Adobe XD Masterclass: Learn Web Design UI & UX Design
Adobe XD Masterclass: Learn Web Design UI & UX Design, available at $89.99, has an average rating of 4.56, with 199 lectures, 1 quizzes, based on 1050 reviews, and has 5467 subscribers.
You will learn about Use Adobe XD like a professional Advanced design techniques for modern projects Make your designs interactive by creating prototypes Everything you need to know about Adobe XD How to create awesome UI work and how to design for great UX This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is great for web designers, app designers, and people who rely on visual presentations or Designers who want to stay current with the latest design tools or Designers who are interested in making their work interactive or People who are interested in learning about UI & UX It is particularly useful for This course is great for web designers, app designers, and people who rely on visual presentations or Designers who want to stay current with the latest design tools or Designers who are interested in making their work interactive or People who are interested in learning about UI & UX.
Enroll now: Adobe XD Masterclass: Learn Web Design UI & UX Design
Title: Adobe XD Masterclass: Learn Web Design UI & UX Design
Price: $89.99
Average Rating: 4.56
Number of Lectures: 199
Number of Quizzes: 1
Number of Published Lectures: 196
Number of Published Quizzes: 1
Number of Curriculum Items: 200
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 197
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Use Adobe XD like a professional
- Advanced design techniques for modern projects
- Make your designs interactive by creating prototypes
- Everything you need to know about Adobe XD
- How to create awesome UI work and how to design for great UX
Who Should Attend
- This course is great for web designers, app designers, and people who rely on visual presentations
- Designers who want to stay current with the latest design tools
- Designers who are interested in making their work interactive
- People who are interested in learning about UI & UX
Target Audiences
- This course is great for web designers, app designers, and people who rely on visual presentations
- Designers who want to stay current with the latest design tools
- Designers who are interested in making their work interactive
- People who are interested in learning about UI & UX
Adobe XD is the next big thing in the design industry! Learn how to use it to create better designs, impress your work colleagues or your boss, start a new business, or charge more for your freelancing projects.
Note: Adobe XD doesn’t work on Windows 7 or 8!
This training is perfect for people of all levels. It doesn’t matter if you’re a long-time Photoshop user, an Illustrator enthusiast or you’re just getting started. Adobe XD will make you a better UI & UX designer. Here’s what you’ll learn:
The fundamentals of Adobe XD – how to get up and running with it;
How to use Adobe XD’s advanced features;
Design beautiful UI (user interface) projects: websites, mobile apps, presentations of all sorts;
Learn how to apply UX (user experience) principles without getting overwhelmed by loads of theory;
Create interactive prototypes that will impress clients;
Help your clients make more money by making key design changes to their websites;
Who is this training program for?
Anybody that wants to learn about the next big thing in the design world;
People who are not happy with Photoshop’s performance – it’s so slow sometimes!
Web designers who want to make more money from their projects;
People who need to create sleek and professional presentations (forget PowerPoint!);
App designers who want to quickly create iOS or Android apps;
Developers who want a better handover process from designers;
Project managers that need interactive prototypes done fast;
If you don’t have a lot of time to learn about various design programs, then this is the best course for you! Adobe XD is easy to learn and you’ll see how through fun exercises and activities, you’ll become proficient in no time at all!
“Get great results as fast as possible!” – that’s how I’ve created this course. We don’t waste time with boring theory. We start with the absolute basics and we work our way up, gradually, step by step. This is beginner friendly, but in the later sections advanced users will have a lot to learn too!
Important Features Included:
Course workbooks (cheat sheets): use them to get up and running fast. They contain answers to most questions, detailed explanations about certain techniques shown in the videos, and much more;
Live chat:my students frequently find me on our Discord group chat. This is a free program where you can chat with my fantastic community of students, ask questions, and get help fast. I’m regularly on there!
All the sources files are included (.xd files): this means you can easily work along and pick things up at any point
Facebook group: get access to a private group of over 7000 people who regularly share their designs, insights, and comments.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: How to get the most out of this training
Lecture 3: Download all the resources from the course
Lecture 4: Get started with Adobe XD
Lecture 5: Create your first design in Adobe XD
Lecture 6: Adobe XD vs Photoshop
Lecture 7: How to get around Adobe XD
Lecture 8: Best way to select layers in XD
Lecture 9: Exercise: Practice your selecting
Lecture 10: From Photoshop or Illustrator to Adobe XD!
