Writing Fiction That Sings: Write Novels With Great Voice
Writing Fiction That Sings: Write Novels With Great Voice, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.7, with 48 lectures, 5 quizzes, based on 391 reviews, and has 4453 subscribers.
You will learn about add snazz and pizzazz to the fiction you write by using figures of speech! choose the strongest POV for the novel you're writing. spiffy up your novel with solid editing tips, before you submit it to agents and editors. write your novels and creative nonfiction books with an engaging voice. write books with confidence. This course is ideal for individuals who are If you want a conference-quality writing course without the cost and hassle of traveling to a conference, this class is for you. or If you have always wanted to write a novel or a creative nonfiction book, this is a good course to start you out right. or If you're writing a novel, this class will give you tips for revision and help you write books that dazzle your readers. or If you want to know what a literary agent really thinks of the novel manuscripts in her slush pile then sign up. or If you're already published and getting starred reviews, then this course will be a waste of your time. 🙂 It is particularly useful for If you want a conference-quality writing course without the cost and hassle of traveling to a conference, this class is for you. or If you have always wanted to write a novel or a creative nonfiction book, this is a good course to start you out right. or If you're writing a novel, this class will give you tips for revision and help you write books that dazzle your readers. or If you want to know what a literary agent really thinks of the novel manuscripts in her slush pile then sign up. or If you're already published and getting starred reviews, then this course will be a waste of your time. :).
Enroll now: Writing Fiction That Sings: Write Novels With Great Voice
Title: Writing Fiction That Sings: Write Novels With Great Voice
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.7
Number of Lectures: 48
Number of Quizzes: 5
Number of Published Lectures: 46
Number of Published Quizzes: 5
Number of Curriculum Items: 53
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 51
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- add snazz and pizzazz to the fiction you write by using figures of speech!
- choose the strongest POV for the novel you're writing.
- spiffy up your novel with solid editing tips, before you submit it to agents and editors.
- write your novels and creative nonfiction books with an engaging voice.
- write books with confidence.
Who Should Attend
- If you want a conference-quality writing course without the cost and hassle of traveling to a conference, this class is for you.
- If you have always wanted to write a novel or a creative nonfiction book, this is a good course to start you out right.
- If you're writing a novel, this class will give you tips for revision and help you write books that dazzle your readers.
- If you want to know what a literary agent really thinks of the novel manuscripts in her slush pile then sign up.
- If you're already published and getting starred reviews, then this course will be a waste of your time. 🙂
Target Audiences
- If you want a conference-quality writing course without the cost and hassle of traveling to a conference, this class is for you.
- If you have always wanted to write a novel or a creative nonfiction book, this is a good course to start you out right.
- If you're writing a novel, this class will give you tips for revision and help you write books that dazzle your readers.
- If you want to know what a literary agent really thinks of the novel manuscripts in her slush pile then sign up.
- If you're already published and getting starred reviews, then this course will be a waste of your time. 🙂
Writing a novel or a creative nonfiction book? Even if you’re writing a blog, the editing techniques in this course will help you.Join over a thousand satisfied students who have given dozens of five-star reviewsin this course where you’ll learn how to draw in agents, editors, and readers with your voice.
Writing Novels That Sings: Write Fiction With Great Voice
This is part of a series of writing courses, taught by literary agent Sally Apokedak, that will help you if you are trying to get an agent, sell to a publisher, or sell your self-published books directly to the reader. After reading thousands of queries, Sally has come to believe that four things are essential if you want to write novels that will sell.
VOICE is one of those essentials. It’s the first thing agents notice when they open your novel manuscripts or nonfiction books.
Whether you’re writing novels or creative nonfiction books, this writing course can help you. If you’re unpublished and having a hard time breaking in or if you’re published but having a hard time breaking out, this course will help you. You get the voice lectures that Sally gives at writers’ conferences around the United States, but you get them at a fraction of what they normally cost.Plus, you can take them in your own home, at your own pace, you don’t have to pay for a hotel, and you have lifetime access to these lectures.
WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYINGabout this course:
THIS is the course that will shower you with confidence and give your voice the punch it needs.
~ Robyn
Sally is a wealth of knowledge . . . I’m looking forward to taking more of Sally’s classes on Udemy.
~ Cheryl
Sally is a great teacher and is obviously extremely knowledgable . . . The topics move quickly, and you won’t be bored.
~ Hannah
Sally is a very enthusiastic and involved instructor and makes the course valuable and enjoyable for everyone.
~ Rachel
I can understand why Sally Apokedak is a sought-after teacher at writer’s conferences. First, Sally (if I may) knows her stuff. . . .
~ Deborah
This class shows you both the science and art of writing. . . . If she produces another course, I will be sure to return!
