Cinema 4D Complete : Vol. 2. All about Modeling!
Cinema 4D Complete : Vol. 2. All about Modeling!, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.84, with 169 lectures, based on 352 reviews, and has 2527 subscribers.
You will learn about All about modeling in Cinema 4D Selecting, moving, scaling, rotating polygons precisely Using splines to create intricate design Defining and creating complex objects with the deformers Mastering the OpenVDB workflow to free yourself from the polygons Learn to model many real life objects using all the knowledge you just acquired This course is ideal for individuals who are Artists wanting to learn to model or want to increase their modeling skills or Designers who want a better understanding of the technical side of modeling or Animator who want to create their own object instead of download subpar and expansive models on marketplaces It is particularly useful for Artists wanting to learn to model or want to increase their modeling skills or Designers who want a better understanding of the technical side of modeling or Animator who want to create their own object instead of download subpar and expansive models on marketplaces.
Enroll now: Cinema 4D Complete : Vol. 2. All about Modeling!
Title: Cinema 4D Complete : Vol. 2. All about Modeling!
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.84
Number of Lectures: 169
Number of Published Lectures: 169
Number of Curriculum Items: 169
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 169
Original Price: $79.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- All about modeling in Cinema 4D
- Selecting, moving, scaling, rotating polygons precisely
- Using splines to create intricate design
- Defining and creating complex objects with the deformers
- Mastering the OpenVDB workflow to free yourself from the polygons
- Learn to model many real life objects using all the knowledge you just acquired
Who Should Attend
- Artists wanting to learn to model or want to increase their modeling skills
- Designers who want a better understanding of the technical side of modeling
- Animator who want to create their own object instead of download subpar and expansive models on marketplaces
Target Audiences
- Artists wanting to learn to model or want to increase their modeling skills
- Designers who want a better understanding of the technical side of modeling
- Animator who want to create their own object instead of download subpar and expansive models on marketplaces
In this second volume, you will learn everything there is to know about modeling!
Polygon modeling is at the core of every 3D application. Whatever field you are going to work in, you will need to know how to push points, edges and polygons to make your vision come true.
Iām Lionel VICIDOMINI, a Maxon Certified Instructor, Maxon Master Trainer and Motion Designer based in Paris, France. I believe that in order to truly master a software you have to learn it by the details. I have created this series of training, to create a video manual of Cinema 4D and to be the most thorough possible while being entertaining.
In this training you will learn :
How to select, move, scale and rotate polygons precisely, fluently, and as fast as possible to allow a smoother workflow
All about splines, those vector shapes that are so useful when you want to create complex objects
The generators, such as the mirror, the remesher and the all-powerful Subdivision Surface, at the very core of polygon modeling
The polygon commands, such as the extrude, bevel tool, but also the stich’n’sew and many less known tools
The deformers, which allow you to reshape objets to your needs or even create whole models from simple primitives
OpenVDB modeling, another way to create complex objects parametricallywithout the hassle of polygons
Several workshops in the end of the course will teach you real life examples and how to model many objects : a screw, a spoon, a coffee cup and its holder, a soccer ball and many others.
This training has been recorded on the R23 but you can follow it easily on previous versions of the software, down to R17.
It is not required to have followed the first volume of the series, but it can greatly help, especially if you are new to 3D.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: The Core Concepts of Polygons
Lecture 1: Exercice files, final projects and customization files
Lecture 2: R25 and + : Using the old layouts to better follow the tutorials
Lecture 3: R25 and + : Tour of the new interface
Lecture 4: Installing the Custom Interface
Lecture 5: What is a polygon ?
Lecture 6: What is a N-Gone ?
