WordPress E-Commerce Development w/ WooCommerce & Storefront
WordPress E-Commerce Development w/ WooCommerce & Storefront, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.1, with 122 lectures, based on 458 reviews, and has 3888 subscribers.
You will learn about How to install and create products in storefront Add categories, tags, prices, sale prices & inventories to products Create digital products to sell music, magazines, movies & more Create grouped projects Receive Payments with PayPal Manage Shippings, Taxes, Customers & more Use storefront in your online store Create a Child Theme of storefront & customize it with CSS, Hooks and Templates I will share with you a lot of codes to improve your storefront store We will add MailChimp & AddThis! into our store We will customize each page of WooCommerce This course is ideal for individuals who are Developers, designers or business owners that want to create an online store or If you are not sure which platform you should use for your online store check out this course and you will see why WooCommerce is the best option or If you have some experience with WooCommerce but want to one further with hooks and customizing the templates and CSS, this course is for you! It is particularly useful for Developers, designers or business owners that want to create an online store or If you are not sure which platform you should use for your online store check out this course and you will see why WooCommerce is the best option or If you have some experience with WooCommerce but want to one further with hooks and customizing the templates and CSS, this course is for you!.
Enroll now: WordPress E-Commerce Development w/ WooCommerce & Storefront
Title: WordPress E-Commerce Development w/ WooCommerce & Storefront
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.1
Number of Lectures: 122
Number of Published Lectures: 122
Number of Curriculum Items: 122
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 122
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- How to install and create products in storefront
- Add categories, tags, prices, sale prices & inventories to products
- Create digital products to sell music, magazines, movies & more
- Create grouped projects
- Receive Payments with PayPal
- Manage Shippings, Taxes, Customers & more
- Use storefront in your online store
- Create a Child Theme of storefront & customize it with CSS, Hooks and Templates
- I will share with you a lot of codes to improve your storefront store
- We will add MailChimp & AddThis! into our store
- We will customize each page of WooCommerce
Who Should Attend
- Developers, designers or business owners that want to create an online store
- If you are not sure which platform you should use for your online store check out this course and you will see why WooCommerce is the best option
- If you have some experience with WooCommerce but want to one further with hooks and customizing the templates and CSS, this course is for you!
Target Audiences
- Developers, designers or business owners that want to create an online store
- If you are not sure which platform you should use for your online store check out this course and you will see why WooCommerce is the best option
- If you have some experience with WooCommerce but want to one further with hooks and customizing the templates and CSS, this course is for you!
If you want to create an online store for your business or your clients this course is for you!
In this course you will learn WooCommerce basic and advanced features, such as creating products, categories, shipping, accepting payments with PayPal, variations and attributes & more.
We will install Storefront, a beautiful theme specially designed for WooCommerce, and we’re going to create a Child Theme to extend the functionality.
We will add AddThis!, MailChimp, Advanced Custom fields into our store, also we will use the Blog as marketing tool and show related products in our entries.
