XGBoost for Business: Machine Learning Course in Python & R
XGBoost for Business: Machine Learning Course in Python & R, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.2, with 73 lectures, based on 229 reviews, and has 1994 subscribers.
You will learn about Understand the underlying concepts of XGBoost. Code in Python and R to implement XGBoost. Apply XGBoost to a business problem in the form of a case study. Utilize XGBoost to solve similar business problems in the future. Understand how to effectively communicate the results of using XGBoost to stakeholders. Enhance your skills in coding and machine learning through hands-on practice with XGBoost. Understand the role of machine learning in business and how it can be used to improve decision-making and solve complex problems. Use machine learning techniques, including XGBoost, to analyze and interpret data in the context of business applications. This course is ideal for individuals who are Data scientists looking to improve their machine learning skills and understanding of XGBoost. or Business professionals who want to learn how to apply XGBoost to solve business problems and make data-driven decisions. or Computer science students interested in learning about the latest machine learning techniques and how to implement them. or Entrepreneurs looking to leverage the power of machine learning to improve their businesses. or Data analysts who want to expand their toolkit and learn how to use XGBoost to better understand and analyze data. It is particularly useful for Data scientists looking to improve their machine learning skills and understanding of XGBoost. or Business professionals who want to learn how to apply XGBoost to solve business problems and make data-driven decisions. or Computer science students interested in learning about the latest machine learning techniques and how to implement them. or Entrepreneurs looking to leverage the power of machine learning to improve their businesses. or Data analysts who want to expand their toolkit and learn how to use XGBoost to better understand and analyze data.
Enroll now: XGBoost for Business: Machine Learning Course in Python & R
Title: XGBoost for Business: Machine Learning Course in Python & R
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.2
Number of Lectures: 73
Number of Published Lectures: 73
Number of Curriculum Items: 73
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 73
Original Price: €219.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Understand the underlying concepts of XGBoost.
- Code in Python and R to implement XGBoost.
- Apply XGBoost to a business problem in the form of a case study.
- Utilize XGBoost to solve similar business problems in the future.
- Understand how to effectively communicate the results of using XGBoost to stakeholders.
- Enhance your skills in coding and machine learning through hands-on practice with XGBoost.
- Understand the role of machine learning in business and how it can be used to improve decision-making and solve complex problems.
- Use machine learning techniques, including XGBoost, to analyze and interpret data in the context of business applications.
Who Should Attend
- Data scientists looking to improve their machine learning skills and understanding of XGBoost.
- Business professionals who want to learn how to apply XGBoost to solve business problems and make data-driven decisions.
- Computer science students interested in learning about the latest machine learning techniques and how to implement them.
- Entrepreneurs looking to leverage the power of machine learning to improve their businesses.
- Data analysts who want to expand their toolkit and learn how to use XGBoost to better understand and analyze data.
Target Audiences
- Data scientists looking to improve their machine learning skills and understanding of XGBoost.
- Business professionals who want to learn how to apply XGBoost to solve business problems and make data-driven decisions.
- Computer science students interested in learning about the latest machine learning techniques and how to implement them.
- Entrepreneurs looking to leverage the power of machine learning to improve their businesses.
- Data analysts who want to expand their toolkit and learn how to use XGBoost to better understand and analyze data.
XGBoost is a state-of-the-art Machine Learning algorithm. It is well known for being faster to compute and its results more accurate than other well-known techniques like Neural Networks or Random Forest. XGBoost is also one of the most preferred algorithms in Data Science competitions around the world. Fortunately, it is a very accessible algorithm to grasp and implement.
The course focus is on the application of XGBoost in the business world. We will solve a Direct Marketing case study and conclude that we can increase our sales efficiency by 50% while having minimal impact on revenue.
The learning process is divided into 2. The first part is the Intuition tutorial. The aim is for you to understand why the method makes sense. As well, we will go through all underlying concepts you need to know to implement XGBoost. The second part is the Practice tutorials, where we will code in Python and R, and solve together a Direct Marketing problem.
We will start the intuition tutorial by explaining the Case Study and the problem statement. One of the benefits of giving actual business problems as examples is that you will find similar or even equal issues in your current company. In turn, this enables you to apply what you have learned immediately.
