Winning Communication Skills for Telephone, Conference Calls
Winning Communication Skills for Telephone, Conference Calls, available at $89.99, has an average rating of 4.48, with 610 lectures, 4 quizzes, based on 2905 reviews, and has 59815 subscribers.
You will learn about Communicate effectively using the phone with clients, customers, colleagues and bosses Avoid telephone blunders that strike others as rude and unprofessional Speak effectively on business conference calls Present confidently on Skype and FaceTime calls Use the telephone effectively in all aspects of business life Selling with stories Virtual sales presentatons Remote selling Pitching yourself Communicating to drive change Building a business case/proposal over the phone Presenting like a CEO Win Communication skills for telephone and conference calls This course is ideal for individuals who are Workers looking to build their soft skills or Younger executives who want to communicate with everyone in their business life, including older colleagues or Older executives who want to communicate with everyone in business, including young people or Sales management or Trainers or Sales trainers or CEOs or C-level executives It is particularly useful for Workers looking to build their soft skills or Younger executives who want to communicate with everyone in their business life, including older colleagues or Older executives who want to communicate with everyone in business, including young people or Sales management or Trainers or Sales trainers or CEOs or C-level executives.
Enroll now: Winning Communication Skills for Telephone, Conference Calls
Title: Winning Communication Skills for Telephone, Conference Calls
Price: $89.99
Average Rating: 4.48
Number of Lectures: 610
Number of Quizzes: 4
Number of Published Lectures: 607
Number of Published Quizzes: 4
Number of Curriculum Items: 614
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 611
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Communicate effectively using the phone with clients, customers, colleagues and bosses
- Avoid telephone blunders that strike others as rude and unprofessional
- Speak effectively on business conference calls
- Present confidently on Skype and FaceTime calls
- Use the telephone effectively in all aspects of business life
- Selling with stories
- Virtual sales presentatons
- Remote selling
- Pitching yourself
- Communicating to drive change
- Building a business case/proposal over the phone
- Presenting like a CEO
- Win Communication skills for telephone and conference calls
Who Should Attend
- Workers looking to build their soft skills
- Younger executives who want to communicate with everyone in their business life, including older colleagues
- Older executives who want to communicate with everyone in business, including young people
- Sales management
- Trainers
- Sales trainers
- CEOs
- C-level executives
Target Audiences
- Workers looking to build their soft skills
- Younger executives who want to communicate with everyone in their business life, including older colleagues
- Older executives who want to communicate with everyone in business, including young people
- Sales management
- Trainers
- Sales trainers
- CEOs
- C-level executives
Communication Skills – Telephone skillsin the workplace are essential for business success. Conference calls, client updates, Skype/Zoom video meetings, and even job interviews are all conducted through the help of telephones and smartphones. In a digital era filled with endless emails and social media posts, the live human voice remains a singular power.
Are you and members of your team using the telephonefor maximum business success?
Do you have Baby Boomers in your organization who are afraid of Skype video and Apple FaceTime and are slow to text clients and customers who may be Millennials?
Do you have Millennials on your team who don’t realize that Baby Boomers expect their calls answered and their voicemails returned?
This course is for anyone on your team who uses a telephone and for everyone who wants to increase their communications and business successes with customers, clients, prospects, colleagues, investors, and bosses.
What will students achieve or be able to do after taking this course?
Communicate effectively using the phone with clients, customers, colleagues and bosses
Avoid telephone blunders that strike others as rude and unprofessional
Speak effectively on business conference calls
Present confidently on Skype and FaceTime calls
Use the telephone effectivelyin all aspects of business life
Here is what Udemy students say about this course:
“The course is helpful as it addresses intricate details of using the phone in a formal environment, which I was not paying too much attention to before.” Princess Sello
“Nice course and advices keep going TJ ur amazing” Oussama Khaldi
Please note: this is a telephone communications skills course conducted by a real person who is speaking and demonstrating communication skills. If you are looking for a course with lots of animation, slides, special effects, slick edits, and robotic voices, this course is not for you.
Enroll today to learn Winning Communication Skills for Telephone, Conference Calls!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Setting Groundwork for Telephone Communication Success
Lecture 1: Quick Wins! Do THIS To Look and Sound Great on Skype Phone Calls
Lecture 2: Never Confuse Personal Phone Use with Business Telephone Use Again
Lecture 3: Why Your Phone is the Best Secret Business App Ever
Lecture 4: Instant Answers to Your Phone Communication Questions
Lecture 5: Planning Your Successful Phone Environment
Lecture 6: Exciting New Update to this Course
Lecture 7: Final Preparation for Your Successful Phone Meetings
Chapter 2: Can You Hear Me Now?
