Fashion Marketing Strategy: How To Promote & Sell Your Brand
Fashion Marketing Strategy: How To Promote & Sell Your Brand, available at $44.99, has an average rating of 3.96, with 11 lectures, based on 361 reviews, and has 1663 subscribers.
You will learn about You will learn about branding and promoting and selling your fashion designs. You will learn about: Social Media, E-commerce, Print Campaigns, Email Marketing, Branding vs Marketing, Brand Identity, different channels of promoting designs You will learn the use of advertising campaigns and media usage to promote your brand You will learn about Fashion Shows and Public Relations (PR) You will learn about Brand Equity ~ the power of Brand! This course is ideal for individuals who are This Course is for students who want to learn how to build a solid brand and sell their designs to the marketplace. or Students can include fashion design students or individuals/companies who want to learn how to Brand your company and expand, and promote Brand visibility It is particularly useful for This Course is for students who want to learn how to build a solid brand and sell their designs to the marketplace. or Students can include fashion design students or individuals/companies who want to learn how to Brand your company and expand, and promote Brand visibility.
Enroll now: Fashion Marketing Strategy: How To Promote & Sell Your Brand
Title: Fashion Marketing Strategy: How To Promote & Sell Your Brand
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 3.96
Number of Lectures: 11
Number of Published Lectures: 11
Number of Curriculum Items: 11
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 11
Original Price: $39.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You will learn about branding and promoting and selling your fashion designs.
- You will learn about: Social Media, E-commerce, Print Campaigns, Email Marketing, Branding vs Marketing, Brand Identity, different channels of promoting designs
- You will learn the use of advertising campaigns and media usage to promote your brand
- You will learn about Fashion Shows and Public Relations (PR)
- You will learn about Brand Equity ~ the power of Brand!
Who Should Attend
- This Course is for students who want to learn how to build a solid brand and sell their designs to the marketplace.
- Students can include fashion design students or individuals/companies who want to learn how to Brand your company and expand, and promote Brand visibility
Target Audiences
- This Course is for students who want to learn how to build a solid brand and sell their designs to the marketplace.
- Students can include fashion design students or individuals/companies who want to learn how to Brand your company and expand, and promote Brand visibility
This Course is about developing and implementing strategies for a strong and successful Fashion Brand. It is designed to inspire you, educate you and support you to create a powerful individual Brand. If you are passionate about Fashion Design, and believe in yourself and your company, then you must promote, market and sell your fashion designs to the marketplace, in a successful, empowering, and financially rewarding way — start your journey!
Taking your designs from the runway and to the customer is a journey filled with many questions that need to be answered accurately in order for a Brand to succeed. This Course will guide you and direct you to make the right decisions and choices: deciding which channels to use in Media Use and Social media is important when implementing the right vehicles to communicate your message to your customer.
Having a consistency in your Brand Identity is very important: from your Logo, to Stationary, to Websites, Blogs, online presence, etc… it all must be consistent — one voice, one vision. And speaking of vision, this Course will encourage you to explore your vision and your purpose for your Brand. This will be your driving force throughout the process of establishing yourself as a major player on the fashion stage.
This Course is a journey of self-awareness and self-expression — discovering who you are as a Brand is the foundation of a successful Brand. We will also differentiate between Marketing vs Branding and other necessary strategies for achieving a global Brand.
Discovering who you are as a designer will empower you to connect with your unique creative self and fuel your creativity and artistic side. Your fashion design vision is an extension of who you are and knowing how to present it and share it with the world, is necessary not only on an inner personal level but also as successful financial business venture.
The Course covers topics such as:
Marketing vs Branding
Brand Cohesiveness and Consistency
What makes you a unique fashion designer
Channels to promote your fashion brand
Strategies for maximum visibility
Advertising Campaigns
Email marketing and Lead Funnels
Social Media Engagement through Empathy + Connection
Proprietary Technology and its advantage power
Website building – a powerful marketing tool
Finding the DNA of a Brand
Marketing Strategies for Brand Equity
Vision and purpose
Print Campaigns
Media Usage
Fashion Shows
Public Relations (P.R.)
