Master SVG animation using HTML & CSS – Build 8 Projects.
Master SVG animation using HTML & CSS – Build 8 Projects., available at $19.99, has an average rating of 3.2, with 55 lectures, based on 61 reviews, and has 660 subscribers.
You will learn about Design amazing and attractive 2D vector graphics using SVG. Gain more knowledge about the combination of HTML , CSS and SVG. Without using any software students will be able to create awesome SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics). Design amazing icons and logos using the basic shapes fir your website and mobile app. Learn how to create Screensaver and set parameters according to your requirement. You will be able to design images with high resolution and in advance form which is better then jpeg format. Understand the concept of animation in SVG with practical examples. Get friendly support on any problem in less than 12 hours. A certificate of completion at the end. This course is ideal for individuals who are Take this course if you want to be a pro web designer. or Take this course if you want to be a freelancer logo / graphic / animation designer using SVG. or Take this course if you want to brush up your skills on SVG. or Take this course if you want to design logo / graphics without using any software and just with basic HTML and CSS. It is particularly useful for Take this course if you want to be a pro web designer. or Take this course if you want to be a freelancer logo / graphic / animation designer using SVG. or Take this course if you want to brush up your skills on SVG. or Take this course if you want to design logo / graphics without using any software and just with basic HTML and CSS.
Enroll now: Master SVG animation using HTML & CSS – Build 8 Projects.
Title: Master SVG animation using HTML & CSS – Build 8 Projects.
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 3.2
Number of Lectures: 55
Number of Published Lectures: 55
Number of Curriculum Items: 55
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 55
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Design amazing and attractive 2D vector graphics using SVG.
- Gain more knowledge about the combination of HTML , CSS and SVG.
- Without using any software students will be able to create awesome SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics).
- Design amazing icons and logos using the basic shapes fir your website and mobile app.
- Learn how to create Screensaver and set parameters according to your requirement.
- You will be able to design images with high resolution and in advance form which is better then jpeg format.
- Understand the concept of animation in SVG with practical examples.
- Get friendly support on any problem in less than 12 hours.
- A certificate of completion at the end.
Who Should Attend
- Take this course if you want to be a pro web designer.
- Take this course if you want to be a freelancer logo / graphic / animation designer using SVG.
- Take this course if you want to brush up your skills on SVG.
- Take this course if you want to design logo / graphics without using any software and just with basic HTML and CSS.
Target Audiences
- Take this course if you want to be a pro web designer.
- Take this course if you want to be a freelancer logo / graphic / animation designer using SVG.
- Take this course if you want to brush up your skills on SVG.
- Take this course if you want to design logo / graphics without using any software and just with basic HTML and CSS.
++++++++ Watch the Promo Video To Know how much deep this course is designed to make your concepts clear..
++++ Only SVG course which will start your training with the basics and then using the basics you will learn the designing of amazing 2D Vector Graphics and different Shapes and Logos for your website using the combination of HTML , CSS and SVG++++
Who can take this course….???
1. If you are a beginner to SVGprogramming and want to learn the basics …..
2. If you are already an expert in SVGand want to design attractive logosand imagesfor your websites…..
3. If you want to brush up your skills in this topic…….
4. If you want to be a web designer/developer…..
So , if you come under any of these 4 cases , then YES, this course is designed for you…….
This course will start your journey from scratch and at the end of it you will be a SVG GURU.
Topics which are covered in the course are as follows:
1. Introductionto SVG
2. Understanding the Syntax.
3.Designing the Basic Shapes (Rectangle , Circle , Line , Polygon , Polyline , Ellipse)
4, Adding TEXTto your SVG
.5. Concept of STROKEin SVG..
6. Important ELEMENTSin SVG
.7. Clippingand Maskingin SVG.
8. Using Javascriptin SVG
.9. Applying Filtersto Images.
10 .Concept of Gradientsin SVG.
11 Understanding the Animation..
12. The concept of Transformation.
13. Designing Logosand Complex animation..
Benifits / Advantages of this course:
1). No matter you are a beginner or an expert , this course is designed from scratch.
2). Every programming example will start from a blank page and will ends up with a desired output.
3). A line to line description of every single code is provided in a descriptive manner.
