210+ Exercises – Python Standard Libraries
210+ Exercises – Python Standard Libraries, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 4.25, with 252 lectures, 215 quizzes, based on 71 reviews, and has 30858 subscribers.
You will learn about solve over 210 exercises in Python with standard libraries deal with real programming problems work with documentation guaranteed instructor support This course is ideal for individuals who are programmers or developers who want to expand their knowledge of the Python standard libraries and learn how to effectively use them in their projects or students or individuals who are new to Python or programming and want to gain practical experience with the Python standard libraries or python enthusiasts who want to deepen their understanding of the built-in capabilities of Python and explore the extensive functionality provided by the standard libraries or professionals working with Python who want to enhance their skills and productivity by leveraging the diverse functionalities offered by the Python standard libraries or self-learners who prefer a hands-on approach and want to practice using the Python standard libraries to solve a variety of programming challenges or developers from other programming languages who are transitioning to Python and want to familiarize themselves with the standard libraries and their capabilities It is particularly useful for programmers or developers who want to expand their knowledge of the Python standard libraries and learn how to effectively use them in their projects or students or individuals who are new to Python or programming and want to gain practical experience with the Python standard libraries or python enthusiasts who want to deepen their understanding of the built-in capabilities of Python and explore the extensive functionality provided by the standard libraries or professionals working with Python who want to enhance their skills and productivity by leveraging the diverse functionalities offered by the Python standard libraries or self-learners who prefer a hands-on approach and want to practice using the Python standard libraries to solve a variety of programming challenges or developers from other programming languages who are transitioning to Python and want to familiarize themselves with the standard libraries and their capabilities.
Enroll now: 210+ Exercises – Python Standard Libraries
Title: 210+ Exercises – Python Standard Libraries
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 4.25
Number of Lectures: 252
Number of Quizzes: 215
Number of Published Lectures: 252
Number of Published Quizzes: 215
Number of Curriculum Items: 467
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 467
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- solve over 210 exercises in Python with standard libraries
- deal with real programming problems
- work with documentation
- guaranteed instructor support
Who Should Attend
- programmers or developers who want to expand their knowledge of the Python standard libraries and learn how to effectively use them in their projects
- students or individuals who are new to Python or programming and want to gain practical experience with the Python standard libraries
- python enthusiasts who want to deepen their understanding of the built-in capabilities of Python and explore the extensive functionality provided by the standard libraries
- professionals working with Python who want to enhance their skills and productivity by leveraging the diverse functionalities offered by the Python standard libraries
- self-learners who prefer a hands-on approach and want to practice using the Python standard libraries to solve a variety of programming challenges
- developers from other programming languages who are transitioning to Python and want to familiarize themselves with the standard libraries and their capabilities
Target Audiences
- programmers or developers who want to expand their knowledge of the Python standard libraries and learn how to effectively use them in their projects
- students or individuals who are new to Python or programming and want to gain practical experience with the Python standard libraries
- python enthusiasts who want to deepen their understanding of the built-in capabilities of Python and explore the extensive functionality provided by the standard libraries
- professionals working with Python who want to enhance their skills and productivity by leveraging the diverse functionalities offered by the Python standard libraries
- self-learners who prefer a hands-on approach and want to practice using the Python standard libraries to solve a variety of programming challenges
- developers from other programming languages who are transitioning to Python and want to familiarize themselves with the standard libraries and their capabilities
The “210+ Exercises – Python Standard Libraries” course provides a thorough and hands-on exploration of Python’s robust standard libraries. This interactive course is designed to strengthen learners’ Python programming skills by diving deep into the tools and functionalities offered by these libraries.
This course is divided into various sections, each focusing on different libraries such as os, sys, math, datetime, and collections, among others. Each section is filled with carefully designed exercises that challenge learners to apply and reinforce the concepts learned.
The exercises range from simple tasks for beginners to more complex problems that simulate real-world programming scenarios. Detailed solutions are provided for each exercise, promoting better understanding and helping learners gain insights into best practices in Python programming.
The “210+ Exercises – Python Standard Libraries” course is an excellent resource for Python programmers of all skill levels. Whether you’re a beginner looking to strengthen your understanding of Python, or an experienced developer seeking to refresh and broaden your knowledge of Python’s standard libraries, this course offers a comprehensive and engaging learning experience.
Python Standard Libraries – Powerhouse of Versatility!
Python Standard Libraries refer to a comprehensive collection of modules and packages that come bundled with the Python programming language. These libraries provide a wide range of functionalities and tools to simplify and accelerate software development. The Python Standard Libraries cover diverse areas such as file manipulation, networking, web development, data serialization, mathematical computations, data structures, and more. They offer ready-to-use modules for common tasks, allowing developers to write efficient and robust code without having to reinvent the wheel. With Python Standard Libraries, developers can leverage a rich set of functionalities to build applications, automate tasks, handle data, interact with databases, and perform various operations with ease. These libraries serve as a foundation for Python development and are widely adopted by programmers worldwide.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Tips
Lecture 1: A few words from the author
Lecture 2: Configuration
Lecture 3: Requirements
Chapter 2: Starter
Lecture 1: Solution 0
Chapter 3: datetime
Lecture 1: Intro
Lecture 2: Solution 1
Lecture 3: Solution 2
Lecture 4: Solution 3
Lecture 5: Solution 4
Lecture 6: Solution 5
Lecture 7: Solution 6
Lecture 8: Solution 7
Lecture 9: Solution 8
Lecture 10: Solution 9
Lecture 11: Solution 10
Lecture 12: Solution 11
Lecture 13: Solution 12
Chapter 4: os
Lecture 1: Intro
Lecture 2: Solution 1
Lecture 3: Solution 2
Lecture 4: Solution 3
Lecture 5: Solution 4
Lecture 6: Solution 5
Lecture 7: Solution 6
Lecture 8: Solution 7
Lecture 9: Solution 8
Lecture 10: Solution 9
Lecture 11: Solution 10
Lecture 12: Solution 11
Lecture 13: Solution 12
Chapter 5: sys
Lecture 1: Intro
Lecture 2: Solution 1
Lecture 3: Solution 2
Lecture 4: Solution 3
Lecture 5: Solution 4
Lecture 6: Solution 5
Lecture 7: Solution 6
Chapter 6: copy
Lecture 1: Intro
Lecture 2: Solution 1
Lecture 3: Solution 2
Chapter 7: string
Lecture 1: Intro
Lecture 2: Solution 1
Lecture 3: Solution 2
Chapter 8: re
Lecture 1: Intro
Lecture 2: Solution 1
Lecture 3: Solution 2
Lecture 4: Solution 3
Lecture 5: Solution 4
Lecture 6: Solution 5
Lecture 7: Solution 6
Paweł Krakowiak
Python Developer/Data Scientist/Stockbroker
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 3 votes
- 4 stars: 27 votes
- 5 stars: 35 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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