3ds Max + Vray: Create Stunning Architectural Exteriors
3ds Max + Vray: Create Stunning Architectural Exteriors, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.05, with 65 lectures, based on 514 reviews, and has 5303 subscribers.
You will learn about Use the project files to create an advanced exterior rendering with all the latest tools & techniques. Add new advanced tools (like Substance Designer) to your workflow and improve the quality of your images. Dramatically improve your rendering skills Create and advanced rendering for your arch viz portfolio Understand how to take renderings from basic to brilliant Have a great feel for the advanced professional tools that are available to arch viz artists Use 3ds Max and V-Ray assets to enhance your renderings Learn unique professional workflows for creating renderings that are true works of art This course is ideal for individuals who are Those who already have a basic understanding of arch viz, but want to take their images to the next level or Those who are ready to take on more advanced arch viz topics and methods or Anyone who wants to explore more advanced, professional tools / workflows to improve their imagery or People who want to increase the quality of their rendering skills with realism, drama, interest, detail, etc. It is particularly useful for Those who already have a basic understanding of arch viz, but want to take their images to the next level or Those who are ready to take on more advanced arch viz topics and methods or Anyone who wants to explore more advanced, professional tools / workflows to improve their imagery or People who want to increase the quality of their rendering skills with realism, drama, interest, detail, etc.
Enroll now: 3ds Max + Vray: Create Stunning Architectural Exteriors
Title: 3ds Max + Vray: Create Stunning Architectural Exteriors
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.05
Number of Lectures: 65
Number of Published Lectures: 65
Number of Curriculum Items: 65
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 65
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Use the project files to create an advanced exterior rendering with all the latest tools & techniques.
- Add new advanced tools (like Substance Designer) to your workflow and improve the quality of your images.
- Dramatically improve your rendering skills
- Create and advanced rendering for your arch viz portfolio
- Understand how to take renderings from basic to brilliant
- Have a great feel for the advanced professional tools that are available to arch viz artists
- Use 3ds Max and V-Ray assets to enhance your renderings
- Learn unique professional workflows for creating renderings that are true works of art
Who Should Attend
- Those who already have a basic understanding of arch viz, but want to take their images to the next level
- Those who are ready to take on more advanced arch viz topics and methods
- Anyone who wants to explore more advanced, professional tools / workflows to improve their imagery
- People who want to increase the quality of their rendering skills with realism, drama, interest, detail, etc.
Target Audiences
- Those who already have a basic understanding of arch viz, but want to take their images to the next level
- Those who are ready to take on more advanced arch viz topics and methods
- Anyone who wants to explore more advanced, professional tools / workflows to improve their imagery
- People who want to increase the quality of their rendering skills with realism, drama, interest, detail, etc.
Course Updates Feb. 2023 An entire new section added:
Chaos Vantage: Easily turn any rendering into a professional level animation
This new section goes over all the basics of Chaos Vantage (all the settings) and culminates with a demonstration of how archviz artists can use it to quickly and easily animate their projects. It is so easy to learn, but so powerful in enhancing workflows to be more efficient and streamlined, especially for animation. Includes project downloads
About this course
We have all seen stunning exterior renderings (works of art, really) online and wondered how we can get our renderings to that level. Well, this course is the missing link for taking your renderings from basic to brilliant.
There are several tools, tips and techniques that you may not know that can really increase the appeal of your renderings. In fact, this course will introduce students to several of those things. Once students have a basic understanding of these methods, they can fully unlock their creativity and focus on the artistry of their renderings.
If your architectural rendering projects are ready for that next leap in realism and drama, this is the course for you. Perhaps you already have a good knowledge of arch viz in 3ds Max + Vray, or maybe you have even taken one of my earlier courses, but know you are ready to take on more advanced techniques, tools and workflows?
Start with my model (free download) and add interest to it with additional detail, advanced materials, dramatic lighting, interesting compositions, etc. I’ll show you how using the best tools, and help explain the principles behind what makes a rendering great. You can follow along with me, or iterate with my model and create whatever kind of composition you would like. Experiment with lighting, atmospherics, effects, materials, etc.
There is no better way to start creating professional imagery than to learn from a pro, and master all his tools, techniques and workflows. That is what this course offers.
Join today and start creating amazing exterior renderings!
Enjoy these benefits with the course:
Lifetime access
30 day money back guarantee offered through Udemy
Access to professional instructors through Q&A and/or Learn Arch Viz Forums
Below you will find more detailed information about course outline and curriculum
Students will go through:
Advanced Modelling Considerations
Advanced Lighting Workflows
Advanced Material Creation
Advanced Camera Settings and Composition. Blur, Atmospherics, Etc.
