepts: object oriented design This course is ideal for individuals who are People who use computer frequently but don't feel confident about their technical skills or People who use websites but have no idea how they were created or how we can automate them or People who have never dealt with variables and data types & structures like int, decimal, string, list, etc. or Anyone who has never had to read & write data to files using computer programming techniques or Anyone who wants to improve their chances of getting and keeping a white collar job in the near future It is particularly useful for People who use computer frequently but don't feel confident about their technical skills or People who use websites but have no idea how they were created or how we can automate them or People who have never dealt with variables and data types & structures like int, decimal, string, list, etc. or Anyone who has never had to read & write data to files using computer programming techniques or Anyone who wants to improve their chances of getting and keeping a white collar job in the near future.
Enroll now: UiPath RPA – Tech Primer
Title: UiPath RPA – Tech Primer
Price: $89.99
Average Rating: 4.65
Number of Lectures: 55
Number of Published Lectures: 55
Number of Curriculum Items: 55
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 55
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Flowchart fundamentals
- RPA target basics (Web, PDF, Excel, Text, Database, File System)
- Programming concepts: data types
- Programming concepts: variables, lists, and strings
- Programming concepts: data tables
- Programming concepts: flow control
- Programming concepts: operators
- Programming concepts: object oriented design
Who Should Attend
- People who use computer frequently but don't feel confident about their technical skills
- People who use websites but have no idea how they were created or how we can automate them
- People who have never dealt with variables and data types & structures like int, decimal, string, list, etc.
- Anyone who has never had to read & write data to files using computer programming techniques
- Anyone who wants to improve their chances of getting and keeping a white collar job in the near future
Target Audiences
- People who use computer frequently but don't feel confident about their technical skills
- People who use websites but have no idea how they were created or how we can automate them
- People who have never dealt with variables and data types & structures like int, decimal, string, list, etc.
- Anyone who has never had to read & write data to files using computer programming techniques
- Anyone who wants to improve their chances of getting and keeping a white collar job in the near future
Many of us use computers every day to accomplish business tasks, but we lack the confidence to stray beyond the specific things we’ve been trained to do.
Creating automation with abc RPA tool like UIPath will definitely require you to level-up your skills so you have full command of your environment, and you can imagine better, more efficient solutions for any problem you face.
For a human to provide the most value in an RPA environment, he or she must have a combination of businessAND technicalskills so they can use an RPA tool like UiPath to help automate processes across multiple system boundaries including email, documents, databases, websites, mainframes, and APIs.
If you’ve primarily been doing manual computer work and you find technical concepts like databases, APIs, and basic programming to be intimidating… this course is for you.
In this course I’ll provide you with technical skills and entry-level UiPath demos that will allow you to more confidently create software robots including:
A flowchart overview
Overviews of common automation targets (web, DB, API, folders & files)
Entry level .NET programming concepts
Data types & data structures, operators, control flow (if/else, loops, etc.)
The goal of this course is to help you become more confident using your computer to create software robots with the RPA tool like UiPath.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome
Lecture 1: About the Course
Lecture 2: About Me
Lecture 3: Why do we need a tech primer?
Lecture 4: System awareness & understanding
Lecture 5: But… I already know all this!
Chapter 2: Flowchart Basics
Lecture 1: Overview
Lecture 2: Flowchart Fundamentals
Lecture 3: Flowchart best practices
Lecture 4: Flowchart tool demo
Lecture 5: RPA tool flowchart features
Chapter 3: Windows File System Basics
Lecture 1: Overview
Lecture 2: Ideal view settings
Lecture 3: Disk basics
Lecture 4: Folder basics
Lecture 5: File basics
Lecture 6: Screenshots
Lecture 7: Command line basics
Lecture 8: Absolute vs. relative path
Lecture 9: Use a batch file to reduce clicks
Lecture 10: RPA tool vs. batch file
Lecture 11: Takeaways
Chapter 4: Setup & Preview Tools
Lecture 1: Install Visual Studio
Lecture 2: Install UiPath Studio
Lecture 3: Create a simple web page
Lecture 4: Create a simple desktop app
Chapter 5: Website Basics
Lecture 1: Web technology overview
Lecture 2: HTML – tags
Lecture 3: HTML – attributes
Lecture 4: Website structure
Lecture 5: CSS – look & feel
Lecture 6: Bootstrap
Lecture 7: Summary
Chapter 6: Web Selectors
Lecture 1: Overview
Lecture 2: UiPath recorder disclaimer
Lecture 3: Setup sample files
Lecture 4: Selector basics
Lecture 5: Selector challenges
Lecture 6: Dynamic selectors
Chapter 7: Programming Basics
Lecture 1: Overview
Lecture 2: A simple program
Lecture 3: Intro to Functions
Lecture 4: Functions demo – programming
Lecture 5: Functions demo – UiPath
Lecture 6: Intro to variables
Lecture 7: Variables demo – programming
Lecture 8: Variables demo – UiPath
Lecture 9: Intro to Object oriented programming
Lecture 10: Object oriented programming demo
Lecture 11: The .NET framework
Chapter 8: Intro to Databases
Lecture 1: Overview
Lecture 2: Databases in business systems
Lecture 3: What is a database
Lecture 4: Setup database tools
Lecture 5: Create a database
Lecture 6: UiPath database interaction
Bryan Lamb
My courses will improve your life and income!
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 31 votes
- 2 stars: 35 votes
- 3 stars: 504 votes
- 4 stars: 2341 votes
- 5 stars: 3658 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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