Take Whiteboard Animation Videos to NEXT level using Doodly
Take Whiteboard Animation Videos to NEXT level using Doodly, available at $39.99, has an average rating of 4.6, with 20 lectures, based on 10 reviews, and has 68 subscribers.
You will learn about You will learn how to make beginners to advanced doodly animation whiteboard videos easily You will learn how to play with doodly assets (basic & complex included) You will learn how to put background with opacity & running effect in doodly You will learn how to prepare, source, wireframe & create your own assets in doodly You will learn advanced drawing paths including layering, masking & cropping You will learn to move animation in doodly and how to put videos within doodly This course is ideal for individuals who are anyone who wants to make doodly animation whiteboard videos It is particularly useful for anyone who wants to make doodly animation whiteboard videos.
Enroll now: Take Whiteboard Animation Videos to NEXT level using Doodly
Title: Take Whiteboard Animation Videos to NEXT level using Doodly
Price: $39.99
Average Rating: 4.6
Number of Lectures: 20
Number of Published Lectures: 20
Number of Curriculum Items: 20
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 20
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You will learn how to make beginners to advanced doodly animation whiteboard videos easily
- You will learn how to play with doodly assets (basic & complex included)
- You will learn how to put background with opacity & running effect in doodly
- You will learn how to prepare, source, wireframe & create your own assets in doodly
- You will learn advanced drawing paths including layering, masking & cropping
- You will learn to move animation in doodly and how to put videos within doodly
Who Should Attend
- anyone who wants to make doodly animation whiteboard videos
Target Audiences
- anyone who wants to make doodly animation whiteboard videos
Welcome to my course ” Take Whiteboard Animation Videos to NEXT level using Doodly “
Hey, everyone! I just wanted to share with you something I’m really excited about that’s going to help you take your doodle animation videos to the next level.
In the course. I will show you how to create super-professional videos, using all the advanced tips and tricks that would take most people months—and maybe even years–to uncover on their own. I’m actually kind of embarrassed to admit, but even I learned things you could do with Doodly that I had no idea you could do.
These Tips Are Going to Help You Create Videos That Are
More Professional, More Visually Stimulating, and Far More Engaging to Your Prospects…
Meaning, they’ll be shared more often, watched longer, and ultimately, they’re going to get you much better results.
So, let me tell you what you can expect from the course, this course teaching you the most advanced training methods you can use for creating absolutely incredible videos.
Another reason you’re going to love this course is that we devised all kinds of time-saving ways to do things using Doodly. With the course, you’re basically being given the opportunity to peek over her shoulder, so you can watch an expert doodler show you the best workarounds for stuff that very few people know about.
So let me tell you what you’ll get:- It consists of 25videos Divided into7modules that get progressively more advanced as you move forward in the course.
Module 1 – Solid Foundation
The first module is an intro to get everyone up to speed and on the same page. After that, you’ll begin the asset management module. This module creates a solid foundation for what’s to come later. It’s where you’ll learn everything you need to know about managing assets and creating complex scenes–for example, by timing characters and props to appear in a video at just the right moment, so they correspond with your voiceover.
Module 2 – Elements Module
Once you’ve finished that, you’re ready to move on to the backgrounds, sidebars, borders, and frames module. These elements are crucial for making your videos pop.
So in this module, you’ll learn how to make a background or logo appear in every scene. You’ll also learn fading techniques you can use to lighten or darken a background sky, for example. Plus, you’ll discover how to create borders, frames, and sidebars to make your videos way more visually appealing.
Module 3 – Asset Sourcing
The next module is asset sourcing, where you’ll learn how to source and create your own graphics—even if you can’t draw a stick figure. We will teach you several ways—both free and paid—for finding characters, props, and even chalkboard images you can add to the Doodly assets you already have.
Module 4 – Powerpoint/ Keynote Assets
Plus, you’ll learn our super-simple method for creating literally hundreds of new Doodly assets using Microsoft PowerPoint or Apple’s Keynote. You’ll even learn how you can create an asset from a hand-drawn image you scribbled on a piece of your own paper!
