2024 C Programming Bootcamp – The Complete C Language Course
2024 C Programming Bootcamp – The Complete C Language Course, available at $79.99, has an average rating of 4.38, with 84 lectures, 5 quizzes, based on 395 reviews, and has 18922 subscribers.
You will learn about Understand the fundamentals of programming Write efficient and optimized code Solve real-world problems using C programming Develop programming skills Apply programming best practices Use C programming in software development projects Communicate programming concepts This course is ideal for individuals who are Computer Science students: C programming is often a core requirement for computer science students, and this course can help them develop a solid understanding of the language. or Engineers: Engineers who work in software development or embedded systems often need to know C programming, making this course a valuable resource. or Web Developers: C programming is not typically used for web development, but it is still a valuable language to know for optimizing and integrating back-end systems. or Game Developers: C programming is widely used in game development, making this course a must-have for aspiring game developers. or System Administrators: C programming is an essential skill for system administrators, as it enables them to develop and optimize system-level software. or Data Analysts: C programming is used in data analysis and manipulation, and this course can help data analysts build a stronger foundation in the language. or Scientists: Scientists often need to develop software for data analysis or simulation, and this course can provide them with the programming skills needed to develop such software. or Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Professionals: C programming is used in developing and optimizing AI and ML algorithms, making this course valuable for AI and ML professionals. or IT Professionals: C programming is a valuable skill for IT professionals who work in software development, system administration, or network programming. or Anyone interested in learning programming: C programming is a widely used and versatile language, and this course can be beneficial for anyone who wants to learn how to program. It is particularly useful for Computer Science students: C programming is often a core requirement for computer science students, and this course can help them develop a solid understanding of the language. or Engineers: Engineers who work in software development or embedded systems often need to know C programming, making this course a valuable resource. or Web Developers: C programming is not typically used for web development, but it is still a valuable language to know for optimizing and integrating back-end systems. or Game Developers: C programming is widely used in game development, making this course a must-have for aspiring game developers. or System Administrators: C programming is an essential skill for system administrators, as it enables them to develop and optimize system-level software. or Data Analysts: C programming is used in data analysis and manipulation, and this course can help data analysts build a stronger foundation in the language. or Scientists: Scientists often need to develop software for data analysis or simulation, and this course can provide them with the programming skills needed to develop such software. or Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Professionals: C programming is used in developing and optimizing AI and ML algorithms, making this course valuable for AI and ML professionals. or IT Professionals: C programming is a valuable skill for IT professionals who work in software development, system administration, or network programming. or Anyone interested in learning programming: C programming is a widely used and versatile language, and this course can be beneficial for anyone who wants to learn how to program.
Enroll now: 2024 C Programming Bootcamp – The Complete C Language Course
Title: 2024 C Programming Bootcamp – The Complete C Language Course
Price: $79.99
Average Rating: 4.38
Number of Lectures: 84
Number of Quizzes: 5
Number of Published Lectures: 84
Number of Published Quizzes: 5
Number of Curriculum Items: 101
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 101
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Understand the fundamentals of programming
- Write efficient and optimized code
- Solve real-world problems using C programming
- Develop programming skills
- Apply programming best practices
- Use C programming in software development projects
- Communicate programming concepts
Who Should Attend
- Computer Science students: C programming is often a core requirement for computer science students, and this course can help them develop a solid understanding of the language.
- Engineers: Engineers who work in software development or embedded systems often need to know C programming, making this course a valuable resource.
- Web Developers: C programming is not typically used for web development, but it is still a valuable language to know for optimizing and integrating back-end systems.
- Game Developers: C programming is widely used in game development, making this course a must-have for aspiring game developers.
- System Administrators: C programming is an essential skill for system administrators, as it enables them to develop and optimize system-level software.
- Data Analysts: C programming is used in data analysis and manipulation, and this course can help data analysts build a stronger foundation in the language.
- Scientists: Scientists often need to develop software for data analysis or simulation, and this course can provide them with the programming skills needed to develop such software.
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Professionals: C programming is used in developing and optimizing AI and ML algorithms, making this course valuable for AI and ML professionals.
- IT Professionals: C programming is a valuable skill for IT professionals who work in software development, system administration, or network programming.
- Anyone interested in learning programming: C programming is a widely used and versatile language, and this course can be beneficial for anyone who wants to learn how to program.
