Design a Kinetic Sculpture using Fusion 360
Design a Kinetic Sculpture using Fusion 360, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 4.3, with 29 lectures, based on 107 reviews, and has 636 subscribers.
You will learn about Build a parametric model of the Sisyphus Struggling Sculpture in Fusion 360. Use GIM Software with Fusion 360 to design different coupler curves. Design New Kinetic Sculpture using the method outlined in the course. Learn how to integrate the capablities of GIM with the capablities of Fusion 360. Be able to analyze the motion of any sculpture and formulate the required parameters to make their design work. Bring your mechanical design to life by following the design methodolgy taught in the course. Use advanced extrusion techniques in Fusion 360. Be able to sketch complex assembly in one Sketch in Fusion 360. Master the top-down design approach in Fusion 360. Use the synthesis module in GIM software to design different coupler curves shape This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who likes to design mechanical assemblies. or Anyone who wants to up their Fusion 360 game. or Anyone fascinated with Kinetic Sculptures. or Anyone who like to learn how to design walking cycles using mechanical components or Those who wish to pursue a career in mechanical design It is particularly useful for Anyone who likes to design mechanical assemblies. or Anyone who wants to up their Fusion 360 game. or Anyone fascinated with Kinetic Sculptures. or Anyone who like to learn how to design walking cycles using mechanical components or Those who wish to pursue a career in mechanical design.
Enroll now: Design a Kinetic Sculpture using Fusion 360
Title: Design a Kinetic Sculpture using Fusion 360
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 4.3
Number of Lectures: 29
Number of Published Lectures: 28
Number of Curriculum Items: 29
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 28
Original Price: $129.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Build a parametric model of the Sisyphus Struggling Sculpture in Fusion 360.
- Use GIM Software with Fusion 360 to design different coupler curves.
- Design New Kinetic Sculpture using the method outlined in the course.
- Learn how to integrate the capablities of GIM with the capablities of Fusion 360.
- Be able to analyze the motion of any sculpture and formulate the required parameters to make their design work.
- Bring your mechanical design to life by following the design methodolgy taught in the course.
- Use advanced extrusion techniques in Fusion 360.
- Be able to sketch complex assembly in one Sketch in Fusion 360.
- Master the top-down design approach in Fusion 360.
- Use the synthesis module in GIM software to design different coupler curves shape
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who likes to design mechanical assemblies.
- Anyone who wants to up their Fusion 360 game.
- Anyone fascinated with Kinetic Sculptures.
- Anyone who like to learn how to design walking cycles using mechanical components
- Those who wish to pursue a career in mechanical design
Target Audiences
- Anyone who likes to design mechanical assemblies.
- Anyone who wants to up their Fusion 360 game.
- Anyone fascinated with Kinetic Sculptures.
- Anyone who like to learn how to design walking cycles using mechanical components
- Those who wish to pursue a career in mechanical design
Student’s Testimonial for Create a Kinetic Sculpture in Fusion 360 – Vol.1
“This is a great course for anyone looking to explore creating a kinetic sculpture using free software and new to 3D CAD. Mahmoud does a great job of showing step by step instructions on how to create animations using four-bar linkages.�
The detailed explanations break down the visualization of Coupler curves, how to create a 3D design based off a 2D image and how to fine tune the animation of your sculpture. The only thing I wish it went into is how to motorize sculptures like this and how to gear the linkages together but I’m guessing thats what volume 2 is about!�
I’m very pleased with this course and give it a 5 out of 5!” — Rob Burke
“Sisyphus, the king of Ephyra, is punished by being forced to roll and immense boulder up a hillonly for it to roll away when near the top repeating his this action for eternity.” Or so the legend say…
This course is inspired by the word done first by Dave Johnson and later Disney Research group to put the mythical story of Sisyphus into a Kinetic Sculpturethat describes the agony of his punishment.This course will teach you the methodology that you can follow to create this Kinetic Sculpture and ANY kinetic concept that you can imagine in Fusion 360. The course uses the work of Disney Research group as a referencefrom which to study the motion of Sisyphus and to duplicate it in Fusion 360 while also using GIM software.�
In Section one you will learn about Fourbar Linkages, Coupler Curves and GIM software. This course will teach you how to use the functionality of GIM softwarewith Fusion 360to design any crazy motion that you could think of. This methodology will be the main focus of Section two. Each stop of the methodology will be outlined and demonstrated later in Fusion 360.The methodology makes use of the flexible Top-Down design approach in Fusion 360. Each Mechanism is driven by two Sketches in Fusion 360. This makes the changes later to the mechanism and the output motion VERY simple. The power of Fusion 360 used with the power of Coupler Curves design in GIM software will open up a whole new possibilities for your designs.
In Section three, the previously outlined design methodology is applied to the walking mechanism in the sculpture.I will walk you step by step explaining each tool as I use it with my “floating” walking head videos. This course will teach you so much about advanced ways to extrude bodies in Fusion 360 and how to structure a very complex assemblyin Fusion 360 so that later changes can be easily done and traced.
In Section four the same methodology is applied to design the body mechanism.This time the body Mechanism is done using the same two sketches technique and illustratedin step by step guide with floating talking head. In Section five the timing between the mechanisms is of essential importance. The focus is on getting the final motion right and true to the first imagined “Struggling” Sisyphus.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Fourbar Linkages
Lecture 2: Coupler Curves
Lecture 3: Coupler Curves Atlas
Lecture 4: GIM Software
Chapter 2: Design Methodology
Lecture 1: Introduction to Section 2
Lecture 2: Motion Study
Lecture 3: Quick Announcement
Lecture 4: Modelling Sisyphus Pt.1
Lecture 5: Modelling Sisyphus Pt.2
Lecture 6: Design Methodology
Chapter 3: Walking Mechanism
Lecture 1: Introduction to Section 3
Lecture 2: Curve Design in GIM
Lecture 3: Attaching Canvas
Lecture 4: Diagram and Skeleton Sketches
Lecture 5: Extruding the Walking Mechanism
Lecture 6: Extruding the Frame
Lecture 7: Connecting the Mechanism to the Leg
Lecture 8: Connecting the body to the Frame
Chapter 4: Body Mechanism
Lecture 1: Designing the Curve in GIM
Lecture 2: Attaching the Canvas
Lecture 3: Diagram and Skeleton Sketches
Lecture 4: Attaching the Mechanism to the Frame
Lecture 5: Mirroring the Body and the Mechanism
Lecture 6: Performing the Motion Study
Chapter 5: Tweaking the Motion
Lecture 1: Introduction to Section 5
Lecture 2: Tweaking the Body Mechanism
Lecture 3: Tweaking the Walking Mechanism
Lecture 4: The end of Vol.1
Mahmoud Shehata
Self-taught developer, Mechanical Designer and researcher
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 4 votes
- 4 stars: 31 votes
- 5 stars: 70 votes
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