The Beginner's Illustration Masterclass
The Beginner's Illustration Masterclass, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.15, with 70 lectures, 4 quizzes, based on 227 reviews, and has 24251 subscribers.
You will learn about Create powerful custom illustrations in minutes using free or paid software (Illustrator, Photoshop, GIMP, etc) using simple techniques and basic principles. Understand image creation best practices regarding copyrights and using free stock images, original photos, and royalty-free images. Develop the ability to make illustrations that can be used online, in videos, or for print, even if you CAN'T DRAW. Make unique and inexpensive illustrated gifts for friends and family. Save and make money creating your own illustrations for yourself and others. Avoid headaches if and when you lose your work by learning the proper way to save your files. Learn ways to boost creativity using simple, proven creatvity recipes Gain an understanding of the most useful "art-school" design hacks so your images look more professional This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is for novices as well as beginners interested in learning simple and basic techniques for getting started illustrating on the computer. or Advanced traditional fine artists and illustrators looking for ways to take their natural drawing talents from their sketchbooks to a computer environment will appreciate this easy, step by step approach. or Please note this is NOT an in-depth Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop or Gimp course. This courses gets you up and running using the most effective tools and does NOT get into ALL the tools and features of each specific program. It is particularly useful for This course is for novices as well as beginners interested in learning simple and basic techniques for getting started illustrating on the computer. or Advanced traditional fine artists and illustrators looking for ways to take their natural drawing talents from their sketchbooks to a computer environment will appreciate this easy, step by step approach. or Please note this is NOT an in-depth Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop or Gimp course. This courses gets you up and running using the most effective tools and does NOT get into ALL the tools and features of each specific program.
Enroll now: The Beginner's Illustration Masterclass
Title: The Beginner's Illustration Masterclass
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.15
Number of Lectures: 70
Number of Quizzes: 4
Number of Published Lectures: 67
Number of Published Quizzes: 4
Number of Curriculum Items: 76
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 73
Original Price: $99.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Create powerful custom illustrations in minutes using free or paid software (Illustrator, Photoshop, GIMP, etc) using simple techniques and basic principles.
- Understand image creation best practices regarding copyrights and using free stock images, original photos, and royalty-free images.
- Develop the ability to make illustrations that can be used online, in videos, or for print, even if you CAN'T DRAW.
- Make unique and inexpensive illustrated gifts for friends and family.
- Save and make money creating your own illustrations for yourself and others.
- Avoid headaches if and when you lose your work by learning the proper way to save your files.
- Learn ways to boost creativity using simple, proven creatvity recipes
- Gain an understanding of the most useful "art-school" design hacks so your images look more professional
Who Should Attend
- This course is for novices as well as beginners interested in learning simple and basic techniques for getting started illustrating on the computer.
- Advanced traditional fine artists and illustrators looking for ways to take their natural drawing talents from their sketchbooks to a computer environment will appreciate this easy, step by step approach.
- Please note this is NOT an in-depth Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop or Gimp course. This courses gets you up and running using the most effective tools and does NOT get into ALL the tools and features of each specific program.
Target Audiences
- This course is for novices as well as beginners interested in learning simple and basic techniques for getting started illustrating on the computer.
- Advanced traditional fine artists and illustrators looking for ways to take their natural drawing talents from their sketchbooks to a computer environment will appreciate this easy, step by step approach.
- Please note this is NOT an in-depth Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop or Gimp course. This courses gets you up and running using the most effective tools and does NOT get into ALL the tools and features of each specific program.
This quick and easy course for beginners will help you make original, custom digital paintings and illustrations using Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and/or Gimp(or any similar program) in just a matter of minutes that look professional and can be used online, in videos and animations, or for print purposes such as on a poster, letterhead, even a T-shirt or other products.
*Please note that free 7-day trial versions of Photoshop and Illustrator are available for download from Adobe’s website. Gimp is a free program.
Save money making your own unique digital images and illustrations (and stop paying others to do them for you) and develop skills that can help you start making money creating professional-looking images for
others. You can also use these simple techniques to make unique images and illustrations as free gifts for friends and family.
You also don’t need to know how to draw.
There are actually a HUGE number of graphic designers who CAN NOT draw… but they make up for it by using techniques like the ones in this course and naturally, learning more about layout design, composition, color, typography, and other fundamentals of visual literacy.
You can decide how much time you will spend on each image which will then affect your end results. As you do more and more, you can be cranking these out in a matter of minutes and could actually make a little illustration/digital painting business creating these for others on websites like Fiverr, Upwork, and other freelancing websites.
