Create an Animated Character in Blender 2.9
Create an Animated Character in Blender 2.9, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.6, with 89 lectures, based on 448 reviews, and has 2762 subscribers.
You will learn about 3D Modeling in Blender UV Mapping Texturing in Krita and Blender Rigging a Character in Blender Animating a Character in Blender Lighting and Rendering an Animation This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginner Blender users who would like to create their own 3D characters It is particularly useful for Beginner Blender users who would like to create their own 3D characters.
Enroll now: Create an Animated Character in Blender 2.9
Title: Create an Animated Character in Blender 2.9
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.6
Number of Lectures: 89
Number of Published Lectures: 89
Number of Curriculum Items: 89
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 89
Original Price: $22.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- 3D Modeling in Blender
- UV Mapping
- Texturing in Krita and Blender
- Rigging a Character in Blender
- Animating a Character in Blender
- Lighting and Rendering an Animation
Who Should Attend
- Beginner Blender users who would like to create their own 3D characters
Target Audiences
- Beginner Blender users who would like to create their own 3D characters
Welcome to “Create an Animated Character in Blender 2.9.” This course uses only open-source software, Blender and the paint program Krita, to create an animated character from the first polygon to the final rendered animation.
We will begin by first bringing in the reference images of the character. And use Blender’s modeling tools to create the face with proper edge-flow for animation. We’ll create the hands, the feet, and the clothes. And when the modeling is done, we will UV map all the parts of the character, and we will use that UV map for our texturing.
In the texturing phase, we will use Krita to create the textures for the clothes, and Blender’s own Texture Paint tools to paint the details of the skin. You’ll learn how to use Blender’s Particle System to create, cut, and comb the character’s hair.
And then we will use Blender’s Rigify rigging system to set-up the bones of the character. We will bind the character mesh to the rig, and adjust the weights to improve the deformations.
And when all of that is done, we will begin animating the character. You’ll learn how to set-up a reference video in Blender’s interface, how to animate character movements, and how to create lip sync animation for a dialogue track.
In the end, we will add the music and sound effects, and then render the final animation to a video file.
If you’ve ever wanted to create your own 3D animated character, then this course is for you. Using all open-source software, this course goes through every step of the process. So join me, and learn how to Create an Animated Character with Blender 2.9.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Importing Reference Images
Chapter 2: Modeling the Character's Head
Lecture 1: Beginning the Loop Mask
Lecture 2: Completing the Loop Mask
Lecture 3: Pulling the Face Into 3D
Lecture 4: Adjusting the Face and Adding the Eyes
Lecture 5: Extruding the Forehead and Top of Head
Lecture 6: Creating the Back and Sides of the Head
Lecture 7: Extruding the Neck
Lecture 8: Creating the Ears
Lecture 9: Creating the Inner Mouth
Lecture 10: Adjusting the Lips and Extruding the Tongue
Lecture 11: Beginning the Gums
Lecture 12: Modeling the Top Teeth
Lecture 13: Finishing the Teeth
Chapter 3: Creating the Body
Lecture 1: Extruding the Torso
Lecture 2: Modeling the Legs
Lecture 3: Creating the Arms
Lecture 4: Creating a Finger
Lecture 5: Extruding the Hand
Lecture 6: Connecting the Thumb
Lecture 7: Extruding the Foot
Lecture 8: Finishing the Feet
Chapter 4: Creating the Clothes
Lecture 1: Creating the Shirt
Lecture 2: Modeling the Shorts
Lecture 3: Beginning the Shoes
Lecture 4: Continuing the Shoes
Lecture 5: Finishing the Shoe
Lecture 6: Creating the Shoelaces
Lecture 7: Sculpting the Socks
Chapter 5: UV Mapping the Character
Lecture 1: Preparing the Model for UV Mapping
Lecture 2: UV Mapping the Shirt
Lecture 3: UV Mapping the Clothes
Lecture 4: UV Mapping the Legs and Arms
Lecture 5: UV Mapping the Head
Lecture 6: Organizing the UV Map
Lecture 7: UV Mapping the Eyes and Teeth
Chapter 6: Materials and Textures
Lecture 1: Establishing the Materials
Lecture 2: Beginning the Color Map
Lecture 3: Working on the Color Map
Lecture 4: Generating a Normal Map in Krita
Lecture 5: Texturing the Eyes
Lecture 6: Beginning to Texture Paint
Lecture 7: Texture Painting the Skin Details
Lecture 8: Painting the Freckles
Lecture 9: Painting the Shirt Stripes
Chapter 7: Creating the Hair
Lecture 1: Beginning the Characters Hair
Lecture 2: Texturing the Hair
Lecture 3: Cutting and Combing the Hair
Lecture 4: Creating the Eyebrows
Chapter 8: Rigging the Character
Lecture 1: Placing the Joints of the Rig
Lecture 2: Adjusting the Finger Joints
Lecture 3: Placing the Joints of the Face
Lecture 4: Continuing the Face Joints
Lecture 5: Modeling the Eyelids
Lecture 6: Arranging the Joints of the Eyelids
Lecture 7: Completing the MetaRig
Lecture 8: Adjusting Alignment of the Rig
Lecture 9: Rig Layers and Control Objects
Lecture 10: Modifying the Control Objects
Lecture 11: Binding the Character to the Rig
Lecture 12: Parenting the Eyes Hair and Teeth
Lecture 13: Adjusting the Character Weights
Lecture 14: Assigning Weights to the Leg
Lecture 15: Finishing the Leg Weights
Lecture 16: Adjusting the Torso Weights
Lecture 17: Assigning Weights for the Fingers
Lecture 18: Assigning Weights for the Arm
Lecture 19: Adjusting the Weights of the Face
Lecture 20: Creating a Shape Key for the Eye Blink
Lecture 21: Testing the Rig and Adjusting Weights
Chapter 9: Animating the Character
Lecture 1: Setting Up the Interface for Animation
Lecture 2: Beginning the Contact Poses
Lecture 3: Continuing the Contact Positions
Lecture 4: More Contact Positions
Lecture 5: Ups and Downs and Planting the Feet
Lecture 6: Working on the Feet
Lecture 7: Arms Fingers Shoulders and Head
Lecture 8: Animating the Wave
Lecture 9: Creating a FaceCam and Eye Blinks
Lecture 10: Beginning the Lip Sync Animation
Lecture 11: Continuing with the Lip Sync Animation
Lecture 12: Creating a Test Render
Lecture 13: Making Some Final Adjustments
Lecture 14: Using the Graph Editor
Lecture 15: Fixing the Weights of the Shorts
Chapter 10: Rendering the Animation
Lecture 1: Adding Music and Sound FX
Lecture 2: Rendering the Final Animation
Lecture 3: Conclusion
Darrin Lile
Blender Foundation Certified Trainer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 22 votes
- 4 stars: 93 votes
- 5 stars: 328 votes
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