User Experience Design Essentials – Adobe XD UI UX Design
User Experience Design Essentials – Adobe XD UI UX Design, available at $174.99, has an average rating of 4.56, with 84 lectures, based on 45958 reviews, and has 185701 subscribers.
You will learn about Become a UX designer. You will be able to start earning money from your XD Skills. You will be able to add UX designer to your CV Build a UX project from beginning to end. Become a UI designer. Build & test a full mobile app. Build & test a full website design. You will have a project of your own to add to your portfolio. 93 lectures of well-structured, step by step content. Learn to design websites & mobile phone apps. Work with fonts & colors. Prototype your designs with interactions. Test on mobile phones. You'll create realistic prototype complete with micro interactions. Send your designs for feedback & commenting. Export production ready assets. Create your first UX brief & persona. Create quick wireframes. How to use premade UI kits. Learn professional workflow tricks & shortcuts. You will get the finished files so you never fall behind Downloadable exercise files Forum support from me and the rest of the BYOL crew All the techniques used by UX professionals Build a mobile app prototype that responses to voice commands. You will be able to talk correctly with other UX design professionals. You'll learn how to choose colors. You'll learn how to pick the correct fonts. You'll be able to send your finished work to other professionals in the correct formats. This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who wants to start using Adobe XD in their career & get paid for their user experience design skills. or This course is for beginners, newbies & amateurs in the field of UX design. or Aimed at people new to the world of design & user experience. or For anyone that needs to add ‘UX Design’ to their portfolio. It is particularly useful for Anyone who wants to start using Adobe XD in their career & get paid for their user experience design skills. or This course is for beginners, newbies & amateurs in the field of UX design. or Aimed at people new to the world of design & user experience. or For anyone that needs to add ‘UX Design’ to their portfolio.
Enroll now: User Experience Design Essentials – Adobe XD UI UX Design
Title: User Experience Design Essentials – Adobe XD UI UX Design
Price: $174.99
Average Rating: 4.56
Number of Lectures: 84
Number of Published Lectures: 84
Number of Curriculum Items: 101
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 101
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Become a UX designer.
- You will be able to start earning money from your XD Skills.
- You will be able to add UX designer to your CV
- Build a UX project from beginning to end.
- Become a UI designer.
- Build & test a full mobile app.
- Build & test a full website design.
- You will have a project of your own to add to your portfolio.
- 93 lectures of well-structured, step by step content.
- Learn to design websites & mobile phone apps.
- Work with fonts & colors.
- Prototype your designs with interactions.
- Test on mobile phones.
- You'll create realistic prototype complete with micro interactions.
- Send your designs for feedback & commenting.
- Export production ready assets.
- Create your first UX brief & persona.
- Create quick wireframes.
- How to use premade UI kits.
- Learn professional workflow tricks & shortcuts.
- You will get the finished files so you never fall behind
- Downloadable exercise files
- Forum support from me and the rest of the BYOL crew
- All the techniques used by UX professionals
- Build a mobile app prototype that responses to voice commands.
- You will be able to talk correctly with other UX design professionals.
- You'll learn how to choose colors.
- You'll learn how to pick the correct fonts.
- You'll be able to send your finished work to other professionals in the correct formats.
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who wants to start using Adobe XD in their career & get paid for their user experience design skills.
- This course is for beginners, newbies & amateurs in the field of UX design.
- Aimed at people new to the world of design & user experience.
- For anyone that needs to add ‘UX Design’ to their portfolio.
Target Audiences
- Anyone who wants to start using Adobe XD in their career & get paid for their user experience design skills.
- This course is for beginners, newbies & amateurs in the field of UX design.
- Aimed at people new to the world of design & user experience.
- For anyone that needs to add ‘UX Design’ to their portfolio.
Are you excited to get into the world of UI/UX but you don’t know where to start? This course will allow you to add UX designer to your CV & start getting paid for your new skills.
Hi there! My name is Dan & I’m an Adobe Certified Instructor. I’m here to help you learn Adobe XD efficiently and comprehensively. XD is a fantastic design tool used by industry professionals to product high quality & functional mockups. By the end of this course, you will be able to produce practical and effective User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) designs.
Throughout the course I’ll invite you to participate in a real-life freelance project which I’m working on. It’s a project that requires a fresh website and mobile app interface. This will prepare you for dealing with real world projects if you choose to move towards a UX/UI career path.
Aria:“This course is definitely above expectations so far. I didn’t expect to get so much insight into the briefing and the communication between UX Designer and a client. It helps to see the brief and to learn that there are different tiers of income based on projects and experience. Love It!”
This course is aimed at people interested in UI/UX Design. We’ll start from the very beginning and work all the way through, step by step. If you already have some UI/UX Design experience but want to get up to speed using Adobe XD then this course is perfect for you too!
First, we will go over the differences between UX and UI Design. We will look at what our brief for this real-world project is, then we will learn about low-fidelity wireframes and how to make use of existing UI design kits.
I’ll go over all of the essential tools necessary for creating excellent wireframes, including: type, colours, icons, Lorem ipsum, artboards, prototyping, models and popups, symbols and repeat grids. We will even make use of the new prototyping app so that you can experience your prototype on your mobile device.
Kate: Excellent course – Dan is an excellent teacher and I thoroughly enjoyed following along with his videos. Highly recommend! July 2018: I have updated this review with an extra star because of how useful this course has been in the months following it’s completion. I am using Adobe XD daily and Dan’s instruction was instrumental to adding this feather to my front-end web development hat.
An important part of maximising your UX Design workflow is being able to utilise other software such as Photoshop and Illustrator. This is why I’ll be teaching you how to make use of both to help boost your XD productivity.
