Basics of Sheet metal design for Mechanical design engineers
Basics of Sheet metal design for Mechanical design engineers, available at $84.99, has an average rating of 4.42, with 124 lectures, 10 quizzes, based on 1134 reviews, and has 5472 subscribers.
You will learn about How to design effectively with sheet metal Guidelines to be followed when designing for sheet metal Understand the principles at play behind the factors considered in design How Material properties affect the Part quality and design considerations Designing simple sheet metal brackets using Fusion 360 This course is ideal for individuals who are Mechanical engineering students learning product design and manufacturing processes or Designers who want to understand the sheet metal process to start making designs or Working engineers who want to expand their knowledge base in Sheet metal design It is particularly useful for Mechanical engineering students learning product design and manufacturing processes or Designers who want to understand the sheet metal process to start making designs or Working engineers who want to expand their knowledge base in Sheet metal design.
Enroll now: Basics of Sheet metal design for Mechanical design engineers
Title: Basics of Sheet metal design for Mechanical design engineers
Price: $84.99
Average Rating: 4.42
Number of Lectures: 124
Number of Quizzes: 10
Number of Published Lectures: 119
Number of Published Quizzes: 1
Number of Curriculum Items: 134
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 120
Original Price: $64.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- How to design effectively with sheet metal
- Guidelines to be followed when designing for sheet metal
- Understand the principles at play behind the factors considered in design
- How Material properties affect the Part quality and design considerations
- Designing simple sheet metal brackets using Fusion 360
Who Should Attend
- Mechanical engineering students learning product design and manufacturing processes
- Designers who want to understand the sheet metal process to start making designs
- Working engineers who want to expand their knowledge base in Sheet metal design
Target Audiences
- Mechanical engineering students learning product design and manufacturing processes
- Designers who want to understand the sheet metal process to start making designs
- Working engineers who want to expand their knowledge base in Sheet metal design
Sheet metal design is an important skill in industry todayand will be in the future. Due to its versatility designing with sheet metal finds applications in almost all major industries where physical products are manufactured
This course covers the essential basic theoretical and practical knowledge required for Designing Sheet metal parts aimed at Design engineers who are designing products
The common processes
Materials and the properties which matter for design
What is anisotropy
Comparison between hardness, toughness and strength
What happens to the Material when it is formed or Bent?
The Theory behind Forming and Bending
Form-ability and Bend-ability of metal sheets and what factors affect them
What are underlying principles which make a metal formable?
Forming limit diagrams and how they are created
Bending Parameters in design
Bending direction and its affect on quality
K factor, Neutral axis, Bend allowance
The concept of Spring-back and ways to reduce it
What is wrinkling and why does it occur?
Deep drawing process and Practice
Rolling, hydroforming, Stretch forming
Joining processes and their comparison
Equipment used to perform operations
Design Guidelines to create cost- effective designs which are suitable for manufacturing.
Design projects with considerations
So if you are a student exploring the world of product design or a design engineer who wants to make products with sheet metal then this courses will be a good value addition.
The course is designed with short to the point explanations with focus on right understanding towards thoughtful design.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction to the course
Lecture 2: Design to Production Cycle
Lecture 3: Why Sheet metal?
Lecture 4: Why Knowledge of Process is important for Designer?
Lecture 5: Knowledge and Skills required to Design effectively
Chapter 2: Materials
Lecture 1: Sheet metal Rolling
Lecture 2: Material Selection
Lecture 3: Material Properties
Lecture 4: Steel vs Aluminum
Lecture 5: Modulus
Lecture 6: Hardness
Lecture 7: Toughness and Strength
Lecture 8: Comparison between Hardness, Toughness and Strength
Chapter 3: Common Processes
Lecture 1: Shearing Operation
Lecture 2: Common Processes
Lecture 3: Basic Stamping Process
Lecture 4: Scrap in Sheet metal and Shaving Operation
Lecture 5: Cutting Operations
Lecture 6: Punching Force calculation
Chapter 4: Theory of Plastic Deformation
Lecture 1: What is Plastic Deformation?
Lecture 2: Stress- Strain Curve
Lecture 3: Plastic Elongation in Testing
Lecture 4: Anisotropy
Lecture 5: Grain Size
Chapter 5: Formability
Lecture 1: Introduction to Formability
Lecture 2: Formability Test
Lecture 3: Forming Limit Diagram
Lecture 4: Design Verification using Forming limit diagram – process
Lecture 5: Thinning as a measure of formability
Chapter 6: Bending
Lecture 1: Bending Process
Lecture 2: Bend Parameters and Bend allowance
Lecture 3: Neutral Axis in Bending and K factor
Lecture 4: Bend allowance calculation
Lecture 5: Outside Setback and Inside Setback
Lecture 6: Bend Deduction
Lecture 7: Example Problem 1 – Calculating Blank length
Lecture 8: Relation between Bend arc angle and Flange angle
Lecture 9: Material Effects in Bending
Lecture 10: Minimum Bend Radius
Lecture 11: Tensile Reduction of Area
Lecture 12: Factors that Affect Bendability
Lecture 13: Factors that Affect Bendability – Material Inclusions
Lecture 14: Bending Force Calculation
Lecture 15: Types of Flanging
Lecture 16: Beading operation
Chapter 7: Springback and Wrinkling
Lecture 1: Spring-back and Effects
Lecture 2: Springback Calculation
Lecture 3: Negative Springback
Lecture 4: Counter-acting Springback
Lecture 5: Wrinkling in Sheet metal
Chapter 8: Deep Drawing
Lecture 1: Deep Drawing Operation
Lecture 2: Deep drawing Details
Lecture 3: Deep drawing Practice
Lecture 4: Deep Drawing Force and Drawability
Lecture 5: Ironing and Redrawing
Chapter 9: Other Operations
Lecture 1: Hydroforming
Lecture 2: Tube Hydroforming
Lecture 3: Hydroforming – Why is it used in Automotive and Drawbacks
Lecture 4: Spinning
Lecture 5: Stretch Forming
Lecture 6: Tube Bending
Lecture 7: Roll Forming
Lecture 8: Embossing and Coining
Chapter 10: Sheet metal Joining
Lecture 1: Welding
Lecture 2: Fasteners
Lecture 3: Fasteners vs Welding
Chapter 11: Tools and Equipment
Lecture 1: Simple and Compound Dies
Lecture 2: Progressive Dies
Lecture 3: Transfer Dies
Lecture 4: Press Selection and Design aspects
Lecture 5: Economics of Sheet metal Processing
Chapter 12: Design Considerations
Lecture 1: Manufacturing Cost
Lecture 2: Blank Design
Lecture 3: Bend and Grain Direction
Lecture 4: Stress Concentration
Lecture 5: Design Guidelines for Holes and Tabs
Lecture 6: Design Guidelines for Bend relief 1
Lecture 7: Design Guidelines for Bend relief 2
Lecture 8: Design Guidelines for Flange near Bends
Lecture 9: Design Guidelines for holes near Bends and edges
Lecture 10: Corner Finishing
Lecture 11: Notches of Stretch Flange
Lecture 12: Tooling Holes
Lecture 13: Avoiding Deep channels in Bending
Lecture 14: Tolerance in Sheet metal and Factors
Lecture 15: Beads and Dimples to increase Stiffness
Lecture 16: Alignment of Holes in Bent parts
Lecture 17: Non-formable parts
Mufaddal Rasheed
Mechanical engineer, Product designer , Instructor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 14 votes
- 2 stars: 31 votes
- 3 stars: 195 votes
- 4 stars: 466 votes
- 5 stars: 428 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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