Revit MEP Electrical Masterclass- From Beginner to Advanced
Revit MEP Electrical Masterclass- From Beginner to Advanced, available at $49.99, has an average rating of 4.84, with 117 lectures, based on 42 reviews, and has 1951 subscribers.
You will learn about Defining various connections for cable trays and conduits based on standards Defining Service Types and suitable filters for various cable trays and conduits Placing various lights and electrical devices Modeling various family types such as switches, outlets, and electrical panels Familiarity with Lookup Tables in the family environment Adjusting the Project Browser window and changing its structure according to the project type Identifying and resolving various warnings and potential errors in drawing electrical items Identifying and resolving clashes between cable trays and conduits with other modeled items Accurate and practical quantification of all electrical items Tagging, sheeting, and preparing the necessary drawings from the electrical model This course is ideal for individuals who are BIM Modelers or Electrical Engineers or Mechanical Engineers or MEP Engineers or BIM Coordinators or BIM Managers or Engineers or Project Managers It is particularly useful for BIM Modelers or Electrical Engineers or Mechanical Engineers or MEP Engineers or BIM Coordinators or BIM Managers or Engineers or Project Managers.
Enroll now: Revit MEP Electrical Masterclass- From Beginner to Advanced
Title: Revit MEP Electrical Masterclass- From Beginner to Advanced
Price: $49.99
Average Rating: 4.84
Number of Lectures: 117
Number of Published Lectures: 117
Number of Curriculum Items: 117
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 117
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Defining various connections for cable trays and conduits based on standards
- Defining Service Types and suitable filters for various cable trays and conduits
- Placing various lights and electrical devices
- Modeling various family types such as switches, outlets, and electrical panels
- Familiarity with Lookup Tables in the family environment
- Adjusting the Project Browser window and changing its structure according to the project type
- Identifying and resolving various warnings and potential errors in drawing electrical items
- Identifying and resolving clashes between cable trays and conduits with other modeled items
- Accurate and practical quantification of all electrical items
- Tagging, sheeting, and preparing the necessary drawings from the electrical model
Who Should Attend
- BIM Modelers
- Electrical Engineers
- Mechanical Engineers
- MEP Engineers
- BIM Coordinators
- BIM Managers
- Engineers
- Project Managers
Target Audiences
- BIM Modelers
- Electrical Engineers
- Mechanical Engineers
- MEP Engineers
- BIM Coordinators
- BIM Managers
- Engineers
- Project Managers
Note : This course is being updated every week, with new sections being added regularly.
How does this course ensure thorough and practical training in electrical modeling to meet industry standards?
What hands-on learning opportunities does the project-based approach provide for mastering electrical modeling skills?
How does this course cater to a diverse audience and offer unique benefits to professionals from various disciplines?
This course is a comprehensiveand highly practical guide covering all the necessary topics for modeling, quantifying, and sheeting electrical items.
In this course, all technical aspects are covered according to standards in modeling.
This course is also very practical for mechanical, architectural, and structural engineers as all concepts are taught from the basics.
The course is project-based, and electrical item modeling is taught in two projects. The Project Browser window settings are customized for these projects.
Even parametric modeling of various families is taught in this course
Defining various connections for cable trays and conduits basedon standards
Defining Service Types and suitable filters for various cable trays and conduits
Placing various lights and electrical devices
Modeling various family types such as switches, outlets, and electrical panels
Familiarity with Lookup Tables in the family environment
Adjusting the Project Browser window and changing its structure according to the project type
Identifying and resolving various warnings and potential errors in drawing electrical items
Identifying and resolving clashes between cable trays and conduits with other modeled items
Accurate and practical quantification of all electrical items
Tagging, sheeting, and preparing the necessary drawings from the electrical model
After modeling, it is necessary to have practical exports from the 3D model. These outputs include quantification and executive drawings, which are fully taught in this course.
