Simply Learn HTML5 and CSS3
Simply Learn HTML5 and CSS3 , available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.15, with 92 lectures, based on 29 reviews, and has 2664 subscribers.
You will learn about Create their own HTML5 page with CSS styling Create a CSS Style Sheet and add this into a webpage Understand how CSS is used to style a HTML document Use a form to pass input from a page into PHP Re-create a Bootstrap and HTML5 Page Add Animation to the Webpage Re-create the HTML5 Webpages in this course This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone looking to create the HTML5 and CSS3 without having to go through lots of theory first or Anyone looking to learn HTML5 and CSS or Anyone looking to just get into creating the page or Anyone that like to learn through practical application and not all theory or Anyone looking to start with Bootstrap It is particularly useful for Anyone looking to create the HTML5 and CSS3 without having to go through lots of theory first or Anyone looking to learn HTML5 and CSS or Anyone looking to just get into creating the page or Anyone that like to learn through practical application and not all theory or Anyone looking to start with Bootstrap.
Enroll now: Simply Learn HTML5 and CSS3
Title: Simply Learn HTML5 and CSS3
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.15
Number of Lectures: 92
Number of Published Lectures: 92
Number of Curriculum Items: 92
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 92
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Create their own HTML5 page with CSS styling
- Create a CSS Style Sheet and add this into a webpage
- Understand how CSS is used to style a HTML document
- Use a form to pass input from a page into PHP
- Re-create a Bootstrap and HTML5 Page
- Add Animation to the Webpage
- Re-create the HTML5 Webpages in this course
Who Should Attend
- Anyone looking to create the HTML5 and CSS3 without having to go through lots of theory first
- Anyone looking to learn HTML5 and CSS
- Anyone looking to just get into creating the page
- Anyone that like to learn through practical application and not all theory
- Anyone looking to start with Bootstrap
Target Audiences
- Anyone looking to create the HTML5 and CSS3 without having to go through lots of theory first
- Anyone looking to learn HTML5 and CSS
- Anyone looking to just get into creating the page
- Anyone that like to learn through practical application and not all theory
- Anyone looking to start with Bootstrap
POST BLACK FRIDAY SALE – Get this course for a limited time at $25
Have you always wanted to learn HTML but find all that reading of books boring or difficult? Well, welcome to my easy and fun course on HTML5 and CSS3.
My goal was to create a course on HTML5 and CSS3 that anyone could follow along with and learn from; regardless of if you have never created a page or have some skill in webdesign. This successful course now has over 2000 students learning, designing webpages and using HTML5 and CSS3.
The best thing is; its follow by example so no hours of theory upfront!
Here are a couple of reviews from students that have taken this course and are creating pages now:
“Takes you from the basics to a fully working site.
This is a great course to learn HTML5 & CSS3, with a bit of PHP thrown in for good measure. If you don’t know where to start then this is a course that I would recommend.” by Kenneth Rough
“I liked the way this course was laid out. It got straight into the practical side with explanations afterwards. Using Brackets to build a Bootstrap site was also very very useful.” by Max Kelly
“Just Do It!
Very apt title and enjoyable course.
feeling a lot more comfortable with my understanding of HTML5/CSS3” by Mike Veldsman
These are just some of the great reviews on this course; a course I like to say is so easy even your Granny could do it…
Creating a Webpage can be easy. Why spend hours reading and learning the theory? You could be joining over 2000 students who are currently learning HTML5 and CSS3 by following along in this course and actually creating a webpage.
Then; taking it further by creating a Bootstrap page and adding Animation using HTML and CSS. There is even a section where you can follow along and create a Contact page written in PHP where visitors can send contact emails direct to you.
We start by showing you how to create a simple HTML5 page; something you can create so easily you will wander why someone never told you this before. So easy, you will only need to add 1 line of HTML.
Next, you will be taken one lecture at a time and shown how easy it is to create a more complex page. Then; how to add CSS to style the page. By the end of this section you will have created a webpage and styled it – giving it borders, shadows and how to section off giving it a floating look..
Once you’ve finished your first HTML page you will more onto – how to create a Bootstrap page. Its so easy you hardly have to enter any code… You will learn by following along; how to quickly and easily create the base Bootstrap page; how to add elements and then add your own custom CSS.
Once completed, its time to learn about animation in HTML5 and CSS3. Yes; you can animate elements on your page just with HTML5 and CSS3!!! No need for Javascript, PhP or any other.. You will learn by following along how to add and create animation.
By the end of this course you will have built HTML5 pages with CSS; a Bootstrap page AND added your animation. So easy your granny could do it…
So, are you ready to create a webpage? If so; this is what we will be doing :
- Follow along example of HTML5 and CSS webpage
- Now includes follow along example of Bootstrap webpage
- Create some webpages
- Add styling using CSS
- Learn some great HTML based annimation techniques
- Gain what you need to create your webpage
- Create a Mobile Responsive website with Bootstrap
- Add animation to your webpage
So, why not join over 2000 students who are currently learning HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap and Webpage Animation in this course..
8th June 2015
I’ve just added a new section and 10 new lectures; teaching by example how to use Bootstrap to create a mobile responsive website. By the end of these lectures you too will be able to reproduce the Bootstrap page.