Module 5 – Advanced Drawing Paths
In the 5th module, We teach you some really fun stuff you’ll want to use all the time in your Doodly videos. You’ll learn how you can control the way a drawing comes to life with advanced drawing paths.
You’ll also discover how to add color to your assets, how to crop characters, and how to work with layered drawings. Plus, we will show you how to add depth to scenes by adding drop shadows to text and images.
Module 6 – Whiteboard Animation Module
Then, it’s on to the animation module. Here’s where you’ll learn how you can make assets fade in and out, how to create rolling credits, and how to make objects grow, shrink, shatter, fly, or reveal themselves slowly, one piece at a time.
Module 7 – Final Module
Finally, you’ll be ready for the last module of the course. Here’s where you’ll learn how to create a square and vertical videos you can use on social media. You’re also going to learn how you can display a regular video within a Doodly video—and vice versa.
we will show you advanced tactics for working with audio. For example, you’ll discover how to prevent music from drowning out your voiceover, how you can add sound effects to your video, and how to shorten a music file so it fits your video–without sounding like it cuts off abruptly.
So that’s a brief overview of some of what’s in the Masterclass. It actually covers much more than that. And in case you’re wondering, we rely on Doodly for most of the stuff we teach in the course. When we have to use other software to create an effect, we use free software whenever possible.
Bottom line, this course is going to be really valuable to you. Not only is it going to help you create Doodly videos that are even better than the ones you’re creating now, but it’ll also save you an absolute ton of time.
Think about it. You won’t have to bang your head against the wall, spending hours and hours trying to figure this stuff out—for a lot of people, that alone is going to make the course well worth your time.
OK, so you’ve heard me say the course is great, but I’m sure you’re wondering what other people think about it.
You’ll be happy to hear that the course has gotten rave reviews from Doodly users just like you.
A few of them were so excited about the opportunity to learn directly from us that they asked me if they could buy the course before I’d even made the course publicly accessible. I let them and so far, the feedback’s been amazing.
But the videos aren’t even the only thing you’re going to get with the course. The course also comes with a special bonus—15 additional files we created that you can use alongside Doodly to save you time. These files are the same ones we use throughout the course, and they’re designed to make it easier for you to work with scenes and assets.
So, when you replicate the things you’ve learned in the course, you won’t have to start from scratch. For example, when you’re designing scenes or altering characters, you’ll already have the tools we created, making it easier and faster for you to do advanced things with Doodly. Again, these are free bonuses that you’ll get when you access the Masterclass.
So why & for what you are waiting for this course Take Whiteboard Animation Videos to NEXT level using Doodly
Enroll Now!!!!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Basic Jumping with Doodly
Lecture 1: Acquiring Doodly Easily
Lecture 2: Watch This Before Learning Course
Lecture 3: Basic Doodly Tutorials
Chapter 2: Solid Foundation with Doodly
Lecture 1: Introduction to Doodly
Lecture 2: Watch Free Courses
Lecture 3: Working with Assets (Basic)
Lecture 4: Working with Assets (Complex)
Chapter 3: Elements Module with Doodly
Lecture 1: Background & Overlay
Lecture 2: Opacity Effect
Lecture 3: Background Running
Chapter 4: Asset Sourcing with Doodly
Lecture 1: Preparing Asset
Lecture 2: Sources of Assets
Lecture 3: Wireframe Asset
Lecture 4: Creating Asset
Chapter 5: Advanced Drawing Paths
Lecture 1: Layer of Drawing
Lecture 2: Masking & Cropping
Chapter 6: Animation Module
Lecture 1: Dot Dot Animation
Lecture 2: Hide & Seek Animation
Chapter 7: Final Module
Lecture 1: Videos inside Doodly
Lecture 2: Bonus
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Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
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- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 3 votes
- 5 stars: 6 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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