Your Ultimate Guide to Shader Graph for Beginners
Your Ultimate Guide to Shader Graph for Beginners, available at $84.99, has an average rating of 4.55, with 88 lectures, based on 484 reviews, and has 5174 subscribers.
You will learn about Develop skills in building visually stunning shaders with node based tools Identify shader nodes based on the results they produce Understand the fundamental algorithms applied to produce shader effects Complete over 50 individual shader effects that can be used in any project This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginner shader developers or Artists who want to create shaders without learning to code or Anyone who wants to deepen their knowledge of shaders It is particularly useful for Beginner shader developers or Artists who want to create shaders without learning to code or Anyone who wants to deepen their knowledge of shaders.
Enroll now: Your Ultimate Guide to Shader Graph for Beginners
Title: Your Ultimate Guide to Shader Graph for Beginners
Price: $84.99
Average Rating: 4.55
Number of Lectures: 88
Number of Published Lectures: 88
Number of Curriculum Items: 88
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 88
Original Price: $69.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Develop skills in building visually stunning shaders with node based tools
- Identify shader nodes based on the results they produce
- Understand the fundamental algorithms applied to produce shader effects
- Complete over 50 individual shader effects that can be used in any project
Who Should Attend
- Beginner shader developers
- Artists who want to create shaders without learning to code
- Anyone who wants to deepen their knowledge of shaders
Target Audiences
- Beginner shader developers
- Artists who want to create shaders without learning to code
- Anyone who wants to deepen their knowledge of shaders
This course presents a comprehensive guide to creating vertex and fragment shaders using Unity’s visual programming tool Shader Graph. There’s no need for prior knowledge or programming of shaders needed.
Over 15 Hours of step-by-step tutorials and challenges.
Filled to the brim with follow-along and shader creation challenges, this course will give you a thorough grounding in shader development and the fundamental practices in Physical-Based Rendering (PBR) with a member of the Unity Game Engine’s Educational Advisory Board and an acclaimed academic and teacher with over 30 years experience.
This course will guide you through the process of creating your own visual surface effects for colouring and lighting game objects. It gently covers the mathematics of light and surfaces and steps you through the recreation of some of the most popular shaders, including Fresnel, Complex Water, Holograms, Flowing Lava, Liquids, Fire, and more. The shader concepts will be presented in an easy-to-understand manner to help grasp the graphics pipeline and provide you with an essential toolkit of rendering knowledge, that will have you developing your own transparent, animated, and texturised shaders in Unity’s Built-In, Universal, and High-Definition Render Pipelines.
This course has been developed with Unity 2021.3 LTS and Shader Graph 12.1.6
Learn how to program and work with:
Unity’s Shader Graph.
Model, Camera, and World View Coordinate Spaces.
Lighting Effects.
Procedurally Generated Patterns.
Scene Depths.
Refraction for Transparent Surfaces (and much more…)
In this course, Penny teaches all the invaluable skills you will require to interact with the computer graphics render pipeline using Shader Graph in Unity from scratch using her internationally acclaimed teaching style and knowledge from over 30 years of working with games and graphics. Through detailed descriptions and hands-on workshops, you’ll learn all you need to know about rendering queues, vector mathematics, graphics buffers, colour theory, 3D meshes, texture mapping, lighting models, and much more.
Contents and Overview
After diving right in and creating your very first Shader Graph shader from scratch, you delve into the fundamental concepts of creating an unlit shader and discover how colours can be mixed for surface effects, and how to put an external texture onto a game object.
Following this, you will examine a variety of lighting models and how lights and surface textures can influence the final look of a render. In this part, you will develop shaders with different lighting and investigate physically-based rendering that caters for metallic surfaces and considers world reflections. The remainder of the course concentrates on building up your essential mathematics skills related to creating shaders and focussing on the essentials that you can take and customise for your own needs.
Finally, there’s an advanced water shader section on adding special effects to water surfaces such as depth colour, waves, surface foam, and splash particles.
What students are saying about Penny’s other shader courses:
This course is amazing! Penny has got to be, hands down, one of the best instructors on game development, Unity, and C#! In the span of three hours, I have learned so much that it rivals my graduate program!
Best shader course I’ve come across. There are enough and more tutorials on youtube to teach you how to develop your own shaders, but nothing falls into the class of Penny’s tutorials. They are clear and to the point. Really happy about this one.
Wow! Thank you so much! If there were 10 stars – this course would deserve it. Going from absolutely knowing nothing about Shader writing to have a profound understanding about it…..
