WordPress Beginners – Make your own Awesome Websites Today.
WordPress Beginners – Make your own Awesome Websites Today., available at $89.99, has an average rating of 4.25, with 66 lectures, 5 quizzes, based on 43 reviews, and has 7975 subscribers.
You will learn about You will know how to install WordPress locally on your desktop and online. How to practice using WordPress on your own computer for free. How to create your own awesome websites using WordPress. How to build your WordPress websites just like you imagine them. Customise your WordPress websites for any purpose – a blog, a personal site or web design studio. You will know how to create a professional and modern website easily from a ready-made website template. You will know how to design pages, menus, sidebars & footers. You will know how to find, install and activate themes, plugins and widgets. You will know how to import page sections to build website pages using a free library. You will know how to design pages using powerful and user friendly, drag and drop page builder elements. You will know how to add professional animation touches using motion effects. You will know how to create posts using the Gutenberg editor. You will know how to back up your WordPress website in case of emergency. You will know how to block spam using Google's reCaptcha. You will know how to setup Google's analytics. You will know how to speed up your website with caching plugin. You will know where to find & download thousands of FREE professional images from multiple websites. You will know how to increase social sharing of your posts and pages with a free plugin. You will know how to optimise and load images to your website library. You will know how to make your website secure and protected from hackers. You will know how to add a GDPR cookie notice to your website for privacy regulations. You will know how to create and optimise a contact page with a contact form and Google map. You will know how optimise your site for search engines with a free plugin. You will know how to duplicate any post or page to save time. You will know how to display a maintenance page to update your website privately. You will know how to customise the sidebar with a Google map, a post slider and a video widget. You will know how to buy a domain and web-hosting plan. You will know how to export your website from your computer to the internet. This course is ideal for individuals who are You want a website that can be created easily but one that can also be fully customised to your liking. or You are someone who wants to build one or a few websites for fun, business, hobby, or personal life. or You want someone to walk you through the entire process of creating a WordPress website from the very beginning to publishing. or You also want help designing a website that works, that is modern, and the viewers will love. or You are NOT someone who wants to build your own custom WordPress themes. or You are NOT interested in website coding, programming or technical aspects of web design. or This is not a WordPress development course. It is particularly useful for You want a website that can be created easily but one that can also be fully customised to your liking. or You are someone who wants to build one or a few websites for fun, business, hobby, or personal life. or You want someone to walk you through the entire process of creating a WordPress website from the very beginning to publishing. or You also want help designing a website that works, that is modern, and the viewers will love. or You are NOT someone who wants to build your own custom WordPress themes. or You are NOT interested in website coding, programming or technical aspects of web design. or This is not a WordPress development course.
Enroll now: WordPress Beginners – Make your own Awesome Websites Today.
Title: WordPress Beginners – Make your own Awesome Websites Today.
Price: $89.99
Average Rating: 4.25
Number of Lectures: 66
Number of Quizzes: 5
Number of Published Lectures: 66
Number of Published Quizzes: 5
Number of Curriculum Items: 71
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 71
Original Price: £99.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You will know how to install WordPress locally on your desktop and online.
- How to practice using WordPress on your own computer for free.
- How to create your own awesome websites using WordPress.
- How to build your WordPress websites just like you imagine them.
- Customise your WordPress websites for any purpose – a blog, a personal site or web design studio.
- You will know how to create a professional and modern website easily from a ready-made website template.
- You will know how to design pages, menus, sidebars & footers.
- You will know how to find, install and activate themes, plugins and widgets.
- You will know how to import page sections to build website pages using a free library.
- You will know how to design pages using powerful and user friendly, drag and drop page builder elements.
- You will know how to add professional animation touches using motion effects.
- You will know how to create posts using the Gutenberg editor.
- You will know how to back up your WordPress website in case of emergency.
- You will know how to block spam using Google's reCaptcha.
- You will know how to setup Google's analytics.
- You will know how to speed up your website with caching plugin.
- You will know where to find & download thousands of FREE professional images from multiple websites.
- You will know how to increase social sharing of your posts and pages with a free plugin.
- You will know how to optimise and load images to your website library.
- You will know how to make your website secure and protected from hackers.
- You will know how to add a GDPR cookie notice to your website for privacy regulations.
- You will know how to create and optimise a contact page with a contact form and Google map.
- You will know how optimise your site for search engines with a free plugin.
- You will know how to duplicate any post or page to save time.
- You will know how to display a maintenance page to update your website privately.
- You will know how to customise the sidebar with a Google map, a post slider and a video widget.
- You will know how to buy a domain and web-hosting plan.
- You will know how to export your website from your computer to the internet.
Who Should Attend
- You want a website that can be created easily but one that can also be fully customised to your liking.
- You are someone who wants to build one or a few websites for fun, business, hobby, or personal life.
- You want someone to walk you through the entire process of creating a WordPress website from the very beginning to publishing.
- You also want help designing a website that works, that is modern, and the viewers will love.
- You are NOT someone who wants to build your own custom WordPress themes.
- You are NOT interested in website coding, programming or technical aspects of web design.
- This is not a WordPress development course.
Target Audiences
- You want a website that can be created easily but one that can also be fully customised to your liking.
- You are someone who wants to build one or a few websites for fun, business, hobby, or personal life.
- You want someone to walk you through the entire process of creating a WordPress website from the very beginning to publishing.
- You also want help designing a website that works, that is modern, and the viewers will love.
