10+ HTML CSS and JS Financial Web Apps – Front-End Web Dev
10+ HTML CSS and JS Financial Web Apps – Front-End Web Dev, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 5, with 169 lectures, based on 2 reviews, and has 24 subscribers.
You will learn about How to create real life Web appications, using html css and js Modern web app UI/ UX design Modular based web applications using JavaScrip ES6 Modules New CSS features This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginner web developers or Junior web developers It is particularly useful for Beginner web developers or Junior web developers.
Enroll now: 10+ HTML CSS and JS Financial Web Apps – Front-End Web Dev
Title: 10+ HTML CSS and JS Financial Web Apps – Front-End Web Dev
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 5
Number of Lectures: 169
Number of Published Lectures: 169
Number of Curriculum Items: 169
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 169
Original Price: €84.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- How to create real life Web appications, using html css and js
- Modern web app UI/ UX design
- Modular based web applications using JavaScrip ES6 Modules
- New CSS features
Who Should Attend
- Beginner web developers
- Junior web developers
Target Audiences
- Beginner web developers
- Junior web developers
Welcome to “10+ Financial Web Apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript – Front-End”!
Hope you ready to dive into the world of front-end web development while creating 10 real world financial web applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript? In this course, you will embark on an enriching journey to master HTML, CSS, and JavaScript by building practical financial web applications.
Throughout this course, you will learn the fundamentals of front-end development while focusing on the integration of financial tools and applications. By the end of our journey together, you will have created 10+ financial web apps, each designed to enhance your understanding of web development and financial concepts.
Our first project, “Currency Converter,” sets the stage for your learning adventure. In this initial application, you will harness the power of HTML to structure the content of your web page, CSS to style and design your interface, and JavaScript to implement dynamic functionality.
As you progress through the course, you will unlock the secrets behind creating interactive and user-friendly financial web applications. From budget calculators to investment trackers, you will gain invaluable hands-on experience in crafting robust front-end solutions tailored to financial needs.
Are you ready to transform your passion for coding into tangible skills that merge technology with finance? Join us as we embark on this exhilarating journey of discovery and creation in “10+ Financial Web Apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript – Front-End”! Let’s code our way to financial innovation together.
1. Expense Tracker: Keep tabs on your spending habits with this intuitive expense tracking application.
Investment Portfolio Tracker: Monitor and manage your investments seamlessly with our portfolio tracking tool.
Loan Calculator: Explore various loan scenarios and calculate repayment plans effortlessly.
Savings Goal Tracker: Set, track, and achieve your financial goals with precision and ease.
Budget Planner: Plan your finances effectively and stay on top of your budget with this indispensable tool.
Stock Market Watch List: Stay informed about your favorite stocks and market trends with our customizable watch list.
Retirement Calculator: Plan for your golden years confidently with our comprehensive retirement planning tool.
Tax Calculator: Estimate your tax liability and plan your finances intelligently with our user-friendly tax calculator.
Credit Score Checker: Monitor and improve your credit health with our insightful credit score checking application.
What you will learn:
– HTML advance tag elements
– CSS latest feature and selectors
– JavaScript modules and ES6
Throughout the course, you’ll utilize essential tools and resources, including Visual Studio Code for coding, Node.js for server-side JavaScript, Git for version control, Google Fonts and Font Awesome for enhancing the visual appeal of your applications, and ChartJS for creating interactive data visualizations. Additionally, you’ll leverage the Exchange rate API for currency conversion functionalities.
Are you ready to unlock the full potential of front-end development while revolutionizing the way we interact with financial data? Join us as we embark on this transformative journey in “10+ Financial Web Apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript – Front-End”! Let’s code our way to financial innovation together.
There is also a complete crash Cours on HTML CSS and JavaScript which should get you up and running if you are completely new to them.
If you have any kind of questions pleas ask them and I will get write back to you.
With this being sad,
I wish you all happy coding!
