Web Developer Course HTML CSS JavaScript Learn Web Design
Web Developer Course HTML CSS JavaScript Learn Web Design, available at Free, has an average rating of 4.41, with 82 lectures, 15 quizzes, based on 4723 reviews, and has 150425 subscribers.
You will learn about create websites Apply HTML, CSS and JavaScript understand how to create websites website design create their own websites This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone interested in creating websites or Anyone who wants to learn more about web development or learn more about the internet or start and internet business or create content online It is particularly useful for Anyone interested in creating websites or Anyone who wants to learn more about web development or learn more about the internet or start and internet business or create content online.
Enroll now: Web Developer Course HTML CSS JavaScript Learn Web Design
Title: Web Developer Course HTML CSS JavaScript Learn Web Design
Price: Free
Average Rating: 4.41
Number of Lectures: 82
Number of Quizzes: 15
Number of Published Lectures: 82
Number of Published Quizzes: 15
Number of Curriculum Items: 97
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 97
Original Price: Free
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- create websites
- Apply HTML, CSS and JavaScript
- understand how to create websites
- website design
- create their own websites
Who Should Attend
- Anyone interested in creating websites
- Anyone who wants to learn more about web development
- learn more about the internet
- start and internet business
- create content online
Target Audiences
- Anyone interested in creating websites
- Anyone who wants to learn more about web development
- learn more about the internet
- start and internet business
- create content online
Complete web developer course covering everything you need to know step by step to begin creating websites.
This course covers everything, included how the web works, learning HTML, CSS and JavaScript and much more.
Bonus FREE PDF Guide 80+ pages with source code and code examples. Learn HTML CSS and JavaScript
Start coding today build your own websites
Tools used for front end development
There are several tools available that can be used to develop the front end of a website, and
understanding which tools need are best fit for which task means the difference between a hacked
site and well designed and scalable site.[3]
HyperText Markup language (HTML)
HyperText Markup Language is the backbone of any website development process, without which a
web page doesn’t exist. It is the HTML code that provides an overall framework of how the site will
look. The latest version of HTML is called HTML5 which has new and efficient way of handling
elements such as video and audio files.
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) controls the presentation aspect of the site and allows your site to
have its own unique look. It does this by maintaining style sheets which sit on top of other style rules
and are triggered based on other inputs, such as device screen size and resolution.
JavaScript is an event-based imperative programming language (as opposed to HTML’s declarative
language model) that is used to transform a static HTML page into a dynamic interface. JavaScript
code can use the Document Object Model (DOM), provided by the HTML standard, to manipulate a
web page in response to events, like user input.
Using a technique called AJAX, JavaScript code can also actively retrieve content from the web
(independent of the original HTML page retrieval), and also react to server-side events as well,
adding a truly dynamic nature to the web page experience.
Goals for Front end development
The developer of the front end keeps these points in mind, utilizing available tools and techniques to
reach this end.
Course exercises, source code and links to top resources for web development!
We walk you through step by step with detailed explanations of code and more.
no wasted time watching someone type
practice with coding exercises
quick lessons get right to the point
fully covered topics with real world examples
source files downloadable to work along
challenges and lessons and code samples
code snippets
Links to top resources to save time
new course material added regularly
trusted name in education since 2002
full HD easy to read source coding
quick response support to students
regular discussions
Learn how to
How to create web pages with HTML and CSS
Create interactive web content with JavaScript
Basics of coding JavaScript
Bring your web pages to life with Code
Modern Responsive WebSites
Interactive and Dynamic Web Pages
Are you curious about creating websites, this course is the perfect place to start.
Learn all the core fundamentals of modern web design, covering all the commonly used syntax for HTML and CSS. This course is designed to get you started quickly and easily with creating web pages.
Course covers all the essentials so that you can begin quickly on your journey to create amazing looking websites. Add JavaScript to make your web pages come to life.
Covering the core concepts of JavaScript so that you can try the code and get familiar with what it does. Using JavaScript you can access the HTML DOM in the browser which allows you to interact and manipulate web page content. JavaScript creates the interactive and dynamic content seen today in all major modern web pages.
Explore how you can start coding quickly and focus on designing your webpages, loaded with source code and examples.