4). This course will work as a “ZERO to HERO” , so at the end you will be an expert in designing amazing 2D vector graphics with SVG..
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to the Course , Instructor and Understanding Syntax.
Lecture 1: Introduction to SVG.
Lecture 2: Introduction to Instructor.
Lecture 3: The first SVG example.
Chapter 2: BASIC SHAPE – Designing of RECTANGLE.
Lecture 1: Designing a Basic Rectangle.
Lecture 2: Adding concept of TRANSPARENCY to the Rectangle.
Lecture 3: Using Transparency concept.
Lecture 4: Adding Rounded Corners to a Rectangle.
Chapter 3: BASIC SHAPE – Designing of CIRCLE.
Lecture 1: Designing CIRCLE in SVG.
Chapter 4: BASIC SHAPE – Designing of ELLIPSE.
Lecture 1: Designing a Basic ellipse.
Lecture 2: Designing Multiple Ellipse in SVG.
Lecture 3: Designing the combination of two ellipse.
Chapter 5: BASIC SHAPE – Designing of LINE.
Lecture 1: Designing LINE in SVG.
Chapter 6: BASIC SHAPE – Designing of POLYGON.
Lecture 1: Designing a Basic POLYGON.
Lecture 2: Designing POLYGON with FOUR sides.
Lecture 3: ADVANCE use of POLYGON.
Lecture 4: ADVANCE use of POLYGON – Part 2.
Chapter 7: BASIC SHAPE – Designing of POLYLINE.
Lecture 1: Designing a Basic POLYLINE.
Lecture 2: Combination of Different straight Lines.
Chapter 8: Understanding the concept of PATH in SVG.
Lecture 1: Basics and Practical example of PATH.
Lecture 2: Designing a Quadratic Curve using the PATH concept.
Chapter 9: Adding TEXT to your SVG.
Lecture 1: Defining a basic TEXT in SVG.
Lecture 2: Rotating the TEXT at a certain angle.
Lecture 3: Adding some advance Functionality to TEXT.
Lecture 4: Using TEXT as a link in SVG.
Chapter 10: Useful ELEMENTS in SVG.
Lecture 1: The use of g element in SVG.
Lecture 2: The use of defs element in SVG.
Lecture 3: The use of symbol element in SVG.
Chapter 11: STROKES in SVG.
Lecture 1: Introduction to stroke with practical example.
Lecture 2: The use of stroke-width property in SVG.
Lecture 3: The stroke dasharray concept.
Lecture 4: The stroke linecap property in SVG.
Chapter 12: Some ADVANCE concept used in SVG.
Lecture 1: The Clip path concept in SVG.
Lecture 2: Use of mask in SVG.
Lecture 3: Introduction to TOOLS for SVG.
Chapter 13: Adding JAVASCRIPT to SVG.
Lecture 1: Using script in SVG.
Lecture 2: Adding more than one event to SVG.
Chapter 14: Applying different EFFECTS / FILTERS to SVG.
Lecture 1: Applying BLUR effect.
Lecture 2: Implementing the SHADOW effect.
Lecture 3: Using BLUR effect for an OFFSET image.
Lecture 4: Applying black shadow to an element.
Lecture 5: Applying Colored shadow.
Chapter 15: Applying GRADIENTS in SVG.
Lecture 1: Understanding the concept of gradient.
Lecture 2: Understanding the vertical linear gradient .
Lecture 3: Adding Text to Linear gradient.
Lecture 4: The concept of Radial Gradient in SVG.
Chapter 16: Performing Animation in SVG.
Lecture 1: The basic implementation of animation.
Lecture 2: The advance function of animation.
Lecture 3: Applying animation to multiple objects.
Lecture 4: The use of END element in SVG.
Lecture 5: Performing repeated actions in Animation.
Lecture 6: The use of SET element in SVG.
Lecture 7: Understanding the transform animation.
Lecture 8: Animating the MOTION of element.
Lecture 9: Animating Motion of an element -Part2
Lecture 10: Adding Links to Images.
Kunal Asudani
Website developer and Bestselling Instructor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 10 votes
- 2 stars: 7 votes
- 3 stars: 19 votes
- 4 stars: 16 votes
- 5 stars: 9 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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