Inkscape the complete course vector graphic software
Inkscape the complete course vector graphic software, available at $39.99, has an average rating of 3.63, with 100 lectures, based on 8 reviews, and has 78 subscribers.
You will learn about Understand Inkscape dashboard Create save and export Master conception tools Create shapes Edit objects Add symbols Edit paths Add colors gradients and strokes Add grid and guides Import images Vectorize image Add text Add text effects Master layers Add filters Create character with shapes Create landscape with shapes Create graphic documents This course is ideal for individuals who are People wishing to specialize in graphic design and learn to draw on computer or Individuals who want to draw and create computer graphics or People who want to work with vector format It is particularly useful for People wishing to specialize in graphic design and learn to draw on computer or Individuals who want to draw and create computer graphics or People who want to work with vector format.
Enroll now: Inkscape the complete course vector graphic software
Title: Inkscape the complete course vector graphic software
Price: $39.99
Average Rating: 3.63
Number of Lectures: 100
Number of Published Lectures: 100
Number of Curriculum Items: 100
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 100
Original Price: €94.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Understand Inkscape dashboard
- Create save and export
- Master conception tools
- Create shapes
- Edit objects
- Add symbols
- Edit paths
- Add colors gradients and strokes
- Add grid and guides
- Import images
- Vectorize image
- Add text
- Add text effects
- Master layers
- Add filters
- Create character with shapes
- Create landscape with shapes
- Create graphic documents
Who Should Attend
- People wishing to specialize in graphic design and learn to draw on computer
- Individuals who want to draw and create computer graphics
- People who want to work with vector format
Target Audiences
- People wishing to specialize in graphic design and learn to draw on computer
- Individuals who want to draw and create computer graphics
- People who want to work with vector format
Inkscape is a professional quality vector drawing software that runs on Windows, Mac OS X and GNU / Linux. Inkscape is used by professional designers and hobbyists to create a wide variety of graphics such as illustrations, icons, logos, diagrams, maps and renderings for the web. Inkscape uses the Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) standard as the starting format. Unlike other software where we work in pixels, under Inkscape we work with vectors. A vector image consists of coordinates, curves, and equations of all kinds. And the advantage of this format is that you can enlarge your creation or your image to infinity, it will be identical and will not lose any quality, because we are working on vector drawing.
Why do you have to use Inkscape?
– Because it is an open source software
– Because it offers impressive creative tools for open source software
– Because you can create many graphic creations
– Because we work on the vector format no loss of quality during enlargement
– Because it’s a very ergonomic software
Who should attend?
You are beginner and you want to start mastering Inkscape?
Want to use Inkscape for personal purposes?
Want to use Inkscape for professional purposes?
Are you graphic designer and use other software and want to discover Inkscape?
Training program
In this training I will teach you how to use Inkscape from scratch. You will be able to start from a completely new level without ever having used Inkscape, to reach a good intermediate level. Those who already have knowledge about Inkscape are also invited in this course that takes into account many points. At the end of the training you will be able to fully use Inkscape yourself.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Start with Inkscape
Lecture 1: Manage dashboard
Lecture 2: Edit preferences
Lecture 3: Document properties
Lecture 4: Master navigation
Lecture 5: Create and open document
Lecture 6: Save and export
Lecture 7: Resize page to selection
Lecture 8: History panel
Chapter 3: Master tools
Lecture 1: Manage selections
Lecture 2: Create rectangles
Lecture 3: Create circles
Lecture 4: Create polygons
Lecture 5: Create spirals
Lecture 6: Create 3D boxes
Lecture 7: Draw bezier curves
Lecture 8: Edit nodes
Lecture 9: Draw freehand lines
Lecture 10: Draw calligraphic
Lecture 11: Erase paths
Lecture 12: Spray objects by sculpting or painting
Lecture 13: Tweak objects by sculpting or painting
Chapter 4: Edit objects
Lecture 1: Object associations
Lecture 2: Duplicate objects
Lecture 3: Create rotations
Lecture 4: Object offset
Lecture 5: Create groups
Lecture 6: Add transformations
Lecture 7: Apply symmetries
Lecture 8: Element positions
Chapter 5: Convert to path
Lecture 1: Object to path
Lecture 2: Stroke to path
Lecture 3: Path effects
Chapter 6: Manage colors gradients and strokes
Lecture 1: Manage colors
Lecture 2: Fill bounded areas
Lecture 3: Recuperate colors
Lecture 4: Add gradients
Lecture 5: Add gradients on stroke
Lecture 6: Edit strokes
Chapter 7: Alignments and distribution
Lecture 1: Manage alignments
Lecture 2: Manage distribution
Lecture 3: Snap objects
Chapter 8: Grid and guides
Lecture 1: Create guides
Lecture 2: Add grid
Chapter 9: Create clones
Lecture 1: Create clones
Lecture 2: Tiled clones part 1
Lecture 3: Tiled clones part 2
Chapter 10: Add symbols
Lecture 1: Edit symbols
Chapter 11: Add text
Lecture 1: Add text
Lecture 2: Text along path
Lecture 3: Perspective text
Lecture 4: Add glyphs
Chapter 12: Add effects on text
Lecture 1: Text reflect effect
Lecture 2: Text 3D effect
Lecture 3: Text perspective effect
Lecture 4: Text winter effect
Chapter 13: Manage layers
Lecture 1: Layers part 1
Lecture 2: Layers part 2
Chapter 14: Import image
Lecture 1: Import image
Lecture 2: Image inside shape
Lecture 3: Image inside text
Chapter 15: Vectorize image
Lecture 1: Vectorize image
Chapter 16: Add filters
Lecture 1: Filter editor
Lecture 2: Filters bevels
Lecture 3: Filters blurs
Lecture 4: Filters bumps
Lecture 5: Filters color
Lecture 6: Filters distort
Lecture 7: Filters fill and transparency
Lecture 8: Filters image effects
Lecture 9: Filters image paint and draw
Lecture 10: Filters materials
Lecture 11: Filters morphology
Lecture 12: Filters non realistic 3D shaders
Lecture 13: Filters overlays
Lecture 14: Filters protusions
Lecture 15: Filters ridges
Lecture 16: Filters textures
Lecture 17: Filters scatter
Lecture 18: Filters shadows and glows
Chapter 17: Basic trainings
Lecture 1: Drawing trees with shapes
Lecture 2: Create ball
Chapter 18: Draw with shapes trainings
Nicolas Forgue
Web entrepreneur and graphic designer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 2 votes
- 5 stars: 2 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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