The Digital Caricature on Mobile Course – Beginer to Pro
The Digital Caricature on Mobile Course – Beginer to Pro, available at $39.99, has an average rating of 3.5, with 45 lectures, based on 1 reviews, and has 17 subscribers.
You will learn about Have a better understanding on how to use technology to create digital caricatures Basic tools, functions & techniques (layers, coloring, props and much more) that would not be as obvious for first-time digital caricature artists Valuable insights from a profesional artist to make your digital caricatures likeable and shareable Easy-to-grasp process for beginners without a previous digital caricature experience. An usefull final project that can make a great portfolio piece and distinguish you from other artists This course is ideal for individuals who are Students wanting to learn how to quick-style create digital caricatures or People that want to use the digital technology to kick-start or enhance their digital caricature art or People looking for a fun skill to meet people everywhere, break the ice in conversations and share contacts It is particularly useful for Students wanting to learn how to quick-style create digital caricatures or People that want to use the digital technology to kick-start or enhance their digital caricature art or People looking for a fun skill to meet people everywhere, break the ice in conversations and share contacts.
Enroll now: The Digital Caricature on Mobile Course – Beginer to Pro
Title: The Digital Caricature on Mobile Course – Beginer to Pro
Price: $39.99
Average Rating: 3.5
Number of Lectures: 45
Number of Published Lectures: 45
Number of Curriculum Items: 52
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 52
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Have a better understanding on how to use technology to create digital caricatures
- Basic tools, functions & techniques (layers, coloring, props and much more) that would not be as obvious for first-time digital caricature artists
- Valuable insights from a profesional artist to make your digital caricatures likeable and shareable
- Easy-to-grasp process for beginners without a previous digital caricature experience.
- An usefull final project that can make a great portfolio piece and distinguish you from other artists
Who Should Attend
- Students wanting to learn how to quick-style create digital caricatures
- People that want to use the digital technology to kick-start or enhance their digital caricature art
- People looking for a fun skill to meet people everywhere, break the ice in conversations and share contacts
Target Audiences
- Students wanting to learn how to quick-style create digital caricatures
- People that want to use the digital technology to kick-start or enhance their digital caricature art
- People looking for a fun skill to meet people everywhere, break the ice in conversations and share contacts
Join me now in this course and start gaining the mobile digital caricature drawing skills you’ve always wanted!
This in-depth, step-by-step Ultimate Quick-Style Digital Caricature Course on Mobile will show you all the fundamentals of drawing digital caricatures using the Sketchbook App and Note 9 or any other phone or tablet using a digital pen. This course will enhance or give you skills in the world of mobile digital caricatures, that you can quickly adapt to any other drawing app.
This course will take you from having little knowledge or no knowledge in drawing digital caricatures on your mobile to having a deep understanding of the digital caricatures that people love to see, post online, and share.
Whether you are looking to draw digital caricatures for fun or for an income, this course will save you a tremendous amount of time by teaching you what it takes to make digital caricatures on your smartphone, and have some fun while you’re doing it!
So what else is in it for you?
You’ll go over every step that you need to take you from beginner to professional in the field! Meaning the basic Sketchbook control techniques so that you can get familiar with them, as well as 3 caricature techniques to draw quick-style digital caricatures independent of your skill level.
You’ll gain instant access to all 17 Lessons of this course.
I have structured the course so that after learning to work with you can adapt, help yourself and improvise with the help of technology. It will equip you with the correct fundamentals to create quick-style mobile caricatures for any time you might be needed or asked, at parties, conventions, events, 1 on 1, or for total random strangers. People like to have and share their digital caricatures on their social media profiles.
Not the ones that make one look older or that make fun of people.
Don’t believe me?I offer you a full money-back guarantee within the first 30 days of purchasing the course.
Here’s what you get with the course:
You’ll get access to the 6 sections of the course that will teach you the art of drawing quick style caricatures on the go from the ground up. Over 4 hours of practical lessons with examples. Most of the lessons
All at your fingers tips instantly:
Quick intro about what you need and my motivation to make the course.
