2022-Basics of SQL using PostgreSQL
2022-Basics of SQL using PostgreSQL, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.8, with 69 lectures, 5 quizzes, based on 80 reviews, and has 15023 subscribers.
You will learn about Structured Query Language (SQL) PostgreSQL Relational Database Management Systems Build a three-tier web application CRUD (Create, Read, Update & Delete) Operations JOINs, GROUPs, PLPGSQL, FUNCTIONS, Python VIEWS, TRIGGERS, TRIGGER Functions INDEX, VACUUM 3-Tier Application This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginner developers curious about SQL or Data Analytics engineers or Data Scientists or Intermediate software developers or Database administrators It is particularly useful for Beginner developers curious about SQL or Data Analytics engineers or Data Scientists or Intermediate software developers or Database administrators.
Enroll now: 2022-Basics of SQL using PostgreSQL
Title: 2022-Basics of SQL using PostgreSQL
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.8
Number of Lectures: 69
Number of Quizzes: 5
Number of Published Lectures: 69
Number of Published Quizzes: 5
Number of Curriculum Items: 82
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 82
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Structured Query Language (SQL)
- PostgreSQL
- Relational Database Management Systems
- Build a three-tier web application
- CRUD (Create, Read, Update & Delete) Operations
- 3-Tier Application
Who Should Attend
- Beginner developers curious about SQL
- Data Analytics engineers
- Data Scientists
- Intermediate software developers
- Database administrators
Target Audiences
- Beginner developers curious about SQL
- Data Analytics engineers
- Data Scientists
- Intermediate software developers
- Database administrators
Structured Query Language (SQL) is THE language of relational databases.
Every software developer and data analytics engineer WILL interact with a relational database at some point in their career and SQL is the language of choice when talking to these databases.
Employers desire SQL language skills and it is a great resume enhancer if you know anything beyond just the basics.
In this course, you will learn the basics of SQL and some fairly advanced topics that will make you a valuable addition to any software team.
Most of the course (90%) will be spent on demos and problem solving rather than power point presentations and there are multiple quizzes, assignments and projects.
Finally, we will build a 3-tier web application using a PostgreSQL backend database which will teach you the advanced skills required to perform such a task.
If you have ever felt that you would like to learn more about SQL but are not sure about what course to take, Basics of SQL using PostgreSQL is an excellent course to try out.
There is no risk. This course has a 30-day money back guaranteed by Udemy.
I wish you the best of luck and hope you will have as much fun learning about SQL as I had teaching this course.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Learning Objectives
Lecture 2: A Word about Udemy Reviews
Lecture 3: Introduction to Relational Databases and Management Systems
Lecture 4: Introduction to SQL
Lecture 5: Install PostgreSQL in Windows
Lecture 6: Install PostgreSQL in MAC
Lecture 7: PGAdmin and Sample Databases
Chapter 2: The Basics of SQL
Lecture 1: SELECT columns and ROWS FROM tables
Lecture 2: More SELECT using ALIASes
Lecture 3: ORDER rows in ASCENDING or DESCENDING order
Lecture 4: Exercises with SELECT and ORDER BY
Lecture 5: Selecting unique entries using DISTINCT
Lecture 6: Exercises with DISTINCT clause
Lecture 7: Filtering rows using the WHERE clause
Lecture 8: Exercises using the WHERE clause
Lecture 9: Limiting the number of rows using the LIMIT clause
Chapter 3: Joining multiple tables with JOINS
Lecture 1: INNER JOINS- Explanation
Lecture 2: INNER JOINS – Example
Lecture 3: INNER JOINS – A more complex example
Lecture 4: OUTER JOINS
Lecture 5: SELF JOINS
Chapter 4: Create, Read, Update and Delete Operations (CRUD)
Lecture 1: Basic Datatypes in SQL
Lecture 2: Basic CRUD on databases, tables and rows
Lecture 3: Manipulating columns in SQL
Lecture 4: Constraints on columns: PRIMARY KEY and SERIAL
Lecture 5: Constraints on columns: NOT NULL, DEFAULT, UNIQUE and CHECK
Lecture 6: Foreign Keys Constraints and their implications
Chapter 5: Built-in functions, Date, Time and Timestamps
Lecture 1: Useful built-in functions in Postgres
Lecture 2: The DATE Datatype
Lecture 3: The TIME Datatype
Chapter 6: Combining rows into GROUPS
Lecture 1: Basic grouping of data using the GROUP BY and HAVING clauses
Lecture 2: Aggregate calculation deep dive
Lecture 3: Complex grouping using multiple columns and extracted data
Lecture 4: Combine many grouping operations into a single query
Lecture 5: Common SET operations to stack rows on top of each other.
Chapter 7: Mini-Project – I
Chapter 8: Complex SQL queries
Lecture 1: Use Sub-queries to construct complex queries.
Lecture 2: Use the CASE statement to take decisions
Lecture 3: Common Table Expressions (CTE)
Lecture 4: Virtual Tables using VIEWS
Lecture 5: Virtual Tables with MATERIALIZED VIEWS
Chapter 9: Transactions in SQL
Lecture 1: An introduction to SQL TRANSACTIONS
Lecture 2: Implicit and Explicit Transactions
Chapter 10: SQL Programming using PLPGSQL
Lecture 1: Introduction to PLPGSQL
Lecture 2: IF-ELSE Control structures in Functions
Chapter 11: Triggers and Trigger Functions
Lecture 1: Introduction to TRIGGERS and TRIGGER functions
Lecture 2: Updating the materialized view automatically
Lecture 3: Manipulating data before insertion into the table using trigger functions
Chapter 12: Mini-Project – II
Lecture 1: Problem Description: Build an audit table to track any changes in other tables
Lecture 2: Solution
Chapter 13: Database Optimizations
Lecture 1: Speed up searches of text and numbers using INDEX
Lecture 2: The Binary Search Algorithm
Lecture 3: The Price we Pay – UPDATES and INSERTS take longer
Lecture 4: Dead Tuples and the VACUUM command
Chapter 14: Database Administration and Access Control
Lecture 1: Database Administration Basics
Lecture 2: Postgres Schemas and Roles
Lecture 3: Postgres Schemas, Roles and Groups
Lecture 4: Controlling column and row access
Chapter 15: Using Python to interface with the PostgreSQL database
Lecture 1: A quick tour of basic Python concepts
Lecture 2: Python functions
Lecture 3: Using psycopg2 to connect to a database
Lecture 4: Using variables to execute multiple queries in Postgres
Chapter 16: A Primer on Flask Web Development
Lecture 1: A primer on Flask Web development
Lecture 2: Using Flask and Jinja2 templates to create dynamic websites
Chapter 17: Building a 3-Tier Web Application
Lecture 1: Introduction and Database setup
Lecture 2: Building the students search page
Lecture 3: Building the students scores page
Lecture 4: Building the add new students page
Lecture 5: Building the course statistics page
Murthy Karra PhD
Chief Instructor and Course Developer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 7 votes
- 4 stars: 38 votes
- 5 stars: 35 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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