2023-The Complete React Native from Zero to Hero
2023-The Complete React Native from Zero to Hero, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 3.95, with 78 lectures, based on 111 reviews, and has 19407 subscribers.
You will learn about Create real-world native apps using React Native Understand the terminology and concepts of Redux Get up to speed with React design principles and methodologies Firebase, Redux Saga, UI Design… This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is for anyone looking to make native apps with React Native It is particularly useful for This course is for anyone looking to make native apps with React Native.
Enroll now: 2023-The Complete React Native from Zero to Hero
Title: 2023-The Complete React Native from Zero to Hero
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 3.95
Number of Lectures: 78
Number of Published Lectures: 78
Number of Curriculum Items: 78
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 78
Original Price: $129.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Create real-world native apps using React Native
- Understand the terminology and concepts of Redux
- Get up to speed with React design principles and methodologies
- Firebase, Redux Saga, UI Design…
Who Should Attend
- This course is for anyone looking to make native apps with React Native
Target Audiences
- This course is for anyone looking to make native apps with React Native
The Comprehensive React Native Development Course is an extensive online learning program designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to build cross-platform mobile applications using React Native. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, this course will guide you through the process of becoming a proficient React Native developer.
React Native, developed by Facebook, has revolutionized mobile app development by enabling developers to build high-quality applications for iOS and Android platforms using a single codebase. This course starts with the fundamentals and gradually progresses to cover advanced topics, providing a comprehensive learning experience.
The course curriculum covers a wide range of concepts, including React Native components, styling, navigation, state management, APIs, handling user input, integrating with native modules, and more. You’ll learn how to leverage the power of JavaScript and React to create native-like experiences on both iOS and Android devices.
Throughout the course, you’ll work on hands-on projects that replicate real-world app development scenarios. These projects will enable you to apply your knowledge and gain practical experience in building different types of mobile applications, such as social media apps, e-commerce apps, and productivity apps.
The course is taught by experienced instructors who have a deep understanding of React Native development and industry best practices. They provide comprehensive explanations, practical examples, and tips to help you develop efficient and well-structured code. You’ll also learn about common development workflows, debugging techniques, and performance optimization strategies specific to React Native.
By the end of the course, you’ll have a strong foundation in React Native development and be able to build cross-platform mobile applications with ease. You’ll understand the principles of component-based architecture, know how to design intuitive user interfaces, handle data flow efficiently, and deploy apps to the App Store and Google Play Store.
Enrolling in the Comprehensive React Native Development Course will open doors to exciting career opportunities in mobile app development. React Native is widely adopted by companies seeking to build apps for both iOS and Android platforms, making this course a valuable investment in your professional growth.
Join the Comprehensive React Native Development Course today and unlock your potential to create powerful and engaging mobile applications for a global audience!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction & Basics
Lecture 1: Git Code
Lecture 2: Build your first React Native app
Lecture 3: Build React Native project with Native Code
Lecture 4: Learn the basics of React Native
Lecture 5: Customize React Native components using Props
Lecture 6: State in React Native Component
Lecture 7: Style a React Native component with StyleSheet
Lecture 8: Customize width and height props with Fixed and Flex dimensions
Lecture 9: Flex direction and justify content with Flexbox
Lecture 10: Flexbox layout with align items
Chapter 2: TextInput
Lecture 1: Create a basic TextInput with Email and Password
Lecture 2: Working with multiline TextInput and Keyboard
Chapter 3: Touches
