The Comprehensive ETABS Professional Course (RCC and Steel)
The Comprehensive ETABS Professional Course (RCC and Steel), available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.63, with 165 lectures, based on 1601 reviews, and has 9143 subscribers.
You will learn about Linear Static Analysis of RCC Structures Linear Dynamic Analysis of RCC Structures (Response Spectrum Analysis) Non Linear Static Analysis of RCC Structures Design of Industrial Heavy Structures Design of Space Truss Structures Design of 23 Storey RCC Building as per Indian Standards Design of Raft Foundation in ETABS and SAFE Export Reactions from ETABS to SAFE for Foundation Design Design of Steel Structures as per AISC360 and IS800 Design of RCC Structures as per IS1893 , IS456 and IS13920 ETABS Editor File Basics of Strucutral Dynamics and Tall Buildings Response Modal Analysis of RCC and Steel Structures This course is ideal for individuals who are Civil/Structural Engineers and Students or Upgradation from STAAD to ETABS It is particularly useful for Civil/Structural Engineers and Students or Upgradation from STAAD to ETABS.
Enroll now: The Comprehensive ETABS Professional Course (RCC and Steel)
Title: The Comprehensive ETABS Professional Course (RCC and Steel)
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.63
Number of Lectures: 165
Number of Published Lectures: 165
Number of Curriculum Items: 167
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 167
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Linear Static Analysis of RCC Structures
- Linear Dynamic Analysis of RCC Structures (Response Spectrum Analysis)
- Non Linear Static Analysis of RCC Structures
- Design of Industrial Heavy Structures
- Design of Space Truss Structures
- Design of 23 Storey RCC Building as per Indian Standards
- Design of Raft Foundation in ETABS and SAFE
- Export Reactions from ETABS to SAFE for Foundation Design
- Design of Steel Structures as per AISC360 and IS800
- Design of RCC Structures as per IS1893 , IS456 and IS13920
- ETABS Editor File
- Basics of Strucutral Dynamics and Tall Buildings Response
- Modal Analysis of RCC and Steel Structures
Who Should Attend
- Civil/Structural Engineers and Students
- Upgradation from STAAD to ETABS
Target Audiences
- Civil/Structural Engineers and Students
- Upgradation from STAAD to ETABS
1. For Moderate/Expert Users
There are three types of Analysis covered in this Tutorial Series.
1. Linear Static Analysis
2. Non-Linear Static Analysis (Pushover Analysis)
3. Linear Dynamic Analysis (Response Spectrum Analysis)
The design codes covered are American and Indian Standards with Introduction to European Standards.
Case study 1 – Design of Pre-Engineered Building Steel Structure as per Indian Standards.
Steel Structures especially PEB are somewhat tricky to model, analyze and design. Majority of the people are comfortable in RCC Design, but very few are expert in Steel Design. After covering this section , you will be able to calculate wind and seismic loads as per the Indian Standards , Model the Steel Structures i.e. Portal , Plan Bracing and Elevation Bracing, Analyze , Review the Modal Shapes and Design the Structure. Instructor will also teach you how to do the value engineering and optimize the Steel Structures. At the end of this lecture series , you will be comfortable with Steel Structures.
Case study 2- Linear Dynamic Analysis and Design of Bill Board Steel Structure as per Indian Standards.
Bill Boards are supported on the very large Cantilever Steel Structures. You will learn how to plan the basic Structural System, which can resist the high wind and high seismic loads. You will learn how to do the dynamic analysis of the Steel Structure. Modal Analysis is a very important part. You will also learn how to improve the Mode Shapes , how to check the Fundamental Time Period. At the end , you will be able to understand how to design the Steel Structure. Value Engineering and Optimization is also taught in the end. Instability also become an integral part of ETABS modellers. You will learn how to remove the Instabilities.
Case study 3- Linear Dynamic Analysis and Design of Industrial Heavy Steel Structure as per American Standards
Industrial Heavy Structures looks very difficult and confusing in the beginning. They may be a nightmare in the beginning for Novice Engineers, but in this lecture series , you will learn how to do the basic Steel Structure Planning, How to Plan the Plan and Elevation Bracing. You will learn what are the basic Mode Shapes for Industrial Heavy Structures. You shall also learn how you can do the Dynamic Analysis of the Structures. In the end , you will learn how to design the Steel Structures as per AISC 360. A separate lecture is given at the end for Connection and Base Plate Design.
Case study 4- Linear Dynamic Analysis and Design of Steel Space Truss Structures for American Standards
Space Truss Structures are very unique in the way how force travel in them. A big space truss is first taught how to model , then analyze and in the end design as per the American Standards. You will learn more about the mode shapes of the huge structures. In the end , you will be comfortable with how the Steel Space Truss Structures can be Designed.
