Adobe Illustrator CC – Essentials Training
Adobe Illustrator CC – Essentials Training, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4, with 34 lectures, based on 1 reviews, and has 4 subscribers.
You will learn about You will be able to add Illustrator to your CV You will be able to start earning money from your Illustrator Skills. You will have over 30 of your own projects to add to your portfolio. Feel comfortable using Adobe Illustrator to design your own graphics from scratch. Navigate Adobe Illustrator CC like a pro Design your own graphics, without any experience. Draw beginner to advanced shapes and icons. Learn all of the key skills of Illustrator: shapes, text, masking, effects, and exporting. Master advanced Illustrator tools and techniques. Export your projects for print, web, or other design projects. Make your ideas come to life. Create your own logos. Draw existing famous logos. Illustrate animals. Draw with paint brushes. Draw with pens & pencils. Create custom typography. Take hand drawings and recreate them using Illustrator. Create a logo badge with text that wraps around. Create type that follows a curving line. Put images inside of text for cool effects. Create beautiful gradients and apply them to icons, text & illustrations. Find the secrets to choosing color combinations for your work. Create a paper cut effect. Pull, push & cut text to make interesting styles. Repeat patterns to create vector flowers. You will redraw yourself as an illustration. Create many different icons styles. Build a repeating pattern to be used as wallpaper or fabric designs. Find many templates for posters, stationery & UI designs to save you time. You'll build create assets like colors, patterns & drawings using the Illustrator mobile app. This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who wants to start using Illustrator in their career & get paid for their Illustrator skills. or Newbies, amateurs, graphic designers, motion graphics artists and any creatives who want to design their own graphics from scratch. It is particularly useful for Anyone who wants to start using Illustrator in their career & get paid for their Illustrator skills. or Newbies, amateurs, graphic designers, motion graphics artists and any creatives who want to design their own graphics from scratch.
Enroll now: Adobe Illustrator CC – Essentials Training
Title: Adobe Illustrator CC – Essentials Training
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4
Number of Lectures: 34
Number of Published Lectures: 34
Number of Curriculum Items: 34
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 34
Original Price: ₹7,900
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You will be able to add Illustrator to your CV
- You will be able to start earning money from your Illustrator Skills.
- You will have over 30 of your own projects to add to your portfolio.
- Feel comfortable using Adobe Illustrator to design your own graphics from scratch.
- Navigate Adobe Illustrator CC like a pro
- Design your own graphics, without any experience.
- Draw beginner to advanced shapes and icons.
- Learn all of the key skills of Illustrator: shapes, text, masking, effects, and exporting.
- Master advanced Illustrator tools and techniques.
- Export your projects for print, web, or other design projects.
- Make your ideas come to life.
- Create your own logos.
- Draw existing famous logos.
- Illustrate animals.
- Draw with paint brushes.
- Draw with pens & pencils.
- Create custom typography.
- Take hand drawings and recreate them using Illustrator.
- Create a logo badge with text that wraps around.
- Create type that follows a curving line.
- Put images inside of text for cool effects.
- Create beautiful gradients and apply them to icons, text & illustrations.
- Find the secrets to choosing color combinations for your work.
- Create a paper cut effect.
- Pull, push & cut text to make interesting styles.
- Repeat patterns to create vector flowers.
- You will redraw yourself as an illustration.
- Create many different icons styles.
- Build a repeating pattern to be used as wallpaper or fabric designs.
- Find many templates for posters, stationery & UI designs to save you time.
- You'll build create assets like colors, patterns & drawings using the Illustrator mobile app.
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who wants to start using Illustrator in their career & get paid for their Illustrator skills.
- Newbies, amateurs, graphic designers, motion graphics artists and any creatives who want to design their own graphics from scratch.
Target Audiences
- Anyone who wants to start using Illustrator in their career & get paid for their Illustrator skills.
- Newbies, amateurs, graphic designers, motion graphics artists and any creatives who want to design their own graphics from scratch.
