Advanced C Programming
Advanced C Programming, available at $24.99, has an average rating of 4.7, with 69 lectures, based on 60 reviews, and has 1073 subscribers.
You will learn about Great and very deep understanding of pointers and memory management Proficiency in using preprocessor The ability to write modular code, that is extendable, readable and maintainable Understand how to use C constructs (like structures, unions, arrays, ..) in real-life problems 5 Projects to cover most of the topics discussed through the course This course is ideal for individuals who are Students who have already taken the first steps in C programming and would like to understand what happens under the hood or Students planning to use C programming as their major language at work or study or Students interested in embedded systems, firmware design, kernels, drivers and other low-level programming domains It is particularly useful for Students who have already taken the first steps in C programming and would like to understand what happens under the hood or Students planning to use C programming as their major language at work or study or Students interested in embedded systems, firmware design, kernels, drivers and other low-level programming domains.
Enroll now: Advanced C Programming
Title: Advanced C Programming
Price: $24.99
Average Rating: 4.7
Number of Lectures: 69
Number of Published Lectures: 69
Number of Curriculum Items: 69
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 69
Original Price: $24.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Great and very deep understanding of pointers and memory management
- Proficiency in using preprocessor
- The ability to write modular code, that is extendable, readable and maintainable
- Understand how to use C constructs (like structures, unions, arrays, ..) in real-life problems
- 5 Projects to cover most of the topics discussed through the course
Who Should Attend
- Students who have already taken the first steps in C programming and would like to understand what happens under the hood
- Students planning to use C programming as their major language at work or study
- Students interested in embedded systems, firmware design, kernels, drivers and other low-level programming domains
Target Audiences
- Students who have already taken the first steps in C programming and would like to understand what happens under the hood
- Students planning to use C programming as their major language at work or study
- Students interested in embedded systems, firmware design, kernels, drivers and other low-level programming domains
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If you have already started learning C programming, and now you are curious about deep understanding about what happens behind the scene, then this course is for you.
My approach in this course is to take every topic down to its roots, and using real-life example instead of naive example.
Starting with the preprocessors, we explore how does it work, and how to debug it with specific compiler flags.
Moving on to functions, we explore the execution model, and how does the CPU handles function calls, argument passing, how local variables are managed in the stack and more.
The pointers ! Probably the topic that is most known of its ambiguity. In this class, we try to simplify things by examples. We explore the dynamic memory allocation concept, and implement a dynamic memory manager as an example.
We explore structures and unions, covered with real-life example.
We take an quick overview about modular design and how to develop the code in a way that can be re-used.
At the end, we develop a sample BMP image editor, aggregating few examples that we did through the course.
Needless to say, you have 30 days money back guarantee. If you find the course not suitable for you (I promise it isn’t), you can return it back and get your money.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Preparing the environment
Lecture 2: GCC on Windows
Lecture 3: The compilation process
Lecture 4: Projects Source Files
Chapter 2: The C Preprocessor
Lecture 1: The #define directive
Lecture 2: Function-like macros
Lecture 3: CAUTION with using function-like macros
Lecture 4: Defining macros through compiler
Lecture 5: Predefined macros
Lecture 6: #include directive
Lecture 7: #if directive
Lecture 8: Some notes about #if
Chapter 3: Functions
Lecture 1: Functions explained
Lecture 2: Functions Demo
Lecture 3: Local and Global Variables
Lecture 4: Scope and Lifetime demo
Lecture 5: Function Execution Model
Lecture 6: Function Execution Model Demo
Lecture 7: Calling Convention
Lecture 8: Iterative vs Recursive Functions
Lecture 9: Functions vs Function-like macros
Lecture 10: Performance vs Code Size Trade-off
Chapter 4: Arrays
Lecture 1: Introduction to Arrays
Lecture 2: Notes on arrays
Lecture 3: How arrays are arranged in the memory
Lecture 4: Characteristics of Arrays
Lecture 5: 2D and higher dimensional arrays
Lecture 6: Real Life use cases for arrays
Lecture 7: [PROJECT]: TicTacToe Game
Lecture 8: [PROJECT]: Implementing TicTacToe Game
Lecture 9: Extending TicTacToe
Chapter 5: Pointers
Lecture 1: Introduction to Pointers
Lecture 2: Arrays and Pointers
Lecture 3: Pointer operators and Pointer casting
Chapter 6: Common Uses of Pointers
Lecture 1: [Concept] Pass by Value vs Pass by Address
Lecture 2: [Example] Pass by by Value vs Pass by Address
Lecture 3: Function output parameters
Lecture 4: Pass/Return an array to/from functions
Lecture 5: [Concept] Dynamic memory allocation
Lecture 6: [Example] Dynamic memory allocation
Lecture 7: sizeof operator
Chapter 7: Strings
Lecture 1: How strings are represented in C
Lecture 2: Strings Do's and Don'ts
Lecture 3: Standard string manipulation functions
Chapter 8: Advanced Pointers
Lecture 1: Advanced Pointer Topics
Lecture 2: Use Case: Capturing input arguments
Chapter 9: Structures and Unions
Lecture 1: Introduction to Structures
Lecture 2: Passing/Returning structures to/from functions
Lecture 3: Arrays of Structures
Lecture 4: Pointer to Structures
Lecture 5: Nested structures
Lecture 6: Packing and Padding
Lecture 7: [PROJECT] Memory Manager – Theory
Lecture 8: [PROJECT] Memory Manager – Lab
Lecture 9: [PROJECT] Input Argument Parser Library
Chapter 10: PROJECT: Menu
Lecture 1: [PROJECT] Menu – Theory
Lecture 2: [PROJECT] Menu – Lab
Lecture 3: Why to use input[4] with fgets
Lecture 4: Unions and Menu Improvement
Chapter 11: User Defined Types
Lecture 1: Enums
Lecture 2: Typedef
Chapter 12: File Management
Lecture 1: File Management
Lecture 2: Modes of file opening
Lecture 3: The usage of fprintf
Chapter 13: [PROJECT] Bitmap File Editor
Lecture 1: Theory
Lecture 2: Lab
Lecture 3: Lab – Change the contrast of an arbitrary bitmap image
Lecture 4: Note on the bitmap file used in this example
Lecture 5: More ideas on Bitmap project for your own practice
Ahmed Adel
Senior Software Engineer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 4 votes
- 4 stars: 17 votes
- 5 stars: 35 votes
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