Experiment and play with the functions of Sketchbook, learn the toolbars, and the important tools that you may use in drawing caricatures. Not all are critical to caricatures. Sketchbook is very big but I selected the very few functions that matter.
The secret ingredient that saves you time and effort in the digital drawing: the layers
Practice your line and train your hand to draw digital caricatures
Coloring techniques to help you end the caricature in a nice way,
Next, will spend time with the 3 methods of drawing caricatures independent of your style: beginner, advanced, and intermediate. From ways to put technology at work for us to expressing freely and adding your personal touch to the caricature.
Going deeper with bodies, props, and background. All important to add another layer of meaning to the caricature, where there is no time pressure.
Lastly, I will show you a nice portfolio piece you can create if you want to share your work and take orders. I will create the caricatures of a class of 20 people and I will invite you to do the same.
Basically, during the 17 lessons, you will learn:
To have a good command of Sketchbook, your mobile drawing studio.
To draw fast accurate caricatures that people love to share online.
How to determine your own style of drawing digital caricatures and take if from there.
How to do a quick color of the digital caricature.
Golden nuggets for most of the chapter where you will learn secrets to better communicate in drawing
Put a title to your caricatures using bodies, props, and many more.
Moreover, you indirectly get all these extra benefits :
Increase your social media following by people uploading caricatures and tagging you
A new income pipeline from people who want their digital caricatures
A quick way to meet new people and exchange contact information
You have a higher self-image of yourself now as you own a new skill.
What else will you get?
Personal contact with me, the course tutor
Lifetime access to course materials
Understanding how quick-style digital caricatures are created
Practice sections and Golden Nuggets with precious insights
I will be here for you every step of the way!
So what are you waiting for? Sign up now and start drawing quick-style digital caricatures that people love to share!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Things you need to take this course
Lecture 2: How to take this course
Lecture 3: Know Your WHY, I'll show you the HOW
Chapter 2: Getting Started with Sketchbook
Lecture 1: Going digital. Installing Sketchbook
Lecture 2: It Starts with a White Canvas
Lecture 3: The Tools
Lecture 4: The Brushes
Lecture 5: The Color Diagram
Lecture 6: Importing and Exporting
Chapter 3: Working with layers
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Managing Layers for Digital Caricatures
Chapter 4: Drawing the Line. Anyone can do it.
Lecture 1: Choosing Your Brushes
Lecture 2: Hand Warm-Up for Dynamic and Speed
Lecture 3: The General Principles in Drawing The Line
Lecture 4: Goldgen Nugget
Chapter 5: Adding Color to your Drawing
Lecture 1: Introduction to Coloring
Lecture 2: Coloring Techniques
Chapter 6: A Beginer Caricature Drawing Technique
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Step 1: Distortion
Lecture 3: Step 2: Sketching
Lecture 4: Step 3: Contour
Lecture 5: Golden Nugget
Chapter 7: Advanced Digital Drawing Technique
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: One person in different views
Lecture 3: Step 1: Freehand Contour Line
Lecture 4: Step 2: Coloring
Lecture 5: Golden Nuget
Chapter 8: Intermediate Digital Caricature Drawing
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Step 1: Axes
Lecture 3: Step 2: Pencil Sketch
Lecture 4: Step 3: Contour Line
Lecture 5: Step 4: Coloring
Chapter 9: Adding Bodies
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Creating Bodies
Lecture 3: Golden Nugget
Chapter 10: Adding Backgrounds and Props
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Backgrounds
Lecture 3: Text and Speech Bubbles
Lecture 4: Adding a Pet or a Sports Car
Lecture 5: Adding a Logo
Lecture 6: Golden Nugget
Chapter 11: Final Project: Draw after me
Lecture 1: Drawing a Class of 20 People
Lecture 2: Retoushing in Photoshop
Lecture 3: Golden Nugget
Chapter 12: Course End
Lecture 1: Congratulations! What is Next?
Andrei Dobos
Rating Distribution
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- 3 stars: 1 votes
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- 5 stars: 0 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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