A deep understanding of deep learning (with Python intro)
A deep understanding of deep learning (with Python intro), available at $109.99, has an average rating of 4.73, with 265 lectures, based on 4305 reviews, and has 35383 subscribers.
You will learn about The theory and math underlying deep learning How to build artificial neural networks Architectures of feedforward and convolutional networks Building models in PyTorch The calculus and code of gradient descent Fine-tuning deep network models Learn Python from scratch (no prior coding experience necessary) How and why autoencoders work How to use transfer learning Improving model performance using regularization Optimizing weight initializations Understand image convolution using predefined and learned kernels Whether deep learning models are understandable or mysterious black-boxes! Using GPUs for deep learning (much faster than CPUs!) This course is ideal for individuals who are Students in a deep learning course or Machine-learning enthusiasts or Anyone interested in mechanisms of AI (artificial intelligence) or Data scientists who want to expand their library of skills or Aspiring data scientists or Scientists and researchers interested in deep learning It is particularly useful for Students in a deep learning course or Machine-learning enthusiasts or Anyone interested in mechanisms of AI (artificial intelligence) or Data scientists who want to expand their library of skills or Aspiring data scientists or Scientists and researchers interested in deep learning.
Enroll now: A deep understanding of deep learning (with Python intro)
Title: A deep understanding of deep learning (with Python intro)
Price: $109.99
Average Rating: 4.73
Number of Lectures: 265
Number of Published Lectures: 265
Number of Curriculum Items: 265
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 265
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- The theory and math underlying deep learning
- How to build artificial neural networks
- Architectures of feedforward and convolutional networks
- Building models in PyTorch
- The calculus and code of gradient descent
- Fine-tuning deep network models
- Learn Python from scratch (no prior coding experience necessary)
- How and why autoencoders work
- How to use transfer learning
- Improving model performance using regularization
- Optimizing weight initializations
- Understand image convolution using predefined and learned kernels
- Whether deep learning models are understandable or mysterious black-boxes!
- Using GPUs for deep learning (much faster than CPUs!)
Who Should Attend
- Students in a deep learning course
- Machine-learning enthusiasts
- Anyone interested in mechanisms of AI (artificial intelligence)
- Data scientists who want to expand their library of skills
- Aspiring data scientists
- Scientists and researchers interested in deep learning
Target Audiences
- Students in a deep learning course
- Machine-learning enthusiasts
- Anyone interested in mechanisms of AI (artificial intelligence)
- Data scientists who want to expand their library of skills
- Aspiring data scientists
- Scientists and researchers interested in deep learning
Deep learning is increasingly dominating technology and has major implications for society.
From self-driving cars to medical diagnoses, from face recognition to deep fakes, and from language translation to music generation, deep learning is spreading like wildfire throughout all areas of modern technology.
But deep learning is not only about super-fancy, cutting-edge, highly sophisticated applications. Deep learning is increasingly becoming a standard tool in machine-learning, data science, and statistics. Deep learning is used by small startups for data mining and dimension reduction, by governments for detecting tax evasion, and by scientists for detecting patterns in their research data.
Deep learning is now used in most areas of technology, business, and entertainment. And it’s becoming more important every year.
How does deep learning work?
Deep learning is built on a really simple principle: Take a super-simple algorithm (weighted sum and nonlinearity), and repeat it many many times until the result is an incredibly complex and sophisticated learned representation of the data.
Is it really that simple? mmm OK, it’s actually a tiny bit more complicated than that 😉 but that’s the core idea, and everything else — literally everything else in deep learning — is just clever ways of putting together these fundamental building blocks. That doesn’t mean the deep neural networks are trivial to understand: there are important architectural differences between feedforward networks, convolutional networks, and recurrent networks.
Given the diversity of deep learning model designs, parameters, and applications, you can only learn deep learning — I mean, really learn deep learning, not just have superficial knowledge from a youtube video — by having an experienced teacher guide you through the math, implementations, and reasoning. And of course, you need to have lots of hands-on examples and practice problems to work through. Deep learning is basically just applied math, and, as everyone knows, math is not a spectator sport!
What is this course all about?
Simply put: The purpose of this course is to provide a deep-dive into deep learning. You will gain flexible, fundamental, and lasting expertise on deep learning. You will have a deep understanding of the fundamental concepts in deep learning, so that you will be able to learn new topics and trends that emerge in the future.
Please note: This is not a course for someone who wants a quick overview of deep learning with a few solved examples. Instead, this course is designed for people who really want to understand how and why deep learning works; when and how to select metaparameters like optimizers, normalizations, and learning rates; how to evaluate the performance of deep neural network models; and how to modify and adapt existing models to solve new problems.
You can learn everything about deep learning in this course.
In this course, you will learn
Theory: Why are deep learning models built the way they are?
Math: What are the formulas and mechanisms of deep learning?
Implementation: How are deep learning models actually constructed in Python (using the PyTorch library)?
Intuition: Why is this or that metaparameter the right choice? How to interpret the effects of regularization? etc.
Python: If you’re completely new to Python, go through the 8+ hour coding tutorial appendix. If you’re already a knowledgeable coder, then you’ll still learn some new tricks and code optimizations.
Google-colab: Colab is an amazing online tool for running Python code, simulations, and heavy computations using Google’s cloud services. No need to install anything on your computer.
Unique aspects of this course
Clear and comprehensible explanations of concepts in deep learning, including transfer learning, generative modeling, convolutional neural networks, feedforward networks, generative adversarial networks (GAN), and more.
