3D Anatomy: Sculpting in Blender: Master the human figure
3D Anatomy: Sculpting in Blender: Master the human figure, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 3.7, with 126 lectures, based on 51 reviews, and has 1152 subscribers.
You will learn about We will learn the basics of blender for sculpting We learn how to sculpt every visible muscle on the human body We learn where the muscles attach, so we can figure out how they stretch and contract After learning the muscles, we learn to sculpt on them to account for where fat builds up We do several sculpts of people from start to finish, both male and female. We sculpt Heman. We learn human anatomy via sculpting, which gives you a full 3D understanding of the body. This is very useful for drawing This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is for anyone that wants to master the human figure for sculpting or drawing It is particularly useful for This course is for anyone that wants to master the human figure for sculpting or drawing.
Enroll now: 3D Anatomy: Sculpting in Blender: Master the human figure
Title: 3D Anatomy: Sculpting in Blender: Master the human figure
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 3.7
Number of Lectures: 126
Number of Published Lectures: 126
Number of Curriculum Items: 126
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 126
Original Price: $64.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- We will learn the basics of blender for sculpting
- We learn how to sculpt every visible muscle on the human body
- We learn where the muscles attach, so we can figure out how they stretch and contract
- After learning the muscles, we learn to sculpt on them to account for where fat builds up
- We do several sculpts of people from start to finish, both male and female. We sculpt Heman.
- We learn human anatomy via sculpting, which gives you a full 3D understanding of the body. This is very useful for drawing
Who Should Attend
- This course is for anyone that wants to master the human figure for sculpting or drawing
Target Audiences
- This course is for anyone that wants to master the human figure for sculpting or drawing
Do you want to be a professional 3D artist for video games or movies?
Do you just want to learn to sculpt the human figure?
Do you want to draw people from imagination?
Then you need this course.
Hey, I’m Neil Fontaine, a professional artist with years of experience working in the industry, and I have been teaching human anatomy for artists for over 10 years. What are you going to learn?
In this course we learn to sculpt all the muscles onto the human skeleton. We learn each muscles shape and where the muscle attaches to the bones. Then we sculpt the skin and fat on top of that. In doing this, you learn the human figure like you just cannot learn by drawing.
This will not only set you down the path to being a professional sculptor for doing characters for games and such, but also it will give you the 3D knowledge you need to draw and paint figures like a pro. All the great painters knew how to sculpt.
You will learn how to use Blender, which is a free 3D program and is great for sculpting.
By the end of this course, you will be confident in sculpting or drawing the body in proper proportions. You will be a master at muscles and where they attach. You will be able to sculpt or even draw the human figure from imagination.
You will be sculpting the female figure from primitive shapes like a pro.
We will sculpt a dynamic figure from a classic sculpture, learning how to start with a base Daz Studio model, then importing into Blender and sculpting on it.
We will do a sculpture of Hellboy.
Then as a bonus, we will do a sculpture of Heman as an old man in Zbrush. However, you can sculpt him in Blender if you do not have access to Zbrush.
Just the Heman section or just the Hellboy section is worth the price of the whole course.
Money back guarantee, upheld by Udemy’s high standards.
I designed this 22 hour course for students that want to be a professional character designers or they just want to sculpt or draw the human figure from imagination, so what are you waiting for? Let’s get started.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: How to Use Blender for this Course Part 1
Lecture 2: How to download the 3D figure and use it
Lecture 3: How to Use Blender for this Course Part 2
Lecture 4: Human Proportions for Sculpting
Chapter 2: Anatomy – The Upper Body
Lecture 1: Pectoralis Part 1- Sculpting the chest muscles
Lecture 2: Pectoralis Part 2- Sculpting the chest muscles
Lecture 3: Brachialis
Lecture 4: Biceps
Lecture 5: Coracobrachialis
Lecture 6: Deltoids
Lecture 7: Deltoids Part 2
Lecture 8: Triceps
Lecture 9: Teres Minor
Lecture 10: Teres Major
Lecture 11: Trapezius
Lecture 12: Latisimus Dorsi
Lecture 13: Sarratus
Lecture 14: Rectus Abdominis
Lecture 15: External Obliques
Lecture 16: External Obliques Part 2
Lecture 17: Infraspinitus
Lecture 18: Rhamboid
Lecture 19: Sternocliedomastoid a large neck muscle
Chapter 3: We learn to Sculpt the Forearm Muscles
Lecture 1: Brachioradialis
Lecture 2: Ext Carpi Radialis Longus
Lecture 3: Pollisis muscles for the thumb
Lecture 4: Ext Carpi Radialis Brevis
Lecture 5: Ext Digitorum
Lecture 6: ext Digi Minimi and Carpi Ulnaris
Lecture 7: Pronator Teres
Lecture 8: Flexor Carpi Radialis
Lecture 9: Palmaris Longus and Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
Lecture 10: Anconeus
Chapter 4: Muscles of the Thigh
Lecture 1: Sartorius
Lecture 2: Rectus Femoris
Lecture 3: Vastus Lateralis
Lecture 4: Vatus Medialis
Lecture 5: Adductor Mangus
Lecture 6: Adductor Brevis
Lecture 7: Adductor Longus
Lecture 8: Pectineous
Lecture 9: Gracilis
Lecture 10: Semimembrenosus
Lecture 11: Biceps Femoris
Lecture 12: Semitendinosis
Lecture 13: TFL
Lecture 14: Gluteus Medius
Lecture 15: Gluteus Maximus
Lecture 16: Iliotibial tract
Chapter 5: Lower Leg Muscles
Lecture 1: Soleus
Lecture 2: Gastrocnemious
Lecture 3: Fibularis Brevis
Lecture 4: Fibularis Longus
Lecture 5: Ext Digitorum Longus
Lecture 6: Ext Hallucis Longus
Lecture 7: Tibialis Anterior
Lecture 8: Pateller Ligament
Chapter 6: We Learn to sculpt the muscles of the face
Lecture 1: Orbicularis Oculi
Lecture 2: Obicularis Oris
Lecture 3: Nasalis
Lecture 4: Labii Superioris Alaque Nasi
Lecture 5: Lavator Labii Superioris
Lecture 6: Mentalis
Lecture 7: Depressor Labii Inferioris
Lecture 8: Depressor Anguli Oris
Lecture 9: Masseter
Lecture 10: Zygomaticus Minor
Lecture 11: Zygomaticus Major
Lecture 12: Risorius
Lecture 13: Frontalis
Chapter 7: Let's add skin to our model.
Lecture 1: Torso
Lecture 2: Sculpting the neck
Lecture 3: Upper torso pecks
Lecture 4: Abs
Lecture 5: Back muscles
Lecture 6: Deltoids
Lecture 7: We sculpt the upper arms
Lecture 8: Forearms
Lecture 9: Upper Torso Details
Lecture 10: Legs Part 1
Lecture 11: Legs Part 2
Lecture 12: Butt
Lecture 13: Feet
Lecture 14: Big toe
Lecture 15: Toes
Lecture 16: Hand and fingers
Lecture 17: Thumb
Lecture 18: Fixing Details in the Body
Lecture 19: Sculpting the Head
Lecture 20: Sculpting the Mouth and Eyes
Lecture 21: Sculpting the Eyes and Ears
Chapter 8: Sculpting the Female Body with fat and skin
Lecture 1: Female Torso
Neil Fontaine
Art Instructor, Professional Painter, Writer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 5 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 8 votes
- 4 stars: 11 votes
- 5 stars: 26 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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