- You are NOT someone who wants to build your own custom WordPress themes.
- You are NOT interested in website coding, programming or technical aspects of web design.
- This is not a WordPress development course.
If you are a person who is looking to be shown an easy to follow Step-By-Step training that would make it easy for you to make your own website exactly the way you want it to be, for your business, brand, or personal life, this course is for you.
There are thousands if not millions of web design stars amongst you that do not take the first step because you are unsure if web design would work for you.
This can be a big problem if you have to pay for a website domain name and web hosting before you find out if this is right for you.
Being busy working or studying leaves very little time to pursue your passion, and monthly costs would definitely discourage most people.
In this course, I show you how to download and install FREE software that allows you to create WordPress websites on your personal Mac or Windows desktop so you can practice website creation at your own pace without having to worry about monthly costs of web hosting or paying for a domain name.
Take as long as you need to make your perfect website for free and only when you are ready to take it online, pay for your domain and web hosting.
In this step by step training, I will guide you to create your website with free WordPress installation and show you how to customise it using Free Themes, Plugins and widgets.
After you create your perfect website and want to launch it online, I will show you how to migrate it with a few clicks to your online web hosting.
To put the icing on the cake, none of the training steps involve any coding or programming which means anyone interested in webdesign can learn to create fully functional and professional websites.
When you’ve done all that, your website will look like it has been created by an experienced professional web designer.
If you know how to use a computer, have access to the internet and have a passion to learn, this course is for you.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome
Lecture 1: Welcome
Lecture 2: Course Notes
Chapter 2: Setting Up a FREE Website Server on Your Mac or Windows PC
Lecture 1: Downloading FREE Local Server Software
Lecture 2: Installing Local Server
Chapter 3: Installing WordPress on Your Computer
Lecture 1: Introduction To WordPress
Lecture 2: Installing WordPress
Lecture 3: WordPress Admin Panel
Lecture 4: WordPress Admin Menu
Chapter 4: Website Backup
Lecture 1: Backing Up Your Website
Chapter 5: Configuring Your Website
Lecture 1: Cleaning up WP Installation
Lecture 2: Choosing a Theme
Lecture 3: Creating Pages and Menus
Lecture 4: Creating Posts
Lecture 5: The Block Editor
Lecture 6: Exploring Gutenberg Pt 1
Lecture 7: Exploring Gutenberg Pt 2
Lecture 8: Exploring Gutenberg Pt 3
Chapter 6: Adding Widgets to Your Website
Lecture 1: Exploring Widgets
Lecture 2: SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle
Lecture 3: SiteOrigin Button Widget
Lecture 4: Adding a Google Map
Lecture 5: The Posts Carousel Widget
Lecture 6: The Slider Widget
Chapter 7: Optimizing and Uploading Images
Lecture 1: Optimizing Images Pt 1
Lecture 2: Optimizing Images Pt 2
Chapter 8: Tweaking Your Website Settings
Lecture 1: Website Settings Pt1
Lecture 2: Website Settings Pt2
Lecture 3: Users and Tools
Chapter 9: Customizing Your Theme
Lecture 1: Using The Customizer Pt 1
Lecture 2: Using The Customizer Pt 2
Chapter 10: Using Elementor Website Page Builder
Lecture 1: Introduction To Elementor
Chapter 11: Creating The First Website
Lecture 1: The Home Page
Lecture 2: Section 1 Pt 1
Lecture 3: Section 1 Pt 2
Lecture 4: Section 2
Lecture 5: About Section
Lecture 6: FAQ Section
Lecture 7: Testimonials Section
Lecture 8: Clients Section
Lecture 9: About Page
Lecture 10: Contact Page Pt 1
Lecture 11: Contact Page Pt 2
Lecture 12: Customizing The Footer Pt 1
Lecture 13: Customizing The Footer Pt 2
Chapter 12: Creating The Second Website
Lecture 1: Creating a One Page Website
Chapter 13: Creating The Third Website
Lecture 1: Creating a Blog Website Pt 1
Lecture 2: Creating a Blog Website Pt 2
Lecture 3: Creating a Blog Website Pt 3
Chapter 14: Creating The Fourth Website
Lecture 1: Creating a Complete Website from a Template
Chapter 15: Creating Your Public WordPress Website
Lecture 1: Choosing & Registering Your Domain
Lecture 2: Buying a Web Hosting Plan
Lecture 3: Installing WordPress 5 Online
Chapter 16: Migrating Your Local Website Online
Lecture 1: Migrating Your Local Website Online
Chapter 17: Optimizing Your Website for search Engines (SEO)
Lecture 1: Website SEO Pt 1
Lecture 2: Website SEO Pt 2
Lecture 3: Website SEO Pt 3
Chapter 18: Tweaking Your Website
Lecture 1: Speeding Up Your Website
Lecture 2: Adding a Cookie Notice
Lecture 3: Adding an SSL Certificate
Lecture 4: Adding a reCaptcha
Lecture 5: Duplicate Any Page or Post
Lecture 6: Coming Soon & Maintenance Sign
Lecture 7: Website Security
Lecture 8: Adding Google Analytics
Chapter 19: Elementor Pro
Lecture 1: Elementor Pro Overview
Chapter 20: The Next Steps
Lecture 1: The Next Steps
Ihsan Murad
Engineer, Manager, Web Designer, Educator, Entrepreneur
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 17 votes
- 5 stars: 20 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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