Several distinct explanations of the same ideas, which is a proven technique for learning.
Visualizations using graphs, numbers, and spaces that provide intuition of artificial neural networks.
LOTS of exercises, projects, code-challenges, suggestions for exploring the code. You learn best by doing it yourself!
Active Q&A forum where you can ask questions, get feedback, and contribute to the community.
8+ hour Python tutorial. That means you don’t need to master Python before enrolling in this course.
So what are you waiting for??
Watch the course introductory video and free sample videos to learn more about the contents of this course and about my teaching style. If you are unsure if this course is right for you and want to learn more, feel free to contact with me questions before you sign up.
I hope to see you soon in the course!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: How to learn from this course
Lecture 2: Using Udemy like a pro
Chapter 2: Download all course materials
Lecture 1: Downloading and using the code
Lecture 2: My policy on code-sharing
Chapter 3: Concepts in deep learning
Lecture 1: What is an artificial neural network?
Lecture 2: How models "learn"
Lecture 3: The role of DL in science and knowledge
Lecture 4: Running experiments to understand DL
Lecture 5: Are artificial "neurons" like biological neurons?
Chapter 4: About the Python tutorial
Lecture 1: Should you watch the Python tutorial?
Chapter 5: Math, numpy, PyTorch
Lecture 1: PyTorch or TensorFlow?
Lecture 2: Introduction to this section
Lecture 3: Spectral theories in mathematics
Lecture 4: Terms and datatypes in math and computers
Lecture 5: Converting reality to numbers
Lecture 6: Vector and matrix transpose
Lecture 7: OMG it's the dot product!
Lecture 8: Matrix multiplication
Lecture 9: Softmax
Lecture 10: Logarithms
Lecture 11: Entropy and cross-entropy
Lecture 12: Min/max and argmin/argmax
Lecture 13: Mean and variance
Lecture 14: Random sampling and sampling variability
Lecture 15: Reproducible randomness via seeding
Lecture 16: The t-test
Lecture 17: Derivatives: intuition and polynomials
Lecture 18: Derivatives find minima
Lecture 19: Derivatives: product and chain rules
Chapter 6: Gradient descent
Lecture 1: Overview of gradient descent
Lecture 2: What about local minima?
Lecture 3: Gradient descent in 1D
Lecture 4: CodeChallenge: unfortunate starting value
Lecture 5: Gradient descent in 2D
Lecture 6: CodeChallenge: 2D gradient ascent
Lecture 7: Parametric experiments on g.d.
Lecture 8: CodeChallenge: fixed vs. dynamic learning rate
Lecture 9: Vanishing and exploding gradients
Lecture 10: Tangent: Notebook revision history
Chapter 7: ANNs (Artificial Neural Networks)
Lecture 1: The perceptron and ANN architecture
Lecture 2: A geometric view of ANNs
Lecture 3: ANN math part 1 (forward prop)
Lecture 4: ANN math part 2 (errors, loss, cost)
Lecture 5: ANN math part 3 (backprop)
Lecture 6: ANN for regression
Lecture 7: CodeChallenge: manipulate regression slopes
Lecture 8: ANN for classifying qwerties
Lecture 9: Learning rates comparison
Lecture 10: Multilayer ANN
Lecture 11: Linear solutions to linear problems
Lecture 12: Why multilayer linear models don't exist
Lecture 13: Multi-output ANN (iris dataset)
Lecture 14: CodeChallenge: more qwerties!
Lecture 15: Comparing the number of hidden units
Lecture 16: Depth vs. breadth: number of parameters
Lecture 17: Defining models using sequential vs. class
Lecture 18: Model depth vs. breadth
Lecture 19: CodeChallenge: convert sequential to class
Lecture 20: Diversity of ANN visual representations
Lecture 21: Reflection: Are DL models understandable yet?
Chapter 8: Overfitting and cross-validation
Lecture 1: What is overfitting and is it as bad as they say?
Lecture 2: Cross-validation
Lecture 3: Generalization
Lecture 4: Cross-validation — manual separation
Lecture 5: Cross-validation — scikitlearn
Lecture 6: Cross-validation — DataLoader
Lecture 7: Splitting data into train, devset, test
Lecture 8: Cross-validation on regression
Chapter 9: Regularization
Lecture 1: Regularization: Concept and methods
Lecture 2: train() and eval() modes
Lecture 3: Dropout regularization
Lecture 4: Dropout regularization in practice
Lecture 5: Dropout example 2
Lecture 6: Weight regularization (L1/L2): math
Lecture 7: L2 regularization in practice
Lecture 8: L1 regularization in practice
Lecture 9: Training in mini-batches
Lecture 10: Batch training in action
Lecture 11: The importance of equal batch sizes
Lecture 12: CodeChallenge: Effects of mini-batch size
Chapter 10: Metaparameters (activations, optimizers)
Lecture 1: What are "metaparameters"?
Lecture 2: The "wine quality" dataset
Lecture 3: CodeChallenge: Minibatch size in the wine dataset
Lecture 4: Data normalization
Lecture 5: The importance of data normalization
Lecture 6: Batch normalization
Lecture 7: Batch normalization in practice
Lecture 8: CodeChallenge: Batch-normalize the qwerties
Lecture 9: Activation functions
Lecture 10: Activation functions in PyTorch
Mike X Cohen
Educator and writer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 20 votes
- 2 stars: 21 votes
- 3 stars: 163 votes
- 4 stars: 963 votes
- 5 stars: 3138 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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