Rhino 3D Modeling – Beginner to Advance Transition Program
Rhino 3D Modeling – Beginner to Advance Transition Program, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.85, with 36 lectures, based on 67 reviews, and has 311 subscribers.
You will learn about You will learn the absolute basics to properly start working in a 3D environment. What is a curve, surface, solid and its importance in terms of the 3D shapes. You will learn the most important skills of the Rhino 3D interface so that you can quickly start 3D modeling without having to learn all advanced details. You will learn many essentials such as interface, viewports, icons functionality, command launching, mouse skills so that the workspace never limits you. Thanks to the well-thought-out content of the course and the way it is presented, you will be able to 3D model any concept that comes to your mind You will have gain 3D modeling skills and knowledge of 3D terminology that will enable you to communicate seamlessly in a creative design teams. You will have the skills to solve 3D design problems and quickly prototype developed concepts using 3D printing or CNC technology. Intermediate students will use design practical exercises in the course to improve their competence This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is for beginners, newbies & amateurs in the field of 3D Modeling with motivation to start business or work in design industry. or Intermediate can use the exercises in the course to improve their competence or Anyone who wants to start using Rhinoceros 3D in their career & get paid for their 3D Modeling design skills. or For startup'ers who want to use 3D modeling, 3D prototyping, 3D printing to develop their startup ideas or For students of design faculties who need to effectively present their projects in university classes. or For employees of companies representing creative industries who want to expand the competences of their employees with 3D modeling methods in Rhino3D or For enthusiasts of 3D printing technology who want their projects to have original and innovative shapes It is particularly useful for This course is for beginners, newbies & amateurs in the field of 3D Modeling with motivation to start business or work in design industry. or Intermediate can use the exercises in the course to improve their competence or Anyone who wants to start using Rhinoceros 3D in their career & get paid for their 3D Modeling design skills. or For startup'ers who want to use 3D modeling, 3D prototyping, 3D printing to develop their startup ideas or For students of design faculties who need to effectively present their projects in university classes. or For employees of companies representing creative industries who want to expand the competences of their employees with 3D modeling methods in Rhino3D or For enthusiasts of 3D printing technology who want their projects to have original and innovative shapes.
Enroll now: Rhino 3D Modeling – Beginner to Advance Transition Program
Title: Rhino 3D Modeling – Beginner to Advance Transition Program
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.85
Number of Lectures: 36
Number of Published Lectures: 36
Number of Curriculum Items: 36
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 36
Original Price: €119.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You will learn the absolute basics to properly start working in a 3D environment. What is a curve, surface, solid and its importance in terms of the 3D shapes.
- You will learn the most important skills of the Rhino 3D interface so that you can quickly start 3D modeling without having to learn all advanced details.
- You will learn many essentials such as interface, viewports, icons functionality, command launching, mouse skills so that the workspace never limits you.
- Thanks to the well-thought-out content of the course and the way it is presented, you will be able to 3D model any concept that comes to your mind
- You will have gain 3D modeling skills and knowledge of 3D terminology that will enable you to communicate seamlessly in a creative design teams.
- You will have the skills to solve 3D design problems and quickly prototype developed concepts using 3D printing or CNC technology.
- Intermediate students will use design practical exercises in the course to improve their competence
Who Should Attend
- This course is for beginners, newbies & amateurs in the field of 3D Modeling with motivation to start business or work in design industry.
- Intermediate can use the exercises in the course to improve their competence
- Anyone who wants to start using Rhinoceros 3D in their career & get paid for their 3D Modeling design skills.
- For startup'ers who want to use 3D modeling, 3D prototyping, 3D printing to develop their startup ideas
- For students of design faculties who need to effectively present their projects in university classes.
- For employees of companies representing creative industries who want to expand the competences of their employees with 3D modeling methods in Rhino3D
- For enthusiasts of 3D printing technology who want their projects to have original and innovative shapes
Target Audiences
- This course is for beginners, newbies & amateurs in the field of 3D Modeling with motivation to start business or work in design industry.
- Intermediate can use the exercises in the course to improve their competence
- Anyone who wants to start using Rhinoceros 3D in their career & get paid for their 3D Modeling design skills.
- For startup'ers who want to use 3D modeling, 3D prototyping, 3D printing to develop their startup ideas
- For students of design faculties who need to effectively present their projects in university classes.
- For employees of companies representing creative industries who want to expand the competences of their employees with 3D modeling methods in Rhino3D
- For enthusiasts of 3D printing technology who want their projects to have original and innovative shapes
The Course contains key Basics Beginner Course + 3 instructional Intermediate step-by-step design example case studies.
The course is the result of many years of experience in teaching design students at various Art Universities. During my research, it turned out that you don’t need a lot of educational material to start modeling your own concepts. The best way to learn 3D modeling is to use the program’s tools as soon as possible and perform practical exercises on real design examples.
This is how this course is designed so that you can quickly and effectively move to the stage of 3D modeling your own design concepts.
The Key Basics Essentials Course is the first module containing 3 STEPS second module contains the last STEP 4, where you will train and solidify your knowledge.
STEP 1.– You will learn all 3D modeling rules at this stage.It tackles everything you need to know about the Rhinoceros 3D principles of 3D Modeling, such as interface, viewports, icons functionality, commands launching, mouse skills, etc., so the 3D workspace never limits you.
