How to Create a Membership Website and Sell Digital Products
How to Create a Membership Website and Sell Digital Products, available at Free, has an average rating of 4.2, with 31 lectures, based on 105 reviews, and has 16653 subscribers.
You will learn about You'll be able to accept payments You'll be able to design Pages, Posts, Menus, Footers, Sidebars and other features in WordPress You'll be able to build professionally looking websites You'll know how to host your website either for free or through a Web hosting. You'll be able to customise any WordPress Themes to your liking You'll know how to speed up your site for better visitor experience You'll know what plugins are, How to search and install them You'll know how to make a website an e-commerce site in a few easy steps You will know how to create recurring payments, pricing variations and create discount coupons You'll be able to create a website for any purposes, whether is for Photography, Graphic design, Music, freelancing or for a business You'll know how to upload and protect your content from being downloaded unsolicitedly If there is anything you don't see here, ask the instructor Frank to implement it. He'll be more than happy to help! This course is ideal for individuals who are You are a beginner and never used WordPress or You'd like something easy to customize without having to hire someone else to do it for you or You want to create a website for your freelancing career, Business, Hobby or personal use or You have a Digital Product or Service you want to promote and sell It is particularly useful for You are a beginner and never used WordPress or You'd like something easy to customize without having to hire someone else to do it for you or You want to create a website for your freelancing career, Business, Hobby or personal use or You have a Digital Product or Service you want to promote and sell.
Enroll now: How to Create a Membership Website and Sell Digital Products
Title: How to Create a Membership Website and Sell Digital Products
Price: Free
Average Rating: 4.2
Number of Lectures: 31
Number of Published Lectures: 31
Number of Curriculum Items: 31
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 31
Original Price: Free
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You'll be able to accept payments
- You'll be able to design Pages, Posts, Menus, Footers, Sidebars and other features in WordPress
- You'll be able to build professionally looking websites
- You'll know how to host your website either for free or through a Web hosting.
- You'll be able to customise any WordPress Themes to your liking
- You'll know how to speed up your site for better visitor experience
- You'll know what plugins are, How to search and install them
- You'll know how to make a website an e-commerce site in a few easy steps
- You will know how to create recurring payments, pricing variations and create discount coupons
- You'll be able to create a website for any purposes, whether is for Photography, Graphic design, Music, freelancing or for a business
- You'll know how to upload and protect your content from being downloaded unsolicitedly
- If there is anything you don't see here, ask the instructor Frank to implement it. He'll be more than happy to help!
Who Should Attend
- You are a beginner and never used WordPress
- You'd like something easy to customize without having to hire someone else to do it for you
- You want to create a website for your freelancing career, Business, Hobby or personal use
- You have a Digital Product or Service you want to promote and sell
Target Audiences
- You are a beginner and never used WordPress
- You'd like something easy to customize without having to hire someone else to do it for you
- You want to create a website for your freelancing career, Business, Hobby or personal use
- You have a Digital Product or Service you want to promote and sell
This is part of the full course ” WordPress for Beginners: Build Your Brand with WordPress”.
Please make sure to check that out in case you wanted to enrol in the full course.
I have decided to give away a module for FREE to help more students get started selling their Digital products and have a membership site ready to use.
Have a look at the Premium Template I use and If it suits you, you could start selling your digital product and services in a week or less.
Are you ready to learn how to make professional looking websites? And do you know you can do that without any knowledge of HTML or CSS coding?
You look around the web and see amazingly designed websites and wonder how you could make one on your own without having to spend a fortune?
WordPress is a fantastic free web design tool that lets you create stunning websites with ease. And you are just in the right place to learn how to use it.
When I first had a look at WordPress, I didn’t even know how to install it. Does it need to be installed on a computer or is it on the web? A few years ago there was very little documentation, and the one available wasn’t user-friendly at all. And finding video tutorials was even harder. Now you have so much choice, and that is also overwhelming. What course to buy? Which one is the right for me?
