WordPress Website Design – Master WordPress Easily
WordPress Website Design – Master WordPress Easily, available at $44.99, has an average rating of 4.5, with 122 lectures, based on 43 reviews, and has 315 subscribers.
You will learn about Install WordPress on your PC or Mac computer, so you can learn without having to pay hosting or domain fees. Navigate around the WordPress dashboard, know what everything does and how to use it. Create pages and posts, and most importantly, know the difference between the two. Correctly use post categories and tags, and understand why these can cause you problems at the search engines if used incorrectly. Know how to configure WordPress for best results Understand plugins & themes and how to find/install them Protect WordPress website from hackers and spammers Create a static homepage useful for most websites, or a blog like homepage useful for bloggers. This course will teach anyone to build a functional, beautiful, responsive websites with WordPress. Create a Responsive Website that looks good on any browser Create all kinds of commercial websites, using WordPress, to sell to clients Migrate and transfer WordPress websites from staging to live and vice-versa Have the skills to start making money on the side, as a casual freelancer, or full time as a work-from-home freelancer Allow your clients to update their websites by themselves by creating user accounts Fully understand how to use Custom Post Types and Advanced Custom Fields in WordPress Be able to start your own WordPress web design business Project 1: Personal/resume Website with WordPress Project 2: Business Corporate Website with WordPress Project 3: eCommerce website with WordPress and PayPal for accepting payments Project 4: Professional Blog with WordPress Project 5: Food ordering Website with wordpress Project 6: LMS Website with wordpress Project 7: Forum Website with wordpress You will know how to design pages, menus, sidebars, footers, and create a professional and modern website. Design your WordPress website the way you imagine. Customize your WordPress website for any purpose of yours – whether it's a blog, a portfolio to show off your work, or an e-commerce site to sell your products or service You will know how to back up your WordPress website in case of emergency. You will know how to set up email opt-in forms throughout your website. You will know how to set up comments and contact pages, while blocking spam. How to create websites for clients and even start your own Web Design company. This course is ideal for individuals who are Students or Budding Entrepreneurs or Bloggers or Web Design Professionals or Youtubers or Housewives or Search Engine Marketers It is particularly useful for Students or Budding Entrepreneurs or Bloggers or Web Design Professionals or Youtubers or Housewives or Search Engine Marketers.
Enroll now: WordPress Website Design – Master WordPress Easily
Title: WordPress Website Design – Master WordPress Easily
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 4.5
Number of Lectures: 122
Number of Published Lectures: 121
Number of Curriculum Items: 122
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 121
Original Price: ₹1,299
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Install WordPress on your PC or Mac computer, so you can learn without having to pay hosting or domain fees.
- Navigate around the WordPress dashboard, know what everything does and how to use it.
- Create pages and posts, and most importantly, know the difference between the two.
- Correctly use post categories and tags, and understand why these can cause you problems at the search engines if used incorrectly.
- Know how to configure WordPress for best results
- Understand plugins & themes and how to find/install them
- Protect WordPress website from hackers and spammers
- Create a static homepage useful for most websites, or a blog like homepage useful for bloggers.
- This course will teach anyone to build a functional, beautiful, responsive websites with WordPress.
- Create a Responsive Website that looks good on any browser
- Create all kinds of commercial websites, using WordPress, to sell to clients
- Migrate and transfer WordPress websites from staging to live and vice-versa
- Have the skills to start making money on the side, as a casual freelancer, or full time as a work-from-home freelancer
- Allow your clients to update their websites by themselves by creating user accounts
- Fully understand how to use Custom Post Types and Advanced Custom Fields in WordPress
- Be able to start your own WordPress web design business
- Project 1: Personal/resume Website with WordPress
- Project 2: Business Corporate Website with WordPress
- Project 3: eCommerce website with WordPress and PayPal for accepting payments
- Project 4: Professional Blog with WordPress
- Project 5: Food ordering Website with wordpress
- Project 6: LMS Website with wordpress
- Project 7: Forum Website with wordpress
- You will know how to design pages, menus, sidebars, footers, and create a professional and modern website.
- Design your WordPress website the way you imagine.
- Customize your WordPress website for any purpose of yours – whether it's a blog, a portfolio to show off your work, or an e-commerce site to sell your products or service
- You will know how to back up your WordPress website in case of emergency.
- You will know how to set up email opt-in forms throughout your website.
- You will know how to set up comments and contact pages, while blocking spam.
- How to create websites for clients and even start your own Web Design company.
Who Should Attend
- Students
- Budding Entrepreneurs
- Bloggers
- Web Design Professionals
- Youtubers
- Housewives
- Search Engine Marketers
Target Audiences
- Students
- Budding Entrepreneurs
- Bloggers
- Web Design Professionals
- Youtubers
- Housewives
- Search Engine Marketers
In 2021, it’s never been easier to build a fantastic, responsive website that looks great on computers, tablets, and mobile phones.