After completing this course, you will be a professional in electrical modelingand will be able to easily model all projects and prepare the necessary outputs
Please watch this course and feel free to ask me any questions you have while watching it. Additionally, during learningthis course, ask me questions so that I can guide you
Enroll now for being professional in BIM and MEP Electrical Modeling.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Cable Tray: Initial Considerations
Lecture 1: Selecting the appropriate electrical template – Types of cable trays
Lecture 2: Initial considerations for drawing cable trays
Lecture 3: Differences between the types of cable
Lecture 4: Types of cable tray connections in Revit
Lecture 5: Types of cable tray connections in the Type Properties window
Lecture 6: Defining custom cable tray connections
Lecture 7: Differences between cable trays with fittings and without fittings
Lecture 8: Defining Bend Radius Multiplier
Chapter 2: Exercise File
Lecture 1: Exercise File
Chapter 3: Cable Tray: Project
Lecture 1: Performing initial setup
Lecture 2: Linking cable tray drawings
Lecture 3: Downloading bent cable tray
Lecture 4: Configuring connections, Service Type, dimensions
Lecture 5: Drawing cable trays
Lecture 6: Drawing Power cable trays
Lecture 7: Drawing Low Current cable trays
Lecture 8: Defining filters for cable trays
Lecture 9: Identifying cable tray clashes with mechanical items
Lecture 10: Identifying clashes using the Interference Check command
Chapter 4: Cable Tray: Office Project
Lecture 1: Initial Electrical File Settings
Lecture 2: Creating Floor Plans for Floors
Lecture 3: Linking Cable Tray Map
Lecture 4: Defining Connections Size and Height of Cable Tray Drawing Service Type
Lecture 5: Drawing Power Cable Tray on the Fourth Floor
Lecture 6: Drawing Low Current Cable Tray on the Fourth Floor
Lecture 7: Electrical and Mechanical Interference Check
Lecture 8: Resolving Electrical and Mechanical Interferences
Lecture 9: Identifying Interferences with Interference Check Command
Lecture 10: Repairing the Structure of View Section in the Project Browser Window
Lecture 11: Settings for Section and 3D in the Project Browser Window
Lecture 12: Drawing Cable Tray Riser
Lecture 13: Drawing Cable Tray on the Wall
Lecture 14: Drawing cable tray without fittings for the third floor
Chapter 5: Lighting fixture: Office Project
Lecture 1: View Settings
Lecture 2: Placement of Hosted Square Ceiling Light
Lecture 3: Using Copy and Array Commands for Light Placement
Lecture 4: Placement of Circular Lights and Their Types
Chapter 6: Lighting fixture: Parking Project
Lecture 1: View Structure Settings in Project Browser Window
Lecture 2: Linking Light Map
Lecture 3: Placement of Parking Lights
Lecture 4: Copying Lights Using Array Command
Lecture 5: Adjusting Height of Copied Lights
Lecture 6: Resolving Light Interferences
Lecture 7: Placement of Wall Lights
Chapter 7: Conduit: Initial Considerations
Lecture 1: Types of Conduit
Lecture 2: Types of Conduit Connections in Revit
Lecture 3: Difference Between Conduits With Fittings and Without Fittings
Lecture 4: Defining Filters for Conduits
Chapter 8: Conduit: Parking Project
Lecture 1: Creating Floor Plan and Filter for Conduit Systems
Lecture 2: Defining View Template
Lecture 3: Reading Maps and Linking Lighting Map
Lecture 4: Size and Material of Conduit
Lecture 5: Basic Tips for Drawing Lighting Conduit
Lecture 6: Changing Properties of Conduit Elbow Family in Lookup Table
Lecture 7: Completing the Modeling of Lighting Conduit
Lecture 8: Completing the Modeling of Lighting Conduit
Lecture 9: Placement of Lighting Device Family
Lecture 10: Downloading Lighting Device Family
Lecture 11: Modeling Surface-mounted Lighting Device Family
Chapter 9: Conduit: Modeling Electrical Panel Family
Lecture 1: Main Body
Lecture 2: Lights on the Panel Door
Lecture 3: Hazard Sign on the Panel Door
Lecture 4: Panel Door Handle
Lecture 5: Placing Connectors
Chapter 10: Conduit: Parking Project
Lecture 1: Connecting Lighting Conduits to the Electrical Panel
Lecture 2: Reading and Linking the Emergency Lighting Plan
Lecture 3: Placing Emergency Lighting Fixtures
Lecture 4: Drawing Emergency Lighting Conduits
Lecture 5: Placing Exit Lights
Lecture 6: Drawing Exit Light Conduits
Lecture 7: Reading and Linking the Outlet Plan
Lecture 8: family modeling of three-phase outlet
Lecture 9: Conduit outlet drawing
Lecture 10: map reading and linking to Fire Alarm map – family placement of Smoke Detector
Lecture 11: family placement of Heat Detector and Flame Detector
Lecture 12: types of Strobe, Speaker and Horn
Lecture 13: family modeling of Control Module and Monitoring Module
Lecture 14: family modeling of Control Module and Monitoring Module
Lecture 15: Fire Alarm Conduit Drawing
Lecture 16: Map Reading and Linking Weak Flow Map – Door Lock Family Placement
Lecture 17: Card Reader family placement
Lecture 18: Modeling and Family Placement Alarm Break Glass Exit Push Buttom
Lecture 19: examples of conduit modeling in residential projects
Chapter 11: Schedule; Cable Tray Quantity Takeoff
Lecture 1: Selecting Parameters for the Cable Tray Quantity Takeoff Table
Lecture 2: Sorting and Categorizing the Cable Tray Quantity Takeoff Table
Lecture 3: Changing Units and Applying Conditions in the Quantity Takeoff Table
Lecture 4: Difference Between Cable Tray Quantity Takeoff With Fittings and Without Fitting
Lecture 5: Quantity Takeoff for Cable Tray Fittings
Chapter 12: Schedule; Conduit Measurement
Amir Karami • BIM
BIM Manager, BIM Modeler, Revit, Architect, MEP Modeler
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 8 votes
- 5 stars: 33 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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