HVAC (PART2) with Revit MEP & Practical Projects
HVAC (PART2) with Revit MEP & Practical Projects, available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4.82, with 51 lectures, 6 quizzes, based on 434 reviews, and has 3450 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn how to install a full free version of the Revit software ! Design any HVAC system for any type of buildings. Design any HVAC shop drawings with the Revit software . Use the Rivet Software to design the HVAC Ducts system layouts. Use the Rivet Software to design Thermal loads calculations for any building. Use the Rivet Software to design the Air terminals system for any building. Read and Analyze any Revit architectural layout. Design the chiller system with the Revit software. Design the chiller controlling valves system with the Revit software. Learn how to prepare the initial settings of the Revit project. Learn how to link an architectural Revit project. Learn how to handle the architectural ceilings and floors to be ready for the HVAC design. Learn how to control the visibility graphics for any drawing of the building. Design the piping system required for the chiller , the Air handing unit and the pump. Learn some tricks and modifications on the ducts system design to overcome any interference in the design. Create the spaces required for designing the HVAC project layout. Create the tagging process for the spaces in your HVAC project layout. Design the required zones inside each floor to distribute the HVAC air system. Analyze the thermal loads report out of the Revit. Learn how to work on the different routing preferences for the ducting system. Learn how to set the different mechanical settings for the ducting system. Learn how to create the shared parameters required for the tagging process. Learn how to use the different annotation tools required to complete the air system drawing. Learn how to put the shop drawing on the final template and to print it. Learn how to use the different modification commands. Design the chiller system required to feed the project on the Revit software. Learn how to make the sizing operation required for the each duct in the system. Learn how to make the sizing operation required for the each pipe in the system. This course is ideal for individuals who are Mechanical engineers or Mechanical engineering students or HVAC designers or Fluid mechanics students or Heat Ventilation and Air Conditioning students or Anyone who need to construct his HVAC project or Energy engineers or HAP designing students or Revit MEP students or Autocad mechanical students or Plumbing students or Piping students or Revit MEP designers or Engineers or interior Designers or technicians It is particularly useful for Mechanical engineers or Mechanical engineering students or HVAC designers or Fluid mechanics students or Heat Ventilation and Air Conditioning students or Anyone who need to construct his HVAC project or Energy engineers or HAP designing students or Revit MEP students or Autocad mechanical students or Plumbing students or Piping students or Revit MEP designers or Engineers or interior Designers or technicians.
Enroll now: HVAC (PART2) with Revit MEP & Practical Projects
Title: HVAC (PART2) with Revit MEP & Practical Projects
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4.82
Number of Lectures: 51
Number of Quizzes: 6
Number of Published Lectures: 51
Number of Published Quizzes: 6
Number of Curriculum Items: 61
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 61
Original Price: $124.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn how to install a full free version of the Revit software !
- Design any HVAC system for any type of buildings.
- Design any HVAC shop drawings with the Revit software .
- Use the Rivet Software to design the HVAC Ducts system layouts.
- Use the Rivet Software to design Thermal loads calculations for any building.
- Use the Rivet Software to design the Air terminals system for any building.
- Read and Analyze any Revit architectural layout.
- Design the chiller system with the Revit software.
- Design the chiller controlling valves system with the Revit software.
- Learn how to prepare the initial settings of the Revit project.
- Learn how to link an architectural Revit project.
- Learn how to handle the architectural ceilings and floors to be ready for the HVAC design.
- Learn how to control the visibility graphics for any drawing of the building.
- Design the piping system required for the chiller , the Air handing unit and the pump.
- Learn some tricks and modifications on the ducts system design to overcome any interference in the design.
- Create the spaces required for designing the HVAC project layout.
- Create the tagging process for the spaces in your HVAC project layout.
- Design the required zones inside each floor to distribute the HVAC air system.
- Analyze the thermal loads report out of the Revit.
- Learn how to work on the different routing preferences for the ducting system.
