Understanding and Developing Emotional Intelligence
Understanding and Developing Emotional Intelligence, available at $49.99, has an average rating of 4.3, with 21 lectures, 4 quizzes, based on 5510 reviews, and has 14064 subscribers.
You will learn about You will be able to understand and apply the principles of Emotional Development in both personal and professional spheres. The knowledge to mentor or coach others towards greater Emotional Intelligence. Greater personal insight into the links between thoughts and feelings, and be able to distinguish between them in order to make more informed choices. More resilient responses to challenges, stress, pressure and high demand. Improved relationships and social and work success. This course is ideal for individuals who are Aimed primarily at managers, aspiring managers and others in a supervisory role, the content is applicable to anyone who wants to understand Emotional Intelligence for personal or professional development or People who want to improve their career prospects by developing their Emotional Intelligence or HR and other professionals who want to guide and coach others to improve their performance or Leaders who want to know how to 'win hearts and minds' It is particularly useful for Aimed primarily at managers, aspiring managers and others in a supervisory role, the content is applicable to anyone who wants to understand Emotional Intelligence for personal or professional development or People who want to improve their career prospects by developing their Emotional Intelligence or HR and other professionals who want to guide and coach others to improve their performance or Leaders who want to know how to 'win hearts and minds'.
Enroll now: Understanding and Developing Emotional Intelligence
Title: Understanding and Developing Emotional Intelligence
Price: $49.99
Average Rating: 4.3
Number of Lectures: 21
Number of Quizzes: 4
Number of Published Lectures: 21
Number of Published Quizzes: 4
Number of Curriculum Items: 25
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 25
Original Price: $39.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You will be able to understand and apply the principles of Emotional Development in both personal and professional spheres.
- The knowledge to mentor or coach others towards greater Emotional Intelligence.
- Greater personal insight into the links between thoughts and feelings, and be able to distinguish between them in order to make more informed choices.
- More resilient responses to challenges, stress, pressure and high demand.
- Improved relationships and social and work success.
Who Should Attend
- Aimed primarily at managers, aspiring managers and others in a supervisory role, the content is applicable to anyone who wants to understand Emotional Intelligence for personal or professional development
- People who want to improve their career prospects by developing their Emotional Intelligence
- HR and other professionals who want to guide and coach others to improve their performance
- Leaders who want to know how to 'win hearts and minds'
Target Audiences
- Aimed primarily at managers, aspiring managers and others in a supervisory role, the content is applicable to anyone who wants to understand Emotional Intelligence for personal or professional development
- People who want to improve their career prospects by developing their Emotional Intelligence
- HR and other professionals who want to guide and coach others to improve their performance
- Leaders who want to know how to 'win hearts and minds'
This engaging course outlines the concept of Emotional Intelligence, explains why it is important for personal and professional development, and describes how to apply the ideas to assess and improve your own confidence and performance by developing your EI.
As the different aspects are explained via our video lectures, each section is supported by downloadable exercises and other resources to help you revise and consolidate the learning.
We all know what intellectual intelligence is, and we also know it can be misleading because that sort of intelligence doesn’t accurately reflect how well someone functions and manages at work or in life.
We also all know of highly intelligent people who don’t handle themselves very well; they are not good in social relationships, for example, or that have difficulty communicating.
Just as important as conventional IQ – the sort of intelligence that gets measured in those tests many of us did in school – is Emotional Intelligence.
Emotional Intelligence is a set of aptitudes which determine how well you handle yourself in life, and how well you are able to understand and get on with others.
In an ever-more complex and demanding world, technical expertise – knowing how to do your job – is not enough. We are all experiencing higher demand, more stress, and more fluid working relationships. Now we can all do with being more proactive, engaging with others, and learning how to manage our own energy levels, our relationships, and other people.
The skills of Emotional Intelligence show you how to do these things and how to develop the insight and confidence to handle your own and others’ expectations and emotions effectively.
This course features easily learned elements supported by practical exercises, all clearly explained by Barry Winbolt, lecturer and psychotherapist, based on his 30 years’ experience of helping people to improve workplace relationships and performance in many different settings and cultures.
In a series of engaging videos, he explains the strengths of Emotional Intelligence and why we should develop them in ourselves and others. He shows you how to make the skills part of your repertoire. He then provides a comprehensive toolkit for creating positive working relationships, and managing yourself, as well as the increasing demands of the workplace.
By the end of this course, you’ll have a better understanding of Emotional Intelligence, which will help you become more confident in your decisions and your working relationships. It will place you ahead of the pack; Emotional Intelligence is a key component in effective management and leadership.
Emotional Intelligence is based on a set of learnable skills. It is backed up by a huge body of research which shows that these skills can help you:
- Get on better with others
- Communicate more effectively
- Make better decisions
- Handle stress and pressure
- Motivate yourself
- Reduce anxiety
- Manage others more effectively.
You’ll also learn why EI is now seen as the defining characteristic among successful managers and leaders.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to Emotional Intelligence
Lecture 1: Welcome and introduction
Lecture 2: An Emotionally Intelligent attitude
Chapter 2: Emotionally Intelligent attitudes and behaviour
Lecture 1: Developing the habits of Emotional Intelligence
Lecture 2: How Emotional Intelligence helps with pressure and stress
Chapter 3: The Five Pillars of Emotional Intelligence
Lecture 1: The Five Pillars or competencies of Emotional Intelligence
Lecture 2: Self-awareness and self-control
Lecture 3: Social skills and empathy
Lecture 4: Self-motivation
Chapter 4: Harnessing Emotional Intelligence
Lecture 1: How Emotional Intelligence helps prevent stress and fatigue
Lecture 2: How Emotional Intelligence helps with career and success
Chapter 5: Applied Emotional Intelligence; self-monitoring and the positive changes
Lecture 1: Self-monitoring and positive change
Lecture 2: Helping and supporting others
Chapter 6: Eight ways to keep improving your Emotional Intelligence
Lecture 1: Keeping your interest alive
Lecture 2: 1. Study humility
Lecture 3: 2. Notice how you react to people
Lecture 4: 3. Look honestly at how you think about, and interact with others
Lecture 5: 4. Do a self-evaluation
Lecture 6: 5. Manage your emotions
Lecture 7: 6. Take responsibility for your behaviour
Lecture 8: 7. Be open and sociable
Chapter 7: Course summary and quiz
Lecture 1: Lecture 21: Summary.
Skill Boosters
Films for a better workplace -
Barry Winbolt
Peronal development training for life and career
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 32 votes
- 2 stars: 100 votes
- 3 stars: 747 votes
- 4 stars: 2311 votes
- 5 stars: 2320 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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