But Now you can make it Possible by taking this Course. It’s a Complete Guide, were you can learn a blog, a personal portfolio, a corporate business site, a forum, a classified website, an eCommerce site, or a business website to sell your products and services, LMS (Learning Management System)with WordPress.
The Prime Objective of this course is to show anybody, even an amateur, how to turn into a WordPress master in a 50+ hours course, without any Technical Knowledge . The Website will be taught from Scratch. I’ll ensure that after taking this course you’ll have the knowledge you need to build a responsive, engaging site with the most recent version of WordPress.
This course is educated by WordPress creator and educator, Mr Udit Khanna who has over a decade of experience using and teaching WordPress to people of all skill levels.
About the Course
This course will guide you through each and every step from installation to finish site. I’ll show you how you can introduce WordPress on your own PC free of charge, so you don’t need to pay for a domain name or hosting expenses while you complete this course. Whenever you have WordPress installed on your PC, you will figure out how to construct and run an appealing, engaging, responsive-web site you can be pleased with.
WordPress is the perfect tool for creating a fully customized website for any purpose. Whether you want to create a blog, a personal portfolio, a corporate business site, a forum, a classified website, an eCommerce site, or a business website to sell your products and services, LMS (Learning Management System)you can do it with WordPress. And All these sites are taught in this course in an easy way.
Who is this WordPress course for?
Have you ever wanted to build a professional looking website yourself or your clients,however didn’t have a clue where to begin? Now you can. WordPress for Beginners is a complete guide for anyone who wants to make a website. No matter from which Technical Background you are. This course requires no prior knowledge!
At the Beginning of the course, I’ll walk you through setting up WordPress on your own PC with the goal that you don’t have to pay for a web hosting (or a domain name) while you master wordpress.
Whether you decide to host your site on your own computer, or at a web host, you’ll be ready to start mastering WordPress. We’ll start at the very beginning by logging in to have a look around to familiarize ourselves with the main areas of the Dashboard.
Once you are happy navigating around your new tools, we’ll go through the main features you will need as you create your site, including:
1. The Media Library, to manage your images, videos, sound files and other media you want to share on your site.
2. WordPress Settings, and I’ll take you step by step to set those up just right.
3. We’ll look at the differences between WordPress posts and pages, and I’ll give you a simple way of knowing which one to use on any occasion.
4. We’ll look at post excerpts, categories and tags, and how to use them on a well-structured site to maximize visitor experience and search engine ranking benefits.
5. You’ll see the two main ways you can set your homepage up.
6. We’ll create a contact form on the site so visitors can get in touch.
7. We’ll setup an About us page, and I’ll explain why this page is important and what information to include on it.
8. We’ll cover the legal pages you need.
9. We’ll discuss the navigation system on your site, and how you can set up customized navigation in the header, sidebar or footer of your site. We’ll also talk about internal site linking.
10. We’ll cover WordPress security, and set up a system that will keep the site safe from hackers.
11. We’ll check out some great free plugins.
12. Finally, I’ll give you a 20 step plan for creating your site.
Summary of what you’ll learn?
You will learn in detail about Domain, Hosting, Xampp for running WordPress
Manual and Auto Installation of WordPress
Creation and integration of databases with WordPress
WordPress Basic Settings
How to Choose a Perfect WordPress theme for your business
How to build a personal/resume site with WordPress
What are the WordPress plugins and how to use them
How to build professional blogs with WordPress
How to build a Corporate style business website with WordPress
How to set up an eCommerce site (online store) and sell your products using WordPress
What is Paypal and how to integrate WordPress with API to receive payments
What is Stripe and how to integrate WordPress with API to receive Credit Card Payments
How to register your own custom post type
How to add custom fields
How to build a template
How to build archive templates
Take this course if either of these applies to you:
1. You own a business and need more clients OR
2. Your Idea involves making a website OR
3. You want to learn WordPress
4. You want to start your own web design business and sell websites.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Lecture 1: 1. Difference b/w Static & Dynamic Website
Lecture 2: 2. What is WordPress?
Lecture 3: 3. How To Choose a Domain?
Lecture 4: 4. How To Choose a Web Host?
Lecture 5: 5. How To Buy Domain & Hosting From Godaddy?
Chapter 2: Installing WordPress
Lecture 1: 6. Difference Between a Domain, Sub Domain & Directory
Lecture 2: 7. WordPress Installation-Self Hosted-Web Host-Online-One Click Install
Lecture 3: 8. WordPress Installation-Self Hosted-Web Host-Online-Manually
Lecture 4: 9. WordPress Installation-Local Host-Windows Using Xampp
Lecture 5: 10. WordPress Installation-Local Host-Mac Using Mamp
Chapter 3: SSL Setup
Lecture 1: 11. How To Buy & SetUp SSL (https) in Godaddy?