- Learn how to set the different mechanical settings for the ducting system.
- Learn how to create the shared parameters required for the tagging process.
- Learn how to use the different annotation tools required to complete the air system drawing.
- Learn how to put the shop drawing on the final template and to print it.
- Learn how to use the different modification commands.
- Design the chiller system required to feed the project on the Revit software.
- Learn how to make the sizing operation required for the each duct in the system.
- Learn how to make the sizing operation required for the each pipe in the system.
Who Should Attend
- Mechanical engineers
- Mechanical engineering students
- HVAC designers
- Fluid mechanics students
- Heat Ventilation and Air Conditioning students
- Anyone who need to construct his HVAC project
- Energy engineers
- HAP designing students
- Revit MEP students
- Autocad mechanical students
- Plumbing students
- Piping students
- Revit MEP designers
- Engineers
- interior Designers
- technicians
Target Audiences
- Mechanical engineers
- Mechanical engineering students
- HVAC designers
- Fluid mechanics students
- Heat Ventilation and Air Conditioning students
- Anyone who need to construct his HVAC project
- Energy engineers
- HAP designing students
- Revit MEP students
- Autocad mechanical students
- Plumbing students
- Piping students
- Revit MEP designers
- Engineers
- interior Designers
- technicians
“Heat ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) is one of the most important system for any building design”.
Hello there,
If the word ‘HVAC’ baffles your mind and you want to master it, then this is for you.
If you want to start your career in HVAC design and make money from it, then is for you.
If you want to learn how to design HVAC system for any Project, then this course is for you.
If you get bored of the word ‘this course is for you’, then this course is for you.
if you love the mechanical engineering
if your are a mechanical engineering student
Well, HVACis becoming a widely-used word on everybody’s tongue, and this is reasonable as most the building designs must include the heating and ventilation requirements.
So we introduce to you the HEAT VENTILATION & AIR CONDITIONINGDesign course that you need in order to get your hand on the HVAC design as this course collects most of the knowledge that you’ll need in your journey.
We believe that the brainloves to keep the information that it finds applicable, and that’s what we’re doing here in UNITED ENGINEERING, we give you years of experience from our instructors that have been gathered in just one an interesting dose.
HVAC also is a core branch in the mechanical engineering designing modules
Our course is structured as follows:
Learn how to install a full free version of the Revit software !
Take an overview on the Revit interface.
Learn how to prepare the initial settings of the Revit project.
learn how to link an architectural Revit project.
Learn how to handle the architectural ceilings and floors to be ready for the HVAC design.
Learn how to control the visibility graphics for any drawing of the building.
Design the diffusers system layout on the suspended ceiling.
Design the complete ducts system layout on the floor ceiling.
Learn some tricks and modifications on the ducts system design to overcome any interference in the design .
Create the spaces required for designing the HVAC project layout.
Create the tagging process for the spaces in your HVAC project layout.
make all the required thermal loads calculations with the Revit software.
design the required zones inside each floor to distribute the HVAC air system.
Analyze the thermal loads report out of the Revit.
Learn how to work on the different routing preferences for the ducting system.
Learn how to set the different mechanical settings for the ducting system.
Learn how to create the shared parameters required for the tagging process.
Learn how to use the different annotation tools required to complete the air system drawing.
Learn how to put the shop drawing on the final template and to print it.
Design the chiller system required to feed the project on the Revit software.
Design the piping system required for the chiller , the Air handing unit and the pump.
Learn how to make the sizing operation required for the each duct in the system.
Learn how to make the sizing operation required for the each pipe in the system.
** At this course:
These tracks would be like a piece of cake to you.
We’ll take you from the Scratch of Designing and Analysis.
You’ll learn with practical exciting method in order to understand without being bored.
All you need is an open mind and the passion to be successful!