17th June 2015
Animation in Webpages has come a long way and to show how it can be done I have added a new section to this course on animation.
20th Just 2015
I’ve just added a new section; section 9 which in how to create a simple contact us page using HTML, CSS3 and PHP.
07th December 2015
HTML5 brought native commands for loading audio and video into HTML5. I’ve just added updates to the course to detail how to do this in your pages.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Let Us Begin With The First Page
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Brackets – our editor of choice
Lecture 3: Start with the basics
Lecture 4: Very first HTML5 Page
Lecture 5: Brackets – Unable to Create Folder Error – Watch if can't create folder
Lecture 6: W3C Validation
Lecture 7: Brief outline on page structure
Lecture 8: Assignment 1
Chapter 2: Lets Start Creating Out Second Page
Lecture 1: HTML5 section tags
Lecture 2: Webpage structure
Lecture 3: Webpage header section
Lecture 4: Adding menu pages
Lecture 5: Adding the webpage body
Lecture 6: Assignment 2
Chapter 3: Starting With CSS
Lecture 1: Types of CSS Style Sheets
Lecture 2: Element, Class and ID Selectors
Lecture 3: Loading an External Style Sheet
Chapter 4: Styling Our Webpage
Lecture 1: Adding Styles to the Webpage Body
Lecture 2: Sizing and Centering The Webpage
Lecture 3: Start Styling the Nav Menu
Lecture 4: Continue Styling the Nav Menu
Lecture 5: Adding The Logo
Lecture 6: Start To Style the Divs
Lecture 7: Adding Contact Us Div Elements
Lecture 8: Adding CSS Styling to the Welcome Section
Lecture 9: Adding CSS Styling to the NewsLetter Section
Lecture 10: Using CSS to Style Sections to Look Like Floating Individual Sections
Lecture 11: Styling the Footer
Lecture 12: Styling the Final Div Elements on the Page
Lecture 13: Assignment 3
Chapter 5: Adding Easy Animation To Our Menus
Lecture 1: Adding Highlighting To Our Menu
Lecture 2: Adding Animation To Our Menu
Chapter 6: Adding the Final Content
Lecture 1: Adding and Styling the Text Content
Lecture 2: Forms and Inputs
Chapter 7: Bootstrap – Creating A Mobile Responsive Website By Example
Lecture 1: Bootstrap Introduction
Lecture 2: Brackets Plugins for Bootstrap
Lecture 3: Introducing Bootstrap and CSS Files
Lecture 4: Start by Adding the Columns
Lecture 5: Creating the Webpage Body
Lecture 6: Working on the NavBar
Lecture 7: Continue with NavBar Changes
Lecture 8: Using Forms and Input in Bootstrap
Lecture 9: Adding your own CSS
Lecture 10: Assignment 4
Chapter 8: Animation – Animating Elements On The Webpage
Lecture 1: Welcome to Animations
Lecture 2: What we will be doing in this section
Lecture 3: Keyframes – FadeIn an Element on The Webpage
Lecture 4: FadeIn an Element on The Webpage CSS Code
Lecture 5: Keyframes – FadeOut an Element on The Webpage
Lecture 6: FadeOut an Element on The Webpage CSS Code
Lecture 7: Keyframes – Rotate an Element on The Webpage
Lecture 8: Rotate an Element on The Webpage CSS Code
Lecture 9: Keyframes – Moving an Element on The Webpage
Lecture 10: Moving an Element on The Webpage CSS Code
Lecture 11: Assignment 5
Chapter 9: Audio and Video In Webpages
Lecture 1: Introduction to Audio and Video
Lecture 2: Adding Audio To A Webpage
Lecture 3: Adding Video To A Webpage
Chapter 10: Create the Contact Us Page – Using HTML, CSS3 and PHP
Lecture 1: Contact Page -Introduction
Lecture 2: Creating the Contact Page – Part 1
Lecture 3: Create The Contact Page – Part 2
Lecture 4: Style the Contact Page
Lecture 5: Create and Define Structure of PHP Post Email Code
Lecture 6: Complete the PHP Post Email Page
Lecture 7: Lets See This Page In Action
Lecture 8: Assignment 6
Chapter 11: Lets Look At the Theory
Lecture 1: Introduction to the Theory Part
Lecture 2: !DOCTYPE
Lecture 3: HTML, HEAD and BODY
Lecture 4: Header, Footer and Section
Lecture 5: DIV Tag
Lecture 6: Class and ID
Lecture 7: Span Tag
Lecture 8: <p> Tag
Lecture 9: <h> Tag
Lecture 10: <a> Tag
Lecture 11: Adding an Image
Lecture 12: <ul> and <li> Tags
Lecture 13: Input Tag
Lecture 14: The CSS3 Section
Lecture 15: Element, Class and ID
Lecture 16: Background-Color and Background-Image
Lecture 17: Padding and Margin
Lecture 18: Float
Lecture 19: Font-Family and Font-Weight
Lecture 20: Text-Align and Text-Decoration
Lecture 21: List-Style
Lecture 22: Border and Border-Radius
Lecture 23: Box-Shadow
Sean McCammon
Software Engineer, Webpage Developer and Scrum Master
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 3 votes
- 4 stars: 8 votes
- 5 stars: 17 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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