Case study 5- Non-Linear Static Analysis or Pushover Analysis of the Structures
In the last decade , much has been written on the push over analysis. How the push over analysis is superior to Static Push over Analysis , but very few people actually know how to do the push over analysis. Even experts in the Structural Engineering Field Shy away from this topic.
In this lecture series , you will learn how to make the push over curve and find the Performance Point. What it really means to push the Structure up to a certain displacement. How the Response Spectrum Curve needs to be aligned with the Pushover Curve to find the Performance Point. In the end , you will be able to access the Performance of the Structure. Axial , Shear and Moment Hinges are explained with the help of slides.
Case study 6- Linear Dynamic Analysis of 23 Story High Rise Structure as per Indian Standards
In this lecture series , you will learn how to read the Architecture Drawings , How to Do the basic planning of the Structural Elements.
The important widely asked questions that will get answered in this lecture series are
1. What is the difference between flexible and rigid diaphragms and how to assign the diaphragms to the RCC Slab ?
2. How to do P-Delta Analysis
3. How to do the Scaling of the Response Spectrum values to the Static Earthquake Analysis Values.
4. How to Read the ETABS Editor File ?
5. How to Design the Shear Wall ?
6. How to Export the reactions to SAFE and Design the Raft in SAFE ?
These six questions are very important to understand for any Structural Engineer for designing any Structure in ETABS.
2. For Intermediate/Novice Users, ETABS Basics Section is provided
This Section is the very basic steps in Learning of ETABS software. Moderate or Expert users may skip this part or may refer to this part as a refresher Introduction. You may also refer to this part , in case , if you face any problem while completing Case Studies.
You will start with the
Absolute Basics Section– Instructor proceeds step by step through the process of drawing grids, defining stories, defining materials, defining section properties, drawing objects in the structural engineering models, defining loads, selecting load combinations with theoretical explanations and examples.
You will learn the basics of Soil Structure Interaction and designing basic Raft Foundation. Completing this Part will make you clear about the difference between Thin shell, Thick shell and Membrane.
You will also learn the Basics of Structural Dynamics. You will be familiar with the Mode Shapes, Mass Participation, Earthquake analysis, Time periods etc. You may understand that this is a section to refer in case , you are stuck with any case study.
You need to understand that this is not an easy to do course. You may need to repeat the course content of over 20 Hours over and over again to understand the course content. This course is only intended for Serious Students. Much efforts has been done to provide the practical understanding of the Software , which is not available anywhere on the internet , hence costlier than other courses on this platform.
Healthy Discussions and Queries are always Welcome inside.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Design of Pre Engineered Building as per Indian Standards
Lecture 1: Introduction to Pre Engineered Buildings
Lecture 2: Draw a portal frame from one end to other as per Drawing
Lecture 3: Define Frame Section Properties
Lecture 4: Replicate the Whole Portal along the Width
Lecture 5: Replicate the Whole portal along the length
Lecture 6: Draw Gable End Structure for the Ends
Lecture 7: Draw Plan and Elevation Bracing
Lecture 8: Define Load Patterns
Lecture 9: Define Load Cases
Lecture 10: Define Load combinations
Lecture 11: Calculation of Dead, Live and Wind Loads
Lecture 12: Correct the Load Combinations
Lecture 13: Assign the Releases to the Structural Members
Lecture 14: Assign Supports to the Building
Lecture 15: Define Modal cases
Lecture 16: Define Analysis options and Analyze the Steel Structure
Lecture 17: Steel Sructure Design of Pre Engineering Building Structure as per IS800
Lecture 18: Value Engineering of the PEB Shed
Lecture 19: Check the tabular results including Material Take off
Chapter 2: Linear Dynamic Analysis of a Billboard as per IS800
Lecture 1: Modelling of a Billboard with free modelling approach
Lecture 2: Assigning the Section properties to all the members
Lecture 3: Assign End Releases and Supporting Conditions
Lecture 4: Define Load Patterns to the Steel Structure
Lecture 5: Define Wind Loads and Response Spectrum Loads to the Structure
Lecture 6: Define Load Combinations as per Auto Generate Option.
Lecture 7: Remove the Instability in the Modelling Process. (Tips and Tricks)
Lecture 8: Structural Design and Optimization of the Steel Structure
Lecture 9: Check the Mode shapes ,Mode partiipation and Weight of Steel Structure
Chapter 3: Linear Dynamic Analysis and Design of a Heavy Steel Structure for AISC 360
Lecture 1: Introduction to Heavy Industrial Equipment Supporting Steel Structures.