Advanced V-Ray Render Settings (V-Ray Next and below)
Advanced Compositing in Photoshop
The instructor will also introduce new professional tools, not discussed in previous courses. They include, but are not limited to:
Quixel Megascans
Forest Pack PRO / Lite
Substance Designer
Quixel Mixer
Substance Materials
PBR materials
and more
As of 2022, new content has been added to this course in order to update things for the latest versions of 3ds Max and V-Ray, and also continue training on some of the latest and greatest tools available. Vray has been updated in some great ways, so there is now additional projects at the end of the course that focuses on teaching those tools. In the additional project, students will learn some of these tips and tricks:
A more advanced look at Vray Environment Fog
New Photoshop Techniques for quick post-processing
How to use Vray Cosmos and Vray material editor to quickly fill out your scene
Mastering your HDRI workflow
Making use of the Vray light mixer to dial in perfect lighting
Lens Effects in the latest versions of Vray
The updated Vray frame buffer
so much more
Join now if you are ready to work like the pros, and make stunning architectural renderings.
See you in class!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Pre Planning — Reference Images / Composition / Thumbnail Sketch
Lecture 1: Stay Connected With Your Instructor
Lecture 2: Planning Your Project With a Mood Board and Reference Images
Lecture 3: Download the Mood Board for Reference
Chapter 2: Modelling Considerations for Advanced Projects
Lecture 1: Download Course Model HERE
Lecture 2: Importing and Modeling to CAD
Lecture 3: Adding Purchased Models To Your Scene
Lecture 4: Forest Pack Pro
Lecture 5: Forest Pack Settings Continued
Lecture 6: Adding Detail and Context
Lecture 7: Introduction to Megascans — Integrating a Megascans Model To Your Scene
Lecture 8: Scatter Leaves Around Your Scene with Forest Pack and Object Painting in 3ds Max
Lecture 9: More Painting of Objects Into Your Scene
Lecture 10: More Megascans!
Chapter 3: Advanced Lighting Workflows
Lecture 1: HDRI workflow
Lecture 2: Creating a Mood With Lighting
Chapter 4: Advanced Material Creation — Software / Assets / Techniques
Lecture 1: PBR Materials in 3ds Max
Lecture 2: Quixel Mixer — Custom Photo Scanned Materials
Lecture 3: Using Substance Materials With V-Ray
Lecture 4: Substance Designer for Arch Viz: Create Your Own Advanced PBR Materials
Lecture 5: Best Texture Resources
Lecture 6: Painting and Mapping Custom Maps Onto Your Objects
Lecture 7: Adding Detail With Grunge Maps
Lecture 8: Create a High Quality Material From Scratch
Chapter 5: Advanced Effects — Camera Settings / Atmospherics
Lecture 1: Composition Concepts
Lecture 2: Download the Composition Thumbnail Here
Lecture 3: Camera Settings and How To Use Them for Composition in 3ds Max
Lecture 4: Getting Exposure Just Right
Lecture 5: Creating Motion Blur and Depth of Field
Lecture 6: Add V-Ray Atmospherics To Your Scene
Chapter 6: Advanced V-Ray Next Render Settings
Lecture 1: Optimize Vray Render Settings for Best / Fastest Results
Lecture 2: Essential Render Channels
Lecture 3: Creating Perfect Masks for Compositing
Chapter 7: Advanced Compositing With Photoshop
Lecture 1: Download My Post Files
Lecture 2: Combining Render Elements Together
Lecture 3: Color Grading Your Image To Change The Mood
Lecture 4: Compositing Photo Assets — People / Trees / etc.
Lecture 5: Adjusting the People To Fit Into Your Scene
Lecture 6: Finishing Touches And Special Effects
Chapter 8: V-Ray Updates: V-Ray 5 and Above
Lecture 1: V-Ray 5 Updates and New Features
Lecture 2: V-Ray 5 Materials and Model Assets
Lecture 3: V-Ray 5 Update 2: More New Features
Chapter 9: Advanced Project II: Exterior With V-Ray 5
Lecture 1: Introduction to The Latest V-Ray Updates
Lecture 2: Download and Explore My Model
Lecture 3: V-Ray Cosmos and Material Editor
Lecture 4: Filling Your Scene With Cosmos Assets
Lecture 5: Adding an HDRI To Light Your Scene
Lecture 6: V-Ray Material Workflow
Lecture 7: Applying Materials
Lecture 8: Applying More Materials
Lecture 9: Using V-Ray Decal Tool
Lecture 10: Adding Atmosphere With V-Ray Fog
Lecture 11: Using The V-ray Lightmix
Lecture 12: Lens Effects
Lecture 13: Another Foggy Scene
Lecture 14: Early Morning Scene
Lecture 15: Post Process Your Rendering
Chapter 10: Chaos Vantage Segment: Turn Any Vray Rendering Into An Animation
Lecture 1: Intro to Chaos Vantage
Lecture 2: Chaos Vantage Overview
Lecture 3: Live Link and Exporting
Lecture 4: Atmospheric Animation
Lecture 5: Completing the Animation
Lecture 6: Overview of an Animation Project
Chapter 11: EXTRA: Check Out The Advanced Interiors Course Next ($9.99)
Lecture 1: Advanced Interiors Promo
Lecture 2: Get the Coupon
Lecture 3: Learning Path Moving Forward
Adam Zollinger
Digital Artist & Instructor – 3ds Max / V-Ray / Photoshop -
Learn Arch Viz
Online training for the Arch Viz Community
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 15 votes
- 2 stars: 9 votes
- 3 stars: 71 votes
- 4 stars: 170 votes
- 5 stars: 249 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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