~ Rebecca R.
The material is fun and easy to learn . . . I highly recommend any writer or aspiring writer take it to improve their writing.
~ Teresa
WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING about Sally’s conference classes, retreats, and online courses:
. . . thank you again for a fabulous weekend. I left encouraged and energized . . . It was a wise investment and fun.
~ Jean Wilund
We had so many wonderful comments about you and your class on our evaluations. We hope you’ll be able to join us again next summer.
Blessings, Lindy Jacobs, OCW Summer Conference Director
Hello Sally,
I hope you realize how much wisdom and knowledge you imparted during your time at the wik13 conference in Birmingham. . . .
~ Heather L. Montgomery Assistant Regional Advisor Southern Breeze SCBWI
Thank you for your incredible class. It was a valuable, valuable learning experience. . . .
~ Kimberly
Thank you so much. I got a lot out of the class and it gave me a lot to think about. I’m grateful for all the feedback.
~ Christie
Thank you so much for your feedback . . . throughout the course. I appreciated how much you know about this field and your willingness to share your expertise.
~ Sandy
In Sally’s video lectures, she made me think about writing like I hadn’t before, especially the weeks about voice and theme.
~ Margo L. Dill
What this course promises:
To teach you how to make your voice more interesting and compelling in the fiction and creative nonfiction you write.
What this course does not promise:
That you’ll get a book contract.
Some questions this course answers:
- How do I write in the close-third-person point of view?
- Should I be writing in past tense or present tense?
- How can I improve my narrative voice when I write fiction or creative nonfiction?
- How can I make up fresh metaphors in a novel I’m writing?
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction ~ Write Fantastic Fiction
Lecture 1: Writing Fiction With a Great Voice Makes a Great First Impression
Lecture 2: Writing Fiction that Sings: Course Structure
Chapter 2: Laying the Foundation for Fantastic Fiction Books
Lecture 1: To Make Your Fiction Writing Sing, Master Grammar and Punctuation
Lecture 2: Point of View ~ Defining POV types That Can Make Your Books Compelling
Lecture 3: Point of View ~ Past or Present Tense? What Tense Should You Use For Your Novel?
Lecture 4: POV ~ Limited and Omniscient
Lecture 5: Point of View ~ How to Decide Which One to Use When Writing Your Novel
Lecture 6: New Speaker, New Paragraph
Lecture 7: Tags and Beats
Lecture 8: Dialogue Punctuation
Lecture 9: "That tag doesn't work well," she insisted.
Lecture 10: "That tag is brilliant," she said, brightly.
Lecture 11: The Great Invisible Dialogue Tag
Chapter 3: Furnishings
Lecture 1: As You Know
Lecture 2: Umms
Lecture 3: Slang
Lecture 4: Little Sir Echo
Lecture 5: Contractions
Lecture 6: Incomplete Sentences
Lecture 7: Dialogue Assignment
Lecture 8: Nouns, Verbs, and Adverbs, Oh my!
Lecture 9: Specific Words Assignment
Lecture 10: Compound Adjectives and Adverbs
Lecture 11: Contest ~ Compound Adjectives, compound nouns, and Verb-al-ized Nouns
Lecture 12: Internal Monologue
Lecture 13: Mood and Tone
Lecture 14: How Words Make us Feel
Lecture 15: Figures of Speech, Learning from Picture Books and Poetry
Lecture 16: Figures of Speech Download
Lecture 17: A Short List of Cliches
Chapter 4: Finishing Touches ~ Self Editing
Lecture 1: For Discussion ~ Figures of Speech
Lecture 2: Repeated Words
Lecture 3: Redundant Thoughts and Actions
Lecture 4: Sensory Words
Lecture 5: Pacing With Sentence and Paragraph Variation
Lecture 6: Ing/As Construction
Lecture 7: Was That Passive Voice
Lecture 8: There Once Was a Lecture
Lecture 9: Micromanaging the Reader
Chapter 5: Professional Remodeling ~ Monthly Critiques
Lecture 1: Instructions For Emailing Chapters
Chapter 6: Critiques
Lecture 1: June 2015
Lecture 2: July 2015 pdf
Lecture 3: July 2015 video critique
Lecture 4: August, 2015, pdf
Lecture 5: September 2015 video critique
Chapter 7: Bonus! Discounts, downloads, and deals, oh my!
Lecture 1: Bonus! Have a Book You Want to Submit to Sally Apokedak? Here's How to do That.
Sally Apokedak
Literary agent, editor, and writing conference faculty
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 6 votes
- 2 stars: 9 votes
- 3 stars: 51 votes
- 4 stars: 106 votes
- 5 stars: 219 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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