Become a Professional Character Animator
Become a Professional Character Animator, available at $49.99, has an average rating of 4.55, with 86 lectures, 12 quizzes, based on 155 reviews, and has 1049 subscribers.
You will learn about Get your DREAM JOB at an animation studio! Understand the difference between 'good' animation and GREAT animation! Produce high quality character animation consistently and easily. Turn the 12 Principles of Animation into HABITS instead of just theory. Manage your Personal Energy so as to be the most effective in your work and daily life. This course is ideal for individuals who are If you have never animated characters in your life, this course isn't for you. or This course is meant for anyone who takes animation seriously. or If you are not dedicated to becoming the BEST ANIMATOR you possibly can be, then this course isn't for you. or Whether you are just studying animation or you have been animating for years, we can all learn how to better manage ourselves. It is particularly useful for If you have never animated characters in your life, this course isn't for you. or This course is meant for anyone who takes animation seriously. or If you are not dedicated to becoming the BEST ANIMATOR you possibly can be, then this course isn't for you. or Whether you are just studying animation or you have been animating for years, we can all learn how to better manage ourselves.
Enroll now: Become a Professional Character Animator
Title: Become a Professional Character Animator
Price: $49.99
Average Rating: 4.55
Number of Lectures: 86
Number of Quizzes: 12
Number of Published Lectures: 86
Number of Published Quizzes: 12
Number of Curriculum Items: 98
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 98
Original Price: $22.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Get your DREAM JOB at an animation studio!
- Understand the difference between 'good' animation and GREAT animation!
- Produce high quality character animation consistently and easily.
- Turn the 12 Principles of Animation into HABITS instead of just theory.
- Manage your Personal Energy so as to be the most effective in your work and daily life.
Who Should Attend
- If you have never animated characters in your life, this course isn't for you.
- This course is meant for anyone who takes animation seriously.
- If you are not dedicated to becoming the BEST ANIMATOR you possibly can be, then this course isn't for you.
- Whether you are just studying animation or you have been animating for years, we can all learn how to better manage ourselves.
Target Audiences
- If you have never animated characters in your life, this course isn't for you.
- This course is meant for anyone who takes animation seriously.
- If you are not dedicated to becoming the BEST ANIMATOR you possibly can be, then this course isn't for you.
- Whether you are just studying animation or you have been animating for years, we can all learn how to better manage ourselves.
When I was 12 years old, my parents took me on “The Magic of Disney Animation” tour at Walt Disney World, where I saw REAL Disney Animators creating real Disney Animation. Less than 10 years later, at the age of 21, I became one of the youngest animators ever hired by Walt Disney Animation.
That day, I was just a child who formed a dream of working as an animator for Disney. That dream turned into a goal, and that goal turned into a burning desire that wouldn’t let me stop until I achieved it.
This isn’t just a course on “how to animate” or “how to become a character animator”. This is a course on how to achieve your biggest dreams!
I’ve reverse engineered the steps I used to turn the dream of a 12 year old into reality. You’ll learn what it takes to get your Dream Job at an animation studio, and how to keep that job.
Of course I’ll teach you about the 12 Principles of Animation (the fundamental principles that ALL animation is based on), in fact I’ll help you turn all 12 Principles into Habits.
But I’ll ALSO teach you about yourself: How to motivate yourself to reach those big dreams, and how to STAY motivated even when everyone around you tells you to give up.
You should have a basic grasp of animation, and be able to use animation software such as Blender 3D, Maya, 3DS Max, or any of the 2D animation packages.
The techniques and practices taught in this course can be applied to any form of animation, but you will need to practice them throughout the course.
I explain the concepts clearly, and there are video clips of each exercise being performed or animated, so you can follow along.
The course is 12 weeks long, and requires you to do a small animation exercise every single day. It is broken into sections by week, with each week having 7 videos (one for each day of the week) plus a quiz at the end of each week.
There were many ‘dark days’ where even I lost faith and felt like giving up on my dream of being a professional character animator.
Now, in my mid-30’s, I’ve worked for Disney, Fox Studios, and I run my own film and animation company – as well as an online animation community. I’ve managed to live and work in 7 countries around the world on everything from Feature Films, to Television Commercials, Video Games, and even Scientific Research. It’s time to share my knowledge.
