Understand and Elicit Requirements with Business Analysis
Understand and Elicit Requirements with Business Analysis, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.47, with 71 lectures, 12 quizzes, based on 1744 reviews, and has 8493 subscribers.
You will learn about Gain the understanding of what requirements are, including the often confusing terminology Understand how to categorize requirements into different levels and types Learn about the Requirement Elicitation Process – Plan, Prepare, Conduct, and Confirm Gain the ability to elicit requirements with popular elicitation techniques such as interviews, requirement workshops, brainstorming sessions, surveys, and more This course is ideal for individuals who are Aspiring or current Business Analysts or Aspiring or current Product Owners or Business professionals who are tasked with understanding the needs and wants of users or customers It is particularly useful for Aspiring or current Business Analysts or Aspiring or current Product Owners or Business professionals who are tasked with understanding the needs and wants of users or customers.
Enroll now: Understand and Elicit Requirements with Business Analysis
Title: Understand and Elicit Requirements with Business Analysis
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.47
Number of Lectures: 71
Number of Quizzes: 12
Number of Published Lectures: 71
Number of Published Quizzes: 12
Number of Curriculum Items: 83
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 83
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Gain the understanding of what requirements are, including the often confusing terminology
- Understand how to categorize requirements into different levels and types
- Learn about the Requirement Elicitation Process – Plan, Prepare, Conduct, and Confirm
- Gain the ability to elicit requirements with popular elicitation techniques such as interviews, requirement workshops, brainstorming sessions, surveys, and more
Who Should Attend
- Aspiring or current Business Analysts
- Aspiring or current Product Owners
- Business professionals who are tasked with understanding the needs and wants of users or customers
Target Audiences
- Aspiring or current Business Analysts
- Aspiring or current Product Owners
- Business professionals who are tasked with understanding the needs and wants of users or customers
Looking to get ECBA®, CCBA®, or CBAP® certified or recertified? – This course qualifies for 5 PD Hours/CDUs!
And that is because requirements are at the core of every change, every project. They explain exactly what needs to be created, updated, and accounted for in the solution. Achieving the requirements is ultimately what brings value to the stakeholders and the organization.
But in order to achieve the requirements, you must first know how to elicit them.
We’ll start things off by teaching you all about requirements – their levels, their types, and the often confusing terminology utilized to explain them. We’ll move into teaching you how to extract and elicit those details using popular elicitation techniques. These techniques can then be utilized to dig deep into the wants and needs of your users, which helps to ensure a successful end solution.
Regardless of whether your project is large or small, in finance or in manufacturing, creating new systems or providing support to a workforce,…Requirements are always at the center, and that is precisely what you are taught in this course.
Your course enrollment includes:
5 hours of high-quality video lectures that break down all the concepts covered into an easy to understand, step-by-step format.
A 30-page Student Workbookthat will enhance your learning and give you a reference resource after you’ve completed the course.
9 Business Analysis Templatesso you have all the tools you need to immediatelyapply your new skills on the job.
19 Practice Activities and Quizzesto help you retain your learning and give you an opportunity to put your new knowledge to the test.
In addition to all the tools you’ll need to start successfully eliciting requirements, you’ll also get a foot into the industry by way of an industry expert…
I’m not just the instructor who wrote this course, I will also act as both a resource and a mentor to guide you to a long and rewarding career in Business Analysis!
Let’s hear what students are saying about our Business Analysis Process Series:
“These courses are so dependably excellent. Jeremy is deeply knowledgeable & experienced as a BA, and his presentation skills are superb. He also provides templates that alone are worth the price of the course. I can’t recommend this series enough.” – Liz Z.
“The course is awesome! The content is a treasure. I definitely recommend this course and previous ones if you want to become a true professional in Business Analysis field.” – Aykhan Z.
“Great quality work. I like how Jeremy breaks everything down, so it’s understandable even if you don’t have any background in business analysis. Awesome courses!!!” – Oleg L.
“I am impressed about the worksheets. Printing them out and writing notes on them has made the course very interesting to me.” – Adewole A.
This course is the fourth course of the Business Analysis Process Series:
Identify and Define the Problem
Conduct a Strategy Analysis
Plan the Project
=> Understand and Elicit Requirements <=
Analyze, Model, and Organize Requirements
Manage, Prioritize, and Validate Requirements
Transition to the Solution
Complete a Solution Evaluation
Whilst taking the previous courses is not required, I do recommend it as it will help your understanding of the material covered as we will be building on skills and techniques taught in the previous course lectures. In any case, this course will provide you a tremendous amount of value.
Whether you are an aspiring or a seasoned Business Analyst, this course is a must.
By the end of this course, you’ll have a much deeper understanding and appreciation for requirements along with the skills necessary to successfully elicit those requirements from various types of stakeholders.
So, if you’re ready to take your requirements knowledge and skills to the next level, this is the course for you – enroll today.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome to the Course!