** Our help in YouCan is always available to you if you get stuck or have a question– our support is legendary in Udemy
–> So don’t hesitate and click “ Buy Now ” button so you can begin on the right path!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Overview on the Revit Interface
Lecture 2: Revit installation
Lecture 3: Prepare the project Initial Settings
Chapter 2: Handling the Architectural Layout
Lecture 1: Linking the First Revit HVAC Project
Lecture 2: Handling the First Revit HVAC Project
Lecture 3: Handing the Building Ceiling for the Ducts Design
Lecture 4: Controlling the HVAC Ceilings Visibility Graphics
Chapter 3: the Basics of the HVAC Air System Design
Lecture 1: Positioning the Diffusers on the Suspended Ceiling_1
Lecture 2: Positioning the Diffusers on the Suspended Ceiling_2
Lecture 3: Applying modification on the HVAC Ducts_1
Lecture 4: Applying modification on the HVAC Ducts_2
Chapter 4: Designing the Building Thermal Loads
Lecture 1: Tagging the Spaces of the Building Layout
Lecture 2: Distributing the Rooms into Spaces & Zones
Lecture 3: Calculating the Spaces Total Thermal Loads_1
Lecture 4: Calculating the Spaces Total Thermal Loads_2
Lecture 5: Analyzing the thermal Loads Report + Inserting the Diffusers
Chapter 5: Designing the HVAC Ducts System
Lecture 1: Design an HVAC Ducts System
Lecture 2: Notes on the HVAC Ducts Design_1
Lecture 3: Designing the Ducts Insulation and Inspection Systems
Lecture 4: Notes on the HVAC Ducts Design_2
Lecture 5: Ducts Design Routing Preferences
Lecture 6: Ducts Design Mechanical Settings
Lecture 7: Advanced Notes on the Ducts System Design
Chapter 6: Designing the Shop Drawing Required Information
Lecture 1: Tagging the Designed Drawing Elements
Lecture 2: The Tagging Process by the Shared Parameters
Lecture 3: the Usage of the Annotation Tool to Finish the Drawing
Lecture 4: Adding the Drawing in the Final Template
Chapter 7: —————- the School Complete Project —————-
Lecture 1: Prepare Yourself for Designing the Complete HVAC Project
Chapter 8: Handling the School Architectural Layout
Lecture 1: Exploring the School Architectural Drawing
Lecture 2: Handling the Ceilings & Floors for the HVAC Design_1
Lecture 3: Handling the Ceilings & Floors for the HVAC Design_2
Lecture 4: Handling the Ceilings View Range for the HVAC Design_2
Chapter 9: Designing the School thermal Loads
Lecture 1: Adding the Spaces Tags for the Ceilings
Lecture 2: Designing the Zones Required for Each Floor
Lecture 3: Calculating the Required Thermal Loads for each Space
Chapter 10: Designing the School Supplying Air System
Lecture 1: Positioning the AHU & the VAV Box
Lecture 2: Designing the First Zone Air System
Lecture 3: Designing the Second Zone Air System
Lecture 4: Designing the Third Zone Air System
Lecture 5: Designing the VAV Boxes Input Ducts
Chapter 11: Designing the School Return Air System
Lecture 1: Designing the First Zone Return Air System_1
Lecture 2: Designing the First Zone Return Air System_2
Lecture 3: Designing the Second Zone Return Air System_1
Lecture 4: Designing the Second Zone Return Air System_2
Lecture 5: Designing the Third Zone Return Air System
Chapter 12: Finishing the Air System Layout
Lecture 1: Modifying the Air System for One Space
Lecture 2: Analyzing the Designed Ducts System_1
Lecture 3: Analyzing the Designed Ducts System_2
Lecture 4: Adding the Designed Drawing on its final Template
Chapter 13: Chiller System Design
Lecture 1: Designing the Chiller , Pump & AHU Piping System
Lecture 2: Chiller Pipes Sizing and Controlling Valves
United Engineering
Learning By Doing
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 6 votes
- 2 stars: 12 votes
- 3 stars: 70 votes
- 4 stars: 142 votes
- 5 stars: 204 votes
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How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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