Target Audiences
- Computer Science students: C programming is often a core requirement for computer science students, and this course can help them develop a solid understanding of the language.
- Engineers: Engineers who work in software development or embedded systems often need to know C programming, making this course a valuable resource.
- Web Developers: C programming is not typically used for web development, but it is still a valuable language to know for optimizing and integrating back-end systems.
- Game Developers: C programming is widely used in game development, making this course a must-have for aspiring game developers.
- System Administrators: C programming is an essential skill for system administrators, as it enables them to develop and optimize system-level software.
- Data Analysts: C programming is used in data analysis and manipulation, and this course can help data analysts build a stronger foundation in the language.
- Scientists: Scientists often need to develop software for data analysis or simulation, and this course can provide them with the programming skills needed to develop such software.
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Professionals: C programming is used in developing and optimizing AI and ML algorithms, making this course valuable for AI and ML professionals.
- IT Professionals: C programming is a valuable skill for IT professionals who work in software development, system administration, or network programming.
- Anyone interested in learning programming: C programming is a widely used and versatile language, and this course can be beneficial for anyone who wants to learn how to program.
C programming is a powerful and versatile language that has been around for several decades. It is widely used in various domains, including systems programming, game development, database management, and more. Learning C programming can open up many career opportunities and enable you to build robust and efficient software applications.
Welcome to our C programming course! In this course, you will learn the fundamental concepts of C programming, including data types, variables, operators, control structures, functions, recursion, arrays, strings, pointers, Dynamic memory, Structures and unions.
Our course is structured in a way that is easy to follow, even if you have no prior programming experience. We will provide clear explanations of each concept, accompanied by practical examples to help you understand how to apply them in real-world scenarios. Our instructors are experienced programmers who have a passion for teaching, and they are always available to answer any questions you may have.
In addition to the theoretical concepts, we also provide hands-on exercises, quizzes, and programming assignments to help you reinforce your learning. We believe that practice is essential to learning programming, and our course is designed to provide you with ample opportunities to practice and apply what you have learned.
At the end of our C programming course, you will have a solid understanding of the language and be able to use it to develop practical applications. You will also be equipped with the skills needed to write efficient and optimized code, which is essential for any software development project. So, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced programmer looking to expand your skill set, our C programming course is the perfect place to start.
“C Language is definitely here to STAY!”
Also, it’s considered that by learning C Programming you’re definitely going to make your programming fundamentals VERY STRONG.
And finally, to answer a question that a lot of you may have – there is a HIGH DEMAND for C Developers in the market – at both large companies as well as startups – and the salaries are usually PRETTY HIGH! 🙂
So C Programming – usually pays off.
In this course, you’ll learn the fundamentals of programming using C Language – including different concepts such as:
Basics in C
Conditions & Control Flow (controlling the execution flow of a C Program)
Different types of Loops (including For, While, and Do-While in C)
Storage Classes & Recursions (Concepts + C Usage)
Arrays in C
Dynamic Memory Management
Software Requirements:
A C compiler:Students will need a C compiler installed on their computer to write and run C programs. There are many different compilers available, both free and commercial. Some popular options include GCC (GNU Compiler Collection), Clang, and Microsoft Visual Studio. Students should choose a compiler based on their operating system (e.g., Windows, macOS, Linux) and personal preferences.
A code editor or integrated development environment (IDE): Students will need a program to write and edit their C code. Some popular options include Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, and Eclipse. An IDE like Code::Blocks or Dev-C++ can also be used, which typically include a code editor, compiler, and debugger in one package.
Additional Materials:
A textbook or online resource: While not strictly necessary, having a reference text or online resource can be very helpful when learning C programming. Some recommended resources include “The C Programming Language” by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie, “C Programming Absolute Beginner’s Guide” by Greg Perry and Dean Miller, and “Learn C the Hard Way” by Zed A. Shaw.
Practice problems: To truly master C programming, students will need to practice writing code. There are many online resources that offer coding challenges and exercises.
Appropriate Mindset:
Patience and persistence: C programming can be challenging, especially for beginners. Students should expect to encounter errors and spend time debugging their code. It’s important to stay patient and persistent in the face of these challenges.