By the end of the intuition tutorial, you will be able to easily explain XGBoost to your colleagues, manager, and stakeholders.
We will code together. We will start from scratch, building the code line by line. As also an online coding student, I feel this has been the easiest way to learn.
On top, we write the code so you can download it and use it in your work and projects. Additionally, I will explain what you have to change to use in your dataset and solve the problem you have at hand.
XGBoost for Business in Python and R is a course that naturally extends into your career.
The course is an end-to-end application of XGBoost with a simple intuition tutorial, hands-on coding, and, most importantly, is actionable in your career.
Feel free to reach out in case you have any questions, and I hope to see you inside!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Installing Python and Spyder
Lecture 3: Installing R and RStudio
Lecture 4: How to get more from the course
Lecture 5: Reviews and future of this course
Chapter 2: Intuition Tutorial
Lecture 1: Problem Statement
Lecture 2: Introducing XGBoost
Lecture 3: How XGBoost works
Lecture 4: XGBoost quirks
Lecture 5: Dummy variable trap
Lecture 6: Training and test set
Lecture 7: Confusion Matrix
Lecture 8: Area Under the Curve (AUC ROC)
Lecture 9: Root Square Mean Error
Lecture 10: Variance vs. Bias trade off
Lecture 11: Parameter tuning and Cross Validation
Lecture 12: SHAP Values
Lecture 13: Your feedback is valuable
Chapter 3: Python Practice Tutorial
Lecture 1: How to get the dataset
Lecture 2: Loading data
Lecture 3: Isolating numerical X and Y variables
Lecture 4: Training and test set
Lecture 5: Transforming the Y variable
Lecture 6: Creating XGBoost Matrices
Lecture 7: Setting XGBoost Parameters
Lecture 8: First XGBoost model
Lecture 9: Predicting with XGBoost
Lecture 10: Confusion Matrix
Lecture 11: Creating dummy variables
Lecture 12: Forming last dataset
Lecture 13: Saving variable names
Lecture 14: Training and test set part 2
Lecture 15: Creating XGBoost Matrices part 2
Lecture 16: Second XGBoost model
Lecture 17: Predictions and Confusion Matrix part 2
Lecture 18: Parallel Processing
Lecture 19: Setting Cross Validation parameters
Lecture 20: Tuning parameters
Lecture 21: Importing Classifier
Lecture 22: Assembling Cross Validation
Lecture 23: Setting Validation parameters
Lecture 24: Parameter Tuning round 1
Lecture 25: Parameter Tuning round 2
Lecture 26: Final XGBoost model
Lecture 27: Business Perspective
Lecture 28: Driver Importance
Lecture 29: SHAP values
Chapter 4: R Practice Tutorial
Lecture 1: Loading and inspecting data
Lecture 2: Isolating numerical variables
Lecture 3: Summary Statistics and Correlation Matrix
Lecture 4: Preparing first dataset
Lecture 5: Training and test set
Lecture 6: Isolating X and Y variables
Lecture 7: Setting XGBoost Parameters
Lecture 8: Parallel Processing
Lecture 9: Running XGBoost
Lecture 10: Predicting with XGBoost
Lecture 11: Confusion Matrix
Lecture 12: Transforming factors into numerical variables
Lecture 13: Preparing final dataset
Lecture 14: Second XGBoost model
Lecture 15: Predictions and Confusion Matrix part 2
Lecture 16: Start Parallel Processing
Lecture 17: Cross Validation inputs
Lecture 18: Cross Validation Parameters
Lecture 19: Parameters to tune
Lecture 20: Parameter Tuning round 1
Lecture 21: Parameter Tuning round 2
Lecture 22: Final XGBoost model
Lecture 23: Business Perspective
Lecture 24: Importance Drivers and SHAP Values
Lecture 25: End of Course Feedback
Chapter 5: Bonus Section
Lecture 1: Bonus Lecture
Diogo Alves de Resende
Analytics and Data Science expert
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 25 votes
- 4 stars: 72 votes
- 5 stars: 127 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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