Sketchup for interior design
Sketchup for interior design, available at $39.99, has an average rating of 3.8, with 73 lectures, based on 35 reviews, and has 168 subscribers.
You will learn about Understand dashboard Position toolbar Navigation in 3D Export your work Master tools Master transformations Create component Add materials Create scenes Create section Use 3D Warehouse Create furnitures Create bed Create sofa Full interior design apartment Create real rendering with Twilight Render free plugin This course is ideal for individuals who are Students or Individuals for personal design or People who want to do 3D modeling or Interior designers who want to learn Sketchup It is particularly useful for Students or Individuals for personal design or People who want to do 3D modeling or Interior designers who want to learn Sketchup.
Enroll now: Sketchup for interior design
Title: Sketchup for interior design
Price: $39.99
Average Rating: 3.8
Number of Lectures: 73
Number of Published Lectures: 73
Number of Curriculum Items: 73
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 73
Original Price: €99.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Understand dashboard
- Position toolbar
- Navigation in 3D
- Export your work
- Master tools
- Master transformations
- Create component
- Add materials
- Create scenes
- Create section
- Use 3D Warehouse
- Create furnitures
- Create bed
- Create sofa
- Full interior design apartment
- Create real rendering with Twilight Render free plugin
Who Should Attend
- Students
- Individuals for personal design
- People who want to do 3D modeling
- Interior designers who want to learn Sketchup
Target Audiences
- Students
- Individuals for personal design
- People who want to do 3D modeling
- Interior designers who want to learn Sketchup
Sketchup is an intuitive 3D modeling software that lets you create and edit 2D and 3D models including the push and pull tool that allows designers to extrude any flat surface into 3D shapes. It is a program used for a wide range of 3D modeling projects such as architecture, interior decoration, landscape architecture or the design of objects for industry, to name a few. one of its uses. The program includes drawing layout functionality, surface rendering and supports third party plugins. There is also access to a gigantic bank of 3D objects that can be imported directly into the design project.
Advantages of Sketchup
– Sketchup is simple, fast and intuitive software compared to other 3D modeling software.
– You can already make simple models after only a few hours of learning.
– SketchUp makes it possible to produce models made up of few faces.
– Due to its non parametric modeling principle, SketchUp is suitable for a large number of uses.
– It has a large collection of free components with the 3D Warehouse.
– There are a large number of plugins, many of which are free like Twilight Render to create realistic renderings.
Training course
In this training course you will start with Sketchup by starting by discovering the working interface. Then we will all the basics of Sketchup with shape design tools, how to create components, how to integrate color or textures, how to use the 3D Warehouse to import images. Then we will specialize in interior design. For this creation of two of an apartment interior. We are going to create a 2D plan to scale with dimensions, and coloring of its 2D plan. Then we will model the plan in 3D rendering with integration of elements from the 3D Warehouse. We will also see how to create furniture yourself using the different tools. Finally, for a final rendering of the project, using the free Twilight Render plugin, we are going to make a more realistic rendering closer to reality. To embellish your design and offer more qualitative work.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Start with Sketchup
Lecture 1: Manage dashboard
Lecture 2: Edit toolbar
Lecture 3: Navigation on 3D space
Lecture 4: Edit views
Lecture 5: Manage camera
Lecture 6: Change axes
Lecture 7: Manage selections
Chapter 3: Create export and save
Lecture 1: Create and open document
Lecture 2: Save and export work
Chapter 4: Create shapes
Lecture 1: Create lines
Lecture 2: Create rectangles
Lecture 3: Create circles
Lecture 4: Create arcs
Lecture 5: Create objects with follow me
Lecture 6: Erase elements
Chapter 5: Transformations
Lecture 1: Push pull
Lecture 2: Push pull duplicate
Lecture 3: Move elements
Lecture 4: Create rotations
Lecture 5: Create offset
Lecture 6: Scale elements
Lecture 7: Duplicate elements
Lecture 8: Duplicate with rotation elements
Lecture 9: Apply symmetries
Lecture 10: Soften and smooth
Chapter 6: Measures guides and dimensions
Lecture 1: Add guides
Lecture 2: Create guides with angles
Lecture 3: Add dimensions
Chapter 7: Add text
Lecture 1: Add text
Lecture 2: Add 3D text
Chapter 8: Materials
Lecture 1: Apply materials
Lecture 2: Import materials
Lecture 3: Create materials
Lecture 4: Resize materials
Chapter 9: Components
Lecture 1: Components part 1
Lecture 2: Components part 2
Chapter 10: Groups
Lecture 1: Manage groups
Lecture 2: Create solids
Chapter 11: 3D warehouse
Lecture 1: 3D warehouse part 1
Lecture 2: 3D warehouse part 2
Chapter 12: Sections and scenes
Lecture 1: Add sections
Lecture 2: Add scenes
Lecture 3: Edit styles
Lecture 4: Edit shadows
Chapter 13: Create decoration objects
Lecture 1: Create book
Lecture 2: Create vase
Chapter 14: Create pillows and curtains
Lecture 1: Create pillow
Lecture 2: Create curtain
Chapter 15: Create sofa
Lecture 1: Create sofa part 1
Lecture 2: Create sofa part 2
Chapter 16: Create bed
Lecture 1: Create bed part 1
Lecture 2: Create bed part 2
Chapter 17: Create shelf
Lecture 1: Create shelf part 1
Lecture 2: Create shelf part 2
Chapter 18: Project apartment
Lecture 1: Project apartment plan
Lecture 2: Project apartment plan furnitures
Lecture 3: Project apartment plan dimensions
Lecture 4: Project apartment plan color
Lecture 5: Project apartment walls elevation
Lecture 6: Project apartment add doors and windows
Lecture 7: Project apartment design room
Lecture 8: Project apartment design bathroom
Lecture 9: Project apartment design kitchen
Lecture 10: Project apartment design living room
Lecture 11: Project apartment add curtains and carpets
Lecture 12: Project apartment add decorations
Lecture 13: Project apartment add characters
Lecture 14: Project apartment create sections
Lecture 15: Project apartment create scenes
Lecture 16: Project apartment export work
Lecture 17: Project apartment twilight render part 1
Lecture 18: Project apartment twilight render part 2
Nicolas Forgue
Web entrepreneur and graphic designer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 4 votes
- 2 stars: 4 votes
- 3 stars: 7 votes
- 4 stars: 10 votes
- 5 stars: 10 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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