17 Beginner C# Walkthrough Projects step by step
17 Beginner C# Walkthrough Projects step by step, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 2.95, with 203 lectures, based on 522 reviews, and has 3316 subscribers.
You will learn about Develop your creative and technical skills to build c# applications Create Event Handlers Create Custom Methods Customize form Add controls and change their properties Write conditional code Add comments to code Understand how intellisense works Build and test your code Create 17 C# Projects This course is ideal for individuals who are Aspiring SQL developers or Aspiring programmers or Novice programmers It is particularly useful for Aspiring SQL developers or Aspiring programmers or Novice programmers.
Enroll now: 17 Beginner C# Walkthrough Projects step by step
Title: 17 Beginner C# Walkthrough Projects step by step
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 2.95
Number of Lectures: 203
Number of Published Lectures: 180
Number of Curriculum Items: 203
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 180
Original Price: $159.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Develop your creative and technical skills to build c# applications
- Create Event Handlers
- Create Custom Methods
- Customize form
- Add controls and change their properties
- Write conditional code
- Add comments to code
- Understand how intellisense works
- Build and test your code
- Create 17 C# Projects
Who Should Attend
- Aspiring SQL developers
- Aspiring programmers
- Novice programmers
Target Audiences
- Aspiring SQL developers
- Aspiring programmers
- Novice programmers
Welcome to this C# project based course for beginners course (pronounced C Sharp).
C# is designed to be a simple, modern, general-purpose, object-oriented programming language, borrowing key concepts from several other languages, most notably Java
C# is an Object Oriented language and does not offer global variables or functions. Everything is wrapped in classes, even simple types like int and string, which inherits from the System.Object class.
In this course I will walk you through how to create the following 17 beginner c # projects:
Digital Clock with date and time
Simple Digital Clock
Currency Converter
Picture Viewer
Maths Quiz
Web browser
Maze Game
paint drawing app
Pair matching game
2D Ping Pong game
Music layer
image upload form
Screen Saver
Database driven login form
Google Maps
C# is an object-oriented language designed by Microsoft and used by systems engineers, desktop programmers, and mobile app developers the world over.
This course will guide you through C#’s basics, its core syntax, and the fundamentals of writing strong C# code. I will show you how to install Visual Studio, a great IDE for developing in C#, and then dive into the language itself. Along the way, we will cover topics such as:
Declaring and initializing variables with a variety of data types
Data type Conversions and Truncating
Exploring Basic Arithmetic operators
Troubleshoot Compile errors
Controlling flow with conditional code
Creating Method
Creating Event Handler methods
Using controls and changing their properties
If C# is your first step into programming or adding it your existing skillset, these training videos will help you understand the language and use it to build your own great software.
Welcome 🙂
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Visual Studio 2019 Setup
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Please Read
Lecture 3: What is Visual Studio
Lecture 4: Minimum Installation Requirements for visual studio 2019
Lecture 5: Installing Visual Studio 2019
Lecture 6: Creating a basic Console App
Lecture 7: Creating a basic Windows Forms App
Lecture 8: Creating a basic ASP.NET and C# Web App
Lecture 9: Running Projects outside Visual Studio Environment
Chapter 2: C# Basics
Lecture 1: Creating your first console app with a text editor
Lecture 2: Compiling your console app
Lecture 3: Creating a console app using visual studio IDE
Lecture 4: Troubleshooting Compiling Errors
Lecture 5: Create a web app part 1
Lecture 6: Create a web part 2
Lecture 7: Customising your web app
Lecture 8: Writing code for the controls
Lecture 9: Understanding what we have created
Lecture 10: Working with solutions and projects
Lecture 11: Code challenge
Lecture 12: What is a variable
Lecture 13: Variable Naming Convention
Lecture 14: String data type
Lecture 15: Basic data type
Lecture 16: Basic Arithmetic Operators
Lecture 17: Using basic arithmetic operators
Lecture 18: Operator precedence
Lecture 19: What is Concatenation
Lecture 20: Data type conversion part 1
Lecture 21: Data type conversion part 2
Lecture 22: Converting to string and truncating
Chapter 3: SQL Sever 2019 Setup
Lecture 1: What is SQL Server
Lecture 2: SQL Server 2019 Hardware | Software Installation Requirements
Lecture 3: SQL Server Editions
Lecture 4: Download SQL Server 2019 Developer Edition
Lecture 5: SQL Server 2019 Developer Edition Installation
Lecture 6: Installing SQL Server Management Studio
Lecture 7: Connecting to SQL Server with SSMS
Lecture 8: SQL Server Configuration Manager
Lecture 9: Install adventureworks 2016 database
Chapter 4: Project 1 : Create a Matching Pairs Icon Image Game
Lecture 1: Project Introduction
Lecture 2: Create a new project with a form
Lecture 3: Add a TableLayoutPanel Control to the form
Lecture 4: Add Labels to the form
Lecture 5: Create Matching Symbols
Lecture 6: Assign Random Icon Image to each square
Lecture 7: Hide the icon images
Lecture 8: Add a click event handler
Lecture 9: Add Reference variables to labels
Lecture 10: Add Timer Control to form
Lecture 11: Make Matched Pairs Visible
Lecture 12: Display winning message
Lecture 13: Build your finished project
Lecture 14: Tips to enhance your project
Chapter 5: Project 2 : Create a Music Player
Lecture 1: Project Introduction
Lecture 2: Create a new project with a form
Lecture 3: Adding Windows Media Player
Lecture 4: Adding Button Controls
Lecture 5: Adding the code to make player work
Lecture 6: Building the project
Lecture 7: Tips to improve your project
Chapter 6: Project 3 : Create Screen Saver
Lecture 1: Project Introduction
Lecture 2: Create a new project with a form
Lecture 3: Add image directory and some code
Lecture 4: Write code for the load event handler
Lecture 5: Drawing and Movement of Pictures
Lecture 6: Testing
Chapter 7: Project 4 :Create a Maze Game
Lecture 1: Project Introduction
Lecture 2: Create a project and add a Panel
Lecture 3: Designing the maze interface
Lecture 4: Writing the code to finish the game
Lecture 5: Writing code to restart the game
Lecture 6: Writing code for the maze walls
Lecture 7: Adding Sound Player to the game
Lecture 8: Suggestions to enhance the game
Chapter 8: Project 5 : Create a Picture Viewer
Lecture 1: Project Introduction
Lecture 2: Creating a new project with a form
Lecture 3: Adding controls to the form part 1
Lecture 4: Adding controls to the form part 2
Lecture 5: Generating event handler methods
Lecture 6: Write code for show picture button
Lecture 7: Write code for additional buttons and checkbox
Lecture 8: Commenting your code
Chapter 9: project 6: Create your own Drawing Paint App
Lecture 1: Project Introduction
Lecture 2: Designing the interface part 1
Lecture 3: Designing the interface part 2
Lecture 4: Creating variables and event handler methods
Lecture 5: Renaming event handler method
Lecture 6: Write code to enable drawing
Lecture 7: Write code to save drawing
Chapter 10: Project 7 : Create a world Currency Converter
Bluelime Learning Solutions
Making Learning Simple
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 29 votes
- 2 stars: 22 votes
- 3 stars: 101 votes
- 4 stars: 166 votes
- 5 stars: 204 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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