You will learn how Brands such as “Revolve”were able to create a multi-billion dollar empire using Social Media and other strategic methods such as Proprietary Technology and influencers and bloggers such as Aimee Songand Olivia Culpo. How they engaged on Social Media— instrumental in their success. Finding one’s “voice” is essential in defining oneself as a fashion designer. Discovering the potential of Online marketing is important in creating global visibility.
You will also see how Fashion Shows are used to elevate visibility and keep the conversation going after the show is over. Fashion Shows in conjunction with a good Public Relation campaign, makes for a strong and solid Brand. Fashion shows can be expensive but I will show you how you can create your own “buzz” without braking the bank.
You will learn how to use your Website as a powerful tool for marketing your designs and your Brand to the world.
Catalogs and Lookbooks are necessary tools of the trade: finding out more about them will support getting your message out there. These are part of your Print Campaign and all the different Media Usage available to you.
This Course can be either for fashion designers or for individuals who have an existing company who want to increase expansion and growth.
You will learn how to use e-mail marketing, still a powerful tool to communicate with you customers. Using Funnels and Lead Generators for email campaigns.
You will discover how a company like Ralph Lauren, how they used branding to elevate and increase their value in the marketplace: brand equity. The material covered in this Course will inspire and motivate anyone in wanting to expand and grow their brand into worldwide visibility.
The use of Marketing Strategies such as the use of Empathy plus Connection for Social media Engagement. Using Proprietary Technologies and its power to elevate a Brand to Global Visibility. You will explore Media Usage and all the many channels of communication.
Public Relations: The use of Public Relation (PR) in conjunction with Fashion Shows adds another powerful element to further empower and expand visibility of a Brand. Creating a “buzz” before, during and after the Show, continues the conversation and thus effects sales.
Building a solid Brand on the 3 important elements of Reputation, Relationship, and Results — the power of Brand Equity.
Brand Equity. In this Course you will discover that Brand Equity is a very powerful goal to strive for and achieve; with Brand Equity anything is possible, the opportunities are endless, you will be able to extend your vision in areas other associated with fashion, such as: perfume, shoes, glasses, hats, bags, and other accessories. Once your Brand has a certain strength, everybody will be knocking on your door and wanting to be associated with you, with your Brand, with your product.
And it all starts with having a commitment to a vision, a vision bigger than yourself, a vision that makes a difference in the world; and in doing so you are aligned with your purpose. Having your designs (your product) congruent with your vision and purpose, strengthens and energizes the Brand to grow to global status. And in this Course we address these issues and how powerful they are.
You will learn the 4 things that all successful companies have in common, things that are always present in big companies and corporation. Research shows that when certain elements are in place, a company will thrive and prosper.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Fashion Marketing
Lecture 1: Introduction to Course – Overall view of Course Content
Lecture 2: Brand Cohesiveness & Consistency. Different channels of promoting your Brand
Lecture 3: Marketing vs Branding: What is the difference. Identifying your customer.
Lecture 4: Marketing Strategies: Defining your Ad Campaign. Social Media: PART 1
Lecture 5: Social Media-Part 2 – The making of "Revolve" – mastery in Social media.
Lecture 6: Print Advertising: Catalogs, Cookbooks, Editorials, etc.
Lecture 7: Websites, On-Line marketing, Global visibility, Website builders, etc.
Lecture 8: Fashion Shows. Creating a Buzz. Public Relations (PR).
Lecture 9: Email Marketing: Funnels and Lead Generators.
Lecture 10: Brand Equity: Creating the Ultimate Powerhouse. My Ralph Lauren story.
Lecture 11: Tips for Success. Words of Wisdom. Conclusion.
Nino Via
Fashion Design Master Instructor – Expert Consultant/Coach
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 10 votes
- 3 stars: 58 votes
- 4 stars: 106 votes
- 5 stars: 185 votes
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