Lecture 1: Display and handle a basic React Native Button
Lecture 2: TouchableHighlight, TouchableNativeFeedback,TouchableOpacity
Chapter 4: ScrollView
Lecture 1: Draw a basic ScrollView with mixed Components
Lecture 2: Draw a horizontal ScrollView like Page
Lecture 3: Create ScrollView with ViewPagerAndroid in React Native
Chapter 5: FlatList
Lecture 1: Create a simple FlatList with Text Component
Lecture 2: An example of FlatList with Images in FlatList Item
Lecture 3: How to swipe to delete an Item in FlatList
Lecture 4: Layout a View and Button above FlatList
Lecture 5: Present Modal and insert Data to existing FLatList
Lecture 6: Present Modal and update an existing FlatList's Item
Lecture 7: An example of Horizontal FlatList like Weather App
Chapter 6: LifeCycle
Lecture 1: How to use SectionList in React Native
Lecture 2: LifeCycle of a Component in React Native
Chapter 7: Networking
Lecture 1: Send GET request to server from React Native
Lecture 2: Send POST request to insert data to database server
Lecture 3: Send PUT request to update an existing data in React Native
Chapter 8: React Native Firebase
Lecture 1: Setup Firebase SDK for ios and android App
Lecture 2: Firebase authentication with anonymous user and email password
Lecture 3: Login Facebook with React Native Firebase SDK
Lecture 4: Sign in Google with Firebase SDK
Lecture 5: Create a TODO app with Cloud Firestore in RN
Lecture 6: Working with realtime Database in React Native
Chapter 9: Redux in React Native
Lecture 1: Overview of data flow in Redux for React Native
Lecture 2: Create store, provider, actions of a todo list app
Lecture 3: Add reducers to the todo list app in Redux
Lecture 4: Add components to the todo list Redux app
Lecture 5: Add containers to the todo list Redux app
Chapter 10: Redux Saga in React Native
Lecture 1: Redux Saga flow and create a Counter app with Redux
Lecture 2: Add sagas to actions in the Redux Counter app
Lecture 3: Send GET request and receive response from api
Lecture 4: Send POST request and receive response from api
Lecture 5: Update data with PUT request using Redux-saga
Lecture 6: Delete data with DELETE request in Redux-saga
Chapter 11: ReactNavigation
Lecture 1: Create a StackNavigator and translate params between screens
Lecture 2: Configuring the Header of StackNavigator
Lecture 3: Create and configure multiple tabs with TabNavigator
Lecture 4: Set up a screen with a drawer navigation using DrawerNavigator
Chapter 12: Redux-form
Lecture 1: Create a Simple form in React Native
Lecture 2: Synchronous validation example of Refux-form in React Native
Lecture 3: Field-Level Validation with Redux-form in React Native
Lecture 4: Submit validation example and SubmissionError
Lecture 5: Example of Asynchronous blur validation with Redux-form
Lecture 6: Submit your form via a dispatched Redux action
Lecture 7: Field Normalizing Example of Redux-form in React Native
Chapter 13: Realm React Native
Lecture 1: Create a TodoList app with Realm in React Native
Lecture 2: Insert and query data using Realm in React Native
Lecture 3: Update and delete data using Realm in React Native
Lecture 4: Sort data in Realm database in React Native
Lecture 5: Filter data and working with To-Many Relationships
Chapter 14: UI Design
Lecture 1: Create a Splash and Login Screen in React Native
Lecture 2: Navigate between Splash and Login without StackNavigator
Lecture 3: Make an UI with Tabbar and StackNavigator with NativeBase #1
Lecture 4: Make an UI with Tabbar and StackNavigator with NativeBase #2
Chapter 15: React Native Animations
Lecture 1: Create animations for Image and View with timing, spring, fade
Lecture 2: Create animations with sequence, parallel, interpolate
Lecture 3: Animate multiple Views with Stagger and Fade
Lecture 4: Use Gesture Responder to pan a View and animation with Spring
Chapter 16: NaviveModules
Lecture 1: Create functions, callbacks from ObjectiveC then call from React Native
Lecture 2: React Native call ObjectiveC functions using Promises and Async-Await
Lecture 3: Send events from Objective C to React Native
Lecture 4: React Native calls Swift functions using callback, promises, async-await
Lecture 5: React Native calls MKMapView and use its properties
Lecture 6: React Native calls Toast object, constants and function in Android
Lecture 7: React Native calls callback and Promise functions in Android using async-await
Lecture 8: Create and emit Event from Java and send back to React Native
SunLight Team
Code Guru
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 8 votes
- 2 stars: 7 votes
- 3 stars: 20 votes
- 4 stars: 26 votes
- 5 stars: 50 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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