You Will learn how to customize Storefront with Templates, CSS and Hooks. This is course is packed with tips and codes to improve your site.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Project for this Course
Lecture 2: The Course Materials Included in this course
Chapter 2: Some Insights and things to keep in mind when developing an online store
Lecture 1: The Basics of E-Commerce
Lecture 2: Define an Audience
Lecture 3: Security in your store
Lecture 4: WordPress for e-commerce
Lecture 5: What's WooCommerce
Lecture 6: WooCommerce & Shopify
Chapter 3: Installing WordPress & WooCommerce
Lecture 1: Installing WordPress
Lecture 2: Installing WooCommerce
Chapter 4: Working with Products
Lecture 1: Adding our first product
Lecture 2: Adding a Description
Lecture 3: Creating a Gallery in products
Lecture 4: Managing Inventory on Products
Lecture 5: Adding Weights and Sizes for Products
Lecture 6: Adding Up-sell and Cross-sell products
Lecture 7: Creating a Product Variation
Lecture 8: Adding more information for our variation products
Lecture 9: Adding Global Attributes
Lecture 10: Creating a Downloadable product
Lecture 11: Selling Grouped Products
Chapter 5: Working with Storefront
Lecture 1: Installing Storefront & the Customizr
Lecture 2: Adding the Main Image Categories
Chapter 6: Shipping Methods
Lecture 1: Adding our Shipping Zones
Lecture 2: Adding a Flat Rate
Lecture 3: Enabling Free Shipping
Lecture 4: Customizing the shipping labels
Lecture 5: Adding a Flat rate to shipping in other countries
Lecture 6: Managing Countries outside of the Shipping Zones
Lecture 7: Adding a Shipping Class
Chapter 7: The WooCommerce Settings Tab
Lecture 1: The General Tab
Lecture 2: The Products Tab
Lecture 3: The Tax Tab
Lecture 4: The Shipping Tab
Lecture 5: The Checkout Tab
Lecture 6: The Accounts, Emails and API Tabs
Chapter 8: Payment Gateways and Discounts
Lecture 1: Receiving Payments
Lecture 2: Configuring PayPal Express
Lecture 3: Payment Gateways plugins available
Lecture 4: How to create coupons
Chapter 9: Creating a Child Theme of Storefront and How to Customize your Store
Lecture 1: Creating the About Us & Contact Us Pages
Lecture 2: What's a Child Theme
Lecture 3: Creating and Activating a Child Theme
Lecture 4: How to Modify the appearance of your online store
Lecture 5: Using CSS
Lecture 6: Using and overriding Templates
Lecture 7: Using Hooks
Lecture 8: Using the Customizr
Chapter 10: Working with Menus in Storefront
Lecture 1: Creating the Main Menu
Lecture 2: Creating the Social Menu
Lecture 3: Creating the Mobile Menu
Lecture 4: Styling the Main Menu
Lecture 5: Styling the Mobile Menu
Chapter 11: Customizing the Front Page
Lecture 1: Adding a Google Font and Styling the headings
Lecture 2: Displaying the featured image on the front page
Lecture 3: Styling the Main Category Images
Chapter 12: FRONT PAGE: Adding a new section from a specific category
Lecture 1: Creating a new Section for displaying products from specific category
Lecture 2: Using WooCommerce Shortcodes
Lecture 3: Adding more products to this category
Lecture 4: Passing values to shortcode
Lecture 5: Styling our new section
Lecture 6: Finishing our new section
Chapter 13: FRONT PAGE: Adding a new banner section
Lecture 1: Adding a new Banner Section
Lecture 2: Styling the new Banner section
Lecture 3: Using Advanced Custom Fields for dynamic content
Chapter 14: FRONT PAGE: Adding the Main Icons with features
Lecture 1: Adding the fields with Advanced Custom fields
Lecture 2: Adding the Content to fields
Lecture 3: Writing the function where the Icons will be printed
Lecture 4: Printing the fields
Lecture 5: Styling the Fields
Chapter 15: FRONT PAGE: Displaying the latest 3 entries
Lecture 1: Creating the 3 blog posts
Lecture 2: Querying the Database to display the 3 posts
Lecture 3: Printing all the content
Lecture 4: Styling the blog entries
Chapter 16: FRONT PAGE: Adding MailChimp
Lecture 1: Creating and Printing the MailChimp form
Lecture 2: Styling the form (Pt 1 of 2)
Lecture 3: Styling the form (Pt 2 of 2)
Chapter 17: Working with the footer
Lecture 1: Adding Widgets into the footer
Lecture 2: Changing the footer text and information
Lecture 3: Styling the Footer
Chapter 18: Customizing the Shop Page
Lecture 1: Displaying prices with 3 digit numeric code
Lecture 2: Changing the number of columns in the shop page
Juan Pablo De la torre Valdez
Creador de Código Con Juan – Aprende Con Proyectos Reales
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 6 votes
- 2 stars: 13 votes
- 3 stars: 58 votes
- 4 stars: 115 votes
- 5 stars: 266 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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