Digital painting with Krita 5.0 intermediate level
Digital painting with Krita 5.0 intermediate level, available at $79.99, has an average rating of 4.63, with 67 lectures, based on 149 reviews, and has 1376 subscribers.
You will learn about Advanced selection techniques Vector graphics features Filter and Mask features Gradient features Create 2 illustrations using the above techniques This course is ideal for individuals who are Hobbyists who want to learn to create illustrations using open-source software or Design and art students who want to master digital painting techniques or Artists or professionals who want to increase work effectiveness leveraging advanced techniques It is particularly useful for Hobbyists who want to learn to create illustrations using open-source software or Design and art students who want to master digital painting techniques or Artists or professionals who want to increase work effectiveness leveraging advanced techniques.
Enroll now: Digital painting with Krita 5.0 intermediate level
Title: Digital painting with Krita 5.0 intermediate level
Price: $79.99
Average Rating: 4.63
Number of Lectures: 67
Number of Published Lectures: 67
Number of Curriculum Items: 67
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 67
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Advanced selection techniques
- Vector graphics features
- Filter and Mask features
- Gradient features
- Create 2 illustrations using the above techniques
Who Should Attend
- Hobbyists who want to learn to create illustrations using open-source software
- Design and art students who want to master digital painting techniques
- Artists or professionals who want to increase work effectiveness leveraging advanced techniques
Target Audiences
- Hobbyists who want to learn to create illustrations using open-source software
- Design and art students who want to master digital painting techniques
- Artists or professionals who want to increase work effectiveness leveraging advanced techniques
“Krita” is a graphic application comparable to Photoshop. But unlike Photoshop, Krita is free and open-source software. So, you don’t need to pay anything to download and use it. Another thing that makes Krita different from Photoshop, is that Krita is more focused on digital painting. That is why in Krita, you can find many features related to digital painting that do not exist in Photoshop. If you need software for drawing or creating illustrations, then Krita will make you feel right at home.
If you want to master Krita quicklyand easily, then -in sha Allah- this online course is the best solution for you. Please note that this online course is the continuation of the basic-level course that was released earlier. To ensure you can follow the course without problems, it’s recommended that you take the basic-level course first, before taking this one.
What will you learn?
In this course, you will learn advanced selection techniques. Then learn Vector Graphics techniques in Krita. From making basic primitiveobjects, to being able to create custom complex shapes. You will also learn the ins and outs of “Filter” and “Mask” in Krita. We will discuss various filters such as “HSV”, “Levels”, “Color Balance”, and so on. Including how to access hundreds of different “G’Mic filters”. Then, you will also learn the “Gradient” feature in detail. From the process of creating gradient presets, editingthe gradient colors, until applying gradients using various methods.
After we learn the techniques, we will put them into practice by creating two different illustrations from start to finish. These two illustrations have something in common, that is, they both use the Vector technique combinedwith the Rastertechnique. But the way Vectors are used in each of these illustrations is very different. In the first illustration, where we will create a strawberry-shaped house, vector graphics are used as the base colors. Raster techniques are then used to add shadows, highlights, textures, and so on. Whereas in the second illustration, where we will draw a robot fighter character or “robot warrior“, Vector graphics are used to create outlineor “line art“. For the coloring process, we will explore a different technique. That is, we will start with defining shading and highlight in grayscale. Then we add colors to it using the “gradient map” filter. And after that, we apply various raster techniques to add lighting effects and finalize the illustration.
There are still many things that you will learn from this course. It is impossible to explain all of them in this short text description. Please refer to the curriculumsection if you want to learn more.
So, JOIN NOW! And take your skill further to the next level.
Course Curriculum
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Exercise files and other information
Lecture 3: UI customization and custom shortcuts
Lecture 1: Basic selection techniques
Lecture 2: Adding and subtracting selection
Lecture 3: Global selection mask
Lecture 4: Raster vs Vector selections
Lecture 5: Selection transformation
Lecture 6: Contiguous and Similar selection
Lecture 7: Selection tools UI changes (Krita 5.1)
Lecture 8: Select opaque
Lecture 9: Selection mask
Lecture 10: Selection operations
Lecture 11: Anti-aliasing
Lecture 1: Raster versus Vector
Lecture 2: Vector implementation in Krita
Lecture 3: Vector transformation
Lecture 4: Vector colors
Lecture 5: Stroke appearance
Lecture 6: Vector graphics management
Lecture 7: Primitive shapes
Lecture 8: Vector elements
Lecture 9: Vector element types
Lecture 10: Vector editing
Lecture 11: Align, Distribute, and Spacing
Lecture 12: Logical operations
Lecture 13: Bezier Curve tools
Lecture 14: Vector drawing exercises
Lecture 1: The basics of Filter
Lecture 2: Filter layer
Lecture 3: Filter mask
Lecture 4: Invert, HSV, Color balance, and Dodge
Lecture 5: Levels and Curve
Lecture 6: G'Mic filters
Lecture 7: Transparency mask
Lecture 8: Alpha channel on Filter
Lecture 9: Transform tool and Transform mask
Lecture 1: Strawberry house project preparation
Lecture 2: Reference images and sketching
Lecture 3: Midground base colors
Lecture 4: Background and Foreground base colors
Lecture 5: Creating the small plants
Lecture 6: Background plants
Lecture 7: Foreground plants
Lecture 8: Main shadow
Lecture 9: The leaves shadows
Lecture 10: Ambient occlusion
Lecture 11: Finishing the background
Lecture 12: Finishing the foreground
Lecture 13: Adding textures
Lecture 14: Highlight colors
Lecture 15: Reflected colors and sky color
Lecture 16: Paint over and Filter
Chapter 6: GRADIENT
Lecture 1: Gradient tool
Lecture 2: Special gradient
Lecture 3: Stop gradient
Lecture 4: Segmented gradient
Lecture 5: Gradient Map Filter
Lecture 1: Robot warrior project preparation
Lecture 2: Creating vector line art
Lecture 3: Refining the line art
Lecture 4: Adding background and shading preparation
Lecture 5: Shading and Highlight
Lecture 6: Coloring with Gradient Map
Lecture 7: Lighting effect
Lecture 8: Reflection and glow effect
Lecture 9: Line art coloring
Widhi Muttaqien, S.Kom, MMSI
Entrepreneur and lecturer in Computer Graphics disciplines
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 4 votes
- 4 stars: 40 votes
- 5 stars: 102 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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