We teach you the latest techniques and tools to use in order to create amazing web content.
Everything you need to know is included in this course.
Learn at your own pace, lifetime access to this course.
We show you how to write HTML CSS and JavaScript code, easy to learn. Our tutorials are easy to follow and effective in teaching how to become a web developer.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Front end Web developer introduction course
Lecture 1: Course introduction
Lecture 2: Course Resources
Lecture 3: Web development Resources PDF
Lecture 4: What is Frontend web development
Lecture 5: Front end development
Chapter 2: Web Design Web developer Tools
Lecture 1: How to Choose an editor
Lecture 2: Code editors list – resources
Lecture 3: Web Design Tools for development
Lecture 4: Web dev Resources
Lecture 5: web designers client questions
Lecture 6: web design process questions for clients
Lecture 7: Domain registration and hosting
Lecture 8: Web Tools for web developers
Lecture 9: webmaster resources
Lecture 10: Website content trends
Chapter 3: Learning HTML
Lecture 1: Introduction to HTML setup environment
Lecture 2: HTML page structure
Lecture 3: Default HTML5 boilerplate
Lecture 4: HTML website Template
Lecture 5: Basics of HTML
Lecture 6: HTML list and Tables
Lecture 7: HTML images hyperlinks
Lecture 8: HTML common tags div span
Lecture 9: HTML add styling
Lecture 10: HTML form types and fields
Lecture 11: HTML5 structuring
Lecture 12: HTML bringing it all together as a template
Chapter 4: HTML practice Coding exercises
Lecture 1: Adding comment in HTML
Lecture 2: HTML add paragraphs
Lecture 3: HTML list items ordered lists and underordered lists
Lecture 4: HTML adding IDs to HTML elements
Lecture 5: Add inline style to HTML element
Lecture 6: HTML adding titles
Lecture 7: HTML add style
Chapter 5: Learning CSS
Lecture 1: What is CSS and how to you use it
Lecture 2: Create CSS code
Lecture 3: CSS template example external CSS
Lecture 4: CSS selectors Divs Spans and colors
Lecture 5: CSS working with Text and wording
Lecture 6: CSS code examples
Lecture 7: CSS Box model
Lecture 8: How the box model works
Lecture 9: CSS management grouping nesting pseudo classes
Lecture 10: Working with Backgrounds
Lecture 11: CSS display property
Lecture 12: CSS Pseudo Elements
Lecture 13: Use CSS with HTML to create a web template
Lecture 14: CSS HTML web Template design explained
Lecture 15: Example CSS HTML template code
Chapter 6: CSS practice Coding exercises
Lecture 1: CSS remove underline from hyperlinks
Lecture 2: CSS add padding
Lecture 3: CSS nested elements selectors
Chapter 7: Web Design
Lecture 1: Web Design File structure
Lecture 2: Onsite SEO tips
Lecture 3: Mobile First thinking
Lecture 4: Mobile Resources
Lecture 5: Website structure diagram planning
Lecture 6: Web Diagram Navigation planning
Lecture 7: Web Design Process Tools
Lecture 8: Web Design Tools and Resources
Lecture 9: Web Design using Classes with CSS
Lecture 10: Web Design Tags CSS
Chapter 8: JavaScript
Lecture 1: Javascript introduction
Lecture 2: Javascript how to work with JavaScript
Lecture 3: Javascript and HTML user interaction
Lecture 4: Javascript code declaring variables
Lecture 5: Javascript code working with functions
Lecture 6: Javascript code functions return calculations
Lecture 7: JavaScript Functions Source Code
Lecture 8: Javascript code conditional statements
Lecture 9: JavaScript Conditions Notes
Lecture 10: JavaScript Conditions Source Code
Lecture 11: Javascript code switch statements
Lecture 12: JavaScript switches
Lecture 13: Javascript code calculations and ternary
Lecture 14: JavaScript calculations
Lecture 15: Javascript code Loops
Lecture 16: JavaScript loops source code
Laurence Svekis
Instructor, GDE, Application Developer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 79 votes
- 2 stars: 147 votes
- 3 stars: 675 votes
- 4 stars: 1656 votes
- 5 stars: 2169 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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