I have been building sites for almost a decade as a hobby and as a side business. I helped build knowledge base websites for small companies using WordPress and I have a beginner mind set when it comes to teaching software. I like to learn and teach in plain english.
You’ll be able to design Pages, Posts, Menus, Footers, Sidebars and other features in WordPress
You’ll be able to build professionally looking websites
You’ll know how to host your website either for free or through a Web hosting.
You’ll be able to customise any WordPress Themes to your liking
You’ll know how to speed up your site for better visitor experience
You’ll know what plugins are, How to search and install them
You’ll know how to make a website an e-commerce site in a few easy steps
You will know how to create recurring payments, pricing variations and create discount coupons
You’ll be able to create a website for any purposes, whether is for Photography, Graphic design, Music, freelancing or for a business
You’ll know how to upload and protect your content from being downloaded unsolicitedly
If there is anything you don’t see here, ask the instructor Frank to implement it. He’ll be more than happy to help!
What you’ll need:
I am using a Premium WordPress (Paid for) template purchased on the Theme Forest website called Clever Courses by Good-layers.
I don’t get any commission from Good layers, I only recommend the theme as I personally use it and found it simple enough to sell digital products and membership
Have basic Computer knowledge
No need to know any HTML or CSS coding
You’ll need an up to date browser such as Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera and others
In this course I’ll show you that WordPress isn’t that daunting as it looks and once you get through the first 2 or 3 Modules, you’ll get the hang of it soon.
You’ll be able to create Posts and Pages and how to insert images, videos and other media for your blog or articles. You’ll be able to create navigation menus, sidebars, footer, Opt-in forms, social links and sliders.
I made this course for beginners and for those who are already familiar with WordPress but wants a refresher. I have also designed it for those Solopreneurs out there who want to build their brand through a reliable platform such as WordPress. Whether you want to create a site for your photography hobby or for professional purposes this course is for you.
I can’t wait to see you inside and help you build the website of your dreams.
With 30 Days money back Guarantee you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Hit the enrol button and let’s get started today!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: 201. Research and Purchase the Perfect domain Part1
Lecture 3: 202. Research and Purchase the Perfect domain Part2
Lecture 4: 301. Choosing hosting and link domain
Lecture 5: 302. Installing WordPress
Lecture 6: 303. WordPress Setup part 1
Chapter 2: WordPress Premium Theme and Complete Setup
Lecture 1: 304. Installing the Theme
Lecture 2: 305. Installing Plugins and Content
Lecture 3: 306. Exploring the Admin Panel
Chapter 3: The Theme Builder
Lecture 1: 307. The theme builder
Chapter 4: Master Slider (From Start to Finish)
Lecture 1: 401. Master Slider introduction.mp4
Lecture 2: 402. Introduciton to converting format
Lecture 3: 403. Converting Video formats
Lecture 4: 404. Converting M4V to WEBM Format
Lecture 5: 405. Uploading media to WordPress
Lecture 6: 406. Adding media to Master Slider
Chapter 5: 501. Adding Master slider to the Homepage
Lecture 1: 501. Adding Master slider to the Homepage
Lecture 2: 502. How to use the Theme Builder
Lecture 3: 503. Search, Download & Resize icons
Lecture 4: 504. Adding the Navigation Menu
Lecture 5: 505. Top Bar and Footer
Lecture 6: 506. Create a COMING SOON IMAGE
Lecture 7: 507. Video tutorials
Chapter 6: Creating the Course
Lecture 1: 601. Creating a course
Lecture 2: 602. Linking Payments
Lecture 3: 603. How to access the courses
Lecture 4: 604. Upload media to Amazon S3 Part 1.mp4
Lecture 5: 605. Upload media to Amazon S3 Part 2
Lecture 6: 606. Upload media to Amazon S3 Part 3
Lecture 7: 607. Link Amazon media to WP
Chapter 7: Conclusion
Lecture 1: 701. Wrapping up!
Fran Solo
Founder of Meijin Media and Apple Certified Trainer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 6 votes
- 3 stars: 14 votes
- 4 stars: 33 votes
- 5 stars: 51 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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