Write a Bestselling Novel in 15 Steps (Writing Mastery)
Write a Bestselling Novel in 15 Steps (Writing Mastery), available at $99.99, has an average rating of 4.71, with 54 lectures, based on 4131 reviews, and has 23516 subscribers.
You will learn about Plot an entire novel from start to finish (in 15 steps) Understand what makes novels successful Craft a compelling "novel road map" or outline for a new novel Obtain a deeper understanding of plot and story structure Develop an effective revision plan for an existing novel Determine what's broken in an existing novel manuscript Discover the secret storytelling code found in all great stories Analyze successful movies and novels using the storytelling code This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone interested in writing a novel or Writers interested in learning more about plot or story structure or Writers looking for inspiration for their novel or Writers who need help revising their novel or Writers who need help outlining their novel or Writers who are stuck on a certain part of their novel It is particularly useful for Anyone interested in writing a novel or Writers interested in learning more about plot or story structure or Writers looking for inspiration for their novel or Writers who need help revising their novel or Writers who need help outlining their novel or Writers who are stuck on a certain part of their novel.
Enroll now: Write a Bestselling Novel in 15 Steps (Writing Mastery)
Title: Write a Bestselling Novel in 15 Steps (Writing Mastery)
Price: $99.99
Average Rating: 4.71
Number of Lectures: 54
Number of Published Lectures: 54
Number of Curriculum Items: 54
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 54
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Plot an entire novel from start to finish (in 15 steps)
- Understand what makes novels successful
- Craft a compelling "novel road map" or outline for a new novel
- Obtain a deeper understanding of plot and story structure
- Develop an effective revision plan for an existing novel
- Determine what's broken in an existing novel manuscript
- Discover the secret storytelling code found in all great stories
- Analyze successful movies and novels using the storytelling code
Who Should Attend
- Anyone interested in writing a novel
- Writers interested in learning more about plot or story structure
- Writers looking for inspiration for their novel
- Writers who need help revising their novel
- Writers who need help outlining their novel
- Writers who are stuck on a certain part of their novel
Target Audiences
- Anyone interested in writing a novel
- Writers interested in learning more about plot or story structure
- Writers looking for inspiration for their novel
- Writers who need help revising their novel
- Writers who need help outlining their novel
- Writers who are stuck on a certain part of their novel
Anyone can write a successful novel.
You just need to understand what makes a novel successful…
Have you ever noticed that your favorite books and movies follow a similar pattern? Have you noticed that there’s something specific that happens about 25% of the way through the story that sends the story in a new direction? Or that huge plot twists tend to come right in the dead center of the story? Or that 75% of the way through there’s usually distinct “low point” or “rock bottom” where all seems lost for the main character?
If you have, then you’ve stumbled upon the secret storytelling code.
The secret storytelling code can be found in all great stories ever told. Movies, novels, novellas, plays, memoirs, short stories. Wherever there’s a narrative being told, the code is there, hidden beneath the surface.
This code (which inspired Blake Snyder’s famous Save the Cat! plotting method) is made up of 15 key story “beats,” or “plot points.” The beats are markers along the path of the story that are used to track a character’s journey and ultimate transformation. And strung together, in the right order, these 15 beats make up a blueprint that anyone can follow to write a successful novel.
Since discovering these 15 key story beats and harnessing their immeasurable power, bestselling author and award-winning writing instructor, Jessica Brody has sold more than 17 novels to major publishers like Simon and Schuster, Random House, and Macmillan. Her novels have been translated and published in over 23 countries and two are even in development as major motions pictures. Also, Jessica is repeatedly hired by Disney Press to develop and write novels based on popular Disney properties like the Disney Princess and the Disney Descendants franchises.
Jessica Brody is a certified instructor of the Save the Cat! plotting method and, in the past five years, has taught thousands of novelists from around the world how to harness the power of the 15 key story.
Now, in this one-of-a-kind online master class on plot and story structure, Jessica Brody shares her profound knowledge on the topic of novel writing and expertly guides writers (new and seasoned alike!) through the elements of plot, story structure, and character transformation, and ultimately helps them discover the secrets to what makes a novel really resonate with readers.
“This course is a must for anyone trying to write an amazing story.” – CHLOE, UDEMY STUDENT
“Absolutely brilliant. So insightful…” –JAYNE, UDEMY STUDENT
“I now can see the weaknesses in my novel plots.” –DEBRA, UDEMY STUDENT
Throughout this course, Jessica will:
Guide you step by step through the 15 key story beats that are found in all great stories ever told
Show you how the 15 key story beats form a novel blueprint (or road map) that any writer (of any level) can follow to craft their own successful novel
Analyze several examples (from both books and movies) of the 15 key story beats in action so you can firmly grasp the function and purpose of each beat and see how other successful writers have tackled them
Guide you through the process of brainstorming, crafting, and developing the 15 beats to outline, write, or revise your own bestseller
And by the end of this course you will have a complete “novel road map”(or outline) for a novel that you could begin working on immediately.