Lecture 1: Introducing the Understand and Elicit Requirements course
Chapter 2: Requirements Defined
Lecture 1: Requirements basics
Lecture 2: Requirements are critical
Lecture 3: What do requirements look like?
Lecture 4: Hi, my name is Jeremy
Lecture 5: Udemy Review Prompt
Chapter 3: Requirements, Digging Deeper
Lecture 1: Product Requirements and Project Requirements – What's the Difference?
Lecture 2: Requirement levels – business, stakeholder, solution, transition
Lecture 3: Requirement types – functional, non-functional, business rules, constraints
Lecture 4: ACTIVITY: Requirement segmentation and categorization worksheet
Lecture 5: Requirement subdisciplines (aka Requirement Process)
Lecture 6: A few notes – Requirements perspective and Requirements vs Design
Chapter 4: Hollywood Star Lanes
Lecture 1: Introducing Hollywood Star Lanes
Lecture 2: Optional learning about bowling
Lecture 3: Optional Hollywood Star Lanes activities
Chapter 5: The Building Blocks of Requirement Elicitation
Lecture 1: Introducing requirement elicitation
Lecture 2: Elicitation versus Gathering, is there a difference?
Lecture 3: Importance of identifying customers
Lecture 4: Roles – Customers vs Stakeholders vs Users
Lecture 5: Finding key contacts
Lecture 6: ACTIVITY: Hollywood Star Lanes – Stakeholder Identification
Chapter 6: Stakeholder Perspective
Lecture 1: Customer expectations
Lecture 2: Stakeholder fears
Lecture 3: Overcoming the stakeholder's fears
Chapter 7: Requirement Elicitation Process
Lecture 1: Requirement Elicitation Process Overview
Lecture 2: Plan requirements elicitation
Lecture 3: Prepare for elicitation
Lecture 4: Conduct requirement elicitation
Lecture 5: Confirm elicitation results
Lecture 6: ACTIVITY: Requirement Elicitation Process worksheet
Chapter 8: Useful Supporting Documents
Lecture 1: Prepare for Elicitation Template
Lecture 2: Parking Lot
Lecture 3: Term Glossary
Chapter 9: Requirement Elicitation Techniques
Lecture 1: Requirement elicitation techniques introduction
Lecture 2: Requirement elicitation templates
Chapter 10: Requirement Elicitation: Document Analysis
Lecture 1: The basics of Document Analysis
Lecture 2: Preparing for a Document Analysis
Lecture 3: Conducting a Document Analysis
Lecture 4: Confirming the results of a Document Analysis
Lecture 5: Document Analysis Best Practices
Lecture 6: ACTIVITY: Analysis for Cookie Cottage Training Video
Lecture 7: ACTIVITY: Analysis for Cookie Cottage Training Video (Part 2)
Chapter 11: Requirement Elicitation: Observation
Lecture 1: The basics of Observation
Lecture 2: Preparing for an Observation
Lecture 3: Conducting an Observation
Lecture 4: Confirming the results of an Observation
Lecture 5: Observation Best Practices
Chapter 12: Requirement Elicitation: Brainstorming
Lecture 1: The basics of Brainstorming
Lecture 2: Preparing for a Brainstorm
Lecture 3: Conducting a Brainstorm
Lecture 4: Confirming the results of a Brainstorm
Lecture 5: Brainstorming Best Practices
Chapter 13: Requirement Elicitation: Questionnaire / Survey
Lecture 1: The basics of a Questionnaire / Survey
Lecture 2: Preparing a Questionnaire / Survey
Lecture 3: Conducting a Questionnaire / Survey
Lecture 4: Confirming the results of a Questionnaire / Survey
Lecture 5: Questionnaire / Survey Best Practices
Chapter 14: Requirement Elicitation: Interview
Lecture 1: The basics of an Interview
Lecture 2: Preparing for an Interview
Lecture 3: Conducting an Interview
Lecture 4: Confirming the results of an Interview
Lecture 5: Interview Best Practices
Chapter 15: Requirement Elicitation: Requirement Workshop
Lecture 1: The basics of Requirement Workshop
Lecture 2: Preparing for a Requirement Workshop
Lecture 3: Conducting a Requirement Workshop
Lecture 4: Confirming the results of an Requirement Workshop
Lecture 5: Requirement Workshop Best Practices
Chapter 16: Final Thoughts
Lecture 1: Eliciting in Agile
Lecture 2: Becoming more fluid
Lecture 3: Course conclusion
Chapter 17: Bonus Section
Lecture 1: Bonus lecture
The BA Guide | Jeremy Aschenbrenner
Business Analysis Trainer, Best Selling Instructor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 11 votes
- 2 stars: 19 votes
- 3 stars: 137 votes
- 4 stars: 617 votes
- 5 stars: 960 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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