Lecture 2: Define Grids and Stories Data with Frame Section Properties
Lecture 3: Draw the Silo Supporting Floor with Good Steel Structure Arrangement
Lecture 4: Draw Second Floor on the top of Silo Supporting Steel Structure
Lecture 5: Draw Roofing Structural Steel Arrangement
Lecture 6: Draw Vertical Elevation Bracing along the Minor Sway Direction
Lecture 7: Define Load Patterns for Steel Industrial Heavy Structure
Lecture 8: Define Load Cases and Load Combinations
Lecture 9: Define Modal Cases and Supporting Conditions
Lecture 10: Define Semi Rigid Diaphragms for all the floors
Lecture 11: Remove any kind of Errors and Rectification of Mistakes in Modelling
Lecture 12: Response Spectrum Analysis and Review of Mode Shapes
Lecture 13: Response spectrum Linear Dynamic Analysis and Design of Steel Structure
Lecture 14: Optimization of Structural Steel Member Sizes for Economy
Lecture 15: Design of Structural Steel Connections
Chapter 4: Linear Modal Analysis and Design of Steel Space Truss Structure as per AISC360
Lecture 1: Modelling of Structural Steel Space Truss with Free Modelling Approach
Lecture 2: Assign Supporting Conditions , Section Properties and Loads to the Truss
Lecture 3: Remove any kind of Instability in the Truss by Check Model Option
Lecture 4: Eigen Modal Analysis and Modal Static Analysis of the Truss
Lecture 5: Design of Steel Space Truss as per AISC 360-16
Chapter 5: Non Linear Static Analysis/Push over Analysis
Lecture 1: Introduction to the Pushover analysis (Non -Linear Static Analysis)
Lecture 2: Define Non-Linear Material and Section Properties
Lecture 3: Define Loads Patterns and Load Cases
Lecture 4: Analyze and Design the Structure
Lecture 5: Define Gravity and Push over Load Case
Lecture 6: Assign PMM hinges to the structure
Lecture 7: Analyze and Check the Model with Non Linear Pushover Load Case
Lecture 8: Study the Pushover Curve and Learn to Find Performance point
Lecture 9: Improve the Performance of the Structure
Chapter 6: 23 Storey High Rise RCC Building as per Indian Standards
Lecture 1: Learn to Read the Architectural Drawings
Lecture 2: Basic Introduction to the Methodology
Lecture 3: Enter the Grid Spacing in the model
Lecture 4: Enter the Storey Data in the model
Lecture 5: Define the Material Properties
Lecture 6: Define Reinforcement Bar Sizes
Lecture 7: Define Frame Sections
Lecture 8: Define Diaphragms , Pier Labels and Spandrel Labels
Lecture 9: Define Snap Options
Lecture 10: Model the RCC Columns and Shear Walls in the Structure
Lecture 11: Model the Cantilever Slab or Projections
Lecture 12: Define Supporting Conditions of the RCC Building
Lecture 13: Model the Retaining Walls
Lecture 14: Assign the Releases to the Structure
Lecture 15: Assign the Diaphragms to the RCC structure
Lecture 16: Check for Instability in the Structure
Lecture 17: Define Response Spectrum Function
Lecture 18: Define Dead Loads and Live Loads
Lecture 19: Introduction and Explaination of IS1893:2016
Lecture 20: Define Earthquake Load Pattern
Lecture 21: Define and Assign Wind Load Patterns
Lecture 22: Define the Mass Source
Lecture 23: Define Super Imposed Dead Load , Dead Load and Live Load
Lecture 24: Define Staircase and Super Imposed Dead Loading
Lecture 25: Assign live Load Reduction factors
Lecture 26: Define Response Spectrum Load Case and Modal Cases
Lecture 27: Define P-Delta Options
Lecture 28: Define Load Combinations
Lecture 29: Understand the ETABS Editor File
Lecture 30: Set the Analysis Options
Lecture 31: Remove the instability Error
Lecture 32: Review the Fundamental Mode Shapes
Lecture 33: Correct the Mode Shapes
Lecture 34: Check the Static Base Shear
Lecture 35: Review the Dynamic Parameters
Lecture 36: Reduce the number of Modes
Lecture 37: Design of RCC Beams and Columns
MileHigh Structures Academy & Consulting
Civil and Structural Engineering Online Courses
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 36 votes
- 2 stars: 50 votes
- 3 stars: 215 votes
- 4 stars: 591 votes
- 5 stars: 709 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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