Direct and Produce Animation
Direct and Produce Animation, available at $49.99, has an average rating of 4.2, with 68 lectures, based on 461 reviews, and has 5617 subscribers.
You will learn about Direct and Produce animation with no drawing or animating skills Cut in half the time it takes to do an animation Guide people to follow your vision This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone with an idea considering it to make it a reality into animation or This is not for: Aliens from another planet, only humans allowed. I mean, please… It is particularly useful for Anyone with an idea considering it to make it a reality into animation or This is not for: Aliens from another planet, only humans allowed. I mean, please…
Enroll now: Direct and Produce Animation
Title: Direct and Produce Animation
Price: $49.99
Average Rating: 4.2
Number of Lectures: 68
Number of Published Lectures: 68
Number of Curriculum Items: 68
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 68
Original Price: $39.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Direct and Produce animation with no drawing or animating skills
- Cut in half the time it takes to do an animation
- Guide people to follow your vision
Who Should Attend
- Anyone with an idea considering it to make it a reality into animation
- This is not for: Aliens from another planet, only humans allowed. I mean, please…
Target Audiences
- Anyone with an idea considering it to make it a reality into animation
- This is not for: Aliens from another planet, only humans allowed. I mean, please…
Make your ideas come true by knowing how people can help.
You are reading this because you either have an idea for a short film or full-length animation project for yourself, or…
Because you are just curiousand wanted to know what was all that hype of “Direct and Produce Animation”. Well, give me a couple of seconds to see if I can get you more curious.
Everyone has ideas. Right? Well, that's the good part. The bad part is that most of those ideas live only inside the mind of the holder. Never making it to born into reality.
Why? Because people prefer to scratch their heads or their bellies because it feels good.
Think about it, most don't know that they can produce them without sitting on a computer or knowing anything about animation. Yes. That's a fact. There are successful producers running big studios who don't know how to draw or animate and yet,they materialize ideas because they know how the different departments work. They know how to guide people.
So, I ask you…
What does it take to get your idea realized? To have it come true? And how can you do it in less time?
Animation is a very long process that can be shortened if you know a little weird secret:
People want to help.
But the big question is: Do you know how they can help?
What If one of your friends, loves to work with sound and likes your project? How can he help?
And artists? Or photographers? I bet you know a photographer, and until now, you didn't know a photographer could help with animation. How? Well, by applying composition principles of photography to your shots and a bunch of cinematography concepts. That photographer can make your animation look awesome.
When you have an idea for a project and you know how to animate, you can do what most people do.
I don't know if it's to show off all their abilities and say: I did it all by myself! Or if they just didn't know that people around them wanted to help, but neither any of them knew it could be done faster.
Imagine you have this idea for a story, or even a quick joke or gag that you want to transform into animation, into a living and breathing thing that could go viral on the internet.
You say to yourself: “Hey, this joke could be an awesome 30 second short film and could make many people laugh”. Ha! Making people laugh is one of the most generous things anyone can do for someone else. But we are not talking about comedy, we are talking about that idea of the joke and the possibility of creating an animation out of it.
If you don't know how to use a computer or don't know how to walk and talk, you will definitely think deep inside you: “Oh man… I wish I could walk and talk so I could learn how to use a computer to then make this animation”.
Well, good news, I bet you can use a computer and can walk and talk (or at least you know how to communicate.)
Knowing how to communicate and how each department works in an animation feature film production, is what can make this Idea a reality.
Or maybe you just read all that and said: Hey… Mr. Bald (because I'm bald… AND I'M LOVING IT!), I'm an animator, stop preaching on what I can or can't do”.
Well, then I have something to tell you…
- Being an animator
- Knowing how to direct and produce your projects
- And how to find and work with people who is waiting for a chance to help…
Can make your life easier. You could cut in half the time it takes to finish on your own.
And not only that… but you also get THE BEST VERSION OF YOUR STORY.
And that, my friend… it's priceless.
You: “Hey, we are not friends, ok?” Me: “Of course we are, we just don't know each other”
(Drum roll please… prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrRRRRR PPSSS!)
So anyway, knowing how to direct and produce can make any idea come true. And the cool part is, you don't even need to know how to draw or animate. How cool is that!
Enroll today and start making your ideas a reality in half the time.