Lecture 11: Cloud documents and saving your work
Lecture 12: Adobe XD quirks
Lecture 13: Section conclusions
Chapter 2: Adobe XD's tools and features
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: How to work with rectangles like a pro
Lecture 3: Best way to work with images
Lecture 4: How to design a modern presentation
Lecture 5: Use the ellipse, polygon and line tools
Lecture 6: How to edit shapes in Adobe XD
Lecture 7: Discover the Pen tool in XD
Lecture 8: Create geometric shapes
Lecture 9: Add text to our presentation
Lecture 10: Work with colors and gradients
Lecture 11: Grids, guides, smart guides – pixel perfect designs
Lecture 12: The alignment tools – Overview
Lecture 13: How to use the alignment tools
Lecture 14: Create a collage
Lecture 15: Let’s have fun – use all the tools
Lecture 16: Section conclusions
Chapter 3: Saving and exporting your work
Lecture 1: Export our work as PNGs
Lecture 2: Share your work to get feedback
Lecture 3: Optional – Save presentations as PDFs
Lecture 4: Share your work with developers
Lecture 5: Shrink your PNGs and JPEGs without losing quality
Chapter 4: Adobe XD advanced features
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Fast designing with repeat grid
Lecture 3: Quickly replace content
Lecture 4: Components – a revolutionary feature
Lecture 5: Practice working with components
Lecture 6: Why we need to talk about style guides
Lecture 7: How to supercharge your color use
Lecture 8: How to work with character styles
Lecture 9: Here’s how you actually set up your assets panel
Lecture 10: A smarter way to work with linked assets
Lecture 11: Undecided? Keep multiple versions!
Lecture 12: Working with several designers AT ONCE
Lecture 13: Section conclusion
Chapter 5: First web design project
Lecture 1: Introduction to our first web design project
Lecture 2: Create the website’s header
Lecture 3: My advice for perfect social media icons
Lecture 4: Setting our typography
Lecture 5: Adding the search bar
Lecture 6: The website’s categories
Lecture 7: Build the content area with repeat grid
Lecture 8: Pagination through XD components
Lecture 9: Create the footer
Lecture 10: Overview of the homepage
Lecture 11: Create the product details page
Lecture 12: Finishing touches on the product details page
Chapter 6: Responsive design
Lecture 1: What is responsive design?
Lecture 2: Designing without coding: why and how?
Lecture 3: Making the mobile version of the homepage
Lecture 4: Adjusting the design for the mobile version
Lecture 5: Editing the footer for the mobile version
Lecture 6: Create the mobile version for the product details page
Lecture 7: Design variation #1 – color
Lecture 8: Design variation #2 – typography
Lecture 9: Design variation #3 – the layout
Lecture 10: Key things about our design
Chapter 7: Make the design interactive (prototyping)
Lecture 1: Introduction to prototyping
Lecture 2: The fundamentals of wiring a prototype
Lecture 3: Trigger types in Adobe XD
Lecture 4: Transition Animations and Easing
Lecture 5: Auto-animate – the incredible game changer
Lecture 6: Auto-animate and drag
Lecture 7: Previous artboard – a must in any large project
Lecture 8: How to make menus and pop ups seem real
Lecture 9: Jump to a part of your design with “Scroll To”
Lecture 10: Here’s why your animations don’t matter
Chapter 8: Advanced Prototyping
Lecture 1: Here’s why we should animate our design
Lecture 2: What you should and shouldn’t animate
Lecture 3: Create hover states for social media & main menu
Lecture 4: Prototyping the search box – hover and down state + drop-down
Lecture 5: Create a hover state for the repeat grid
Lecture 6: Setting up the pagination and footer
Lecture 7: How to quickly change your layout with stacks
Lecture 8: Extras: Make the navigation work
Chapter 9: The First Key to Becoming a Great Web Designer
Lecture 1: The first pillar of web design
Lecture 2: Best settings for a web design project
Lecture 3: Case study: Non-standard layouts
Lecture 4: Exercise: Create a standard website layout
Cristian Doru Barin
Certified Photoshop Instructor & Expert, Web & App Designer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 8 votes
- 3 stars: 61 votes
- 4 stars: 304 votes
- 5 stars: 674 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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