Learn to Create a Mandala with Adobe Illustrator
Learn to Create a Mandala with Adobe Illustrator, available at $29.99, has an average rating of 3.89, with 28 lectures, based on 9 reviews, and has 89 subscribers.
You will learn about Not only will be able to create Mandalas but also other designs Understand core features and functions of Adobe Illustrator Build confidence in using Illustrator for design Understand what you need to do next to develop your skills This course is ideal for individuals who are This course has been designed for all levels beginner through to advanced users of illustrator. It is particularly useful for This course has been designed for all levels beginner through to advanced users of illustrator.
Enroll now: Learn to Create a Mandala with Adobe Illustrator
Title: Learn to Create a Mandala with Adobe Illustrator
Price: $29.99
Average Rating: 3.89
Number of Lectures: 28
Number of Published Lectures: 28
Number of Curriculum Items: 28
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 28
Original Price: $39.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Not only will be able to create Mandalas but also other designs
- Understand core features and functions of Adobe Illustrator
- Build confidence in using Illustrator for design
- Understand what you need to do next to develop your skills
Who Should Attend
- This course has been designed for all levels beginner through to advanced users of illustrator.
Target Audiences
- This course has been designed for all levels beginner through to advanced users of illustrator.
In this course “Learn to Create a Mandala with Adobe Illustrator ” I will show you how to create a Mandala and also learn Adobe Illustrator this fun packed course will give a solid foundation in which to build your skills we will look at all the main tools and techniques you need to produce fantastic designs in this “Learn to Create a Mandala with Adobe Illustrator course”.
This course will explore lots of the features you will commonly use to create Mandalas, including the path tool, rotations, aligning and the pathfinder tools, we will also look at a multitude of different tools and techniques during this course.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Create a Mandala with Adobe Illustrator – Welcome
Lecture 1: Create a Mandala with Adobe Illustrator – Promotional
Chapter 2: Create a Mandala with Adobe Illustrator – The Course
Lecture 1: DOWNLOAD
Lecture 2: Create a Mandala with Adobe Illustrator – Introduction
Lecture 3: Create a Mandala with Adobe Illustrator – Reference gathering
Lecture 4: Create a Mandala with Adobe Illustrator – Setting up Illustrator
Lecture 5: Create a Mandala with Adobe Illustrator – Madala Setup
Lecture 6: Create a Mandala with Adobe Illustrator – Modifying strokes
Lecture 7: Create a Mandala with Adobe Illustrator – Pathh tool in Illustrator
Lecture 8: Create a Mandala with Adobe Illustrator – Pathfinder
Lecture 9: Create a Mandala with Adobe Illustrator – Concentric Circles rock layer
Lecture 10: Create a Mandala with Adobe Illustrator – Flower template
Lecture 11: Create a Mandala with Adobe Illustrator – Offset paths
Lecture 12: Create a Mandala with Adobe Illustrator – Creating cloud inset
Lecture 13: Create a Mandala with Adobe Illustrator – Sea Base
Lecture 14: Create a Mandala with Adobe Illustrator – Finish our Layer
Lecture 15: Create a Mandala with Adobe Illustrator – Moon Phases
Lecture 16: Create a Mandala with Adobe Illustrator – Finishing the Moon layer
Lecture 17: Create a Mandala with Adobe Illustrator – Roots and Gates
Lecture 18: Create a Mandala with Adobe Illustrator – Detailing and freehand
Lecture 19: Create a Mandala with Adobe Illustrator – Creating the frame
Lecture 20: Create a Mandala with Adobe Illustrator – Stroke fill and colour
Lecture 21: Create a Mandala with Adobe Illustrator – Colouring our Mandala part 1
Lecture 22: Create a Mandala with Adobe Illustrator – Colouring our Mandala part 2
Lecture 23: Create a Mandala with Adobe Illustrator – Colouring our Mandala part 3
Lecture 24: Create a Mandala with Adobe Illustrator – Colouring our Mandala part 3
Lecture 25: Create a Mandala with Adobe Illustrator – Adding gradients to our Mandala
Lecture 26: Create a Mandala with Adobe Illustrator – End of course features
UK Online Training Centre
Online training centre based in the UK creative studies
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 2 votes
- 5 stars: 4 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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