I’m here to tell you that you SHOULD Dream big, and you CAN reach your Dream Jobas a character animator in games, film, television, or any area you desire.
Join me for 12 weeks of mentoring, motivation, and animation training.
I’ll see you on the other side.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: YOU Can Become a Professional Animator!
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Introduction 02 – Increasing Your Personal Energy
Chapter 2: Week 1 – The First 6 Principles
Lecture 1: Squash and Stretch
Lecture 2: Anticipation
Lecture 3: Staging
Lecture 4: Straight Ahead Action and Pose to Pose
Lecture 5: Follow Through and Overlapping Action
Lecture 6: Slow In, Slow Out
Lecture 7: Day of Rest
Chapter 3: Week 2 – The Final 6 Principles
Lecture 1: Arcs
Lecture 2: Secondary Action
Lecture 3: Timing
Lecture 4: Exaggeration
Lecture 5: Solid Drawing (Solid Posing)
Lecture 6: Appeal
Lecture 7: Day of Rest
Chapter 4: Week 3 – Diving Deeper
Lecture 1: Squash and Stretch 2
Lecture 2: Anticipation 2
Lecture 3: Staging 2
Lecture 4: Straight Ahead and Pose to Pose 2
Lecture 5: Follow Through and Overlapping Action 2
Lecture 6: Slow In and Slow Out 2
Lecture 7: Day of Rest
Chapter 5: Week 4
Lecture 1: Arcs 2
Lecture 2: Secondary Action 2
Lecture 3: Timing 2
Lecture 4: Exaggeration 2
Lecture 5: Solid Drawing and Solid Posing 2
Lecture 6: Appeal 2
Lecture 7: Day of Rest
Chapter 6: Week 5
Lecture 1: Squash and Stretch 3
Lecture 2: Anticipation 3
Lecture 3: Staging 3
Lecture 4: Straight Ahead and Pose to Pose 3
Lecture 5: Follow Through and Overlapping Action 3
Lecture 6: Slow In and Slow Out 3
Lecture 7: Day of Rest
Chapter 7: Week 6
Lecture 1: Arcs 3
Lecture 2: Secondary Action 3
Lecture 3: Timing 3
Lecture 4: Exaggeration 3
Lecture 5: Solid Drawing and Solid Posing 3
Lecture 6: Appeal 3
Lecture 7: Day of Rest
Chapter 8: Week 7
Lecture 1: Squash and Stretch 4
Lecture 2: Anticipation 4
Lecture 3: Staging 4
Lecture 4: Straight Ahead and Pose to Pose 4
Lecture 5: Follow Through and Overlapping Action 4
Lecture 6: Slow In and Slow Out 4
Lecture 7: Day of Rest
Chapter 9: Week 8
Lecture 1: Arcs 4
Lecture 2: Secondary Action 4
Lecture 3: Timing 4
Lecture 4: Exaggeration 4
Lecture 5: Solid Drawing and Solid Posing 4
Lecture 6: Appeal 4
Lecture 7: Day of Rest
Chapter 10: Week 9
Lecture 1: Squash and Stretch 5
Lecture 2: Anticipation 5
Lecture 3: Staging 5
Lecture 4: Straight Ahead and Pose to Pose 5
Lecture 5: Follow Through and Overlapping Action 5
Lecture 6: Slow In and Slow Out 5
Lecture 7: Day of Rest
Chapter 11: Week 10
Lecture 1: Arcs 5
Lecture 2: Secondary Action 5
Lecture 3: Timing 5
Lecture 4: Exaggeration 5
Lecture 5: Solid Drawing and Solid Posing 5
Lecture 6: Appeal 5
Lecture 7: Day of Rest
Chapter 12: Week 11
Lecture 1: Staging and Scene Planning
Lecture 2: Solid Posing, Solid Drawing, and Silhouette
Lecture 3: Squash and Stretch in practice
Lecture 4: Timing out our scene
Lecture 5: Posing out our scene (using Pose to Pose)
Lecture 6: Arcs – Splining or Inbetweening our scene
DJ Nicke
Former Disney Animator
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 16 votes
- 2 stars: 7 votes
- 3 stars: 18 votes
- 4 stars: 30 votes
- 5 stars: 84 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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