Figma Prototyping: A deep dive for UX/UI Designer
Figma Prototyping: A deep dive for UX/UI Designer, available at $84.99, has an average rating of 4.74, with 47 lectures, based on 301 reviews, and has 1576 subscribers.
You will learn about Setting up basic clickable prototypes for showcasing and testing Smart Animate with Figma Interactive Components Documenting and Sharing Figma Prototypes A lot of tips tricks and hidden treasures This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is for you if you have a basic knowledge of Figma or if you are an advanced Figma user and want to improve your prototyping skills. It is particularly useful for This course is for you if you have a basic knowledge of Figma or if you are an advanced Figma user and want to improve your prototyping skills.
Enroll now: Figma Prototyping: A deep dive for UX/UI Designer
Title: Figma Prototyping: A deep dive for UX/UI Designer
Price: $84.99
Average Rating: 4.74
Number of Lectures: 47
Number of Published Lectures: 46
Number of Curriculum Items: 47
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 46
Original Price: €34.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Setting up basic clickable prototypes for showcasing and testing
- Smart Animate with Figma
- Interactive Components
- Documenting and Sharing Figma Prototypes
- A lot of tips tricks and hidden treasures
Who Should Attend
- This course is for you if you have a basic knowledge of Figma or if you are an advanced Figma user and want to improve your prototyping skills.
Target Audiences
- This course is for you if you have a basic knowledge of Figma or if you are an advanced Figma user and want to improve your prototyping skills.
Figma Prototyping: A deep dive for UX, UI Designer
Bring your design alive with Figma prototyping. In this deep dive, we will learn everything about creating basic prototypes, smart animating in Figma, re-usable interactive components, stunning interactions with variables, expressions and conditional statements and how to share and document.
We’ll start with the basics and learn how to connect our screens, add different scrolling behaviours, and preview our design, as well as some tips and tricks to present your prototypes.
We will explore the different triggers, animation types and how to create a stateful design with the help of Figma sections.
We will move on to smart animate the magic part prototyping in Figma. I’m going to show you all of smart animates superpowers and we’re also going to talk about their limitations and do some troubleshooting.
Then we will learn how to set up micro-interactions with interactive components in Figma. This will save you a lot of time when it comes to adding standard behaviour to instances across your design. And that’s also where Figma unleashes its truly impressive potential, namely when combining auto layout, smart animate and interactive components.
Finally, I’ll show you tips and techniques for documenting and sharing your prototypes for handoff, and we’ll take a look at interactive component documentation in Figma as well as external design systems.
I will provide you with a Figma file that lets you follow alongside me during the videos or return to exercises with detailed instructions in your own time.
This course is for you if you have a basic knowledge of Figma or if you are an advanced Figma user and want to improve your prototyping skills.
Prototyping Basics
Whats new since Config 2023 Update *NEW*
The Figma Prototype workspace
Where should my prototype live?
On-screen device preview
Fixed and scrollable elements (New Figma April 23 release!)
Fixed headers (New Figma April 23 release!)
Nesting frames for presentations
Horizontal and vertical scroll
Linking screens
The back action
Scroll to
Linking to external pages
Action triggers
Figma animation options
Easing and spring animations
Sections and stateful design
Flows in Figma
Adding videos to prototypes
Preview on your mobile
Smart Animate with Figma
Smart animate in Figma
Smart animate and moving animations
Limitations of smart animate
Let’s build a smart animated app
Remember: Animate with purpose and code in mind
Interactive Components
Interactive components
Nesting interactive components
Easy hover and zoom animations
Video interactions
Interactive components and auto layout
Funnel components
Prototyping with Variables
Prototyping with variables *NEW*
Variant swap with variables *NEW*
Expressions *NEW*
Interaction chaining *NEW*
Conditional statements *NEW*
Conditional statements and booleans *NEW*
Documenting and Sharing Figma Prototypes
Document prototypes with flows
Sharing prototype links
Documenting interactive components for handoff
Embedding in external documentation
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Intro & Course Material
Lecture 1: Promo Video
Lecture 2: Prototyping updates June 2023 *NEW*
Lecture 3: Download Figma files
Chapter 2: Prototyping Basics
Lecture 1: The Figma prototype workspace
Lecture 2: Where should my prototype live?
Lecture 3: On-screen device preview
Lecture 4: Fixed and scrollable elements
Lecture 5: Sticky header on scroll
Lecture 6: Nesting frames for presentations
Lecture 7: Horizontal and vertical scroll
Lecture 8: Linking screens
Lecture 9: The back action
Lecture 10: Scroll to
Lecture 11: Overlays
Lecture 12: Linking to external pages
Lecture 13: Action triggers
Lecture 14: Figma animation options
Lecture 15: Easing and spring animations
Lecture 16: Sections and stateful design
Lecture 17: Flows in Figma
Lecture 18: Adding videos to prototypes
Lecture 19: Preview on your mobile
Chapter 3: Smart Animate with Figma
Lecture 1: Smart animate in Figma
Lecture 2: Smart animate and moving animations
Lecture 3: Limitations of smart animate
Lecture 4: Let's build a smart animated app
Lecture 5: Remember: Animate with purpose and code in mind
Chapter 4: Interactive Components
Lecture 1: Interactive components
Lecture 2: Nesting interactive components
Lecture 3: Easy hover and zoom animations
Lecture 4: Video interactions
Lecture 5: Interactive components and auto layout
Lecture 6: Funnel components
Chapter 5: Prototyping with variables *NEW FEATURE JUNE 2023*
Lecture 1: Get the Figma working files
Lecture 2: A quick note on variables
Lecture 3: Prototyping with variables
Lecture 4: Variant swap with variables
Lecture 5: Expressions
Lecture 6: Interaction chaining
Lecture 7: Conditional statements
Lecture 8: Conditional statements and booleans
Chapter 6: Documenting and Sharing Figma Prototypes
Lecture 1: Document prototypes with flows
Lecture 2: Sharing prototype links
Lecture 3: Documenting interactive components for handoff
Lecture 4: Embedding in external documentation
Chapter 7: Thank you!
Lecture 1: Thank you
Christine moonlearning
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 8 votes
- 4 stars: 79 votes
- 5 stars: 213 votes
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