I wanted to let you know that I just finished your shader course and thought it was fantastic. It was a pleasure to take the course and finally get a grasp on a topic that seemed so foreign to me not so long ago. Your teaching style and personality really worked for me and made learning a breeze!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Welcome
Lecture 2: Join the H3D Student Community
Lecture 3: FAQs
Chapter 2: Fundamentals
Lecture 1: Installing Shader Graph
Lecture 2: My First Shader
Lecture 3: Vertex and Fragments
Lecture 4: Shader Anatomy 101
Chapter 3: Unlit Shader Basics
Lecture 1: Flat Single Colour
Lecture 2: Let's Talk About Colour
Lecture 3: Using Positions for Colour
Lecture 4: Using Normals for Colour
Lecture 5: Mixing Colours
Lecture 6: More on Mixing Colours
Lecture 7: Adding a Texture
Chapter 4: Lit Shader Basics
Lecture 1: Lambert Lighting Model
Lecture 2: Lighting Models
Lecture 3: The Anatomy of PBR
Lecture 4: Applying metallic and smoothness images.
Lecture 5: Adding Intensity Sliders
Lecture 6: Reflections
Lecture 7: Reflections Part 2
Lecture 8: Reflecting World Objects
Lecture 9: Ambient Occlusion
Chapter 5: Coordinate Spaces
Lecture 1: Understanding Tangent, Object, View and World Space
Lecture 2: Exploring the Object Space
Lecture 3: Exploring the World Space
Lecture 4: Exploring the View Space
Lecture 5: Exploring the Tangent Space
Lecture 6: Coordinate Space Challenge
Chapter 6: Unity's Render Pipeline
Lecture 1: An Overview of Unity's Render Pipelines
Lecture 2: A first look at the Universal Render Pipeline
Lecture 3: A Short Interlude to Explore Subgraphs
Lecture 4: A first look at the High Definition Render Pipeline
Lecture 5: Bent Normals
Lecture 6: Forward and Deferred Rendering
Chapter 7: Blending
Lecture 1: Basic Blending
Lecture 2: Linear & Colour Burn Blending
Lecture 3: More Blending Modes
Lecture 4: Darkening Blend Modes
Lecture 5: Lightening Blend Modes
Lecture 6: Contrasting Blend Modes
Chapter 8: Essential Concepts You Should Know
Lecture 1: Time
Lecture 2: Rotating with Time
Lecture 3: Lerping
Lecture 4: Lerping a Liquid Part 1
Lecture 5: Lerping a Liquid Part 2
Lecture 6: Tiling
Lecture 7: Masking
Lecture 8: Animating Masked Glow
Chapter 9: Procedural Generation
Lecture 1: What is procedural generation?
Lecture 2: Noisy Vertex Displacement Part 1
Lecture 3: Noisy Vertex Displacement Part 2
Lecture 4: Simple Noise Wood Grain
Lecture 5: Enhanced Wood Grain
Lecture 6: Tiles
Lecture 7: Procedural Shapes
Lecture 8: Voronoi Diagrams
Lecture 9: Simple Fire Part 1
Lecture 10: Simple Fire Part 2
Lecture 11: Complex Fire
Lecture 12: UV Ripple
Chapter 10: The Illusion of Depth
Lecture 1: Depth Illusion Shaders
Lecture 2: Bump Mapping
Lecture 3: Normal Mapping
Lecture 4: Normal Blending
Lecture 5: The Importance of a Normal's Z
Lecture 6: Scrolling Normals
Chapter 11: Working with Scene Depth
Lecture 1: Depth Intersection
Lecture 2: Texturing the Depth Intersection
Lecture 3: Expanding the Intersection Zone
Lecture 4: Creating a Forcefield Part 1
Lecture 5: Creating a Forcefield Part 2
Lecture 6: Water with Depth
Chapter 12: Tricks of Light
Lecture 1: Crystals Effects
Lecture 2: Holograms
Lecture 3: Refraction
Lecture 4: Ice
Lecture 5: Iridescence
Chapter 13: Project: Advanced Water
Lecture 1: Advanced Water Project Part 1: Flowing Water
Lecture 2: Advanced Water Project Part 2: Refraction
Lecture 3: Advanced Water Project Part 3: Pool Water
Lecture 4: Advanced Water Project Part 4: Pool Normals
Lecture 5: Advanced Water Project Part 5: Vertex Displacement
Lecture 6: Advanced Water Project Part 6: Foam
Lecture 7: Advanced Water Project Part 7: Particle Splashes
Lecture 8: Advanced Water Project Part 8: Final Colouring
Chapter 14: Final Words
Penny de Byl
International Award Winning Professor & Best Selling Author -
Penny Holistic3D
Academic, Author & Game Development Enthusiast
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 5 votes
- 3 stars: 18 votes
- 4 stars: 120 votes
- 5 stars: 338 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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