Lecture 7: The Structure Manager
Lecture 8: The normals
Lecture 9: The Phong Tag
Lecture 10: Selecting Points, Edges and Polygons
Lecture 11: The Grow, Shrink, Connected selections
Lecture 12: The Loop, Ring, Outline, Path and Fill Selections
Lecture 13: Placing the Axis Where you Want
Lecture 14: Orienting the Axis
Lecture 15: Soft Selection
Lecture 16: Creating Vertex Maps
Lecture 17: Painting Vertex Maps
Chapter 2: The Splines
Lecture 1: Welcome to the Wonderful World of Spline
Lecture 2: Opening, Closing Splines, Moving Points Around
Lecture 3: Changing the Type of Spline
Lecture 4: Join, Break, Explode Splines
Lecture 5: Creating a Freeform Spline with the Pen
Lecture 6: Draw a Spline with the Sketch Tool
Lecture 7: Smoothing, Relaxing, Twisting the Splines
Lecture 8: The Arc Tool
Lecture 9: Adding, Deleting, Welding Points
Lecture 10: Adding Points with the Rounding Command
Lecture 11: Mirroring Splines
Lecture 12: Projecting Spline on a Surface
Lecture 13: The Line Up and Magnet Commands
Lecture 14: Converting Edges of an Object to a Spline
Lecture 15: Creating Cross Sections
Lecture 16: Importing from Illustrator
Lecture 17: The Chamfer and Outline Command
Lecture 18: Combining Shapes with the Spline Mask
Lecture 19: Creating a Biohazard Shape with the Direct Boolean Commands
Chapter 3: The Generators
Lecture 1: What are the Generators ?
Lecture 2: What is interpolation and why it's important
Lecture 3: The Caps panel
Lecture 4: The rounding option on caps
Lecture 5: The Extrude Generator
Lecture 6: The Lathe Generator
Lecture 7: Modeling a glass with the lathe generator
Lecture 8: The Sweep Generator
Lecture 9: The Sweep Generator : the Rail option
Lecture 10: The Sweep Generator : Scale and rotation options
Lecture 11: The Loft Generator
Lecture 12: The Metaballs
Lecture 13: Better control of the Metaball with the tag
Lecture 14: The Connect object
Lecture 15: The Symmetry Object
Lecture 16: The Polygon Reduction object
Lecture 17: The Level of Detail (LOD) object
Lecture 18: The LOD : advanced options
Lecture 19: The Cloth Surface object : adding thickness
Chapter 4: Mastering the polygon commands
Lecture 1: The Subdivision Surface generator
Lecture 2: Weighting the Subdivision Surface : mastering hard edges
Lecture 3: Advanced options of the Subdivision Surface
Lecture 4: The Remesher (R23 and up)
Lecture 5: Better topology in the Remesher with the Spline Flow (R23 and up)
Lecture 6: Dissolving, melting, collapsing, deleting polygons
Lecture 7: Optimize command
Lecture 8: Subdivide
Lecture 9: Splitting, disconnecting geometries
Lecture 10: Ngons commands
Lecture 11: Moving, scaling, rotating along normals
Lecture 12: The Line Cut command
Lecture 13: Loop cut
Lecture 14: Plane cut
Lecture 15: Connecting edges or points
Lecture 16: Fast extrusion with the move, rotate and scale tool
Lecture 17: Extrude command
Lecture 18: Smooth shift command
Lecture 19: Matrix extrude
Lecture 20: Extrude inner
Lecture 21: Bridge command
Lecture 22: Close polygon hole
Lecture 23: The Bevel tool : Solid Mode
Lecture 24: The Bevel tool : Chamfer Mode
Lecture 25: The Bevel tool : Topology
Lecture 26: The Bevel tool : Points
Lecture 27: The Bevel tool : beveling polygons
Lecture 28: Welding points
Lecture 29: Stitching points
Lecture 30: The Slide tool
Lecture 31: Spinning edges
Lecture 32: The Iron tool
Lecture 33: The magnet and brush tool
Lecture 34: The Mirror command
Lecture 35: Set Point Value
Lecture 36: Clone, arrray tool
Lecture 37: Remove Manifold
Lecture 38: The Polygon Pen, 1st part
Lecture 39: The Polygon Pen, 2nd part
Lecture 40: The Polygon Pen, retopology on a shoe
Chapter 5: The Deformers
Instructor in 3D Motion Design
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 4 votes
- 3 stars: 23 votes
- 4 stars: 84 votes
- 5 stars: 238 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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