Are you ready to take charge and learn quick and easy methods for creating and editing powerful web images/social media graphics like a professional in just 1 hour?
With this course as your guide, you’ll learn how to confidentially and professionally create and manage your OWN unique images for your website, blog, eCourse, eBook, presentations, or social media pages using free online tools.
What Students Are Saying:
“A great course by a great instructor. It was amazing to see the making of an image, with all the techniques, attention to detail, and also to hear the thinking process behind each decision. I found it stimulating and inspiring.”-Robin Scanlon
This course was created for:
Complete beginners
Art hobbyists and novices
People who have all but given up on the idea that they might be creative
People who think they can’t draw at all
People who used to draw but have forgotten how
People who like easy tips and tricks that give impressive results fast (*like a super easy recipe that looks like you spent hours slaving in a kitchen when really you whipped up something quite easily in minutes)
Traditional artists who’d like to get started also working digitally.
Children who want to learn introductory digital painting and illustration techniques
Art educators who want to learn tried and true techniques that build confidence in students and that will get them making beautiful and unique illustrations in just over an hour with big smiles on their faces.
Any artist at any skill level who is open-minded and wants to learn a few cool new tips and techniques to add to their bag of tricks
Anyone who wants to learn the most important tools that can be found in virtually ANY imaging program, not just Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, etc. (layers, brushes, erasers, transparencies, colors, etc.)
This course isnotfor:
people who only want to focus on drawing from life or imagination.
People who want to know every feature of Photoshop and Illustrator. In this course, I only focus on the most important tools you can start with right away that are also found in virtually every other decent imaging program and tools that will still be around 20 years from now.
I’m a practicing award-winning multimedia artist and an Associate Professor of Digital Media who recently taught for universities, international schools, and NGOs in Myanmar from 2016-2019. I co-founded and directed the Film and Digital Media Program at The American University of Rome (2006-2016). I’m now living in Lilongwe, Malawi and am a Digital Media and Animation Specialist for The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA Malawi).
Since 2000 I’ve been teaching students all over the world using my tried and true custom approach (turning complex information into something simple, memorable, easy-to-understand in as short amount of time as possible) to ensure that you get the most important, relevant, and useful information that can be applied immediately.
New bonus lectures and resources will continue to be added and timely advice will be provided in the discussion forum. I love to help and always respond to inquiries and discussions ASAP.
Please Note: All students who enroll in this course also will receive periodic free and discounted access to my other top-rated current and upcoming courses.
You have a 30-day, 100% money-back guarantee with no questions asked so you have nothing to lose. I make myself available so you will have access to me if you have questions or need specific feedback along the way.
Empower yourself now by enrolling in this digital painting course and join our growing learning community!
Enroll now and let’s get started building your digital painting, software, and design skills today.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction and Welcome
Lecture 1: Welcome to The Beginner's Illustration Masterclass
Chapter 2: Introduction to Digital Painting in Photoshop
Lecture 1: Is This The Right Course for You? How to Get the Most Out of This Course
Lecture 2: What Do You Need to Start This Course?
Lecture 3: What Sorts of Digital Paintings Can You Make in Photoshop? Let Us Count the Ways
Chapter 3: Diving Into Photoshop and Its Painting Tools
Lecture 1: Learn or Review Setting Up a New File and Choosing Important Document Settings
Lecture 2: Get the Rundown on Important Windows, Tools, and Brushes in Photoshop
Lecture 3: Layers: An Important Concept to Know in Photoshop, Gimp, etc.
Lecture 4: Introducing My Good Friend the Mixer Brush Tool
Lecture 5: Not Your Average Eraser. Painterly Ways to Use This Common Tool in Photoshop
Chapter 4: Time For Action. Let's Make a Digital Painting Together!
Lecture 1: Choosing an Image to Work With
Lecture 2: How to Get an Original Photo and More About The Techniques We Use In This Course
Lecture 3: 75+ Resources to Get Free Images, Music, and Videos For Your Projects
Lecture 4: Ready? Let's Start By Placing a Photo, Modyfying It, and Saving As
Lecture 5: Time to Add Our Underpainting. Let's Roll.