Are you frustrated trying to teach yourself Adobe Illustrator?! This course will quickly allow you to start getting paid for your Illustrator skills.
Whether you’re brand new to Illustrator, or have played around with it but need more guidance, this course will help you feel confident and comfortable using the industry-standard vector-based graphic application.
Create logo design, icons, characters, textures, text-based graphics, illustrations & full graphic design skills in Adobe Illustrator CC!
This course was designed for the complete beginner, with practice files and fun projects to get you taking action. Throughout this Illustrator CC course, you’ll be designing your own real-world projects that are professional and inspire you to do even more!
What will you learn in this Adobe Illustrator CC course?
· Start by understanding the Adobe Illustrator workspace and tools
· Dive into creating your own shapes & lines
· Use the pen & curvature tool to improve your designs
· Advance your graphics with strokes, pencils & brushes
· Speed up your workflow with the shape builder tool
· Align and distribute objects to create amazing backgrounds and textures
· Add and stylize text to your projects
· Create beautiful graphics with masks and compound shapes
· Get creative with effects and advanced techniques
· Understand color and how to use it like a pro
· Save & export your projects for any kind of project
Real World Skills + Fun Illustrator Projects
Design your own amazing graphics while learning new skills. This Adobe Illustrator CC course is jam-packed with projects and project files for you to follow along with.
Become a Professional Graphic Designer using Adobe Illustrator CC
With the skills learned in this course, you’ll have a highly-desired skill that can help you get jobs and make money as a graphic designer.
Adobe Illustrator is the industry-standard application when it comes to graphic design, so it’s important for you to learn it if you want to be a professional designer.
Why learn Adobe Illustrator CC from us?
We promise to help you learn Adobe Illustrator CC, no matter what it takes. If you ever get stuck, just post a message to the course dashboard and we’ll be there to support you.
Enroll now, and we’ll see you inside the course!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to Adobe Illustrator Essentials
Lecture 1: Welcome to Adobe Illustrator Essentials Course
Lecture 2: Exercise Files
Chapter 2: Illustrator Basics
Lecture 1: Jump start – Creating a New Document
Lecture 2: Working with Artboards
Lecture 3: Navigation
Lecture 4: Customising the user Interface
Chapter 3: Working with Shapes
Lecture 1: Basic Shapes
Lecture 2: Transforming Shapes
Lecture 3: Combining Shapes
Lecture 4: Creating Avatars
Lecture 5: Aligning and Distributing Objects
Lecture 6: Working with Guides and Grids
Chapter 4: Creating Complex Drawings
Lecture 1: Working with Pencil, Paintbrush and Blob Brush Tool
Lecture 2: Blob Brush Project
Lecture 3: Introduction to Pen Tool with Exercise
Lecture 4: Pen Tool Project – Batman
Lecture 5: Distort and Transform Tool
Lecture 6: Creating a Symmetrical Drawing
Lecture 7: Creating Concentric Drawings
Chapter 5: Working with Brushes
Lecture 1: Creating and using a Calligraphic Brush
Lecture 2: Creating and using a Scatter Brush
Lecture 3: Creating and using a Art Brush
Lecture 4: Creating and using a Bristle Brush
Lecture 5: Creating and using a Pattern Brush
Lecture 6: Art Brush Project Cartoon Image
Chapter 6: Working with Type
Lecture 1: Character Formatting
Lecture 2: Paragraph Formatting
Lecture 3: Type on Path
Chapter 7: Masking in Illustrator
Lecture 1: Introduction to Masking
Lecture 2: Creating a Photo Clipping Mask
Lecture 3: Opacity Mask Project
Chapter 8: Preparing your document for Export
Lecture 1: Preparing for Print
Lecture 2: Preparing for Web
Chapter 9: Congrats and What Next
Lecture 1: Your new career starts now
Sam Parulekar
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 1 votes
- 5 stars: 0 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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