Versatile Communication Skills – How to connect with people
Versatile Communication Skills – How to connect with people, available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4.42, with 46 lectures, 3 quizzes, based on 509 reviews, and has 1826 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn practical, easily applied communication skills to build stronger professional and personal relationships. Learn how to quickly build rapport and a sense of connection with people. Identify your personal communication preferences and recognise the strengths and challenges of that preference. Learn how to identify and adapt to the communication preferences of others and why it's important to do so. Learn how to minimise the misunderstandings that are the cause of so many relationship issues Identify why you find some people harder to deal with than others, and how to fix that. Learn what to listen for and observe to understand the communication behaviours of others with a new found clarity. This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who wants strong and healthy professional and personal relationships or Managers and leaders who want to get the best from their teams or People who want to be more self aware of how they communicate and the impact they have or People who want to be able to identify the communication preferences of others It is particularly useful for Anyone who wants strong and healthy professional and personal relationships or Managers and leaders who want to get the best from their teams or People who want to be more self aware of how they communicate and the impact they have or People who want to be able to identify the communication preferences of others.
Enroll now: Versatile Communication Skills – How to connect with people
Title: Versatile Communication Skills – How to connect with people
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4.42
Number of Lectures: 46
Number of Quizzes: 3
Number of Published Lectures: 46
Number of Published Quizzes: 3
Number of Curriculum Items: 54
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 54
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn practical, easily applied communication skills to build stronger professional and personal relationships.
- Learn how to quickly build rapport and a sense of connection with people.
- Identify your personal communication preferences and recognise the strengths and challenges of that preference.
- Learn how to identify and adapt to the communication preferences of others and why it's important to do so.
- Learn how to minimise the misunderstandings that are the cause of so many relationship issues
- Identify why you find some people harder to deal with than others, and how to fix that.
- Learn what to listen for and observe to understand the communication behaviours of others with a new found clarity.
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who wants strong and healthy professional and personal relationships
- Managers and leaders who want to get the best from their teams
- People who want to be more self aware of how they communicate and the impact they have
- People who want to be able to identify the communication preferences of others
Target Audiences
- Anyone who wants strong and healthy professional and personal relationships
- Managers and leaders who want to get the best from their teams
- People who want to be more self aware of how they communicate and the impact they have
- People who want to be able to identify the communication preferences of others
There are no skills more important in life than communication skills. Success in our professional and personal lives depends on our ability to build engagement and trust with others; communicate with different personality types, and develop strong, effective relationships –in other words great people skills.
The quality and value of those relationships is driven by how effective our communication skills are. There is no ‘one size fits all’ solution. The art of effective communicators is having the skill to personalize their communication to those around them. Having the ability to understand the communication traits of themselves and others which creates the opportunity for much more engaging communication – a vital component in creating stronger, positive relationships.
If you would like to discover the art and secrets of effective communication skills and transform how you communicate with the different personality types of key people around you; this is the course for you. Professionally that might be your team, your peers or your management. Personally, that might be your partner, close friends, family members, or anyone who has a personal impact on your life.
I have spent several decades working with business leaders and managers around the world, helping them hone their personal communication skills, enabling them to build strong successful relationships with their teams, suppliers and customers.
In this course I will:
· lead you step by step through how your communication processworks
· Show you how different personality types use and react to that process in different ways
· Identify your personal communication strengths and any improvement areas to work on
·show you powerful techniques to build rapport
· help you develop ways to be versatile (flexible) in how you communicate with those around you and strengthen key relationships – whether professional or personal.
· Explore tools and ideas you can use every day to build your skills and strengthen your key relationships.
The practical techniques, exercises and models are drawn from NLP, wider psychology and many years of management and leadership experience.
Why do I need this course?
Research suggests that over 65% of us rate ourselves as far more effective (flexible) in our communication than those around us rate us. How effective are you in reality?This course will help you answer that question.
We frequently take our communication skills for granted. It’s easy to simply assume that our messages are heard and understood in the way we intend them to be. Very often they are not. Our messages are changed, adapted and misheard, and we often don’t notice until it is too late. The damage has been done. The relationship weakened in some way. Let’s face it; we have more communication channels open to us than ever before. What could possibly go wrong? Unfortunately, plenty.
Have you noticed how often poor management, weak people skills and simple misunderstandings are found to lie behind performance problems and tensions at work, relationships that are under stress, conflict or even relationships breaking down? Lower levels of employee engagement frequently get tracked back to poor people skills from supervisors, managers or company leaders.
Most of us find these relationship pressures surfacing every day in our working and personal lives.
Poor communication can be the cause of a great deal of frustration, stress and even anger.
The simple truth is that many of these issues can be averted or greatly improved by taking a more flexible approach to how we communicate with others. Boosting our communication skills, or soft skills enables us to make conscious choices about what we communicate and how we do it to give us the best chance of building better, stronger relationships. Flexing how we communicate to suit the needs of others can have a significant impact on the quality of the professional and personal relationships you have with those around you.
The principles taught on this course are practical and straightforward. The discipline and effort needed to execute them in our daily lives is more challenging and requires practice and application. The benefits though will be well worth the effort.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome to your communication skills training
Lecture 1: Welcome to the course
Chapter 2: The process that underpins effectice communication and engagement
Lecture 1: Exploring the communication process
Lecture 2: Your Evidence Locker
Lecture 3: My Code Your Code
Chapter 3: The impact of representational systems on communication
Lecture 1: Representational Systems Challenge
Lecture 2: VAK Observation
Lecture 3: VAK Clues – part 1
Lecture 4: VAK Clues – part 2
Lecture 5: Cultural Difference
Lecture 6: Personal Preferences
Chapter 4: Building Rapport – the linchpin of real engagement
Lecture 1: The Need For Rapport
Lecture 2: Rapport Building Strategies
Lecture 3: Mirroring Overview
Lecture 4: Mirroring Exercise
Lecture 5: Matching Overview
Lecture 6: How to train your ear
Lecture 7: Pace Pace Lead
Lecture 8: Rapport building summary
Chapter 5: People software and communication
Lecture 1: Evidence Locker Update
Lecture 2: Human Software
Chapter 6: Behaviourial traits and their impact on effective communication.
Lecture 1: Meta Programme Overview
Lecture 2: People – Task
Lecture 3: Proactive – Reactive
Lecture 4: Big chunk – Little chunk
Lecture 5: Options – Procedures
Lecture 6: Match – Mismatch
Lecture 7: Towards – Away from
Lecture 8: Activity – Focus on relationships you want to improve.
Chapter 7: Communication Styles and engagement approaches
Lecture 1: Styles Intro
Lecture 2: Type Instinct
Lecture 3: Analytical
Lecture 4: Driver
Lecture 5: Amiable
Lecture 6: Expressive
Lecture 7: Are styles equal?
Chapter 8: Making it real – communication and engagement in the real world
Lecture 1: Listening Styles
Lecture 2: Questions v Statements
Lecture 3: Effectiveness with others
Lecture 4: 5 Actions to improve difficult relationships
Lecture 5: Under Pressure
Chapter 9: Real World Impacts
Lecture 1: Real world impacts
Lecture 2: A Blend?
Chapter 10: So what? Putting your communication skills and engagement startegies to use.
Lecture 1: So What next
Lecture 2: Don't forget
Lecture 3: What about my certificate
Lecture 4: Bonus Lecture.
Richard Lock
People Development Professional: Business & Personal Growth
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 7 votes
- 3 stars: 45 votes
- 4 stars: 196 votes
- 5 stars: 258 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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