Check the free lessons so you can have a taste of it. If you like it, enroll, and if you don't like it after you enroll…
Hey. Chill out. $H^% happens. Just kidding! You can have your money back with no questions asked!
You have 30 days to decide. So what are you waiting for? Enroll now!
Or… check the free lessons NOW!
Or don't do anything… NOW!
Whatever you feel like doing… DO IT NOW!
(I'm crossing my fingers to have you as my new student… thinking “C'mon C'mon C'mon C'mon….”)
Whatever you decide… I hope you have a nice day. Cheers! : D
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Two Awesome Animations Worth Mentioning
Chapter 2: The Story
Lecture 1: Importance of the Story
Lecture 2: Elements of a Good Story
Lecture 3: Link to Michael Arnt – Toy Story Video: How to start a Story
Lecture 4: Recommended Reading
Lecture 5: PDF of The Story – Section Review
Chapter 3: The Script
Lecture 1: The Script and How To Develop Character
Lecture 2: Taking Your Characters to the Next Level
Lecture 3: Developing a Plot and Creating an Outline
Lecture 4: Script Format
Lecture 5: Adobe Story Tutorial
Lecture 6: Exporting From Adobe Story to TXT or WORD
Lecture 7: How to write a Script that Doesn't Suck
Lecture 8: PDF of The Script – Section Review
Chapter 4: Concept Art
Lecture 1: Introduction to Concept Art
Lecture 2: Cartoon Styles
Lecture 3: Experimenting with Shapes
Lecture 4: Concept Art for a Villain
Lecture 5: PDF of Concept Art – Section Review
Chapter 5: Casting Voice Talent
Lecture 1: Casting
Lecture 2: Prepare for a Casting
Lecture 3: Casting the Voice Talent
Lecture 4: What to Look for in Casting
Lecture 5: PDF of Casting Voice Talent – Section Review
Chapter 6: Sound Recording
Lecture 1: Recording Sound
Lecture 2: Acoustics
Lecture 3: PDF of Sound Recording – Section Review
Chapter 7: Directing Voice Actors
Lecture 1: Introduction To Voice Actors
Lecture 2: Improving Fake Performance
Lecture 3: Using Powerful Language for Direction
Lecture 4: Improving Line Readings
Lecture 5: PDF of Directing Voice Talent – Section Review
Chapter 8: Sound Post Production
Lecture 1: Understanding Sound Editing
Lecture 2: Sound Design Before and After
Lecture 3: Understanding Sound Mixing
Lecture 4: Audio Mastering – Before and After
Lecture 5: Music – The Other Character
Lecture 6: Dubbing
Lecture 7: PDF of Audio Post Production – Section Review
Chapter 9: Directing Music
Lecture 1: Elements of Music every Director must know
Lecture 2: Directing Music Using References
Lecture 3: Where to Get Music From
Lecture 4: Resources to Get Music From
Lecture 5: PDF of Directing Music – Section Review
Chapter 10: Cinematography
Lecture 1: Introduction to Cinematography
Lecture 2: Visual Storytelling and Concepts
Lecture 3: Link to Animation RED and The Decendants
Lecture 4: PDF of Cinematography – Section Review
Chapter 11: Storyboard and Animatic
Lecture 1: Storyboard
Lecture 2: Analysing the Script for Storyboarding
Lecture 3: Doing the Storyboard for a Scene
Lecture 4: Finished Storyboard for the 1st Page
Lecture 5: Getting the Best From Your Animatic
Lecture 6: PDF of Storyboard and Animatic – Section Review
Chapter 12: The Breakdown
Lecture 1: The Breakdown
Lecture 2: Example of Breakdown
Lecture 3: PDF of the Breakdown – Section Review
Chapter 13: Animation
Lecture 1: Frame by Frame vs Rigged Characters
Lecture 2: The Animation
Lecture 3: PDF of Animation – Section Review
Chapter 14: Finishing Your Project
Lecture 1: Editing
Lecture 2: Link to Kuleshov Effect
Lecture 3: Screening and Feedback
Lecture 4: Handling Changes
Lecture 5: PDF of Finishing Your Project – Section Review
Lecture 6: Staying Motivated
Lecture 7: BONUS LESSON: "What's Next?"
2D Animation 101 Courses
Animation Courses for Beginners
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 9 votes
- 2 stars: 8 votes
- 3 stars: 40 votes
- 4 stars: 131 votes
- 5 stars: 273 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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