STEP 2– You will learn the absolutely crucial tools to start interacting with the Rhino 3D at this stage.You will learn how to process tool commands in the prompted bar and learn about tools for creating 2D NURBS curves. I will introduce you to the tools for 3D surfaces and tell you how to create airtight solids from them that you can immediately print on a 3D printer. You will learn tools for transformation, scaling, and copying. You will become friends with the fidget GUMBAL that facilitates the work of a 3D modeler.
STEP 3– At this stage, I will show you how to use the tools and do it according to the correct methods. In just an hour, you’ll be able to operate Rhino 3D, communicate with it, and create some pretty interesting shapes.
These 3 steps will take about 2 hours.
The PDF COURSE BOOKattached to the course includes fundamental and easily understandable information. Printable PDF educational material supports the course by emphasizing understanding theoretical issues on 3D Modelling principles like NURBS (non-uniform rational B-splines) curves and surfaces as well as practical issues on using Rhinoceros 3D to construct and design free-form models. The COURSE BOOK lets you grasp the top-down critical principle method in creating a holistic design and the bottom-up construction process in making the curves, the surfaces, and the 3D model.
STEP 4– You will now be able to use the Rhino 3D by yourself– This is a very important stage. I recommend doing this step shortly after the previous ones. At this stage, I will guide you through 3 training sessions based on real design examples. They will enrich your knowledge with the competencies needed in the 3D design industry: Conceptualization, Creativity, and Problem-solving.
EXAMPLE 1 – Concept Car Training – 75 min
EXAMPLE 2 – Product Design – 50 min
EXAMPLE 3 – Creating patterned shapes – 50 min
EXAMPLE 1 – Concept Car Training – 75 min
Conceptualizing – Once you have mastered the program’s essential tools and 3D modeling principles, you can build practically anything you want piece by piece. This step solidifies everything you have learned during steps 1,2, and 3 of the course. You will practice working with curves, surfaces, and solids in Concept Car training. You will also practice 2D drawing contours and shapes. I will introduce to you many surfacing methods and the creation and editing of solids. You will get to know a lot of tips and tricks as well as many functional commands and tools. Finishing this training will help you quickly transition to modeling your own 3D concepts in Rhinoceros 3D. But most of all, you will learn a conceptual approach to 3D design and 3D modeling.
EXAMPLE 2 – Product Design – 50 min
Creativity – In this practical exercise, you will learn how to creatively design different versions of your ideas to show them at business meetings as a different product version for your client or just experiment with the shape. The training is related to product design, where you experiment with shapes without paying attention to the details. You will learn how to use Rhino3D as a sketchbook to model your ideas quickly.
EXAMPLE 3 – Creating patterned shapes – 50 min
Problem-solving – In almost an hour of tutorial divided into parts, you will learn how to quickly and efficiently model in Rhinoceros 3D a complex-looking pattern that will shape the design of the Teapot and Cups. During the lesson, you will get to know effective methods of curve creation with the commands “blend curves,” „arc,” “control point curve,” or “line” to control the shape you have designed. You will also learn how to easily create NURBS surfaces with commands like ” loft, “sweep two rails, “blend surface, “or the” revolve “command. After the tutorial, you will understand the power of using transformation tools such as” polar array, “duplicate, “offset curve, „move,” “rotate.” and many more. At the end of the lesson, I will show you how to use the KEYSHOT Rendering platform to create photorealistic visualizations.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Key Basics Essentials STEP 1, 2, 3
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Course Rules
Lecture 3: 3D modeling principles
Lecture 4: Introduction to interface
Lecture 5: Main Bar
Lecture 6: Commands & Tools
Lecture 7: Curve Tools
Lecture 8: NURBS Curve
Lecture 9: Summary
Chapter 2: Training session 1 – Concept Car
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: 1. Wheels modeling
Lecture 3: 2. Body modeling
Lecture 4: 3. Body smoothing
Lecture 5: 4. Front window modeling
Lecture 6: 5. Front suspension
Lecture 7: 6. Rear suspension
Lecture 8: 7. Rear electric engines
Lecture 9: 8. Emblem design
Lecture 10: 9. Introduction to rendering
Chapter 3: Training session 2 – Product Designing
Lecture 1: Introduction to Glue Gun Product Designing
Lecture 2: 1. Blueprint setting up
Lecture 3: 2. General shape modeling
Lecture 4: 3. Details modeling 1
Lecture 5: 4. Details modeling 2
Lecture 6: 5. Patterns design
Lecture 7: 6. Glue trigger design
Lecture 8: 7. Different versions creative designing
Chapter 4: Training session 3 – Creating a patterned shapes.
Lecture 1: 1. Introduction to Patterned Tea Pot Designing
Lecture 2: 2. Teapot profile
Lecture 3: 3. Teapot shape
Lecture 4: 4. Teapot spout shaping
Lecture 5: 5. Teapot top cap
Lecture 6: 6. TeapothHandle design
Lecture 7: 7. Rubber washer
Lecture 8: 8. Tea cup design
Lecture 9: 9. Rendering
Krzysztof Kubasek
Industrial Product Designer and University Profesor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 3 votes
- 4 stars: 18 votes
- 5 stars: 46 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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