Norbert BM
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: UPDATE -Project Budget Planer- AUTO Save & Save data as Excel (svc)
Chapter 2: General setup
Lecture 1: Section overview
Lecture 2: Course structure
Lecture 3: Required software
Lecture 4: Folder structure & boilerplate
Lecture 5: Course resources and repository
Chapter 3: World currencies convertor app
Lecture 1: App presentation
Lecture 2: General setup and resources
Lecture 3: HTML markup and basic styles
Lecture 4: Add the World Map SVG using JavaScript
Lecture 5: Simple currencies convertor using JavaScript & exchange rate API
Lecture 6: Get the exchange rate from using the fetch API
Lecture 7: Get all countries from the World map
Lecture 8: Display the selected country's currency and all conversion rates
Lecture 9: Add search functionality to the currency list
Lecture 10: Create CSS components structure
Lecture 11: CSS App variables
Lecture 12: Style the App container
Lecture 13: Style the World Map
Lecture 14: Style the simple currency convertor
Lecture 15: Style the world currencies convertor
Chapter 4: Tax-Calculator
Lecture 1: App presentation
Lecture 2: General setup and folder structure
Lecture 3: Create the HTML markup
Lecture 4: Create `style.css` and import `variables.css` files
Lecture 5: Create `global.css` style
Lecture 6: Create and Style the `form.css` file
Lecture 7: Create the main app.js and get DOM elements module with global variables
Lecture 8: Add event listener to the `calculate-button` & get the input values
Lecture 9: Validate input and add alert component
Lecture 10: Display standard deduction based on status
Lecture 11: Style and Add the alert component to the DOM
Lecture 12: Display standard deduction based on status
Lecture 13: Calculate the income tax based on the tax brackets
Lecture 14: Style the result component
Lecture 15: Close results and reset all values
Chapter 5: Retirement Calculator
Lecture 1: App presentation
Lecture 2: General setup and folder structure
Lecture 3: Create the HTML markup
Lecture 4: Create `global.css` and `variables.css` style
Lecture 5: Style the `calculator-container.css` file
Lecture 6: Style global `btn.css` file
Lecture 7: Add onclick to the `calculateBtn` & get the input values
Lecture 8: Validate each individual input
Lecture 9: Create and Style the alert component in `alert.css` and `showAlert.js`
Lecture 10: Handle labels error and success with`handleLabel.js`
Lecture 11: Calculate and display retirement savings
Lecture 12: Get calculated values for the table
Lecture 13: Check for successful calculations of the retirement
Lecture 14: Display and style the table component
Lecture 15: Create and add a new row element
Lecture 16: Clear the input fields and hide the results
Lecture 17: Delete a row from the table
Chapter 6: Stock-Market-Watch-List
Lecture 1: 07-01-App presentation
Lecture 2: 07-02-General setup and folder structure
Lecture 3: 07-03-Create the HTML markup
Lecture 4: 07-04-Create short-news section
Lecture 5: 07-05-Create stocks crypto and forex maps section
Lecture 6: 07-06-Create detailed analytics section
Lecture 7: 07-07-Style the side navigator
Lecture 8: 07-08-Toggle maps and detaild chart.mp4
Chapter 7: Budget Planner App
Lecture 1: App presentation
Lecture 2: General setup and folder structure (HTML, CSS, JS)
Lecture 3: Create the HTML markup for .app-container, .header and .inputs-container
Lecture 4: 08-04-Create `main.css`, `variables.css` and the `app-container.css`
Lecture 5: Create and styles the `btn.css` components
Lecture 6: Style the `header-container.css` and `inputs-container.css`
Lecture 7: Create the HTML markup for the budget list
Lecture 8: Create and style `budget-list-header.css` and `budget-list-container.css`
Lecture 9: Get DOM elements and create global variables
Lecture 10: Manage the ADD button click event
Lecture 11: Calculate total the budget
Lecture 12: Calculate the total per category
Lecture 13: Create and Style the Alert components
Lecture 14: Update the budget list and add to category
Lecture 15: Remove elements form the budget list
Lecture 16: Edit elements from the budget list
Lecture 17: Save and load data from local storage
Lecture 18: Clear budget list when requested
Lecture 19: UPDATE – AUTO Save & Save data as Excel (svc)
Lecture 20: UPDATE – Save and Load new data from JSON files.
Chapter 8: Savings-Goal-Tracker
Lecture 1: App presentation
Lecture 2: General setup and folder structure (HTML, CSS, JS)
Lecture 3: Create the HTML markup for .app-container, and .parameters-form
Lecture 4: Create `main.css`, `variables.css` and style the `app-container.css`
Lecture 5: Create and styles `form.css`
Lecture 6: Create the HTML markup for .goal-list and style it with `goal-list.css`
Lecture 7: Create the main app.js file and Get DOM elements
Lecture 8: Calculate and display the goal amount
Lecture 9: Calculate and display current savings
Lecture 10: Calculate and display monthly contribution
Norbert B. Menyhart
"Knowledge is Power" Acquire Knowledge by Learning!
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 0 votes
- 5 stars: 2 votes
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