One of the awesome new features of XD is micro-interactions. I’ll be teaching you all about those and how to use them to grow icons and scenes. This is one of the parts of web design that’s growing and being adopted rapidly so you won’t want to miss out on learning it early.
Leigh: “I really enjoyed this course. I was a UX designer before the course and was looking for more information on XD and getting to know the program itself better, and this course really nailed it! It has great UX references and a few refreshing perspectives. As well as it really helps you learn XD in the process. The instructor is engaging and fun to listen to. Really really great course. I highly recommend to any new UX designers, as well as veterans looking for a refresh, or just to learn how to use XD.”
There are two class projects for you to complete during this class, these will help develop your skills and will give you something for your own portfolio.
It is now time to upgrade yourself & learn Adobe XD.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Lecture 1: Getting started with your Adobe XD project.
Lecture 2: What is Adobe XD for & does it do the coding
Lecture 3: What's the difference between UI and UX in Adobe XD
Lecture 4: What we are making in this Adobe XD course
Lecture 5: What is a persona & task flow in UX design
Lecture 6: Class Project 01 – Create your own brief
Chapter 2: Wireframing Low Fidelity
Lecture 1: What is Lo Fi Wireframe vs High Fidelity in Adobe XD
Lecture 2: Artboards & how wide should my website or app be in Adobe XD
Chapter 3: Type, Color & Icon Introduction
Lecture 1: Working with type in your XD wireframes
Lecture 2: Rectangles, Circles, Buttons and Rounded corners in Adobe XD
Lecture 3: How to use color in Adobe XD
Lecture 4: Strokes & copy & paste appearance in Adobe XD
Lecture 5: Class Project 02 – Wireframe
Lecture 6: Free icons for your Adobe XD & UX UI projects
Lecture 7: How to find and use existing UI kits in Adobe XD
Lecture 8: Groups & issues editing icons in Adobe XD
Lecture 9: Class Project 03 – Icons
Chapter 4: Prototyping – Level 1
Lecture 1: How to add interaction to your prototype in Adobe XD
Lecture 2: Prototype animation & easing in Adobe XD
Lecture 3: How see your design on XD App on iPhone & Android
Lecture 4: Class Project 04 – Testing on your phone
Chapter 5: Animation
Lecture 1: Getting started with auto-animations in Adobe XD
Lecture 2: Understanding more about animation in Adobe XD
Lecture 3: Class Project 05 – My first animation
Chapter 6: Feedback & Commenting
Lecture 1: Sharing Wireframes for comments in Adobe XD
Chapter 7: Moodboard – High Fidelity UI Design
Lecture 1: Mood Boards & resources for Hi fidelity UI design in Adobe XD
Lecture 2: How to create a mood board in Adobe XD
Lecture 3: Class project 06 – Mood Board
Lecture 4: How to work with Columns & Grids in Adobe XD
Chapter 8: Columns & Grids
Lecture 1: View port aka dotted line on the page in Adobe XD
Lecture 2: How to add & delete guides to Adobe XD
Chapter 9: Colors
Lecture 1: Color Inspiration & the eyedropper in XD
Lecture 2: How to create a color palette in Adobe XD
Lecture 3: How to create gradients in Adobe XD
Lecture 4: How to save and reused color swatches in Adobe XD
Lecture 5: Class Project 07 – Colors & Columns
Chapter 10: Text & Fonts – Level 2
Lecture 1: What fonts can I use in my web or app design in Adobe XD
Lecture 2: Check what other font’s people have used
Lecture 3: What common font sizes should I choose in web design
Lecture 4: How to make Character Styles in Adobe XD
Lecture 5: Plugin – Adding our first Plugin Lorem Ipsum to Adobe XD
Lecture 6: Class project 08 – Text
Chapter 11: Drawing
Lecture 1: Drawing & editing shapes in Adobe XD
Lecture 2: Strangeness with shapes in Adobe XD
Lecture 3: Learn to draw with the pen tool in Adobe XD
Lecture 4: Working with strokes & lines in Adobe XD
Lecture 5: Class Project 09 – Icons & Buttons
Chapter 12: Working with Illustrator
Lecture 1: Do I need to know Illustrator with Adobe XD
Chapter 13: Images
Lecture 1: Masking & cropping images in Adobe XD
Lecture 2: Free images to use in your XD mockups – Unsplash Pexels Freeimage
Lecture 3: Darkening background images with opacity in XD
Lecture 4: Blurring backgrounds and objects in Adobe XD
Chapter 14: Working with Photoshop
Lecture 1: Do I need to know Photoshop with Adobe XD
Lecture 2: Snack bar Toast banners using masked image in Adobe XD
Lecture 3: Class Project 10 – Add images
Chapter 15: Components & Instances
Lecture 1: How to make & use components in Adobe XD
Lecture 2: Difference between Main & Instance Components in Adobe XD
Lecture 3: How to create component hover states in XD
Lecture 4: Class Project 11 – Buttons
Chapter 16: Repeat Grids
Lecture 1: How to use the repeat grid in Adobe XD
Lecture 2: Class Project 12 – Repeat Grid
Lecture 3: Updating & issues with repeat grids of the edge
Chapter 17: Stacks
Lecture 1: How to use stacks in XD to make a form
Lecture 2: Class Project 13 – Stacks & Checkout Page
Chapter 18: Micro Interactions & Animations
Lecture 1: The difference between animation & micro interactions
Lecture 2: Dan drawing stuff in Adobe XD
Lecture 3: More animation in Adobe XD
Lecture 4: Class Project 14 – My Second Animation
Daniel Walter Scott
Adobe Certified Instructor & Adobe Certified Expert
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 260 votes
- 2 stars: 390 votes
- 3 stars: 3292 votes
- 4 stars: 13960 votes
- 5 stars: 28056 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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