Chapter 4: Business eMail ID
Lecture 1: 12. How To Set Up Business Mail ID Using Godaddy's Professioanal Email
Chapter 5: Basic HTML
Lecture 1: 13. Understand Basic HTML
Chapter 6: Page Elements
Lecture 1: 14. Understanding Different Page Elements
Chapter 7: WordPress Dashboard Overview
Lecture 1: 15. Understand WordPress Dashboard Throughly Step-By-Step
Chapter 8: Logo Making Tips
Lecture 1: 16. Things To Consider Before Creating a Company Logo
Chapter 9: Blogging Website
Lecture 1: 17. How To create a Blog Website Using WordPress?
Chapter 10: Create Website Features Using Elementor Elements
Lecture 1: 18. How To Install & SetUp Theme & Elementor?
Lecture 2: 19. Column Element
Lecture 3: 20. Heading Element
Lecture 4: 21. Image Element
Lecture 5: 22. Text Editor Element
Lecture 6: 23. Video Element
Lecture 7: 24. Button Element
Lecture 8: 25. Divider & Spacer Element
Lecture 9: 26. Image Box Element
Lecture 10: 27. Icon Box Element
Lecture 11: 28. Star Rating Element
Lecture 12: 29. Icon List Element
Lecture 13: 30. Counter Element
Lecture 14: 31. Progress Bar Element
Lecture 15: 32. Tabs Element
Lecture 16: 33. Accordian & Toggle Element
Lecture 17: 34. Shape Divider Element
Chapter 11: Create Website Features Using Plugins – FREE
Lecture 1: 35.1 Enquiry Form – WP-Forms
Lecture 2: 35.2 Enquiry Form – Contact Form 7
Lecture 3: 35.3 Enquiry Form – Mailchimp
Lecture 4: 36.1 Slider-Image Carousel-Elementor
Lecture 5: 36.2.1 Prime Slider – Blog
Lecture 6: 36.2.2 Prime Slider – Dragon
Lecture 7: 36.2.3 Prime Slider – Flogia
Lecture 8: 36.2.4 Prime Slider – General
Lecture 9: 36.2.5 Prime Slider – Isolate
Lecture 10: 36.2.6 Prime Slider – Sequester
Lecture 11: 36.3 Smart Slider 3
Lecture 12: 36.4 Slider, Gallery, and Carousel by MetaSlider
Lecture 13: 36.5 Slider Revolution – Paid – Plugin Attached
Lecture 14: 37. Testimonials Grid & Carousel
Lecture 15: 38. Table – TablePress
Lecture 16: 39. Pricing Table
Lecture 17: 40. Post – Post Carousel By Elementor
Lecture 18: 41.1 Gallery – Basic Gallery
Lecture 19: 41.2 Gallery – Envira Gallery
Lecture 20: 41.3 Gallery – Modula Image Gallery
Lecture 21: 41.4 Gallery – NextGENGallery
Lecture 22: 41.5 Gallery – Photo Gallery By 10Web
Lecture 23: 41.6 Gallery – FooGallery
Lecture 24: 41.7 Gallery – Responsive Lightbox & Gallery
Lecture 25: 42. Countdown
Lecture 26: 43. Flip Box
Lecture 27: 44. Sticky Floating Bar on Desktop & Mobile
Lecture 28: Floating Phone Bar/Call Button For Mobile Only
Lecture 29: 45. Top Bar/Header
Lecture 30: 46.1 Process – Process Steps Template Designer
Lecture 31: 46.2 Process – Elementor Timeline Widget Addon
Lecture 32: 47. Sticky Side Buttons
Lecture 33: 48. Pop Up – PopUp Maker
Lecture 34: 49. Whatsapp & Messenger Chat Button
Lecture 35: 50. Live Chat – Tawk.to
Lecture 36: 51. WP Instagram Feed
Lecture 37: 52. Mobile Header
Chapter 12: WordPress Migration
Lecture 1: 53.1 How to migrate a Website From LocalHost To Server Using a Plugin?
Lecture 2: 53.2 How to migrate a Website From LocalHost To Server Manually?
Chapter 13: Make WordPress Mobile Friendly
Lecture 1: 54. Making Your Sites Tablet and Mobile Friendly With Elementor
Chapter 14: Resume Website
Lecture 1: 55. How To create a Resume/Personal Website
Chapter 15: Business Website
Lecture 1: 56.1 Business Website Basics – Intro
Lecture 2: 56.2 Complete Business Website
Chapter 16: LMS (Learning Management System) Website
Lecture 1: 57.1 LMS Introduction
Lecture 2: 57.2 LMS – Theme & Required Plugins Installation
Lecture 3: 57.3 LMS – Course, Lessons, Quiz Creation
Lecture 4: 57.4 LMS – Header & Footer Creation
Lecture 5: 57.5.1 LMS – Slider Revolution
Lecture 6: 57.5.2 LMS – Testimonials
Lecture 7: 57.5.3 LMS – Team Members
Udit Khanna
Director at Expert Training Institute & Digital Udit
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 16 votes
- 5 stars: 22 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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