Lecture 1: Making Sure Your Phone Passes Your Friend Test
Lecture 2: Planning for Winning Conference Calls
Lecture 3: Look Prime Time Ready for Your Video Calls
Lecture 4: Placing Phone Calls Like the Consummate Professional
Lecture 5: Always Knowing the Best Time to Call Clients and Prospects
Lecture 6: Now You will Never Wake Up a Client in the Middle of the Night
Chapter 3: Answering and Talking on the Phone like a Pro
Lecture 1: Answering the Phone so Everybody Knows You are Ready for Business
Lecture 2: No Such Thing As Answering The Phone Too Quickly These Days
Lecture 3: Your Clients Will Never Think You are Screaming At Them Again
Lecture 4: Knowing How to Sound Your Very Best – Every Time
Lecture 5: The Right Way to Put Someone On Hold
Lecture 6: Making Sure They Only Hear the Magic of Your Voice
Chapter 4: Voicemail Can Be Your Best Friend
Lecture 1: Being a Professional to Every Generation, Regardless of Your Own Preferences
Lecture 2: Voicemail That Soothes, Not Angers
Lecture 3: Best Voicemail Messages for Success
Lecture 4: Take 1, Take 2, Take 3 Until You Get It Right
Lecture 5: Practice Your Phone Communication Homework Using the TJ Walker AI Clone
Chapter 5: Final Telephone Success Tips
Lecture 1: Never Be Busy for Clients and Bosses Again
Lecture 2: Making Your Phone Disappear At the Perfect Moments
Lecture 3: Tit for Tat and Text for Text
Chapter 6: You Can Be a Communication Skills Master
Lecture 1: Quick Wins! The High Tech Way to Perfect Communication
Lecture 2: Listening is Key (and why this isn't just a public speaking course)
Lecture 3: Become part of the top 1% of communicators right now!
Lecture 4: Good news, the problems we think we have, aren't real
Lecture 5: Communications skills are the most important skills for success
Lecture 6: Direct versus indirect communication
Lecture 7: Let's hop in with something new. Big Business Communications
Chapter 7: Customer Communication Skills For Your Consumer Life
Lecture 1: Communicate your message to companies, big and small, to get them to take action
Lecture 2: One person can get a huge corporation to pay attention and make things right
Lecture 3: This video ruined the weekend of Executives at a major Phone Company
Lecture 4: Here's what really happened.
Lecture 5: Never Let Any Company Have the Final Word with you again
Chapter 8: Accomplish Exactly What You Want With Assertive, Persuasive Communication
Lecture 1: Here is how you get Exactly Want you Want
Lecture 2: Master the Key to Motivation and Persuasion
Lecture 3: Nobody Cares About You, and That's OK
Lecture 4: See It, Taste It, Touch It, Feel It, Be It – Selling with Your Story
Lecture 5: The Ultimate in Confidence builder – Seeing is believing
Lecture 6: It's Easy to pass a Test when the Answer Is right in front of you
Chapter 9: A Few More Communication Fundamentals and You will Be Ready for Anything…
Lecture 1: You Are Normal to Fear Communicating In Some Circumstances
Lecture 2: The Power of the Positive
Lecture 3: Debunking the Myth of Charisma
Lecture 4: Never Fall for These Communication Gimmicks Again!
Lecture 5: Here is where You decide if You are serious about improving your skills
Lecture 6: Here is How to Get the Most Out of The rest of this course
Chapter 10: If You are in A Hurry and Only Have 1 Hour, Start Here
Lecture 1: Quick Wins! The Secret to Using Speaker Notes Effectively
Lecture 2: Avoiding The Initial Wrong Turn Most Speakers and Presenters Make
Lecture 3: Developing Expert Judgment for Your Public Speaking and Presenting Opportunities
Lecture 4: The Radical Yet Simple Solution To Finding Great Messages
Lecture 5: Your Stories Will Make Your Ideas Unforgettable
Lecture 6: Your PowerPoint Will Create Engagement, Not Slumber
Lecture 7: Building an Ethical Cheat Sheet Just for You
Lecture 8: This Is The Do Or Die Moment For Your Speaking Improvement
Lecture 9: There Is a Perfect Test for Your Speech Or Presentation
Lecture 10: I Will give You a Personalized Professional Presentation Critique Right Here
Lecture 11: Continuing Your Path of Public Speaking and Presentation Skills Improvement
Lecture 12: Rehearse Your Phone Communication Homework and Get Instant Feedback
Chapter 11: Speaking Skills for Kids (and their parents)
Lecture 1: Public Speaking for Kids and Parents Overview
Lecture 2: Kids Communication Goals
Lecture 3: Kids Top Five
Lecture 4: Kids and Passion
Lecture 5: Examples
Lecture 6: Cheat Sheet
Lecture 7: Public Speaking for Kids 1st Video Rehearsal
Lecture 8: Public Speaking for Kids 2nd Video Rehearsal
Lecture 9: Public Speaking for Kids 3rd Video Rehearsal
Lecture 10: Kids Conclusion
Chapter 12: Business Communication Skills for Job Interviews
Lecture 1: Establishing Your Job Interview Goals
Lecture 2: Research and Preparation for the Job Interview
Lecture 3: How to Dress for the Interview
Lecture 4: How to Make Small Talk
Lecture 5: Tell Me About Yourself
Lecture 6: The Proper Job Interview Mindset
Lecture 7: The Strategy Memo
Lecture 8: Rehearse Your Interview on Video
Lecture 9: Ask for the Job
Chapter 13: Workplace Communication: You Can Speak Up at Meetings!
Lecture 1: How to Speak Up at Meetings Overview
TJ Walker
Success through Communication Skills & Habits -
Media Training Worldwide Digital
A Full-Service Online Training Company
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 37 votes
- 2 stars: 55 votes
- 3 stars: 338 votes
- 4 stars: 953 votes
- 5 stars: 1522 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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