Lecture 6: Now Let's Add an Overpainting (You Can Have as Many of These As You Want)
Lecture 7: Line It Up! Adding a Black Line Drawing Layer to the Mix
Lecture 8: Deconstruction Time. Erase and Eat Into the Original Photograph
Lecture 9: Polishing and Finishing Up: Using Sponge, Dodge, and Burn Tools to Finalize
Lecture 10: Timelapse Illustration With Steps Variation -Review and Case Study
Lecture 11: Gimp Cheat-Sheet: I Want to Use These Techniques in Gimp Instead of Photoshop
Chapter 5: Intermediate and Advanced Ways You Can Use These Techniques (Case Study)
Lecture 1: Advanced Ways of Working With These Techniques: Case Study- Childrens' Book Art
Lecture 2: Under the Hood: Inside a Lori Leak Illustration (Case Study)
Lecture 3: How to Easily Cut, Paste, and Collage Photos Into Your Images in Photoshop
Lecture 4: New: How to Up Your Game With Stunning New Photoshop Brushes
Lecture 5: New- Under the Hood: Inside Illustrations and Animation for the UN- A Case Study
Lecture 6: New: Utilize the Power of Time to Make Better Designs -Case Study
Lecture 7: Smile! Quickly Change Your Character's Mood, Face, or Body With Liquify Tools
Chapter 6: Mastering More Image Editing and Creation Skills in Photoshop
Lecture 1: Saving Projects For Print VS. the Web: How Not to Shoot Yourself In the Foot
Lecture 2: Lighting Is Key, Or… You Can't Fix Everything Later on the Computer
Lecture 3: From So-So to Pro: Follow These 8 Simple Rules For Better Images Every Time
Lecture 4: The Top Amateur Design Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Lecture 5: Why Filters and Effects in Photoshop and GIMP Are NOT Your Friends
Lecture 6: Resource: Important Design Principles To Consider for Making Images
Chapter 7: Easy Ways to Start Illustrating in Adobe Illustrator
Lecture 1: New to Adobe Illustrator? Here's the Crash Course to Get You Started.
Lecture 2: Important Copyright Issues You Need to Know & Choosing a Photo as a Guide
Lecture 3: Placing Your Photo as a Guide in Illustrator
Lecture 4: Setting Up Your Brush and Making a "Drawing" Layer in Illustrator
Lecture 5: Draw the Black and White Line Drawing in Illustrator
Lecture 6: Pause Here to Learn How to Save Properly and Save Yourself Pain and Suffering
Lecture 7: Adding Color: Option #1. Coloring With the Brush Tools in Illustrator
Lecture 8: Adding Color: Option #2. Use The Live Paint Bucket Tool in Illustrator
Lecture 9: Adding Color: Option #3. Cheat and Go Color It In Photoshop
Lecture 10: Saving a Final Web Version in Illustrator
Lecture 11: Saving a Final Web Version in Adobe Photoshop
Lecture 12: Photographer Credit for the Hamster Image
Chapter 8: 5 Simple Recipes For Beating Creative Blocks
Lecture 1: New: Destroy Creative Blocks By Changing It UP
Lecture 2: Recipe#1: Try Word Association and Listmaking to Tackle a Problem
Lecture 3: Recipe #2: Go Outside and Play (And DON'T Think of an Idea!)
Lecture 4: Recipe #3: Start Becoming More Creative While You Sleep
Lecture 5: Recipe #4: Sometimes More is More
Lecture 6: Recipe #5: Make the Ordinary Extraordinary
Lecture 7: New: Keeping Sketchbooks and Journals: Enhance Your Creative Process
Chapter 9: Now What? Resources For Those Who Want To Start With Freelancing
Lecture 1: Why Start Freelancing?
Lecture 2: Activity: Do You Have the Right Personality to Survive & Thrive as a Freelancer?
Lecture 3: Extra: Freelancing 101 For Artists LIVE Interview
Chapter 10: Resources, Extras, and Conclusion
Lecture 1: Join Our Private Facebook Group: Creativity Is Contageous
Lecture 2: Extra: Remove Text or an Object from a Photo FREE (and fast!)
Lecture 3: Extra: 5 Easy & Free Tools That Will Free Your Creative Soul
Lecture 4: Bonus FREE Course- Gimp: Make a Digital Painting & Illustration Like a Pro Fast
Lecture 5: Extra: The Only "Evergreen" Tools You Need to Know in Any Imaging Program
Lecture 6: Extra: Take Your Best Digital Paintings & Start Selling Them Online (Case Study)
Lecture 7: Extra: Link Your Online Store to Your Website and Social Media Pages
Lecture 8: Children's Book Templates: For Amazon KDP, Lulu, and More
Lecture 9: Color Secrets (Cheatsheet) -Explode Your Art
Lecture 10: NEW Extra: Future of Art Panel Discussion and VR Gallery Walkthrough
Lecture 11: Thank You For Taking This Course!
Lecture 12: Bonus: Freebies and Discounts
Edu Evolution
Best-Selling Instructor, Artist, Professor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 8 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 41 votes
- 4 stars: 63 votes
- 5 stars: 113 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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