Or if you’re already working on a novel and need help structuring it or revising it, by the end of this course, you will have a full revision plan ready to go.
Check out the free preview lectures for a look at what to expect from this course, how this course is structured, and a free overview of the 15 key story beats that will be explored at length in this course.
Enroll now to get started on plotting, writing, or revising your bestselling novel today!
10 writing courses
Over 50,000 studentsenrolled
AverageRating 4.7 stars!
“Jessica is truly a gifted teacher!” – Vicky
“Jessica is a LEGEND…Completely worth it.”– Ras
“Superb. Clear and engaging –Dan
“Just, WOW! Jessica Brody provides much more than a boatload… try a cruise ship FULL of tips, tricks, resources, references, and actionable steps”– Tracy
“Thorough, accurate, and well-presented –I would recommend Jessica Brody’s courses to any writer eager to rise.” – Mark
“Jessica Brody breaks down these concepts with clarity and amazing insight.” – Mike
“Jessica Brody’s courses are all thorough, entertaining, and extremely helpful.” – Tricia
“As always, Jessica Brody delivers an insider’s knowledge and the tools to move forward in the process, now!”– Sue
“Very informative and well worth the time and cost.” – Noel
“Clear, concise, & well-narrated with an abundance of enthusiasm.” – Christopher
“This course is worth far more than the price of admission!”– Talmage
“Jessica Brody has a gift for distilling lots of hard-earned information into concise and tasty bites.” – Katherine
“If you write (or plan to write), get this course” – Scott
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Welcome and What to Expect
Lecture 2: Why I Created this Course
Lecture 3: Taking the 3-Act Structure to the Next Level: An Overview of the 15 beats
Lecture 4: How this Course Works
Lecture 5: Where to Get Help
Chapter 2: Step 1: Opening Image
Lecture 1: Opening Image – Explanation
Lecture 2: Opening Image – Examples
Lecture 3: Introduction to the Writer's Room + Character and Flaws Exercise
Lecture 4: Opening Image – Exercise
Chapter 3: Step 2: Setup
Lecture 1: Setup – Explanation
Lecture 2: Setup – Examples
Lecture 3: Setup – Exercise
Chapter 4: Step 3: Theme Stated
Lecture 1: Theme Stated – Explanation
Lecture 2: Theme Stated – Examples
Lecture 3: Theme Stated – Exercise
Chapter 5: Step 4: Catalyst
Lecture 1: Catalyst – Explanation
Lecture 2: Catalyst – Examples
Lecture 3: Catalyst – Exercise
Chapter 6: Step 5: Debate
Lecture 1: Debate – Explanation
Lecture 2: Debate – Examples
Lecture 3: Debate – Exercise
Chapter 7: Step 6: Break into 2
Lecture 1: Break Into 2 – Explanation
Lecture 2: Break Into 2 – Examples
Lecture 3: Break Into 2 – Exercise
Chapter 8: Step 7: B Story
Lecture 1: B Story – Explanation
Lecture 2: B Story – Examples
Lecture 3: B Story – Exercise
Chapter 9: Step 8: Fun & Games
Lecture 1: Fun & Games – Explanation
Lecture 2: Fun & Games – Examples
Lecture 3: Fun & Games – Exercise
Chapter 10: Step 9: Midpoint
Lecture 1: Midpoint – Explanation
Lecture 2: Midpoint – Examples
Lecture 3: Midpoint – Exercise
Chapter 11: Step 10: Bad Guys Close In
Lecture 1: Bad Guys Close In – Explanation
Lecture 2: Bad Guys Close In – Examples
Lecture 3: Bad Guys Close In – Exercise
Chapter 12: Step 11: All is Lost
Lecture 1: All is Lost – Explanation
Lecture 2: All is Lost – Examples
Lecture 3: All is Lost – Exercise
Chapter 13: Step 12: Dark Night of the Soul
Lecture 1: Dark Night of the Soul – Explanation
Lecture 2: Dark Night of the Soul – Examples
Lecture 3: Dark Night of the Soul – Exercise
Chapter 14: Step 13: Break into 3
Lecture 1: Break into 3 – Explanation
Lecture 2: Break into 3 – Examples
Lecture 3: Break into 3 – Exercise
Chapter 15: Step 14: Finale
Lecture 1: Finale – Explanation
Lecture 2: Finale – Examples
Lecture 3: Finale – Exercise
Chapter 16: Step 15: Final Image
Lecture 1: Final Image – Explanation
Lecture 2: Final Image – Examples
Lecture 3: Final Image – Exercise
Chapter 17: Wrap Up
Lecture 1: Tools, Resources, and Final Words of Wisdom
Lecture 2: More Resources for Writers
Jessica Brody
International Bestselling Author and Top-Rated Instructor -
Writing Mastery
Bestselling Course Creator for Fiction Writers
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 9 votes
- 2 stars: 32 votes
- 3 stars: 198 votes
- 4 stars: 1069 votes
- 5 stars: 2823 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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