A willingness to learn: C programming is a complex topic, but it can be mastered with practice and dedication. Students should be open to learning new concepts and techniques and be willing to put in the time and effort required to become proficient in C programming.
Overall, to succeed in a C programming course, you will need a computer with a C compiler, a text editor or IDE, C programming textbooks, and a positive mindset for learning and practicing.
After taking course, you need to practice the syntax and start writing C code and execute it. This practice will definitely help you to solve assignments correctly.
Happy Learning!!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Basics of C language
Lecture 1: Comment Lines in C
Lecture 2: Variables in C
Lecture 3: Installation
Lecture 4: Arithmetic Operators, Shorthand Arithmetic, Increment & Decrement
Lecture 5: Relational Operators
Lecture 6: Logical Operators
Lecture 7: Ternary Operators
Lecture 8: Bit-wise Operators
Lecture 9: Conditional Statements : If, If-Else stmts
Lecture 10: Nested If statement
Lecture 11: Else if ladder
Lecture 12: Switch Statement
Lecture 13: Example for Switch
Chapter 2: Looping Statements in C
Lecture 1: While Loop
Lecture 2: While loop example
Lecture 3: Sum of digits in a given number
Lecture 4: For loop
Lecture 5: Finding factorial of a given number using For Loop
Lecture 6: Replacing For loop with while loop
Lecture 7: Do-while Loop
Lecture 8: Do-while loop Example
Lecture 9: Find the Output of the Given Program
Chapter 3: Functions in C
Lecture 1: Function & its Components
Lecture 2: Categories of functions
Lecture 3: Factorial Using Functions
Lecture 4: GCD Using Functions
Lecture 5: Sum of Digits Using Functions
Lecture 6: Parameter Passing Mechanisms
Lecture 7: Example program on Parameter Passing Mechanisms
Chapter 4: Assignments
Chapter 5: Storage Classes & Recursion in C
Lecture 1: Storage Classes & Types – In Detail Explanation
Lecture 2: Auto vs Static Storage Class
Lecture 3: Recursion in C
Lecture 4: Factorial Using Recursion
Lecture 5: Sum of n numbers using Recursion
Lecture 6: Fibonacci Series Using Recursion
Chapter 6: Arrays in C
Lecture 1: 1D Array & Compile-time Initialization
Lecture 2: Run time Initialization & Finding Sum of elements in array
Lecture 3: Linear Search in arrays
Lecture 4: Finding frequency of given element in a sorted array
Lecture 5: Sorting an Array
Lecture 6: 2D Arrays – Initialization, Reading & Displaying
Lecture 7: Working with 2D arrays/Matrices – Programs
Lecture 8: Multi-Dimensional Arrays
Chapter 7: Assignments
Chapter 8: Strings in C
Lecture 1: String Initialization, Accessing & Displaying
Lecture 2: Copying Strings & Finding Length Of strings
Lecture 3: Finding reverse of the given string
Lecture 4: String Concatenation
Chapter 9: Pointers
Lecture 1: Understanding Pointers
Lecture 2: Double Pointers
Lecture 3: Example program to illustrate pointer & Double pointer
Lecture 4: Pointers as parameters to function
Lecture 5: Pointer to a function
Lecture 6: Pointer Arithmetic
Lecture 7: Accessing String Using Pointers
Lecture 8: Finding Length of the string using pointers
Lecture 9: String Concatenation Using Pointers
Lecture 10: String Comparision Using Pointers
Lecture 11: Pointers & 1D arrays
Lecture 12: Pointers & 2D arrays
Chapter 10: Assignments
Chapter 11: Dynamic Memory Management
Lecture 1: Dynamic Memory Allocation Functions
Lecture 2: Malloc()
Lecture 3: Calloc()
Lecture 4: Realloc()
Chapter 12: Structures & Unions
Lecture 1: Structures-Syntax, Initialization & Example
Lecture 2: Array of Structures
Lecture 3: Array within Structures
Lecture 4: Structure within another Structure
Lecture 5: Methods of passing structure to a function
Lecture 6: Structures & Pointers
Lecture 7: Unions
Lecture 8: Example : Unions
Lecture 9: Enum & Typedef
Chapter 13: Project for Students in C
Toppers Bootcamp
Udemy's Best Instructors
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 6 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 33 votes
- 4 stars: 97 votes
- 5 stars: 256 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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