3D Characters in Unity
3D Characters in Unity, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.8, with 74 lectures, based on 55 reviews, and has 365 subscribers.
You will learn about Unity Autodesk Character Generator Adobe Fuse Adobe Mixamo C# scripting, no experience required This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginners curious about how to create, rig, animate, control and play with third-person and ai-driven characters in Unity. It is particularly useful for Beginners curious about how to create, rig, animate, control and play with third-person and ai-driven characters in Unity.
Enroll now: 3D Characters in Unity
Title: 3D Characters in Unity
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.8
Number of Lectures: 74
Number of Published Lectures: 74
Number of Curriculum Items: 74
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 74
Original Price: $24.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Unity
- Autodesk Character Generator
- Adobe Fuse
- Adobe Mixamo
- C# scripting, no experience required
Who Should Attend
- Beginners curious about how to create, rig, animate, control and play with third-person and ai-driven characters in Unity.
Target Audiences
- Beginners curious about how to create, rig, animate, control and play with third-person and ai-driven characters in Unity.
In this course you’ll learn everything you need to know to create a simple puzzle/chase game employing a third person player character that you control and an enemy non player character that’s controlled by an artificial intelligence.
This course is for beginners who either have no experience or may have dabbled in Unity with characters and want clarity on how character creation, rigging, animation, finite state machines, character controller components, custom C# scripting, game controllers, Cinemachine, post-processing and much more comes together to make a playable game.
The software that I use in the course is all available free including Unity personal edition, Microsoft Visual Studio Code, Autodesk Character Generator, Adobe Fuse, Adobe Mixamo, and free samples from RenderPeople.
I happen to use Adobe Photoshop but you can use any image editor in the course including Gimp, which is free. Coordinating all of this is actually a lot easier than it sounds, but I’ll take you step by step through this wide collection of topics and tools in the course of building a simulation which eventually evolves into a simple yet entertaining game.
To take this course all you need is a Mac or a Windows computer. Let’s get started!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Welcome
Lecture 2: Exercise Files
Chapter 2: Creating and Rigging Characters
Lecture 1: Using Autodesk's Character Generator
Lecture 2: Creating characters with Adobe Fuse
Lecture 3: Auto-rigging with Adobe Mixamo
Lecture 4: Applying animation to rigged characters in Mixamo
Lecture 5: Importing an Autodesk character into Adobe Mixamo
Lecture 6: Selecting and animating a fantasy character within Mixamo
Lecture 7: Exploring commercial rigged and animated characters
Chapter 3: Setting the Scene
Lecture 1: Using Unity Hub to install the Unity Editor
Lecture 2: Configuring Unity's user interface
Lecture 3: Importing and setting up an architectural model
Lecture 4: Importing selected standard assets
Lecture 5: Rendering light map data for static objects
Chapter 4: Character Materials, Textures and Normal Maps
Lecture 1: Configuring packages
Lecture 2: Creating Cinemachine virtual cameras
Lecture 3: Importing a character into Unity
Lecture 4: Combining texture maps in Photoshop
Lecture 5: Shaders and render modes for eyes and eyelashes
Lecture 6: Configuring hair material and texture maps
Lecture 7: Combining textures with alpha channel using Gimp
Chapter 5: Third-Person Character Control
Lecture 1: Exploring an avatar's bones and muscles
Lecture 2: Referencing a controller in the animator component
Lecture 3: Controlling the character with scripts and components
Lecture 4: Altering code to make the character walk by default
Lecture 5: Altering the script to walk and not run diagonally
Chapter 6: Configuring Characters and Cameras
Lecture 1: Set up Cinemachine FreeLook camera
Lecture 2: Fine-tune free look rigs
Lecture 3: Replacing animations in controller
Lecture 4: Integrating a death animation into controller
Lecture 5: Scripting death by falling
Lecture 6: Walking up stairs using colliders from hidden ramps
Chapter 7: Making Characters Easily Interchangeable
Lecture 1: Bringing in a new character
Lecture 2: Designing a third person player game object
Lecture 3: Connecting FreeLook camera to third person player
Lecture 4: Swapping out characters within the third person player
Lecture 5: Using legacy characters
Lecture 6: Using high quality commercial characters
Lecture 7: Making character prefabs and overrides
Chapter 8: Refining Look with Cinemachine Extensions
Lecture 1: Using the Cinemachine collider extension
Lecture 2: Setting up post-processing and anti-aliasing
Lecture 3: Configuring post-processing effects
Chapter 9: Animating Stationary Characters
Lecture 1: Commercial animated stationary characters
Lecture 2: Custom animated stationary characters
Lecture 3: Providing seating for an animated character
Lecture 4: Cropping an animation on humanoid rig
Chapter 10: Making Non-Player Characters Artificially Intelligent
Lecture 1: Bring in a new character to be driven by Ai
Lecture 2: Configuring components on Ai character
Lecture 3: Building and refining the nav mesh
Lecture 4: Getting agents to climb stairs
Lecture 5: Creating off-mesh links
Lecture 6: Making nav mesh obstacles
Lecture 7: Implementing high-cost areas for the Ai
Lecture 8: Abstracting NPC for use with other skins & avatars
Chapter 11: Converting the Simulation into a Game
Lecture 1: Outlining the goal of the game
Lecture 2: Getting the NPC to chase the Player
Lecture 3: Getting a hold of the Player's Animator through code
Lecture 4: Logging NPC's collision with Player to console
Lecture 5: Stopping the NPC and killing the Player
Lecture 6: Offsetting the death animation
Lecture 7: Allowing NPC to take leap with off-mesh link
Chapter 12: Building a User Interface
Lecture 1: Adding user interface with canvases and buttons
Lecture 2: Toggling defeat canvas on when NPC collides with Player
Lecture 3: Differentiating between victory and defeat in code
Lecture 4: Refining the NavMesh for fluid Ai movement
Lecture 5: Building a GameManager class and game object
Lecture 6: Connecting Restart buttons to setting bool Property true
Chapter 13: Playing with Game Controllers
Lecture 1: Connecting controller and testing in game
Lecture 2: Mapping the Fire2 axis to run
Lecture 3: Mapping the Fire1 axis to crouch
Lecture 4: Mapping analogue stick to Cinemachine FreeLook camera
Lecture 5: Fine tuning how analog game stick controls camera
Chapter 14: Conclusion
Lecture 1: Building and playing standalone game
Lecture 2: Bonus Lecture
Scott Onstott
Author | Filmmaker | Designer | Developer | Teacher | Artist
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 4 votes
- 4 stars: 17 votes
- 5 stars: 30 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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